Tag Archive | people

Empathy And Compassion

Pieces Of Love

Compassion is looking at another person
Through the eyes of their inner being. Noticing
That someone is in trouble inspires within you
The desire to do something that is of value.
It’s an expression of one’s true understanding
Of another’s unfortunate situation.

Empathy is a person’s ability to
Share the feelings of others and to understand
Truly where they are coming from. It is therefore
Quite related to sympathy, pity, and more
Of the less positive feelings at one’s command.
Oversensitive people have broad points of view.

Anyone can ‘own the room’ vibrationally,
Meaning one becomes dominant and persuasive
In the social environment, which is okay
If only their evolved self they chose to display,
But someone disconnected can be abrasive
To their audience to a horrific degree.

Be able to hold your own about the value
Of another who’s suffering even when they
Can’t see anything good about where they are now.
Remain focused on their potential and allow
Your own inner being to show you the best way
To proceed in every single thing that you do.

Law Of Attraction Theory And Practice


For the logical, practical kind of person,
It’s good knowing that the laws of the universe
Are precise, accurate, eternal, unerring,
And unbreakable, so it’s a wonderful thing.
When you think about it, there could be nothing worse
Than chaotic existence where no good is done.

When you trip, it makes sense that you basically
Are in your own way. When it comes to allowing
The process of manifestation to unfold,
You do things unintentionally that will hold
You in place. The vibration that you’re offering
Ultimately turns into your reality.

Make the association between what’s going
On vibrationally and what is taking place
In your life. It can never be a mystery.
You’re a deliberate creator and to be
Where only your creation you care to embrace
Is to be where abundance is overflowing.

Most people don’t have any awareness of their
Creation until it manifests. Negative
Thoughts yield negative outcomes, and positive ones
Lead to positive outcomes and great solutions
To your issues. Is this not a great way to live?
How you feel must be given the utmost of care.

Remember Why You Started

Incremental Growth

At the intersection of what is and what can
Be, our stories are written. It’s where decisions
Are made and where lives are ultimately defined.
What is possible is constantly on the mind
Of the person whose most extravagant visions
Are their driving force. There is a definite plan.

There may be growth in comfort. There’s little upside
Or downside. It’s just simply the easier way,
But it may yield regret because one cannot know
What one could have achieved had they chose to follow
Their true spirit. It’s too much of a price to pay
For some of us. Within delusion we may hide.

 There may be comfort in growth. The difficulty
Causes one to get stronger with eyes fixated
On the goal. One becomes well accustomed to pain
And transforms it. No effort is ever in vain,
And there’s tremendous pride in what’s been created.
The dream chaser can deal with the uncertainty.

Can you see the big picture when the sky appears
To be falling down around you? When you’re in pain,
It becomes very easy to forget why you
Started out. Don’t give up on what you’re here to do.
If you really want to, it’s not hard to maintain
Your alignment in all negative atmospheres.

Love Thine Enemies


There was a young soldier in the German army
During World War Two. He was opposed to the war
Because he was a Christian. He knew it was wrong
What his country was doing, but he went along
Because he had no choice. He had zero rapport
With fellow soldiers. On nothing they could agree.

He was not enthusiastic. Officers knew
Of his sentiment. They made his life difficult.
“Who among us does not have bright and gleaming eyes?”
They would ask. “Here’s an old man whom we should despise.”
They’d find any opportunity to insult
This person, and there wasn’t a thing he could do.

On a cold winter evening, it was Christmas Eve.
He was standing guard duty alone as he heard
People singing Christmas songs which made him feel sad
Because his thoughts were with his loved ones. So he had
A deep sense of frustration. His heart was interred
In a hell whose grotesqueness was hard to believe.

The next morning a young woman called to him from
A window. She did not speak German, and he spoke
Not her language. She offered him something to eat
And some drink. Her country had fallen in defeat
To the Germans. What kind of love does this evoke?
From where does this kind of pure benevolence come?

They invaded her country. They were enemies,
But that didn’t much matter. On that Christmas day,
Both received something special. Christ said that we should
Love the ones who would hate us. It does the soul good.
What she did was most certainly the Christian way.
Is it worth it to see the way that Jesus sees?

Free From Negativity

Masks Of The Ego

It’s been said that no thought lives in your head rent free
And your thoughts cost you more than you may realize
In the moment. Thoughts of bitterness, resentment,
And revenge are the most costly to the extent
That they hijack your happiness. Your spirit dies
As you justify your feelings vehemently.

