Tag Archive | emotions

Naivety Trouble

Funny Together

Women want to know different things about men
Like how tall they are, what they do for a living,
And perhaps how well they are at conversation.
If you find yourself in a love situation
Then you know that it’s all about what your giving
To the relationship so that it will strengthen.

Women want men who they cannot manipulate
First and foremost. They don’t want someone who’s naïve.
If a man believes everything a woman says
Then it’s probable that he will make poor choices
Regarding life in general. One can deceive
Such a man easily. It’s a negative trait.

Even if she’s planning to cheat on you she still
Wants to know that you can wake up to this and show
Your righteous indignation. If you can’t see through
Her conniving then something’s the matter with you
In her mind. This is something that you need to know.
People will take advantage of their own free will.

A man who can spot threats in his environment
Is attractive to women. When you show you care
For her safety and comfort she will honor you
For your wisdom and valor. In all that you do
Make sure that compromise and affection you share.
Tending to your relationship is time well spent.

Create A New Life

Self Care

Take time out of your busy day to disconnect
From your world. Turn your cell phone off and the TV.
Power down the computer. Relax your body.
Close your eyes. Take some deep breaths and get you mind free
Of its chatter. You want to be absolutely
In this moment. Give yourself its proper respect.

Your mind wanders to the predictable future
Or the familiar past which is normal. Just be
Aware of your thoughts but always bring yourself back
To the present. Don’t worry about keeping track
Of your progress. It all should come naturally.
Keep your focus on nothingness simple and pure.

You’re your most creative when you’re in the moment.
While you’re there ask yourself if you can be defined
By the future instead of failures of the past.
What do you want in your life? Amid the contrast
That life offers what preferences come to mind?
What can you manifest by your conscious intent?

As you begin to think about the answers to
Your questions your brain starts to change. New sequences
And new combinations of neuron firing
Happen when you’re focused on what you’re admiring
And your new life of true happiness commences.
Don’t give up because there’s so much in it for you.

Decide on the emotions that you’ll feel when you
Manifest what you’re wanting. Rehearse in your mind
Who you’re going to be when you open your eyes.
Do this often and before long you’ll realize
A new self which has been completely redesigned.
You have much in the way of success coming due.

Don’t Trust People Who Cry?

Lone Sadness

People see people crying. What comes to their minds
First of all is that these people have no control
Over their emotions. There’s a sense of mistrust
In their motives and they’re looked upon with disgust.
People cry because they don’t feel completely whole.
They may act out in negative ways of all kinds.

The moment you start crying you’re giving away
To the universe your power so it’s been said
And it’s true. The emotional outburst will not
Do much good in fact it will only cause a lot
Of attention and drama and people will dread
Being near you because they won’t know what to say.

It’s a sure sign of weakness when you can be seen
As someone who can cry at the drop of a hat.
It’s not appropriate in our society
To express our discouragement vehemently
And there’s no way that people will get around that.
People won’t take the time to know just what you mean.

We must cry. Sometimes life introduces us to
Pain and sorrow. We can’t hold these feelings inside
Or ignore them. In public is not the right place
To let loose. You’ll be seen as an utter disgrace.
You want sympathy but it’s expressly denied.
They fear manipulation by the likes of you.

Ask Your Inner Being


Get in touch with your inner being every day.
Ask it questions. It knows the answer to them all.
It has its own opinion about everything
That you’re thinking. The vibration you’re offering
Emanates from your thinking. Both big thoughts and small
Can affect how you feel in a very huge way.

Isolate something that you really want to know
About your negativity. Get specific
With your rampage about how things are going wrong.
Keep it up and you’ll notice before very long
That the thing that you’re doing is making you sick.
Then you’ll know the importance of letting things go.

When you feel positive emotion what it means
Is that your inner being feels just the same way.
Your thought is in agreement with what your inner
Being thinks of your thought. It knows what you prefer
In any situation. Try your best to stay
Receptive to its call in your daily routines.

When you’re feeling anything other than delight
In the moment about something it means that you
Are not in agreement with your inner being.
What you think and what it thinks are not agreeing
Because it always has a most positive view
So it’s probable that everything is alright.

