Tag Archive | manifestation

Care Only About How You Feel

Nothing More Important

Who stands in the full knowledge of who you’ve become
But the One who created you and everything?
Do not fret for a moment about where you are.
According to divinity you have come far
On your path of alignment. You know it will bring
But more blessings, and you know where they all come from.

You could say, “It might take years,” but you realize
That your poking around where you are will only
Keep you in a vibration that doesn’t allow
What you want to come easily right here and now.
When you’re up to speed with who you are you can be
Truly invincible, healthy, wealthy, and wise.

Some of us are so hung up on ‘what is’ that we’ve
Gotten used to focusing on the physical.
With our God given senses we experience
Our reality. We have much less confidence
In the real but unseen, and with this rationale,
We have trouble believing before we receive.

Physical essence is intoxicatingly
Attractive because of all the senses you use
To perceive your experience, but if you will
Ignore much of it, much of your dream you’ll fulfill.
Care Only About How You Feel, then you can’t lose.
It’s the key to your being all who you must be.

Psychic Exercise

Maintenance Of Spiritual Wellbeing

Catch a ride on the magic carpet of spirit.
You are the manifester of all that you know
To be real in the physical as well as in
A beingness of frequency. As you begin
To believe in vibration everything will go
Easier. It takes no time to get used to it.

There is nothing of value ever grater than
To be satisfied with what you’re manifesting
And basking in the feeling of knowing that God
Cannot create a thing in a manner slipshod.
Truly knowing this, what a relief it does bring
To the part of you who fears not having a plan.

Basking means feeling proud. It also means oneness
With your inner being. Your appreciating
Is also a component to be realized
In the state of alignment. Be then magnetized.
The universe is constantly advocating
For your glory. Don’t think that you are something less.

There are many people who are right now living
How you would want to live, and at one time they were
Standing where you are now. No manifestation
Comes until you can believe in the gestation
In the womb of your clear mind. The birth will occur.
In the meantime, be in the mode of thanksgiving.

Things Will Go Your Way

All Is Well

Everything that is manifest at one time was
A vibration, then a thought, before it became
What we now perceive with our physical senses.
Is it wrong that our belief only commences
When the actual manifestation we claim?
Yes, it’s so according to spiritual laws.

The whole universe was at one time only thought –
A consensus of intent of nonphysical
Entities, and their focus keeps things in order.
What we see as chaotic just doesn’t concur
With the overall view, yet a part of you shall
Stay in touch with the unseen of which you’re begot.

You can’t define love in manifestational
Terms, but you can surely feel it, and you know it.
Yet it’s only a feeling you have inside you.
It Is Real. Now, the only thing you have to do
Is align with that vibration. You will permit
Yourself to take on a positive rationale.

You challenge life to show you its weaknesses so
You can yearn for the strengths. You don’t want to be bored.
You want to be exhilarated and to feel
The passion that’s within you that no one can steal.
Being turned on to life shall be your just reward.
Be open to what the universe wants to show.

The Magician’s Control

The Master Creator

It’s a strangeness of contrast. This world that we know
Only half way may cause us a heap of concern
For survival and existential sanity.
Density of the mist causes us not to see
The dark forces. Sometimes we’re able to discern
Benefit in the contrast and go with the flow.

What we manifest in life – the physical things
Like the house and the car – can only come to be
Through our focused and positive conscious intent.
Long term goals are a problem. Stay in this moment
Where you have absolute control. You’re completely
Free to manifest universal offerings.

Manifestations are not only physical.
The emotions we feel are examples of such.
The people that we meet and the way that they play
Or do not, and the way you feel throughout your day
Are all manifestations. When we know this much
We are then connected with the spiritual.

Just be in the present moment and be aware
Of the manifestations that are happening
Now and adjust your vibration accordingly.
The most important manifestation must be
How you feel in each moment so that everything
You control. It’s completely a feeling affair.

Satisfaction Made Easy

The Ease Of Feeling Good

How do I make much shorter the time to get there?
There’s a certain condition that I want to change.
By my trying to feel my way through the issue
Perhaps I’ll get a clue as to what I should do
To feel some satisfaction. I need to arrange
My emotions thoroughly and with utmost care.

What emotions would I feel if I had this thing
That I have been wanting? How indeed would I feel
If it were right before me? I’d be satisfied,
Happy, contented, fulfilled, and worthy inside.
Harmony in the knowing that this is for real
I behold, and it takes not my analyzing.

I’m right there now without having the condition
To put me there. This is a phenomenal feat.
If I keep practicing this I’ll know the power
Of attraction and wellbeing each waking hour.
I must recognize the fact that my life is sweet
No matter the condition. It’s how life is done.

Focusing on something that’s not yet come to be
From a place of alignment and not from wanting
Or needing it desperately, I overcome
The resistance that is surely keeping me from
Creating and receiving. No longer daunting
Is the path that I travel. I’m finally free.

Everything I Want Just Comes To Me

Effortless Abundance

Relief has the same feeling as satisfaction.
They are both indicators that I’ve succeeded
In deactivating any stray resistance
In my vibration. I feel this way not by chance
But by practice. It’s by how I feel that I’m led.
From this place of alignment my whole life is run.

I’m allowing my inner being to call me
To completion, but that isn’t quite the right word
Manifestations eventually occur
In abundance. Life does treat me as if I were
Someone special. To it I feel that I’m preferred.
I live for feeling aligned vibrationally.

I no longer set goals. Things come most easily
With the least bit of effort. I’ve an oblique view
And an understanding that things always work out.
I have long since released fears and crippling doubt.
Spiritually, all things I’ve wanted accrue.
I just need to be open and resistance free.

Manifestations are secondary to me.
I am hooked on the feeling of being aligned
With my innermost being. When I’m in that space
I make peace with the world, and by infinite grace,
Everything I Want Just Comes To Me, and I find
It to be a satisfying reality.

Your Solar Plexus

Your Gut Chakra

Do your desires and wishes still feel good to you?
Do they enliven you? Are you happy thinking
About them? Can you get terribly excited?
Or do you feel, when thinking of them, certain dread?
Have your doubts made them become uninteresting?
Then perhaps some alignment is long overdue.