Every time you think about that person who wronged
You, that person steals your consciousness. Like your home,
Your mind only has room for so many thoughts, so
It is best that you take the high road and let go
Of the issue, lest you be caught in a syndrome
Of abject desperation that may be prolonged.

Don’t forgive to make someone else feel better or
Because it’s the right thing to do. Forgive for you.
Release your attachment to negativity
To make room for the thoughts that are absolutely
Beneficial. They are of tremendous value.
There will be many new horizons to explore.

When someone mistreats you, in the moment it feels
Like it’s all about you, but more often than not,
It’s about something over which you’ve no control.
Own whatever you can. Forgiveness makes one whole.
You can find relief from misery on the spot.
Take advantage of the only method that heals.


Freedom Of Release

An intentional and voluntary process
By which one undergoes a change in feelings and
Attitude regarding an offense – this is what
Is defined as forgiveness. When the heart is shut
It can’t happen, so it’s helpful to understand
The most beneficial nature of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a powerful spiritual
Tool especially for people willing to move
Away from the lower levels of consciousness.
It’s a virtuous act. You don’t have to express
To the offender your change of heart because you’ve
Reached a place where you’re not into that rationale.

Emotional forgiveness is for you – not the
Offender. Scientific studies have proven
That people who forgive are much happier than
Those who harbor resentments. So make it a plan
To forgive your trespassers. Healing begins when
You decide that it’s healthier to be hate free.

People are programmed by society and past
Karmic tendencies. The collective ignorance
Of the world keeps folks trapped in the lower levels.
Justified is our anger, and it bedevils
Our behavior. Are we in a spiral death dance?
Can forgiveness become a part of the forecast?

It’s Not Lost

American Village

All white men are created equal. It’s Not Lost
In the language of those who came here to conquer
Or to ‘colonize.’ It’s working exactly how
It was written. The document didn’t allow
Any mention of women. They were, as it were,
Nonexistent as people. How much has it cost?

Striking is the stupidity of landing here
Thinking that you’ve reached India. What a mistake.
But no one ever talks about that. It’s okay
To treat the indigenous people in this way.
It’s Not Lost. It is written. Why not come awake
To the truth which is made to all perfectly clear?

Merciless savages are what natives were called.
Black people were seen only as sixty percent
Of a person. So only land-owning white men
Could be called “We The People.” The document, then,
Is a work of irrelevance. It’s only meant
For a certain group. Everyone should be appalled.

Should it shock us that women are still making less
Than their male counterparts? Should we not be surprised
That our prisons are filled with people of color?
Can we not see that the gap between rich and poor
Only grows? What is written, although it’s despised,
Is the foundation of this nation’s wickedness.

Starting Your Day

Beginning The Segment

When you first start out your day – anytime, really –
You get to choose which frequency you will tune to.
Things are already moving. Law of Attraction
Picks up right from where you are. If nothing is done
To align yourself with the better part of you,
Then the peace that you would have will not come to be.

If you had an argument with someone last night
Then you start that whole ball of wax over again
By defending yourself and by justifying
Just how wrong they were, then you’re only denying
Yourself of who you really are. You will know when
The events of the present day don’t turn out right.

In the same way, you can’t tune your radio dial
To ninety-seven FM and expect to hear
What’s broadcasted on ninety-five FM because
The frequencies are different. These are the laws
Of the physics of this world. It’s perfectly clear
That you should choose a frequency that is worthwhile.

And that’s easy. You simply have to be aware
Of your point of attraction, and then do something
About it if it’s tainted. You evaluate
How you feel in each moment. You get to create
Your experience, and it’s exhilarating
To behold life improving because of your care.

Act As If You Have It

Lavish Living

Everything that’s perceived is a realization
Of vibrations. Your senses translate them into
Your reality, so your interpretation
Is something that’s experienced by everyone,
And to see what’s always being revealed to you
Requires readiness to receive information.

Your path of least resistance is now and always
Projected with such clarity, but sometimes you
Are not in the receptive mode. If you’re bummed out
Or you feel somehow unworthy, then there’s no doubt
That you won’t see what’s coming from out of the blue
To assist you in ways that delight and amaze.

