Tag Archive | transformers

Alien Perspective

Alien Encounter

How the universe sees us is something that’s known
By the aliens. Coming from somewhere in space
They’re among us and they have our story to tell
To our faces. Don’t worry that it won’t go well.
Actually it may put a smile on the face
Of the weary to which some relief can be shown.

We’ve chosen to forget who we are so that we
Rediscover ourselves from a new perspective.
With forgetting comes the ability to choose
Negative ways of thinking. Our limited views
Of existence determine the lives that we live.
So in living why do we have difficulty?

We buy into certain ways of understanding.
We’ve forgotten that physical reality
Is a mental projection such as in a dream.
We tend to take things then to the very extreme.
Reinforcement of our negative energy
Keep us stuck. Our consciousness isn’t expanding.

We are master transformers of thought energy
And as such we’re a master class of very strong
Spirit beings who can change darkness into light,
Limitation to freedom, and wrongness to right.
At the rate we’re going will it take very long
For us to remember who we came here to be?