When you face the reality of the absence
Of something that you want, then you try to take score
While it’s on the way, you will slow everything down.
It’s for sure that you will end up wearing a frown.
You can know in your soul that all that you’ve asked for
Is in Your Solar Plexus. It’s rather immense.

The ‘reality’ of the absence isn’t real.
All things are ever present spiritually.
The vibrational beingness happens before
Things become physical, honestly, and the more
You focus on its being the more you will see
Manifestations occurring that are ideal.

You must feel it in Your Solar Plexus. It’s where
Your emotional senses are stored and processed.
Even though you can’t see them yet, things do exist
In vibrational escrow. So do not resist
The guidance of your gut. It really is the best
Indicator of truth, and it’s willing to share.


Your Amazing Life Force

Is the car in the garage my reality?
It is rugged and solid, and if I punch it
With my fists I’ll know pain like I wouldn’t believe.
My reality is only what I perceive
To be real, and the vibration that I emit
Arranges my reality as it must be.

Although it was assembled somewhere at some plant,
And the pieces were fashioned by man or machine,
Can it ever be accurate that it is real?
It’s just a perception any person can feel
With their consciousness. In the world all can be seen
As something that is physical and elegant.

A manifestation is my ability
To perceive. That Is It! There is nothing to add
To improve on its meaning. The Magic Potion
Is in expressing with my deepest emotion
What I would like to see changed. Has this world gone mad?
If I can ask the question I help make it be.

It is tricky to hold one’s thought on the unseen.
The mixing of realities often occurs.
The rub is to observe reality enough
But not so much that I become bogged down with stuff
That is not what the better part of me prefers.
I consider Magic a part of my routine.


Natural Overcoming

As you identify it in general terms
Then the specifics of it will come before you
Put your label on it. Rather than deciding
What it’s going to be and forever trying
To make the universe fit into your own view,
Why not have faith in what all that is good confirms?

Chill out and let the universe show itself to
You as it is. Everything you’ve ever wanted,
One at a time, is kept track of yet in spirit.
You must be in the receptive mode to get it
If not, then by acting you become self-daunted.
People who don’t know this by now are but a few.

Spirit knows the relationship that each of your
Wishes has with the others. Cooperative
are arranged by Law of Attraction.

It’s your inner being who gets everything done
On the spiritual level. You want to live
The thrill of expecting and then receiving more.

In that quieted mind state, you are not trying
To make it happen, yet you are unstoppable
In your faith in unseen forces working for you.
No matter what is happening, you’ve access to
Infinite intelligence. Perfectly stable
Are the laws. They need no over-clarifying.

Using Visualizations

Conjuring Your Dream

Visualizations are an excellent tool
For manifesting the things that you most prefer.
You create a symbol that will best represent
The outcome most ideal. Every detail is meant
To arouse your emotions, and as they occur
You will become elated. This is very cool.

If you have a good picture of it in your mind –
The thing or the condition you want to happen –
It is easy then to get super excited.
Your dream ship will be traveling full speed ahead.
You can get to that good place again and again.
This is how you become with your desire aligned.

Now, once you have reached that state, what you need to do
Is to utterly, completely drop the picture
And just be open to what your higher mind knows
Is the perfect match. Positive energy flows
Where it’s needed. The symbol was just to procure
The passion necessary to stimulate you.

The mind that is physical can only conjure
An extremely limited image of what’s best
For itself and for you. You do not know a thing.
Know that your higher mind can ultimately bring
Something much more fulfilling than what you expressed
As your ultimate vision. It isn’t secure.

The Meaning Of Life

Of Ultimate Purpose

“What’s the meaning of meaning?” someone may inquire
If asked, “What is the meaning of life?” The answer:
Why do surfers take surf boards and go ride the waves?
It’s not to smooth the ocean out, and no one craves
Teaching fish how to swim on top of the water.
They do it just because it’s something they desire.

The meaning of meaning means does it have purpose…
Is there some rhyme or reason for it to occur?
The purpose and the reason for life is the thrill
Of achieving alignment. The key is to chill
And allow things to happen as you would prefer.
Meaning is something that is easy to discuss.

The basis of life is freedom and the result
Is expansion, exposure, opportunity,
And desire for experience in the contrast.
While you are on earth you should be having a blast.
Joyful and triumphant is how you want to be.
To not be who you are is the gravest insult.

Life itself is the meaning of life. Feeling it
Pouring through you is exhilarating and fun.
To see manifestation happen in response
To your proper alignment in sheer nonchalance
Is the meaning of life. Surely you are the one
Who it’s meant for. It is for your full benefit.

Follow These Steps

The Pathway To Freedom

Can I make the time shorter? If so, tell me how.
Manifestation is a game for many folk.
They’ve become absolute masters of creation
Being able to reach the state of elation.
The steps to my salvation are never a joke.
I can focus on them rather clearly by now.

I can feel the emotion of how it would be
If my dream were already true. Quite satisfied
With wellbeing and rightness, I would feel content
Yet excited about each upcoming event.
Anything that I ask for cannot be denied.
I now know what it is like to be truly free.

I’ll stay there for a moment. The satisfaction
That I feel is of steady balance and control.
I can milk that perfection of feeling without
The thing having happened. I can harbor no doubt
That without the condition I still can be whole.
I like getting there through the laws of attraction.

Having gotten there is quite an accomplishment.
It feels good to be sure and secure in knowing
That without having what I want I can feel fine
And if I keep on doing it then by design
Forces of the universe will conspire to bring
The condition I’m after through conscious intent.

Why It’s Not Coming Faster

Relax And Allow

How do I get the money out of the vortex
And into the bank where it can be of some use?
How do I meet the soul mated love of my dreams
In her absence? I don’t understand why it seems
That I’m stuck because I’m not able to produce
What I want. The issue is mundane and complex.

I have to not need to have it right before me
So that I can see, hear, taste, smell, touch, and behold
It in its actuality. I must accept
The vibrational version which is always kept
In spiritual escrow. How good things unfold
Is by tuning my vibration accordingly.