Your receptive mode does vary from day to day
And from moment to moment within each, and you
Can notice when you have moments of clarity.
Your emotions will indicate accurately
How receptive you are. It has nothing to do
With the people and things you think get in your way.

Find the feeling place of what you want and believe
That you already have it. You can conjure it
By pretending and acting as if it’s all done
And by ignoring the advice of anyone
Who does not share your vision. You will benefit
From the altered vibration that you will achieve.

Shift Your Thoughts

Mental Maintenance

What’s missing isn’t missing. It’s well on the way.
Think about manifesting this way and you will
Be in perfect alignment with your cherished dream.
Don’t be fearful of focusing in the extreme
On the thing that you’re wanting. Just go for the thrill
Of daydreaming. In a positive mood you’ll stay.

There’s no trick to getting your thoughts more harmonized
With ‘that which does nothing but leaves nothing undone.’
It can be the natural way you think always.
Life can be offered to you with fragrant bouquets.
You’re that which is eternal, and you are the one
Who can choose to be happy and God energized.

“With my luck it won’t work out.” This sick attitude
Is a tape played by many. “With my luck it will
Show up faster than normal.”
Now, this is the way

To speak to the universe. It’s a brand-new day
When you can get the negative mind to be still.
You’ll achieve easily whatever is pursued.

You will become a collaborator with fate.
When you let go of gossip, the cheap tabloid news,
And the negative circus. You can radiate
Outward God realized thinking. Do not let hate
Become part of your consciousness. You are one whose
Powerful mind can keep you in a happy state.

What Not To Share

Keep It Secret

If you could be an open book to everyone,
That would not necessarily be a good thing.
Not all information about you should be shared.
You may be haunted by things that you have declared
In thinking that others find you interesting.
You may not be aware of all the damage done.

Avoid negative people. They have a problem
For every solution. They’re a social disease.
The value of achievement lies in achieving.
Don’t let other people keep you from believing
In yourself. Do not be so damned willing to please.
If they become your problem, then get rid of them.

What goes on inside your wallet is nobody’s
Business, nor are your issues of relationship.
Share your goals only with the people you can trust
Because your motivation will crumble to dust.
Don’t tell others your weaknesses. Who give a rip?
It is worth just as much as a piss in the breeze.

Love brings much happiness – so much more than paining
For anther reduces pain, so don’t ignore
Situations of others. Be compassionate
And mindful of the vibration you radiate.
Share your dreams with your world, but do not tell them more
Than they need to know. Do not be entertaining.

Own Your Feelings

Emotional Collage

You can’t cover up feelings with words or actions.
You must own them. Admit how you’re feeling – not for
Any other, but yourself. To thine self be true.
Your emotions are the only guidance for you.
Calibrate to good feelings, and you’ll receive more.
You will need patience with the more difficult ones.

You’ve got to own how you feel, otherwise feedback
You can’t get. It makes you fell that ‘they’ are at fault,
But there is no assertion. You feel as you do
By your own choice. Your feelings are all about you.
Never should they be taken with a grain of salt.
In your knowing this, you will cut others some slack.

You may want someone to behave a certain way
That seems ‘right’ to you. You must clearly understand
That all people have free will. You can’t interfere
With their path. The message is meant to be austere.
Of your own feelings you have been given command.
Don’t expect someone else to make happy your day.

Your emotion is also known as vibration.
The realness of its energy can’t be denied.
Use it for your own guidance. That’s what it is for.
It will lead you to all the things that you adore.
The best part of it is that you get to decide
How to feel. This is relevant to everyone.

Emotional Calibration

Colorful Weights

I like how responsive the Law of Attraction
Is to what I have calibrated myself to.
I can tell by the way I feel whether or not
I’m aligned with what I want. It matters a lot
That I keep myself happy in all that I do.
Emotions are perfect guidance for everyone.

Abundance expands proportionately to match
The desires of the planet. My dream has come true.
Everything falls into place just like the Law states.
Positive attitude throws open the floodgates
Of blessings of affluence. Each moment brings new
Inspiration. Lord knows I could use a big batch.

When it feels wrong to share how I feel with someone,
I recall that not everyone I encounter
Vibrates at the same frequency as I do, so
I can calibrate to the little that they know,
Or remain at my level. What I would prefer
Is to not have my attitude become undone.

I reach further than I am and then calibrate
To the new as I feel and then calibrate more.
That’s the deliciousness of life. There’s no ending
To the tweaking and my blissfully ascending
The emotional ladder. The life I adore
I am living because I am free to create.