What Conflict Really Is

Eruption Of Tension

What about human nature makes us want to fight
To the bitter end? Why do egos get enflamed
And combative? What’s to become of humankind?
Why are answers and solutions so hard to find?
Our unwillingness to make peace is to be blamed
For conflict. Each one thinks only they can be right.

What we all want is to find our own inner peace.
It exists in each one of us but the ego
Who defends the persona will do anything
In its power to keep you from recognizing
Any civil solution. It wants you to know
That your hold on your position you can’t release.

Our egos spend a lot of time and energy
Avoiding failure. It causes inner conflict.
No room exists for reasonable conclusions.
Those who can’t accept failure indeed are the ones
Most susceptible. No one on earth can predict
Their behavior and that’s not the way it should be.

The elusive solutions become apparent
When the circumstance is looked at objectively
Without inflamed emotions. From the perspective
Of your higher self who knows how you want to live
You have kissed and made up quite emotionally.
Your higher selves have reached a perfect agreement.

Changing Into Sameness

Simple Boredom

Well, it’s always been like this. I cannot recall
When life wasn’t so boring. So is this the way
It will be for as long as I remain alive?
The sheer lack of excitement is enough to drive
Anyone quite bananas. I spend everyday
Of my life contemplating on nothing at all.

“But things are always changing,” I hear people say.
“It can be any way that you want it to be.
You do not have to keep on regurgitating
What amounts to the same old uninteresting
Things about ‘what is.’ You can think differently.”

It makes sense. Would it help if I thought in this way?

‘What Is’ is what’s not changing and I want it to
Change to something refreshingly pleasing to me.
Things are changing but they change into the same thing
Unless I do something differently to bring
On the change that I’m seeking so diligently.
I’m ready more than ever now for what is new.

If I look at life through the lens of a broader
Perspective – through the eyes of my inner being –
I’ll begin catching glimpses and receiving clues,
Inspiration, and insights, all of which I’ll use
To develop a much better way of seeing.
‘What Is’ can change to ‘What Is To Be,’ as it were.

Ask And It Is Answered

Glowing Question

If taking that big leap sounds intimidating
Then don’t take it right now. Get it out of your mind.
Pay more attention to your point of attraction.
Focus on things that bring you deep satisfaction.
Action can wait until you’re properly aligned
With your true self which for you is advocating.

Your Vortex of Creation is a feeling place.
It contains every answer to every question
You’ve been asking since day one. It knows everything
That you want. Your knowing that it’s able to bring
It all to you should keep you the confident one
Even though it exists now beyond time and space.

Negative emotion tells you that you’re nowhere
Near alignment with your true self. It lets you know
That it’s not in agreement with the thought that you
Are now thinking and since how it sees things is true
It’s most wise that you allow it to run the show.
Be receptive to everything it wants to share.

Ask your inner being questions like, “Am I good?
And if so am I worthy of all I desire?
Am I morally bankrupt and good for nothing.”

When you ask each be aware of what you’re feeling.
If it’s not good can you be a truth denier?
Answers to all your questions will be understood.

Soothe Yourself

Pleasant Rest

Somehow I’ve managed to activate within me
Something I really didn’t want. Now I’m stuck in
A conundrum of thought that cannot serve me well.
In a state of great dissatisfaction I dwell.
I’m not feeling comfortable in my own skin.
In a much different place I was meant to be.

Through life experience I and most everyone
Vibrate sloppily. We are all over the place
With our focus and we pay too much attention
To what we don’t want. It’s not worthwhile to mention
What’s not working. What is working we should embrace.
There’s plenty of work to do with my vibration.

I know that my emotions are my true guidance.
They help me to determine whether or not I
Am lined up with my energy or foolishly
With the wishes of others. By now I can see
That I don’t have to struggle and ask myself why
Things occur in my life as if by happenstance.

When I can trust the process I trust the goodness
Of who I am. I must do anything I can
To distract myself until I can find a way
To soothe myself. More attention I need to pay
To my own wellbeing. This is one righteous plan.
How I feel is my way to ultimate success.

Life On Planet Earth

Fluid Earth

Four point six billion years ago earth came to be.
In that time it’s become a hospitable place
For all life. There’s no other planet of its kind
In this part of the galaxy. Here you will find
A uniqueness unfathomable to embrace
In its fullness. Its wonder anyone can see.