If it hasn’t come yet it means only one thing.
I am not a vibrational match to what I
Want so strongly. I must find a way to relax
There is nothing to gain through my frivolous acts.
With the laws of the universe I must comply.
I may not understand now what good it may bring.

By nature I am one who turns thoughts into things
By being in the receptive mode. I can’t be
In a bad space where I cannot pick up the clues
That the universe constantly sends. That’s good news.
I don’t have to blame others for what’s up with me.
My vision is the clearest of understandings.

It’s Finished! Now Chill!

Leave Alone What Is Done

That fine piece of walnut has been coated with stain
Just the way that you wanted it. Now let it be.
You can polish it later and give it a buff.
One would think that by now you would know all this stuff
But sometimes you forget alignment completely.
That’s okay. There’s no super status to attain.

People think that if they have their sights on something
They must think of it all the time and reel it in
Like a fish. That’s not how it is. Your work is done
Once you set your intention, so go have some fun.
As you do, circumstances in life will begin
To get brighter. It really is astonishing.

Your main job is to chill. You need not figure out
What the path is. It’s already been shown to you.
You can be receptive to the information
That your path reveals to you. You have become one
With the process evolving. Your work amounts to
Keeping up your vibration and banishing doubt.

Things begin manifesting in your life because
Finally you’re experiencing your power
Of alignment and leverage. Now celebrate
All that you know will happen. True blessings await
The contented one. The universe will shower
Them upon those who understand its basic laws.

You Are Worthy

Deserving Of All That Is Good

Do not think for a moment that you are not worth
Everything to the universe that put you here.
You knew that before coming. You knew that you would
Take advantage of all that is wholesome and good.
You are unstoppable when your motives are clear.
You planned for this adventure long before your birth.

You knew that there’d be contrast to help you decide
How things could be much better. You knew very well
That some things would upset you. You are adding to
All that is in a powerful way. It is true
That in utter contentment your spirit must dwell.
That you are here should give you a deep sense of pride.

Because the satisfaction factor is immense
Is the reason you signed up for this earth duty.
You should be feeling good now while co-creating
With forces of the universe. There is nothing
To prevent you from being who you’re meant to be.
You have access to infinite intelligence.

Sifting, deciding, aligning, realizing,
And rejoicing is the work you came here to do.
Positive expectation that things will work out
Is a tool most effective. There is not a doubt
That blessings from the universe are meant for you.
Be embraced by the huge power of this knowing.

Decide To Feel Good

Happiness Is Your Choice

Often for most people the manifestation
That is not perfect does keep them from creating
One that is perfect. Our choices are limited.
We can suffer a whole lot or feel good instead.
The beginning of the improvement is the thing
Any contrast offers indeed to anyone.

Choosing thoughts that feel better or those that feel worse
Is done at subtle levels of our consciousness.
Let the choice be emotional – of energy.
How do I want to feel in the plexus of me
That is solar in function? Am I more or less
In control of how I feel in this universe?

I can be as happy or as miserable
As I want to be at any given moment.
Consciously I forget that and make wrong choices.
Then I’m haunted internally. Psychic voices
Of perhaps lower selves do their best to prevent
Me from keeping my focus both sharp and stable.

Must I pay in order to receive loving grace
From wherever it comes any time and always?
Love and appreciation are legal tender.
Positive expectation on what I prefer
Is a good form of payment. And infinite praise
I offer to the universe. All I embrace.

The Releaser Of Butterflies

Distributor Of Mirth

It is so delicious for me to interact
With energies of deliberate creation.
I am physical now. As I stand in my shoes
I feel safe and abundant. The thoughts that I choose
Are vibrational butterflies of elation.
Knowing love is the business I’m here to transact.

Wrapping up the day, or throughout, or at its start,
Several times I release all I know that’s true.
I’m the creator of my own reality.
I’m the conjurer of my own mood. I would be
Not possessed by another. I am the one who
Is the keeper of my own attitude of heart.

Butterflies in the stomach ascend to the heart
Where they radiate outward. They mingle freely
Among all of God’s creatures wishing only peace
To all life. The nature of my heartfelt release
Is that I’m fully worthy. The Force is with me.
Everything had been set up for me from the start.

And The Law Of Attraction is the grand master
Facilitator to match up all frequencies
And deliver to me evidence I can feel.
This condition upon living is most ideal.
My creative endeavors continue with ease
As long as I don’t become a doom forecaster.

Manifestation Space

The Field of Creation

Memories and impulses that are unconscious
Are the dark matter filling the space of the mind.
Derived from ancestral memory in the brain,
Common experiences it’s known to contain.
In all air breathing humans the space is designed
By our genetic nature. At times, it’s a plus.

We would all like to feel good rather than not so
And we all have our images, most similar
In their themes and in detail of how that would look.
People are free to author their own storybook.
The collective unconscious is nothing bizarre.
That there’s something that binds us is healthy to know.

People who are not fear based don’t need to express
Domination. It means they doubt they have power.
So brute force is the only way they can relate.
It is much easier to learn how to create
What you want through your focus in every hour.
At any given moment you have full access.

Those who are in denial that they are in denial
That their fear based beliefs are turning them into
Negative manifesters are way too many.
Manifestation Space is known by you and me
At an unconscious level. The least we can do
Is to come up with some way to make people smile.

Finding Lost Feeling

The Heart Of Depression

Things are not the way I want. It’s getting me down,
And I’m not in a position where I can see
How to get what I want. What on earth should I do?
I keep repeating this until my mind turns blue,
But I need to do something or I’ll never be
In fulfillment. Yet I can’t help wearing a frown.

I have this thing all backwards according to those
Of a better vibration than I can produce
Here and now in my agony. It makes no sense
That when I feel like this nothing good will commence.
In fact all is against me if I don’t make use
Of content with my journey. My higher self knows.

The journey is the destination. I can know
That I can find fulfillment each part of the way
To the way that I’m after. I’ll do everything
In my power to entertain thoughts that will bring
Feelings of satisfaction and not of dismay.
Focusing on what’s missing is not how to go.

What I want is unfolding, and I’m satisfied.
I am in the receiving mode and ready for
The next piece of the puzzle, and then the next one.
They won’t come if I’m troubled. I can’t be undone
By the present which isn’t so tragic a bore.
What I wish with a pure heart cannot be denied.