Expect Only What You Want

Creation In Stillness

She was hired to be master of ceremonies
At a huge event. Thousands of people or more
Were to gather. The prime minister would be there.
Since it was such an important and grand affair,
Something occurred to her that she couldn’t ignore.
It came on with the grace of a gentle cool breeze.

She wanted to have her picture taken with him,
Although she knew not of him nor had she a clue
As to how this would happen. She stuck to her dream.
One could say she was positive to the extreme.
She was full on determined to make this come true.
Normal friends would insist that here chances were slim.

Having her picture taken with the head of state
Would go extremely well in her portfolio.
She savored the feeling of it having happened.
Is this something that normal folks can’t comprehend?
Friends who say it’s impossible can be let go.
Do not let them train you into what you create.

She arrived at the stadium some time before
The event was to happen. No others were there
Except one person to whom she told with much zeal
Of her dream. She was fixated on her ideal.
To everyone she met she would proudly declare
Her intention. Her excitement she would explore.

It turns out that this person who was there early
Was the wife of the son of someone related
To the prime minister. She said she would arrange
For a photo shoot. This story shouldn’t sound strange.
Our blind trust in how things are is overrated.
Power you have to have things the way they should be.

The Most Selfish Thing

Psychic Hygiene

“We’ll become lovers of ourselves in the last days.”
Are they here now? Are we witnessing our demise?
The most popular photograph is the selfie.
Is it easy to find human nature to be
Egocentric? The answer comes as no surprise.
Yes it is. Is this attitude worthy of praise?

It’s a thing done in innocence in most cases.
Giving of oneself is the general intent.
But the cumulative vibration is such that
We pay much less attention to those who are at
A bad point in their lives and who suffer torment.
Concern is only with what the heart embraces.

Our society forces success down our throats.
We will do what we can to be influential.
We all want to be followed. We all want to lead.
In the process many become fettered in greed.
Our comparisons with others is essential
To our happiness. The attention floats our boats.

At some point one will ask oneself, “Where is my soul?
Is it where it belongs? Do I have a kind heart?
Do I need to take credit for all that I do?
Do I want to see others achieve success too?
When it comes to my happiness, where does it start?”

Giving of oneself is the spiritual goal.

Reverse Racism?

The Yang Of The Yin

How could I become racist if I wanted to?
Would I be somewhat twisted if that were my dream?
There’s sufficient insanity established now
Among all the world’s nations. The hate we allow
To consume and divide us. Much to the extreme
Do we take differences in all that we do.

What’s it like to be human? Well, that all depends
On what color my skin is and where I come from.
This is human behavior. The ‘cream of the crop’
Notion masters the mindset. Unable to stop
The commission of hatred, we must treat as scum
Some portion of the populous. We can’t be friends.

A grand time machine is all that I’d really need.
I’d go back before there were colonizations.
I’d convince all the leaders of Africa and
All the other dark nations to occupy land
In Europe. All whites would be put on plantations
In the rice fields of China. White slaves I would breed.

Then, I would be a racist, and having come back
To the present, I would have a deep sense of pride
And aversion to others who don’t look like me.
We would joke about why ‘they’ can’t dance soulfully.
The white race as a whole would feel empty inside.
In this way could I call myself proud to be black?


Perpetual Collaboration

If you want to do business then go right ahead.
Stop asking yourself questions and living in doubt
That it can ever happen. Your nine to five job
That you’ve come to despise definitely will rob
You of happiness which is what life is about.
It’s not healthy to continue something you dread.

Just Do It! But don’t do it because someone claims
To have made tons of money. It is but a scam.
Do what you do with passion. What comes from the heart
Is of intrinsic value. The moment you start
Seeing yourself as worthy you won’t give a damn
Any longer about playing sick social games.

Many people believe they are incapable
Of achieving great things so they settle for less
Than they’re worth. They are living mediocracy.
Believing this is the only way things can be,
In their lives they achieve little to no success,
And happiness is always inaccessible.

Once you have decided, know your industry well.
Learn from those at the top. Research all that you can.
Find your niche, and be master of what you provide
To the world. What you love is done with special pride.
Get with likeminded people, and stick to your plan.
Go the path that the passionate heart does compel.