Sometimes there’s more connection; sometimes there’s much less
With the earth for we humans. We bother too much
With things not that important. We waste energy
Focusing too much on spirituality.
At the same time we seem to be way out of touch
With a loving solution to lack of progress.

We are grounded. We don’t have to worry if we
Are or are not. Our physical bodies maintain
Our connection to earth. We’re made of energy
And the earth is also, so it’s easy to be
In alignment. So much from the earth we can gain
By knowing the earth as spirituality.

Things that we’ve all been asking for is tended to
By the forces that create worlds. Life here on earth
Is a mixture of unyielding love and contrast.
Much more dominant is love and it will outlast
Everything. It’s a place of misery or mirth.
Happiness while on earth is decided by you.

Do You Believe?

Close To Receiving

Do you know how to find just one thought that feels good?
Not so much in the moment? You do have control
Of your point of attraction. You have one, you know.
It’s what you focus on mostly and it’s also
A magnetic vibration – the heart of your soul.
You’ll feel better when some of this is understood.

Your emotional guidance system is for you
An asset of great value. It lets you know how
Far you are from your truest self so that you can
Make the proper adjustment. You do know more than
You may think, and you do have the wisdom right now
To choose not to continue with what isn’t true.

From a not feeling good place you can easily
Feel a little bit better by your choosing to
In the moment. You must be constantly aware
Of how you feel. It’s all about your taking care
Of yourself. It’s the easiest thing you can do
To stay as happy as you can possibly be.

The momentum of negative thought can be slowed
By going general instead of specific.
The reverse is true also. Increased momentum
Happens when thoughts are happy, and you will gain from
Getting more specific. There is no special trick
To remaining always in the positive mode.

Momentum In Every Thought

Thought Under Construction

Long division is simple, that is if you know
Your times tables. If you don’t, it can be a bear.
Any third grader knows this and that it’s required
To get through mathematics. They often get tired
Of the memorization aspect. They don’t care
For the work involved. Progress may be rather slow.

This is similar to the Law off Attraction.
There are fundamental concepts one must master
To allow things to work themselves out correctly.
You can manifest anything if you can be
In the state of receiving. It can come faster
If you stop treating it like a complex fraction.

Your emotional guidance system helps you to
Sift through contrast. You’re in a situation where
There’s a shift in the current. As it picks up speed,
Know that you have everything in the world you need
To live life to its fullest. The more that you care
About how you feel, the more good things come to you.

Negative emotion means you’re not connected
To your higher self and to all that you desire.
Recognize when you’re there. Do something about it.
The creative process is for your benefit.
Manifest the next thought that will take you higher
Than you are now. Your whole life will be affected.

How To Ask

A Sea Of Asking

If you feel good when you’re imagining the things
That you want most in life, then the spirit in you
Is in lock step agreement with your daydreaming
Because your inner being is always beaming
The highest of vibrations. That’s all it can do.
It’s in tune with your happiest mind wanderings.

Anytime that you feel negative emotion,
It means that your inner being is nowhere near
In alignment with the thought that has put you there.
Whatever the thought is, your spirit doesn’t share
The same view. It believes that everyone is dear.
It will consider not any other notion.

You can tell negative thoughts from those that are not.
How they feel should be noticed so you can decide
Whether or not to continue. Be more aware
Of your thoughts and emotions. The more that you care
About feeling your best, the less you are denied
Life’s blessings. Your vibration does matter a lot.

“Do you think that all things are possible for me?”
“What would you think if someone called me something bad?

Just keep asking questions of your inner being.
If you feel good when asking, then it’s agreeing
With whatever it is. You can only be glad
That you inner being is with you completely.

Your Emotions

Flavors Of Feeling

Emotions are a big deal. They mean everything.
Through you feelings you generate a vibration
Which is responded to by all that receive it.
Yet, you can control the signal that you transmit.
It’s not complicated. It can even be fun
To feel better. All it takes is some fine tuning.

You’re Source Energy in a physical body.
The variety that surrounds you inspires new
And constant awareness of what you would prefer.
Manifold are the preferences that occur.
The thoughts that you’re thinking have everything to do
With the way you feel, so select them carefully.

Pay attention to the emotions that you feel
All day, every day. They are your indicator
Of the vibrational mix between you and Source.
Within you is contained a most provident force.
You will learn to feel better sooner or later.
No matter what the circumstance, it is ideal.

