Tag Archive | absurd

What Is Now And What’s Coming

Group Surprise

You don’t need anyone else to agree with you
About what you want, and of course, that sounds absurd
But your focus should only be on your desire
So some discipline on your part it does require.
It must not feel at all like fulfillment deferred.
You do whatever your heart is inspired to do.

What you want is still in its vibrational state
Which means you can’t perceive it but you can feel it
And attune to its frequency. You can be one
With the thing that you want then consider it done.
You attract by the energy that you transmit.
You want always to deliberately create.

When ‘what is’ holds your attention then you’re not in
The receiving mode. You don’t pick up on the clues
Laid out for you. Your timing’s off. You can’t relate
To most people and you cannot appreciate
Possible blessings coming. Your attitude screws
With your purpose. At the game of life you can’t win.

You must be satisfied with what’s coming although
It’s the vibrational version. Know that it will
Manifest. What Is Now And What’s Coming are two
Different frequencies and what’s waiting for you
Is a wonderful life. Can’t you go for the thrill
Of what’s coming especially since you don’t know?

Why It’s Not Coming Faster


Wanting something so ‘badly’ is not quite the way
To receive what you’re wanting. Too much resistance
There is in your vibration. It isn’t a match
To what you want. At some point you have to detach
From the feelings of your negative circumstance.
Your deciding to is the only price to pay.

You don’t need anyone else to agree with you
About what you want unless they can offer some
Support to you. Get into the receptive mode
Then upon you the things that you want are bestowed.
Be aware more of where all your power comes from.
You’ll get nowhere with all the complaining you do.

You have to be willing to feel the harmony
Long enough that you’re a much better match to your
Own desire. Many people are running around
Blaming others for what in themselves isn’t found.
Harmony with themselves is what they’re looking for
But in all the wrong places unfortunately.

Turn thoughts to things by being in the receptive
Mode as much as you can. What holds your attention
Is ‘what is.’ It’s the vibrational form that you
Want to focus on. Everything else that you do
Is endorsed by the spiritual dimension.
Be open to what the universe has to give.

The Rub In Receiving

What The Heck?

You don’t need anyone else to agree with you
About what you want. The universe is a thing
Not a person. People won’t go out of their way
Just to satisfy you. They do not want to play
Your game of neediness. You do not want to bring
That to anyone’s table whatever you do.

What you want exists as energy vibration.
It’s yet to be available to your senses.
You can’t see, hear, taste, smell, or touch it this moment.
But you must believe that it is fully present
And as real as the real world’s white picket fences.
Everything in your life is of such creation.

You must be willing to feel with deep emotion
How it will be once you have attained your desire.
You have to be a vibrational match to what
You are wanting. Feel it in the pit of your gut,
Then let the fairies of the universe conspire
To surprise and delight you. Your life should be fun.

You must be satisfied with the vibrational
Version of what you’re wanting. It can’t otherwise
Manifest into your life. Be real with your dream.
Be prepared for an unstoppable steady stream
Of abundance and wellbeing and realize
Your potential for greatness. Do know that you shall.

Stop Worrying

All Is Not Hell

Somewhere on this big rock is where I must belong
Since this planet conceived me and helps me to grow.
Now, from this simple standpoint, I’m God awful small.
Zooming out a few lightyears, I’m nowhere at all.
There’s not much more to say about all I may know
Because too much of it may turn out to be wrong.

I cannot comprehend infinite tininess
But reality and consciousness tell me that,
Magnetized to this mother, I certainly am,
If only but a short while. I’ll give a good damn
About my interactions, lest social combat
Be the mode of behavior I’m doomed to express.

Life is short; then, I’ll die. This is true of us all.
Every scene that is played out will be forgotten
In the vast void of time. And life will carry on.
Though it seems rather hopeless, wisdom can be drawn
From the wonder of being. My whole life is then
Given mountains of meaning wherein I stand tall.

I will not be remembered, and that is okay.
Nothing I’ve done will matter to me when I’m gone…
As it doesn’t now even while I am still here.
Worrying is a struggle based mostly in fear.
The playground of my consciousness I rely on.
It gets me through the difficult parts of the day.