Life Is A Hoax

A Grand Illusion

The physical universe is basically
Playful, and our existence is interesting,
Yet there is no necessity whatsoever
For the beingness nothingness dares endeavor.
But it’s all here – this grossly perpetual thing
That all is. So does it have every right to be?

It has no destination. It simply exists
In a complex arrangement of infinite cause
And effect between galactic forces at play
That make wonderful music. It wants to convey
Harmony within chaos. It has many laws.
Nonexistence is something it clearly resists.

In this culture it’s all about making the grade.
From the time we’re young children until we are old
We’re taught to get to the ordeal on to success.
We spend most of our adult lives under much stress.
We find out late in life that we’ve been undersold
By ourselves. The best part of us hasn’t been played.

What a bitterly dreadful hoax your life could be
If you won’t hear the music the universe plays.
Serious was your intent before coming here
That you would sing or dance. Are you anywhere near
Your life purpose? Is it one that you yourself praise?
While the music is playing, take part in the glee.

Who Is Going To Intervene?

Call To Justice

Who values corporate profits? No one like me,
But some people do, and so does our government.
Petty little is spent on peacebuilding measures.
It is clear that we are a nation that treasures
Corporations. When did we begin our descent
Into social psychosis to this grave degree?

A greater incidence of peace and a lower
Incidence of conflict, the statistics have shown,
Happens when there’s greater economic power
For women and when all children want to devour
What they’re learning, and when women are left alone.
Since this isn’t happening we evolve slower.

The reduction of violence against women
And immense lessening of human suffering
Are the things all must value if we’re to survive.
When people are less in despair then they will thrive
And feel that they can do just about anything.
What has not been done before can’t be done again.

Virulent is the strain of capitalism
That has hijacked America since the eighties.
It has corrupted our government to its core.
We have war because in it the profit is more,
And wellness is less profitable than disease,
And we have not a handle on our racism.

The Inner Critic And Social Comparison

The Self-Examiner

You can undermine yourself with what can be called
Critical truths about yourself that are based on
Feelings of inferiority, but any
Fair minded jury would reject this completely.
Even your own worst enemy can’t come upon
What you can. You’ve an internal critic installed.

Feeling inferior comes from your measuring
Yourself against someone else or just everyone.
It is a false conception. We each are unique.
At least in some areas all persons are weak.
All are good at some things, and without exception
Each of us has to this earth a whole lot to bring.

Many people believe they’re so inferior
That they simply can’t live with themselves. It’s a shame
That they must be superior at any cost.
Haphazard are the gains, and much of them is lost
While attempting to play in such a lethal game.
They are trapped and controlled by the way they keep score.

Inferiority and its weak counterpart,
Superiority, are both of the same coin.
Counterfeit are their essence. They are illusions.
Recognizing your own worth and how the world runs,
You will come up with solutions straight from the groin
To get your inner critic aligned with your heart.

The Outcome

Freedom's ResultCircumstances are that someone has done you wrong.
The offense was egregious, and for many years
You have keep this inside you. It has caused you harm.
Ultimately it is better that you disarm
But it is difficult to just up and shift gears.
Your contempt for the oppressor is surely strong.

“Let it go,” people tell you, and it drives you nuts.
You’re tempted to tell them to go take a long hike.
But that’s not a solution. You have to admit
That your negative feelings render you unfit
For wholesome interaction with people you like.
Your style and demeanor are controlled by your guts.

Justice for the oppressor may not come to pass
In this lifetime so that karma must be postponed.
At this point, it is time to tear up the contract
That was made in eternity. But for the fact
That a sick crusty bastard is better disowned
There’s no point in trying to engage the crevasse.

The airport of contentment has no baggage claim.
Relief is absolute if you can let it go.
All that can be done can be done all mentally.
To release and forgive is the way to be free
Of the issue completely so that you can grow
In spirit. In the long run your peace is the aim.

Self-Esteem And Oneself

Darkness Of Spirit

Am I confident in who I am or am I
Struggling seeing worth as it pertains to me?
This affects how I think and feel and how I act.
I feel there’s nothing left in this world to distract
Me from myself and everyone. All that I see
Is sorrow sorely strangled. I’ve no alibi.

If I could say I’m sorry to those I have harmed
I might feel a lot better, though this won’t occur.
My darkness has a thickness outside of pitch-black.
Along with many other things, courage I lack
And a clue as to what to do. I would prefer
That the cross hairs of circumstance are not alarmed.