It does not take much tuning to come back into
Alignment with who you really are at your core.
It’s the consistency of holding yourself there
That brings things that you’re wanting from out of nowhere.
Shift your thinking. You can enjoy life a lot more.
There is not anything else that you need to do.

Go Straight For The Feeling

Moment Of Appreciation

This whole manifestation thing gets me thinking
That if I’m on the verge of a dream coming true,
Then my strength of emotion allows it to be.
I am never ‘on the verge’ of being happy.
I am there, or I’m not. What I have coming due
Is by manifold components interlinking.

Everything that I want is about the feeling
I will have upon getting it. Why not go straight
To the wonderful feeling? I can easily
Notwithstanding the fact that results I don’t see
At the moment. I can be happy as I wait
For a manifestation that’s most appealing.

I believe that the universe caters to me
In the best way. My positive expectation
I practice, so it trains me to be more aware
Of the good in each circumstance. Mostly I care
About how I feel for myself and everyone.
I anticipate living life passionately.

My world is such that anything I want will come.
The only thing that I do is be receptive
And open to my consciously moving along
The emotional spectrum. How can I go wrong?
I have found for myself the perfect way to live.
I’m the one who needs to know where I’m coming from.

The Perpetual Wave Of Change

Eternal Motion

“It’s just the way it is. It’s always been like this,”
But it can be any way you want it to be.
Things are always changing. They just keep changing to
The same thing if nothing else is offered by you.
Change happens by your focusing differently.
Things turn into catastrophe or into bliss.

By regurgitating ‘what is,’ you reinforce
Old patters of behavior. The fresh and the new
Cannot happen unless you want something better.
Do not wait for the world to send you a letter
Giving you permission so that you follow through
With the impulses coming to you from your source.

Look at life through the lens of broader perspective –
Through the eyes of your inner being who sees all
That you want to accomplish. You are creators.
If you want something, then, by golly, it is yours!
This happens for the big stuff as well as the small.
Be aware of the wonderful life you can live.

You accomplish the mastery of creation
By knowing your emotional guidance system.
It is always consistent. It will lead you to
Everything that you want in life. Your point of view
Is one that is quite impossible to condemn.
Be proud of the spiritual work you have done.

Moving On

Leaving The Past Behind

In the mind there’s no subtraction or division.
The way you think is pretty much the way you feel.
There’s no reason to make this all complicated.
Your emotions and thoughts can’t be separated.
How does one reach the point of beginning to heal?
The mind does addition and multiplication.

You can think someone is a wonderful person,
But the thought may change in line with their behavior.
Tomorrow you may think the same person as one
Not as you had before thought. Your thinking can run
Up and down the wide spectrum. It generates more
Of an overall image. By nature it’s done.

Thoughts repeated are memories. They come and go
As do most of your feelings. The ones that are strong
Are not easily changeable. They interfere
With the moment’s thought process. The one who is dear
To the heart is a problem when something goes wrong
With the contract. The drama has something to show.

When you add to your troubled thoughts they multiply.
Each one leads to another. Momentum begins
To develop. The unsettled mind is agile.
Take a break from these thoughts. Contemplate for a while
On the absolution of all your psychic sins.
Love is the only way for you to say goodbye.

Everything I Want Just Comes To Me

Effortless Abundance

Relief has the same feeling as satisfaction.
They are both indicators that I’ve succeeded
In deactivating any stray resistance
In my vibration. I feel this way not by chance
But by practice. It’s by how I feel that I’m led.
From this place of alignment my whole life is run.

I’m allowing my inner being to call me
To completion, but that isn’t quite the right word
Manifestations eventually occur
In abundance. Life does treat me as if I were
Someone special. To it I feel that I’m preferred.
I live for feeling aligned vibrationally.

I no longer set goals. Things come most easily
With the least bit of effort. I’ve an oblique view
And an understanding that things always work out.
I have long since released fears and crippling doubt.
Spiritually, all things I’ve wanted accrue.
I just need to be open and resistance free.

Manifestations are secondary to me.
I am hooked on the feeling of being aligned
With my innermost being. When I’m in that space
I make peace with the world, and by infinite grace,
Everything I Want Just Comes To Me, and I find
It to be a satisfying reality.

