Tag Archive | belief systems



Beliefs are what determines one’s experience.
A belief is a certain mental attitude
Of acceptance toward a position without
The full knowledge required to prove beyond all doubt
That it’s true absolutely, and thus it’s valued
As something fundamental. It makes perfect sense.

Beliefs are then conceptual programs that run
Within the human ego, therefore they create
And maintain personalities. Initially,
They’re adopted in childhood and programmed by the
People in our environment. It’s not by fate
That beliefs take on meaning for most everyone.

A belief is entirely conceptual and
Intellectual. The ego mind generates
What it needs to convince itself of what it knows
To be true, therefore it bears the need to oppose
Certain things, and a firm attitude it creates.
Often beyond this mindset one cannot expand.

It’s best to summon up compassion for all those
Dominated by ignorance and limiting
Belief systems and to endeavor to undo
Dualistic programming. One’s own point of view
Can be made to be inclusive of everything.
Consciousness becomes more enlightened as it grows.

Healing Others

Intentional Loving Focus

There are those who can heal others. What they can do
Is the same as what Christ and his close people did.
And they do it by energy and compassion.
But can anyone do it? It seems to be done
By those of a high frequency. They can get rid
Of all kinds of afflictions. This is nothing new.

Typically, such people are quite sensitive
To the energy present in others nearby.
So they can tire psychically and need to rest
Fairly often otherwise they will become stressed.
After proper recharging their skills they apply
In the service of others. They’re willing to give.

One does not have to match the frequencies of those
Who need healing in order to be of some aid
To the natural process. Healing energy
Is channeled through the healer into the healee.
This is done where no physical contact is made.
It has nothing to do with what the healer knows.

There’s this thing with some healers for needing to know
That the person they’re healing knows that they’re cared for
So some sympathy may enter into the mix.
Empathic compassion is the general fix
For a cluttered vibration. One can do much more
By maintaining connection with the healing flow.

Can One’s Mindset Be Changed?

Can Hatred Be Reversed?

“What’s the psyche of those who…?” One fills in the blank
With the offense committed. Our identities
Set us ones against others. How can this be changed?
It will go on forever because we’re deranged
In that we’re a strange animal wanting to seize
Absoluteness of sovereignty distant to rank.

What’s the mind of the suicide bomber? Who knows
But the dead then crossed over and without the choice?
Humans must fight for what they truly believe in.
Animals protect boundaries. We may begin
To look hard at the future and try to rejoice
Yet we’re still just as animals, history shows.

When my space becomes threatened, I may have to kill
But I’d rather not do it, hence the paradox
Of the human condition. Beliefs that we own
Interfere with our instincts. That’s why we are prone
To such gut wrenching hatred. Our own growth it blocks.
Any nationalism means blood has to spill.

Can we come to the wisdom to end enmity?
If there’s no room in our souls for that to take place,
Then it will translate naturally to bloodshed.
We must kill off the enemy and move ahead
Which is why some think we can’t survive as a race.
It’s always been a struggle. We’ll just have to see.

The Mountain Of Gold

The Essence Of Richness

Bigger, better belief battles fought over land
In the mindscape millennial these times evoke.
Prophecies’ perseverance does panic prepare
Those of good mind and spirit for others’ big scare.
Who have made a fine art of the blowing of smoke
Up through those they attach to despite the left hand?

Somewhat hard up for content, this is exercise
For my dance anapestic of daily routine.
Writer’s block’s not the issue. I pick of strange fruit
Then attempt to digest it when not resolute
In my wanting to tackle it. But to come clean
On the matter is infinitely much more wise.

An end times tale of interest to everyone
Must involve a gold mountain so people can fight
For the right to possess it. Is this a new sign
Or an old one rescripted by man, the divine?
Gold erections seem sacred and common a sight –
One in which all religion is faithfully run.

Does the fan hit the feces before the crow cocks?
Or is it somewhere written that men may become
Awakened by the madness set into motion?
We keep looking for signs, yet we’ve never begun
Being truthful about where our evil comes from.
Once we do, we will want to avoid the soap box.