Guilt encrusted avoidance and isolation
Are to my full advantage. Passively I wait
For something bad to happen. I figure I’m due
For the next indiscriminate turn of the screw
All the time. Where the hell is there time to create?
If I keep feeling this way, indeed I’ll have none.

I need positive feedback to somehow negate
Negative reinforcement that reverberates
Through my entire being. Perceived worthlessness
Will undo me in due time. I made a big mess
Of my life. I’m in fear of what karma awaits.
I’m aware of but reject the hell I create.

Pain Relief

Dealing With Resistance In The Body

All pain is resistance to the natural self.
Everyone has one that is in excellent shape,
But that self is a counterpart of your body.
If you stub your toe, the message may simply be
‘Watch your step’ because it was a narrow escape.
Sadly, the only word that rhymes with ‘self’ is ‘shelf.’

Let’s say you have an expectation that something
Will occur but it doesn’t and then you resist
The process that’s unfolding which causes you pain.
You act on it, but everything done is in vain.
The intensity of it cannot be dismissed.
You are caught in the trap of overreacting.

You are not buying into the natural flow
Of how things unfold in your life, understanding
Not that things are occurring to give you the chance
To know more about yourself, so the circumstance
Of the pain that is present is an offering
Of a wonderful opportunity to grow.

Whether your pain be physical or of the mind
Know that in it there is a magnificent clue
Regarding what is needed for your wellbeing.
Pain can sometimes help us toward better seeing
Things we do to ourselves without our meaning to.
This message is designed for all of humankind.

Let Them Go

Relase Those Who No Longer Work

A tree has many branches and many more leaves.
It provides shade and comfort and filters the air
Of contaminants put there by some odd species.
Some leaves break for the wind. Others die of disease.
One cannot get mad at them. That wouldn’t be fair
To nature as a process the whole world perceives.

High and dry leaves leave branches. The stiff winter cold
Takes its toll on the tree’s staying fully awake
For the season oncoming. It must fall asleep.
To consider its losses would be rather cheap
Because it knows that it has not made a mistake.
By forces infinite it knows that it’s controlled.

If someone wants to leave you, you must let them go
Though it will not be easy. If you know you’ve done
Everything you could dream of to make things alright.
You must know that you’ve done so and then take delight
In the new opportunity that has begun.
As the leaf who remains intact you then can grow.

People change with the seasons, always wanting more
Than they had to begin with – or so they perceived.
Can you love yourself enough to just let them go?
Only in solitude are you able to know
Yourself inside and out, and once this is achieved,
You’ll attract someone who you will truly adore.

Expect And Be Shocked

Surprise At Discovery

Powerful expectation that I will survive
And discover my own life defeats urgency
In the consummate moment. What else can I do
To screw up or be helpful? The world I once knew
Ever changes to something unexpectedly.
Haven’t I learned a thing about being alive?

Well, stop bitching and moaning. The least I can do
In a world ripe with wonder is stop pretending
That I must become fearful for the next decade
Of the ones far behind me. What I wouldn’t trade
For the life of another. To nothing I cling
But a cloud of creation, quite absent of clue.

My illness, though life threatening, keeps me in touch
With the tough karmic lessons of lives eternal.
Whatever there is coming that I must go through
May I learn in the long run what best I should do.
It may be simply by my keeping this journal
That I may accidentally accomplish much.

All I can do is want for good things to occur
And expect that they’ll happen. My life and this world
Are imperfect perceptions of the most ideal.
The remorse in my heart for past actions reveal
That I am sorely human. Consciousness is swirled
In all matter of circumstance life wants to stir.

Life Is A Hoax

The Illusion Apparent

The whole point of my being here is to Be Here.
There’s no reason nor purpose I need to strive for.
The nature of the universe basically
Is dynamic and playful. My goal is to be
In receptive mode always. There is nothing more
In this life that I’m after. This can’t be more clear.

We are human beings and not human doings.
Each of us is a small part of all creation.
But this information isn’t taught in our schools.
If we master the rat race we still feel like fools.
There is so much importance to having more fun.
We are taught to be hard workers above all things.

In music, one does not make the end of a song
The thing that should be focused on. That is absurd.
The song in its entirety is what’s enjoyed,
But this logic escapes us when we are employed
By the corporate dragon. Joy must be deferred
To life’s end when we’re broken. There’s something quite wrong.