Change Your Life

The Most Fundamental Decision

Disconnect from your busy world. Shut off your phone.
Power down your computer. Turn off the TV.
Sit your body down for a while, and close your eyes.
This is done regularly by people most wise.
Take a break from the routine so that you can be
Properly replenished. You must spend time alone.

Take some deep breaths and center yourself in right now.
Put you attention into the present moment.
You will have more energy with which to create.
After doing this little bit you will feel great.
When the mind wanders, as it will, do not lament.
Just return to the now. By now, you should know how.

Ask yourself, “Can I be defined by a vision
Of the future instead of perverse memories?
What do I want in my life?”
Answer truthfully.

Your are changing brain patterns most assuredly.
Decide on which emotions you would gladly seize
For your life moving forward into the long run.

Rehearse in your mind who you are going to be
When you open your eyes after meditation
Or when first waking up. What choices will you make?
You will be better focused while you are awake.
More efficiently you will be getting things done.
Keep this up and your life will change noticeably.

When A Soul Contract Ends

Moving On

Soul contracts are agreements we enter into
Before birth because souls involved will be bonded
Together for some time for lessons to be learned
That are raw and specific. Our guides are concerned
That we grow through experience. We’ve responded
To spiritual process. It is nothing new.

Before this contract is created we will meet
With our guides who permit us to plan and design
Which life lessons and situations might be best
For each soul’s evolution. What we manifest
In the way of our karma may fall out of line
With intentions original. It’s not defeat.

When all lessons are learned then the contract will end.
When that happens folks respond in various ways.
Like losing an old friend some may feel great sorrow.
But some may be quite happy to let someone go
Who had been a real asshole throughout all the days
Of the contract’s duration. Have you made a friend?

The end of a soul contract ends only a part
Of your life. The next chapter will always be there.
With certain understanding we learn and engage
Our manifold relationships on the life stage.
We instruct one another to be more aware
Of the matters that matter so much to the heart.

Change Your Life

Life Despite Contrast

There’s a life that needs changing. Perhaps it’s my own.
There are no others near me. It suits me just fine
For the moment because I’m at step number one.
The main part of my journey is now just begun.
To invest in a future, I must make one mine
And ignore the small detail that I’m way past grown.

There must be disconnection from all that I know
Throughout each day for some time to be connected
To myself and the present. Devices need be
Put into silent mode. Noting can disturb me
While I make it my goal to be redirected
To the self who wants nothing better than to grow.

Ask myself if I can be defined by something
Of a possible future or of the dark past.
What would I want to change in my life if I could?
Contemplate in a way that is best understood
To come up with a vision I know that will last
As the subtle brain tissues now start firing.

Personality is composed of these three things:
How I think, how I act, and the way that I feel.
I can change who I am just by changing one thing.
Clarity and conviction in life it would bring.
I believe that my future can be most ideal.
Much control I can have over what my life brings.

Control Every Manifestation

The Ease of Creation

Take command of the weather as no one has done.
Atmospheric conditions and all that takes place
In your world of reality you do control.
You have just what it takes to achieve any goal,
And you know that you’re worthy of God’s loving grace.
You have healthy relationships with everyone.

That dream job you’ve been wanting or that fancy car
Or the ultimate lover you know you create.
These are manifestations. Indeed this is true,
But how you’re feeling in this moment is one too.
How you feel in the wanting of what you await
Is the time for discovery of who you are.

Looking long term way into the distant future
You have not enough power or the clarity
To provide enough answers to all you may ask.
You don’t need to know too much. Your primary task
Is to tune your vibration so that you will be
In receptive mode – always serene and secure.

Be present in this moment. Be fully aware
Of the manifestation that’s happening now.
It is the most significant one that occurs.
And the truest you that this world greatly prefers
Is alive and available. So do allow
The magnificent present to honor your care.

Ask Your Inner Being

The Cosmic Spirit Within

How does one turn a nightmare into some relief
From the ongoing struggle of living on earth?
This indeed is the quandary. If I’m allowed
By the spirit within me to feel well endowed
In the ways of alignment and relative mirth
Then most rarely will I be overcome by grief.