It’s About To Happen

Don't Give Up Hope

Your awareness of where you are can hold you back.
Strongly believable is your reality
Because it’s translated by physical senses.
You see things then believe them. The consequences
Are your strong dispositions. Yet if you could be
A being of perfection you’d still get some flack.

You are here to create your own reality –
Not to face someone else’s. Some folks recreate
What they’re facing already, again and again.
Powerful belief systems are reinforced, then
There are conflicting mindsets to coordinate
Along with others telling you how you should be.

Stop looking so much at what is, first and foremost.
How far you are away from the unfulfilled dream
Has not to do with distance nor time it may take.
It’s about vibration. Consciously while awake
You decide to get happy then on comes a stream
Of sustaining fulfillment of which you may boast.

When you sleep, all momentum stops. When you awake,
Your vibration is neutral. This time is the best
To find reasons to feel good – the more the better.
Then your day will unfold the way you would prefer.
Don’t worry or think things that will make you depressed.
Your doubting and complaining would be a mistake.


Personal Strength

Believing is the momentum of practiced thought.
I would love to feel fresher in things that I think.
Is it better that fewer beliefs enter in
This now moment’s equation? And is it a sin
That I’m so overwhelmed that I’m close to the brink
Of eternal confusion where I’m all I’ve got?

It feels that I should do something – what I don’t know.
Cleaning up my vibration may be what is best.
How I do that is through my appreciation.
As I become addicted new life has begun.
No longer do I feel so alone and depressed.
Of the thoughts of my evil past I must let go.

The fresh feeling of satisfaction I pursue
In each God given moment for all that I am.
I’m aware that I created it consciously –
A state of deep contentment so that I may be
Receptive to life’s blessings and not to the sham.
There is so little real work that I’m left to do.

If I’ve practiced feeling satisfied I will be
More likely to be at peace when things are adverse.
Feeling for the sake of feeling gives me freedom
From the weight of conditions. I can overcome
Feeling that I’m the victim of some evil curse.
I may then declare my invincibility.

The Last Holdout

The Resistance Of Thinking

What is the difference between wishful thinking
And true knowing? What if it’s appreciation
For the life that I’m living for every reason
That is positive? Now is the perfect season
To find bliss in pure nothingness and the warm sun.
There’s no reason to think that my world is shrinking.

The bounce I do appreciate from a bad place
To a better one, or I could choose not to see
That there is some relief and continue to whine
When I know deep down inside that everything’s fine.
I’ve played that game for so long. I’d rather be free
To be in the mode of receiving divine grace.

Unseen forces that make worlds also orchestrate
The movement of all matter, and every event
Is already assembled. I just have to be
A cooperative component willingly.
If I do so, I’ll save myself useless torment.
All I have to do more of is appreciate.

I know what feeling good is and how to get there.
Staying there is an issue I still must work on.
But I can’t figure life out. That’s already done.
So instead of thinking I should be having fun.
To the geekiness in this verse do give a yawn.
Being not The Last Holdout, my heart I must share.

Just Relax

Nothing Is The Matter

In the making of peace with the way things are now
You prepare for excitement and blessings to come.
Now is where your control is. Choosing how you feel
In the moment, you ensure each one is ideal.
You need not know the details of where all comes from.
All you need do is relax and learn to allow.

Releasing of resistance relieves the tension
That prevents you from feeling well inside your skin.
Just Relax and be happy. Give up your struggling.
All that does is create roadblocks. It doesn’t bring
What it is that you’re after. Now you can begin
Feeling better. Get ready for your ascension.

The first manifestation you experience
As you relax some is an emotional one.
You feel better, and this is most significant.
The least bit of relief that is felt will enchant
Your most creative spirit. You can get more done
Doing nothing but being fulfilled by suspense.

Who the heck cares where you are if you are on track?
No one does, and you shouldn’t. All that you need do
Is love this present moment and watch for the signs
Of all good taking place in your life. This aligns
You to your inner being – the true part of you.
You will realize freedom and never look back.

Change Your Expectation

The Openminded Approach

On the verge of a wonderful thing happening,
Most people contour and arrive naturally
At a strong expectation based on what they see.
We take what we’re observing too literally
That we pay attention to it and completely
Miss the best of what could be and all it can bring.

Scientists gather data. We think we should too.
We collect heavy batches and sort through them all
Studying and comparing, so what we expect
Cannot be any different from the subject
That is right in our faces when seeing is small.
We do not have to prove things like scientists do.

You keep noticing things. They keep manifesting
Just the way you predicted them. It’s a good thing.
Pay more attention not to things as they are now.
Set your focus right past them, and this will allow
Wonderful expectations that make your heart sing.
Impulse and inspiration this one change can bring.

Expectation can only be changed when you merge
Together the platform from where you are right now
With something that you want that is way beyond it.
You can know that it is a benevolent split.
Never mind what is not here. It will be somehow
And it all comes about with a sufficient urge.

It’s About The Emotion

Happy As Children

When we speak of manifestation we may mean
A relationship, money, or some other thing
That we can sink ourselves into. Certainly these
Count as manifestations. Each moment we seize
Is the one most important because it will bring
Everything into focus when senses are keen.

This moment is the juncture where you come to meet
Who you are at your truest. So in this moment
Is where manifestation is being allowed.
The infusion of consciousness keeps you endowed
With the wonderful feeling of being present.
You emote yourself into your staying upbeat.

Because everything is a manifestation
Your feelings are special in that you have control
Over how you are feeling. What is uplifting
To your spirit and all that does make your heart sing
Do with unfettered passion that you may be whole.
Co-create with your spirit a space to have fun.

Your emotion is wrapped around what you receive.
Anything that you want is for but one reason:
To feel better in having it. To separate
The emotion from creation is to berate
What is manifested. It is the emotion
Above everything else that you want to achieve.

Be Ready To Get Surprised

In Response To The Asking

Be careful what you dream about. It may come true.
Keep your thoughts on the light side, but feel your passion
About your blessed journey. The child within you
Wants to see some adventure that’s long overdue.
Nothing is healthier than your having more fun.
Get ready for something most exciting and new.