We’re victims of a dreadful hoax, having been played
By societal structures with huge promises
Of a life of fulfillment after many years.
We chase after that carrot and swallow our fears
Until death do we part. All the small successes
Pale in comparison to the higher price paid.

You Already Have It

The Journey IS The Destinatin

Everything about reality as perceived
By the living being is realization
Of vibrational origin. Yes, every bit
Of what’s known through the senses, indeed all of it,
Exists because of conscious interpretation.
Readiness is the state in which all is received.

The path of least resistance or most abundance…
Of fulfillment, enlightenment, and clarity
Is always made available by the ones who
In spirit have become all that living folk do.
Am I in the receiving mode? Some part of me
Keeps the good things from happening as if by chance.

My mood is my receptive mode indicator
So when I feel discouraged, bummed out, or depressed,
Or somewhat like a victim of circumstances,
Then narrow to near nothing will be my chances
Of my being receptive of guidance expressed,
And The Yellow Brick Road is a tough metaphor.

If I can just refrain from my beating the drum
Of the things I don’t have, then I’m not held apart
From all that is here waiting and already done.
I encounter resistance, but I am the one
Who must conjure a conscious, fulfilling fresh start
On my way to a most beneficial outcome.

Advertise To The Universe

Show The Universe Your Best

Everyone has a product and service to sell
And the universe generates all customers
By vibration emitted. The vendor must be
In a state pretty close to that of ecstasy
To attract tons of buyers and many offers
In support of good business. One does rather well.

If one’s attitude sucks, the reverse isn’t true.
If I’m stressed or disgruntled and full of concern,
Then people without money or those with no taste
Who are bored and have plenty of free time to waste
Are the ones who will haunt me. I need not relearn
That despicable lesson. I’ll take one that’s new.

Nobody is out shopping for disappointment
Or concern that the business owner is uptight.
My vibration is everything. I must align
With the knowledge that things I do will turn out fine.
Comforted in the present, my future is bright.
I must be in the spirit of hopeful ascent.

Where there’s no resistance momentum increases.
Things happen rather quickly when I’m in control
Of how I feel this moment – less or more worthy.
The excitement and value others see in me
Is reflective of what is the heart of my soul.
I can get to that point where my worry ceases.

A Call To Deep Rest

Requirement For Detachment

I must use the word ‘I’ but I does not exist.
And it baffles the rational mind easily
To consider who I is at any moment.
Characters we must play; the body may resent.
If we just keep on acting and show no pity
We may need to befriend a good psychiatrist.

I am not the performer. The roles that I play
Represent parts of myself who act out of fear.
I am not the damned poet that I’d love to be
Nor am I my well crafted personality.
What I am truly is something sacred and dear.
I am that which is programmed to stand in its way.

Sadness happens to everyone once in a while
And is brief in duration, whatever the cause.
Depression is a different animal, though.
It’s my body informing me that it wants no
More to do with my avatar. So it withdraws
Into a state of disease to where I can’t smile.

When the body says, “Screw you,” and it is ignored,
Then in retaliation it will be depressed.
Depressed means that a Deep Rest is clearly called for.
I must answer that calling. My act is a chore
That I use for survival. Yet there’s no conquest
That is of more significance than self explored.

The Women

Those Without Voice

No one else is there visible. Only mad men
Can be seen on the media and network news
Spouting off at the mouth or the weapon in hand.
Is it best that an ignorant world understand
What The Women must go through? It is they who lose
Having been nonexistent since heaven knows when.

Men who pass gas in public where there’s no escape
From their foul perverse intent are of the mindset
That their grossness is power that gives them control
Of most people’s attention. Their psychotic goal
Is to prove to all others that they are a threat.
Sense of smell is the wholesomeness they care to rape.

It’s a crusty old bastard nation in the eyes
Of the world cast upon them. Their arrogant ways,
Centuries in the making, have stale stunk the air.
Women had been breathing some real oxygen there,
And it’s not tolerated. Abusive mores
Among state and religion have integral ties.

It will take generations. New waves of women
With support of those worldwide pries open the door.
Once fresh air has been breathed, there is no turning back
To the ways of abuse and of constant attack.
Once one has tasted freedom, there’s wanting for more.
Women don’t want to breathe fecal air once again.