Truly grateful I am for a number of things,
But among them my feelings are of most value.
By them I can determine precisely just where
I agree with my spirit or not. With great care
I can lean toward fulfillment in all that I do.
And by asking the questions good answers it brings.

Do I think that I’m bad or do I think I’m good?
Each one conjures a feeling that can be assessed
Easily with some practice. The more that I ask
Then the more recognizable becomes my task.
Surely it beats the hell out of being depressed.
With my spirit, benevolence is understood.

Do I think that all things are possible for me?
Do I think that I’m morally bankrupt and sick?
Do I need to figure it all out this moment?
Is there time left that I may relieve my torment?
Can the walls I’ve made be dismantled brick by brick?
I can feel my way to the way things ought to be.

Don’t Trust People Who Cry

Emotional Manipulation

You give up all your power to the universe
When in public you’re seen as a big cry baby.
Not only is it ugly and grosses folks out
Those who regularly tend to piss, moan, and pout
Attract to themselves discord most definitely.
Crying is sometimes seen as profane or much worse.

It’s not that their trustworthiness is in question.
It may be that they’re honest to all whom they know.
Sensing manipulation, though, people react
As if they’re being played. They may even attack
The one lost in emotion. The disgusting flow
From the sinuses is not conducive to fun.

It must be done in private if it must be done –
Not in business and not around people unknown.
Everyone feels like crying every now and then
Yet it is most important for women and men
To keep other people out of their Twilight Zone.
Drama is for professionals. You are not one.

Nobody wants to manage any extra stuff
Either at work or at home or any known place.
People want to get things done and then just relax.
They are not hip to paying theatrical tax
So they may curse your acting but smile in your face.
You may not know when people have had quite enough.

Problems In Paradise

The Balancing of Apparent Extremes

Sometimes off the wall enthusiasm is mine.
I am so effervescent I scare folks away.
In all things I see beauty. I gush everywhere.
I have reached the point finally where I don’t care
How the world outside operates from day to day.
Yet there is some fear that everything isn’t fine.

The emotional spectrum has high and low ends.
The former is the vortex. It’s hard to stay there.
I can’t milk a good feeling for minutes or days
So, mindful I should be of the various ways
I am tricked into hyping. I must be aware
Of when it feels not authentic to my dear friends.

Often out of the vortex moments can toss me
Into it, and with practice, I’ll stay longer yet
In that place that is peacefully energetic.
There’s some resident boredom when it comes not quick.
It cannot be a big effort for me to get
In the mood of contentment. It’s where I must be.

It is just a brief spiking frequently throughout
A day planned with expecting the best to occur.
I must learn to acknowledge these moments, and then
I can reach that state at will again and again.
It is easy to focus on what I’d prefer.
Staying high in vibration is what it’s about.

An Amazing Life

Wholesome Being

Why does ‘what is’ often dominate my life game?
It need not be that way, but the reason is clear.
I put way too much credence in my five senses
Which is fine for the ego and its defenses
But to pay more attention to what we hold dear
Is to live life in absence of sorrow and shame.

Among known ways of knowing, emotions are those
Which are subtle yet potent in how I behave.
We pay little attention to how they evolve
Until suddenly there’s a big problem to solve.
How we feel is important. Much grief one does save
In the process of living as consciousness grows.

I can hear you and touch you and that is okay.
Satisfaction and wonder my senses give me.
But to say that ‘I’m sensing you’ is but to say
I can feel your awareness of me through the day.
There’s a sense of fulfillment knowing I can be
In the state of connection the natural way.

My emotional center I can establish
Then more dominant than the senses it can grow.
My awareness of living is bound to improve.
Personal encounters evidently will move
With the flow of magnificence, and I will know
What it’s like to live life on the cusp of a wish.

Stable No Matter What

Steadfast Through Turmoil

If conditions are needed in order to see
Something wonderful happening, it cannot last
Unless relative factors are always maintained.
To see it to believe it is justice profaned.
One must know it and feel it amid the contrast
Before it is perceived as a reality.

If some random thought triggers a happy feeling,
Then one can reach deliberately for some more
That are similar to it. The snowball effect
Will yield manifestation – the thought of object
In a short while. Perhaps if we’d done this before
We would not now be needing such painful healing.