Joyfulness is the journey. There is no set goal.
Laugh as much as is possible. Be with others
Who are vibrating the same kind of energy.
So adored by the universe, you’re completely
Worthy of what you ask. The universe concurs
With it wholly, and it is under your control.

When you ask, it is given. But asking is key.
The universe is intelligent, but it needs
To be told how to service you. Your abundance
Is a thing that can happen not by random chance.
With each moment of happiness you’re planting seeds
Of your future becoming as you wish to be.

Whether joyful relationships, health, or money…
It’s all there but just ask for it and it will come.
Ask for signs, inspiration, and help on your way.
Throughout life this is how you most solemnly pray.
Be surprised by where wonderfulness can come from.
Get to know the perfection of how life can be.

Open Doors

Many Opportunities

The balance of the universe vibrates between
What exists and the lack of it. If I’m able
To identify something I truly desire
Then the absence of this thing I want to acquire
Does exist. It’s important to remain stable
And to practice some positive mental hygiene.

From the point of my saying that I want something,
Through my thinking about it, one or the other
Side I give more attention to. What comes to be
Then depends upon which one feels better to me.
Only it or the lack of it can but occur.
This concept does not have to be mystifying.

Feeling lack about what I want only delays
Its arrival in my life. I’ll give attention
To my reasons for wanting it and my belief
That its coming is imminent. I’ll find relief
In my trusting the universe to get things done.
I can maintain my balance in myriad ways.

But the best way to open doors to everything
That I find most delightful is to acknowledge
Now the positive aspects of what I’m living.
The universe is intent on its giving
Whatever is asked of it. On this leading edge
Of creation, I find my life most fulfilling.

The Frequency Of Abundance

The Attraction Vibration

There’s this thing called vibration. All things that exist
From subatomic particles to galaxies
Vibrate at their own frequency. It is the Law
Of Attraction
whose job it is to manage all

And to sort out the same ones. The complexities
One can’t fathom. The delicate mind does it twist.

Understand that the manifestations that will
Soon materialize each have a frequency.
If you tune yourself to it, it will come faster
And with minimal practice you’ll be a master
Of self-tuning. Your intent and focus are key.
Your dreams the universe has the urge to fulfill.

Abundance has a frequency. How does it feel?
If one could put words to it which ones would apply?
It feels like ease and freedom. It feels like fresh air.
It does not feel like jealousy, fear, or despair.
It feels like clarity – a most elegant high.
In your reality you create the ideal.

Money may be a tough subject to talk about.
There is too much momentum built up. So go for
Something else that feels just the same as abundance.
You’ve the ability in every circumstance
To practice the seed vibration. You can’t ignore
What you have much of already without a doubt.

Are You Ready?

All Else Is In Place

Your are not manifesting. You are creating
The environment that allows for things to come.
Going out to get something makes you more aware
Of the absence of it and the cross you must bare
To attain it. There’s no use in beating that drum.
Nothing but more of nothing your effort will bring.

All your manifestations are ready for you
The moment you conceive them. They are vibration
To begin with, and as they gather momentum
They become your reality. All things come from
What is called the nonphysical. You are the one
Who must be ready for them. Nothing is more true.

Accept that emotions are manifestations
And ideas that come when you are at your best.
Impulses start occurring and ideas flow
Easily, so don’t block them with all that you know
That tells you to keep looking. It’s not a contest
Where you have to work hard to find the solutions.

From belief into hope and then hope into doubt
Is the reverse direction of how life should be.
Your belief becomes knowing before you behold
Everything that is wanted. As your dreams unfold
Do not screw it up by facing reality
And you need not be Einstein to figure that out.

Things Will Flow

Believe In What You Know Is To Come

The emotional scale is a continuum
Of all possible feelings. One end is despair
And the other is ecstasy, and in between
A progression to wellbeing clearly is seen.
If I want to feel happy then I must take care
That I know precisely where bad feelings come from.

From despair to revenge is a positive leap.
I have much more control, and I find some relief
From a cold crippling numbness that eats at the soul.
It’s not healthy to stay there, but I feel more whole
If at least I feel anger. It is my belief
That I can avoid things that my spirit can’t keep.

Between having no resistance and letting go
Of resistance, there is a subtle difference.
Like a car with its brake off and it’s out of gear
Momentum gathers quickly. It’s best I adhere
To the basic psychology. It does make sense
To create my momentum and go with the flow.

From complete satisfaction into ecstasy
Can happen rather swiftly. I’m not complacent
With the way that things are. I’m exhilarated
With the wonderful world that I have created
Wherein I have the freedom to dwell in content.
I have no doubt that good things will flow unto me.

The Sign

Written In the Cosmos

To be out and about getting lots of fresh air
While well grounded in things of the earth is to be
Within range of excitement for all that takes place
In this fabulous universe. With time and space
The agreeable cosmos knows all completely.
What goes on here is the same as what goes on there.

Many signs are available for those who seek
Entertainment in living because each is one
Single piece of the puzzle that answers any
Kind of question imagined. We’re destined to see
How life happens and how to get certain things done.
Each configuration is forever unique.

Rendezvous and connections line up according
To the signs we are given and how we perceive
The perpetual guidance that is in the sky
And the all-knowing spirit. Not until we die
Are we one with the knowing that now can deceive
The naïve human psyche to up and take wing.

We can notice the feedback. What isn’t pleasing
Can be worked on while we’re in a positive state.
We may learn to control it, and that is the goal.
Each of us is a uniquely immortal soul,
And the signs we are given cannot separate
Any one from another. This is refreshing.

Winning Ticket

Chosen One

I would love tons of money, so what’s wrong with that?
If there’s nothing, then maybe I can do something
To attract what I’m wanting – like meditation
Or some Law Of Attraction trick like having fun
While I wait for the universe to kindly bring
What I want in a hurry – in other words, stat.

But I can’t get to there from my place of feeling
That I need to have some gimmick poised up my sleeve
That I can use like magic any time I please.
That’s too big of a jump, and it will only tease
The heck out of me. I must profoundly believe
That the thing that I’m doing good fortune will bring.