Listen Carefully

...And Doors Will Open

Who you really are is other than the person
Who has ears yet hears not the subtle inner voice.
It is calling you forward, but if you won’t go
Every step on your path will be fettered with woe.
At the drop of a negative thought, you’ve the choice
To reach for what feels better. Life can be made fun.

The only bondage there is is your holding back
From that which gently calls you. From there, excuses
Range widely for not going the way of your heart.
But don’t act in distress just to get a kickstart
To more fuss and confusion. One who refuses
The divine invitation is one sorry sack.

Get your ass in alignment with our earth mother
And be freed from the buildup of much resistance.
Then work on the part of you who has not a name
Yet who knows what you want most and how you may claim
All that you’ve wanted of material substance.
Making changes while happy is what you’d prefer.

Building up the momentum of your getting there…
To that place that you’re reaching, become more aware
Of the good things about your life. And in this way
Your journey will be joyful each and every day.
No reason on God’s green earth is there to despair.
All you need do is listen and take proper care.

Why Do People Ignore Me?

Unlike Eyes Repel

If I could be a fly on the wall in the minds
Of the people who know me, what would I find out?
I may know by osmosis or telepathy.
Compound eyes has the fly, but my own cannot see
Why most people ignore me. So riddled with doubt
That I turn to the occult and things of those kinds.

I do find the true answer by looking within
Where the soul has a dark space that I cannot hide
Nor can I hide within it because it’s so dark
That I’m blind even to my apparent birthmark
To be worn on the outside with much pride implied.
There are reasons why I get under my own skin.

A complex of bad habits, like talking too much
About only myself and not letting folks speak
Drive a wedge between me and all others I meet.
People do like to talk but not due to conceit.
It’s that sense of communion that most people seek.
Personality often is used as a crutch.

I don’t want to be ‘negative’ yet it’s my way
Of dissecting the challenges life offers me.
I should keep to my own self my piss poor outlook.
All the jerks in the world I must let off the hook
Just because I may be one. Again, I can’t see
Past the surface illusions that we all portray.

I know that I am boring, but not by first hand
Information directly from people, but from
The collective unconscious we have access to.
I know too damned much about what I have to do
With the pearls I am given, and it would be dumb
To succumb to society’s perverse demand.

The Power Of Walking Away

Moving On

Boundaries are a precious thing. When they’re ignored
People will take advantage of all that we are.
That’s just Human Behavior. We all are guilty.
Even without our noticing, we completely
Take advantage of others. Some will go too far
Such that damage is too complex to be explored.

How does one regain sovereignty after it’s lost
Through one’s need for approval? It cannot be done
Unless one has direction and purpose in life.
If these two are not present one will suffer strife
At the comfort of others. But what of the one
Whose value can be purchased at such a high cost?

When I feel obligated to those I work for,
Or to family, friends, or others I may know,
Then I tell them that my time is worth less than theirs.
I end up in a sick game of musical chairs
Where I’m always left standing with nothing to show.
Is there some sense in pondering why I’d want more?

Some people are real assholes, and some… just a bit.
I can love them just as much as I do the kind-
Hearted angles among us if firmly I stand
In my fullest integrity. None can demand
Self-destructive behavior of me. I shall find
That by Walking Away, true freedom I permit.

The Hidden Truth About Politics

We The People Are Blind

Black and White it boils down to… The splitting of hairs
With complex interaction is the only way
To address governmental issues as they come.
It is hard to come up with the best rule of thumb.
Everyone has their duty and role they must play
In the health of the nation’s domestic affairs.

Personalities differ in so many ways
That it’s hard for mere humans to sort it all out.
So people by the thousands were asked to answer
Many hundreds of questions by a computer.
It came up with a model to mitigate doubt
About human behavior that’s worthy of praise.

A Table Periodic for how we behave,
This enlightening Personality Model
Created thirty years ago is what’s behind
Evolution of politics. Two frames of mind
Interact but with tension. They often repel
Each other when solution is what each should crave.

Liberals are holistic. They’re entrepreneurs –
Creative innovators of freedom and flow
Across borders and mindsets. Conservatives are
Conscientious, pragmatic, and not so bizarre
As to stray too dangerously from what they know.
Discussion is the only solution that cures.

That solution’s not easy, as history shows.
But it’s not like we have a choice. Our survival
Depends on evolution as one human race.
No one way is the rightest way in every case.
Each has its unique value to benefit all.
Interdependence is how a good nation grows.