Though it seems rather trivial, we as a whole,
Haphazardly united and free to be brave,
Can create wholesome feelings – not eating the news.
Then what e’er manifests we may rightly peruse.
Not much more can be lost, but the world we can save.
It should not necessarily be the set goal.

Finding something to focus on that’s positive
Is the work and the challenge. Just for one’s own sake,
Feeling better is helpful in being stable.
No matter what is happening, one is able
To stay hooked on the feeling of being awake
In a world that is good and a nice place to live.

Happiness Amid Horror

Sublime Ignorance of the Status Quo

I Exist. Don’t I know it! This heat is intense.
It consumes not my sorrow. It savers my soul.
Agony is what I know in this time and place.
I cannot keep my mind off the horror I face
Through confounded incompetence while on parole
From abysmal circumstance. Have I some defense?

I can see through the flames just as they see in me
Their reflection in pure light. They’re taken aback.
Unexpected behavior to them is obscene.
I did wake up this morning. The grass is still green.
And although I’m consumed with such feelings of lack,
I’ve a lot going for me. That much I can see.

Satisfaction and relief feel almost the same.
I have deactivated the resistant part
Of my vibration righteously. Now I’m intent
On that satisfied feeling. I can’t be hellbent
On a manifestation. What’s dear to my heart
Is that sense of alignment. It’s my only aim.

Getting into the Vortex is what rings my bell.
It’s the state where my passion for life can explode
Into wonderful feelings and brighter insights.
Can I then be more open to reaching new heights?
My existence in hell is a brief episode.
In the heart of abundance my true self does dwell.


An Evasive Illusion

I control not my thoughts nor the ways that I feel.
In a real sense I am them. To give up control
Is to have it completely. If I were to try
To gain absolute power by force I apply,
It will only disturb things, which isn’t my goal.
I must trust what the universe has to reveal.

Like a good friend this universe can be to me.
Trusting it like a person who knows me quite well,
I can give up the struggle of lying awake
Fretting over control of things. What A Headache!
But the friend who’s much bigger can banish the spell
 If my faith in this kind one is of high degree.

Universes are bodies. Cells know who they are
And have things delegated at every level.
If I can but allow them to do their damned work,
Then perhaps they would think that I’m not such a jerk
Having tried to control them. I’ve put them through hell.
My relationship with them is not up to par.

That which flows to all things and does nourish them all –
Both the left and the right and all manner between –
Lords not over creation nor seeks any claim
Of merit for accomplishments. All is the same
To the friend universal who surely has seen
Every bit of creation. I am not so small.

Emotional Power

Root Force

Powerful are emotions. They drive everything
On the planet, like politics, performing arts,
And the world’s wealth of business. In love people are
With those they haven’t met, and it isn’t bizarre.
Simply it’s human nature to judge with our hearts.
That our feelings control things is not surprising.

   How do I build goodwill and manage perceptions?
It’s a question some ask. It might as well be mine.
What I get for an answer from those who are wise
Is that love can’t be built, yet they’ll kindly advise
That I get folks to love me. Is this asinine?
Or perhaps I’m worthy to be one of those ones.

But this begs the next question. How do I complete
The impossible mission? I’m not a person
One would pay much attention to. How can this change?
Well… It can’t. But my feelings I can rearrange
To the point where I bask in my own world of fun.
I can become someone who is mellow and sweet.

Fall in love with the whole world, and it will love you…
Not at first, but in good time some will come around
And become your disciples or very best friends.
People have their free will, so my loving depends
Not on reciprocation. One can’t be let down
When exuding wellbeing just like a guru.

Lunar Return


Suppose I am as real as all that I perceive.
That’s a bold hypothetical! I can’t be sure
If my being has meaning. Prue rage leaves no doubt
That perceptions perceive me. Why do I act out?
All existence to me is an ill with no cure.
If I felt any other way, I’d be naïve.

Is it because it’s Wednesday? I’m mad every day
Because days become vicious then shift into night
Then along comes the next day. All remains the same.
Life plays me like an audio/video game
So the way that I must act must be wrong or right.
Every month, when the moon howls, we both have our say.

Yet, the moon isn’t full now. Have I then misspoke?
It remains full of itself regardless of how
We on earth may perceive it. I guess that’s my point.
Tidal waves, like emotions, are doomed to anoint
Every moment that I have, except for right now
Where all meaning available I may evoke.