Winning lottery ticket numbers come to those
Who believe it is possible deep in their souls.
Is it euphoria that I feel when I buy?
Or is it out of habit? The more that I try
To come up with a system, it’s shot full of holes
Why I do what I’m doing I need to disclose.

Gambling is an upstream way of bridging the gap
Between me and what I want. If I feel an urge
To engage and I also feel magnificent,
Then I will. I relieve myself of the torment
Of it meaning all that much. I stand to emerge
Quite the winner. I need not fall into a trap.


The Cycle Game

Everything is on track. I am doing quite well.
My career as an actress is moving along.
I’m excited. I’m having fun. My life is bliss.
But the negative feeling that I can’t dismiss
Has to do with my timing. Something may be wrong
With something that I’m doing as my senses tell.

I want it to happen just a little faster.
How can I be a better vibrational match
To some acceleration with my profession?
Can I ask of the universe that it be done
In a tenth of an instant? With loving dispatch
Do attend to my wishes as I would prefer.

I’m not being forsaken. The timing is fine.
Bring me the best of what I’m able to receive
At this moment, and I’ll just keep looking for more.
Here I am, and from here there is much to explore
On my path of fulfillment. What I must achieve
Is acceptance of here and now by the divine.

I am making the best of where I am right now
Understanding that where I am now will not last.
There is much to appreciate here at this place.
Mostly I’m satisfied. I will always embrace
Feeling just a bit better. What can happen fast
Is a change in my attitude if I allow.

Where Is Heaven?

Finding The Way Within

Heaven is on this earth plane, some people have said.
But for me to believe that there’d have to be some
Lame condition that would have to be satisfied.
Yet what I dare demand offers access denied.
I have trouble believing that the kingdom come
Has no queen and is right here on this rock instead.

We are told that the nature of heaven is bliss
And of unending loving of God and of all
That exists to cast love upon, including us
Through our intimate journeys and absent the fuss
Of conditions of any kind. No one is small
In this place of pure spirit. I do believe this.

Could heaven be connected to earth in some way
That makes one an imperfectly real reflection
Of the rest of existence? If this could be true
It becomes then much easier to take the view
That I do have some trouble with. I am the one
Who shall find the connection to joy come what may.

This fantastic phenomenon of existence
Remains all that has ever been projected here
In this moment. This leading edge of creation
Is where spirit is focused. Each and everyone
Of us is part of heaven that heaven holds dear.
The freedom offered by this notion is immense.

Surrender And Everything Comes

The Natural Release of Effort

When an army surrenders there’s torture involved
So the word has some issues. There needs to be trust
That the thing one surrenders to is of value
In securing fulfillment. One can live anew
In releasing resistance. One need but adjust
To improved circumstances and problems resolved.

Negative connotations now pushed to the side,
There are good things that good people surrender to.
Anything that does not support my heart’s desire
I can let go of gladly. The peace I admire
And the freedom of not having so much to do.
I release my resistance and give up false pride.

I cannot stop desiring. I can’t surrender
Wanting things that I want. I will always want more.
But I do give up beliefs that keep me held back
Like my incessant struggle and feelings of lack
And my trying too hard to keep up a good score.
I relax and allow what life has to offer.

But there is a much better word. That is, Allow.
It’s a much clearer meaning. It puts everything
In proper perspective. The manifestation
That comes first is emotional. I am the one
Who allows infinite intelligence to bring
All the guidance that I need for right here and now.

Keys To The Pick-Up

Tools of Manifestation

All of life is a pick-up. You can’t put it down.
If you do, then your driving is not up to par.
No matter which road you choose it’s still rather rough.
You will seek something better when you’ve had enough
Of not being the worthy one you know you are.
Don’t be driving when your face is wearing a frown.

A belief is just a thought that you keep thinking
Until it becomes manifested in your life.
When it comes into being it reinforces
The belief with more realness. Your life endorses
Your mindset whether it is of joy or of strife.
You’re a magnet to what in your life your thoughts bring.

Once you hold something active in your vibration
Then the Law of Attraction starts its assembling
Of cooperative components. To be sure,
What shows up in your life is a thing you endure
Or enjoy. Your thinking will attract anything
That you hold strong belief in. What you think is done.

You get what you expect. Expectation is key.
Once belief is established, anticipation
Of its manifestation will come easily.
You’ve the Keys To The Pick-Up, therefore you are free
To rejoice in your deliberate creation.
Things in your life can be as you want them to be.

Just A Vibration Away

Tuining Into Ultimate Peace

Do believe in vibration because it is real.
The first cause of existence is pure frequency
Of original consciousness. Then all else comes.
Time and space define how well the universe hums.
If it weren’t for vibration then nothing could be.
You can detect its presence by the way you feel.

Within every vibration exists the vortex.
It’s a state of emotions of true happiness.
All that you’ve become and every dream and desire
Your vortex consists of. Although it does require
That you are in alignment. Then you can access
What you’ve put there. The process is not that complex.

It could take many years for your dreams to come true
If you are diligent about poking around
In the current condition. How you feel right now
Has to be positive before you can allow
What you want to occur. Infinitely profound
Is the law of vibration in all that we do.

All your imagination, if focused upon
Things that don’t excite you and in fact bring you down,
Will yield manifestations from feelings of lack.
It is much to your advantage if you keep track
Of how you feel each moment. Do wear not a frown.
The resistance that you feel can up and begone.


The Dream Refracted

There’s something I hallucinated as a child.
It could not have been real. It’s effect upon me
Was to change my perception of life at that time.
That I told no one of it perhaps is a crime.
Was it imagination or reality?
I would like for the issue to be reconciled.

It’s a manifestation. This much I am told
By the guidance within me who knows more than I.
Everything that is physical is much the same
As the dream. It’s a more exaggerated game
In the wake state, and this is the main reason why
That there is so much ‘realness’ to all we behold.

More of my physical senses come into play
While I am wide awake and aware of so much.
The hallucination is a most vivid dream
Labored in its lucidity so that things seem
Absolutely coherent. This realm is of such
Contingent ambiguity throughout each day.

There’s no reality outside what I perceive.
It is all about perspective and nothing more.
I can manifest in the dream state just as I
Can do so while awake. So there’s no reason why
I can’t create a dream that I come to adore.
Consciousness of the two worlds remains a tight weave.

Do One Simple Thing

Changing Life's Story

In the moment one recognizes a desire
There are two simultaneous acknowledgements.
One is having that something. The other is not.
People put their focus on the latter a lot.
When this happens it brings on the worst of events.
This duplicity about things does life require.

The balance of the universe lies though therein.
All creation is twofold. Each has within it
The potential of the thing not manifesting
And, of course, the good feeling that having does bring.
Knowing which is the better requires not much wit
And to choose to feel bad is a terrible sin.

I add to one side or the other through the day
As my thoughts become random and infiltrating
Which do I want to focus on? That is easy,
But I act to my detriment unconsciously.
I can pay attention to what makes my heart sing,
Then to negative emotion I won’t fall prey.

I’ll acknowledge the positive aspects always
As my life keeps unfolding. It opens the door
To every opportunity. Doors remain closed
If I keep on thinking the thoughts that are opposed
To the thing that I want more than ever before.
I can change my life story to one of some praise.

All That You Want

Whatever Is Desired

What you expect you will get no matter if you
Really want it or not. Your point of attraction
Determines if what you get is goodness or not.
So what you pay attention to matters a lot.
Do rely on the universe to get things done.
That you are in control of it is always true.

If you hold something active in your vibration
Then the Law of Attraction will come into play
As it gathers cooperative components
And the circumstances that will cause such events
That enthrall and delight you in every which way.
Living can be enlightening but also fun.

A belief is a truth that was made to be true
By someone’s focus on it. But you need not own
That which is from another. You have what it takes
To avoid living pitfalls. You do deserve breaks
That are to your advantage. You are not alone
In you lifelong adventure with all that you do.

Our beliefs form within us strong expectations
And we hold tightly to them. But change them we must
If they don’t serve the purpose of our wellbeing.
Embrace only those which are the most agreeing.
We can get good to happen, but we must have trust.
You alone control completely how your life runs.

Control Every Manifestation

The Ease of Creation

Take command of the weather as no one has done.
Atmospheric conditions and all that takes place
In your world of reality you do control.
You have just what it takes to achieve any goal,
And you know that you’re worthy of God’s loving grace.
You have healthy relationships with everyone.

That dream job you’ve been wanting or that fancy car
Or the ultimate lover you know you create.
These are manifestations. Indeed this is true,
But how you’re feeling in this moment is one too.
How you feel in the wanting of what you await
Is the time for discovery of who you are.

Looking long term way into the distant future
You have not enough power or the clarity
To provide enough answers to all you may ask.
You don’t need to know too much. Your primary task
Is to tune your vibration so that you will be
In receptive mode – always serene and secure.

Be present in this moment. Be fully aware
Of the manifestation that’s happening now.
It is the most significant one that occurs.
And the truest you that this world greatly prefers
Is alive and available. So do allow
The magnificent present to honor your care.

Wonderful Things

The Perpetual Pleasure Of Life

Things can turn out to be wonderful every day.
Your deliberateness of intention is key
Along with your emotions. Do know how you feel
From each moment to moment. The one most ideal
Is the one ever present, and naturally,
You are guided by spirit along life’s highway.

Then why is it so easy for we who have been
Exposed to the conditioning of fear and lack
To engage the process of manifestation?
It’s because we respond to laws of attraction.
If your vibration’s shaky then what you get back
Is a curse that may happen again and again.

Vibrations that are negative may lie dormant
To be triggered by something outside your control.
Noticing when it happens, you need not react.
That will decrease the power you have to attract
Anything that you’re wanting. You cannot be whole
When disaster and conflict are too expectant.

Life is like popping popcorn. At first you can’t hear
That there’s anything happening. Then comes the sound
Which increases in tempo with each occurrence.
Then the smell fills the air. We can all sing and dance.
Within each brand new moment a present is found
It’s the choice to hold on to the thoughts that are dear.

We Can’t Get It Done

The Cycle Unending

In an inductive circuit, voltage leads current
When the frequency of the source resonates well
With the circuit’s vibration. Increased energy
Is resultant and is handled efficiently.
A repetitive space is where electrons dwell,
And it would seem that in this way they are content.

We are like free electrons. Social circuitry
Modulates our behaviors and regulates flow.
Voltage is our emotions; current, what they bring.
Nothing in life indeed is more satisfying
Than to be in alignment so much that you glow.
Less reactive, yet focused is how we must be.

Elation is what you want. Forget the reason
That you need to be happy. Just be happy first.
Again, this is the voltage which must be the cause.
The effect is the manifestation. The laws
Of physics and the universe can’t be reversed.
It must be understood that we can’t get it done.

There will always be something more to live about.
We are eternal beings with finite bodies.
So we can’t get it all done. We can’t get it wrong
Because it’s never done, which is where we belong.
A self-voltage check can be done quite easily
By caring how you feel, and it gets rid of doubt.

Just For Two Days

Explore Life's Sensations

Don’t believe your reality. It’s a platform
From which everything bounces into what is new.
Don’t believe that ‘what is’ should be of much concern.
How you feel inside matches the sultry extern.
Give ‘what is’ the attention indeed it is due.
It is past tense yet so contrary to the norm.

Expectation that you have means there’s a desire
With belief at the same place so it is immense.
Don’t rely much on effort. Focus on your mood.
It pays to have a magnificent attitude
So that life is a fairytale filled with suspense.
Every next moment easily will take you higher.

The way to be expectant is to put the past
Where it rightly belongs and to then move forward.
Is there something worth focusing on to distract
You from your strong addiction to matters of fact?
Your confounding reality can be ignored
By attending to your own terrific forecast.

Something else has to be equally compelling
For the grip on ‘what is’ now to give up its hold.
“What’s the feeling I’m reaching for?” Ask this question
All the time for just two days. What will have begun
Is a habit that can be more precious than gold.
You’re worthy of a life that is more fulfilling.

Stop Resistance?

Increace Current And/Or Voltage

One beholds The Resistor – subject to Ohm’s Law.
In electronic circuitry it does the job
Of opposing electrons as they try to move
Through their pathways. The only thing it wants to prove
Is its will to drop voltage. The flow it does rob
Stabilizes and balances, and without flaw.

Current, Voltage, and Resistance are the three things
That have formed a relationship universal.
Each can affect the other, except resistance
Is a fixed entity introduced to enhance
Electronic behavior and boost their morale
By the changes to voltage and current it brings.

The behavior of humans is somewhat the same
As the antics of circuits. How the creator
And the object created obey the same laws!
It may seem that we’re destined and locked in the jaws
Of some rigid machinery, but it is more
Than the mind can be wrapped around yet it can claim.

Voltage is all the efforting we think we need
To get things done, and current is the ease of flow
Of the things that we’re doing. Resistance is that
Which presents us with challenge. Sometimes we fall flat
And apply yet more effort. What we need to know
Is that flow times resistance is effort indeed.

To feel good means maintaining a high vibration.
The best way to do that is by practicing joy.
Being conscious of how you feel, you get to choose
Which path is least resistive. This way you can’t lose
There are many a technique that you may employ
But to reduce resistance you must have more fun.

Once You Get This

The Moment Of Profound Inspiration

Remember long division? It was such a bear
Because nobody does it but kids and teachers.
Calculators were invented to do that work.
We insist still on driving our young ones berserk.
It’s because they must graduate with full features.
It may be rather daunting and lead to despair.

So you’re stuck doing homework your child cannot do.
Long division’s a killer. He’s not good at math,
And his grades do reflect it. You give it a shot
And then check it hoping that you will not be caught.
He may guess that his teacher is some psychopath
Who believes mental torture is healthy for you.

When you spend some time with him, you come to find out
That he knows not his times tables. He just guesses.
Once this fault is corrected, then math is a breeze.
First Things First is the lesson here, then the child sees
That he can do his math work once he addresses
What is needed in order to mitigate doubt.

This is just like the Law Of Attraction in that
One must master the basics before anything
Of significance comes to manifestation.
Every problem then has only one solution.
Feel yourself into having. This one thing can bring
What you’re after. You must have the basics down pat.

Ignore The Contrast

Many Roads To Distraction

I’ve no multi-ring circus in my living room.
I gave up watching TV a long time ago.
Those big screens are but passageways to or from hell
Depending on the kind of stew in which I dwell.
I had doubted my sanity, but now I know
There are madmen among us who live to entomb.

It’s as if Cinderella is caught past midnight.
Natives have become restless in this troubled land.
I would love to feel safe anywhere that I go.
Every ill thought I have against people I owe
To the real fear that grips me. I can’t understand
The concept of pure evil and the ultra-right.

I had better cease giving this much energy.
That in itself is dangerous if it is more
Than I give to what pleases me without a doubt.
There are more worthy things that I could write about.
And in order to do that, I have to ignore
Everything in this madness as it seems to be.

Getting into that inner space where all is well
Is the only thing I control absolutely.
Difficult is my journey if I focus on
This sick world I’m a part of. I’d rather be drawn
To the peace overwhelming I find within me.
For right now, I would like to remain in my shell.

Feel Good

There's No Other Purpose

I’ll Feel Good! That decision is easy to make.
If I made it my mantra, would I live life well?
I can’t muddy the waters by things that I say
That create a vibration that gets in the way
Of the way that I want things. The story I tell
Is the one that makes living bliss or a headache.

If I reach for the very best I ever thought
And then try to sustain it, indeed I will fail.
But as I move through my day, the best thoughts I find
I can manage to maintain, I’ll be more aligned
With the life that I dream of in every detail.
I’ll add bliss to my story to thicken its plot.

On subject after subject I can reach that state
Where the clearest of insight comes most easily.
I can feel life within me wanting to take shape.
Wholesome manifestations I cannot escape,
And in such a condition, I’m totally free
To allow the momentum to help me create.

All I need do is sharpen my signal a bit.
I’ve become a bright, clear one to the universe.
My innate incandescence or dimness acquired
Is my conscious decision. All that I’ve desired
Is at stake, and it’s foolish to go for the worse.
My work is on the energy that I emit.

These Two Statements

Absolute Freedom In The Knowing

Consciousness is eternal. It has no escape
Into mythical nothingness. And it is true
That what you ask is given. Sometimes it may seem
That it’s not so because you have low self-esteem.
You are out of alignment with that part of you
That is always and ever in the best of shape.

Focusing on what’s negative, like constant pain
That has made the body an unwilling hostage,
Is so easy to do. It becomes a practice.
And the more it is done, it is hard to dismiss.
It’s a manifestation that you must engage
To the best of your feeling for maximum gain.

A vibration is activated within you
Whenever your attention to something is strong.
How you feel is a most blessed indicator
Of vibrational content. As you attune more
To how you feel in each moment, it can’t be long
Before you will be living a life that is new.

Things can only get better. Write down these statements:
You can’t get it wrong – and – You never get it done
Anything that is never done cannot be wrong.
If I had enough talent, I’d make this a song.
Practicing your allowing is not only fun.
It can also be used for poor mood abatements.

Can One’s Mindset Be Changed?

Can Hatred Be Reversed?

“What’s the psyche of those who…?” One fills in the blank
With the offense committed. Our identities
Set us ones against others. How can this be changed?
It will go on forever because we’re deranged
In that we’re a strange animal wanting to seize
Absoluteness of sovereignty distant to rank.

What’s the mind of the suicide bomber? Who knows
But the dead then crossed over and without the choice?
Humans must fight for what they truly believe in.
Animals protect boundaries. We may begin
To look hard at the future and try to rejoice
Yet we’re still just as animals, history shows.

When my space becomes threatened, I may have to kill
But I’d rather not do it, hence the paradox
Of the human condition. Beliefs that we own
Interfere with our instincts. That’s why we are prone
To such gut wrenching hatred. Our own growth it blocks.
Any nationalism means blood has to spill.

Can we come to the wisdom to end enmity?
If there’s no room in our souls for that to take place,
Then it will translate naturally to bloodshed.
We must kill off the enemy and move ahead
Which is why some think we can’t survive as a race.
It’s always been a struggle. We’ll just have to see.