Tag Archive | discovery

Talk About What You Want

Verbal Bubbles

Talk only about what you want – not what you don’t.
That’s a given but many people fall into
The self-undoing habit of talking about
What they don’t want. Be more conscious of what comes out
Of your mouth about what you want. It’s up to you
To speak loudly your passion because others won’t.

They’re all lined up. It’s all about many engines
On the track pulling in opposite directions.
You get nowhere and you’re wasting your energy.
Speak only of the way that you want things to be.
Let it resonate throughout the mind’s reflections.
See the world and your life through a positive lens.

You will never ever really be satisfied
With something less than what you want so let it be
What you want then line up with it. Watch what happens
When you do so. The most evolved part of you spends
All its time helping you to live more happily.
You can look upon it as your happiness guide.

You’ve released enough resistance. Let your desire
Gain momentum. Give undivided attention
To your purpose and how you feel along the way.
Be aware that there’s power in all that you say
To the universe. Not beyond comprehension
Is the notion that anything you can acquire.

The First Awakening

Cosmic Thought

There’s a voice in the brain that just keeps on going
Like that battery bunny – the one on TV.
It is forever commenting on everything
I’m aware of. I have trouble meditating
Due to that voice that carries on incessantly.
It has not much to do with my inner knowing.

A significant part of my unhappiness
Is because of unnecessary negative
Mind activity. I am not even aware
That it’s happening. Times of pure silence are rare.
All my problems stem from the attention I give
To the mindset of misery versus success.

Mindfulness is discovering the simple fact
That there is a voice in my head. It’s an asset
When it’s used properly – like for motivation.
Happiness affirmations can always be fun.
Otherwise the mind can become a lethal threat.
Thoughts of negativity do have an impact.

Spiritual awakening will happen when
I can notice the monkey mind doing its thing.
I shall not try to fight it. It wears itself out.
Meditation is the way to mitigate doubt.
The first thing is the vibration I’m offering.
I can get to a much better feeling place then.

You Get What You Believe

Creating Your Reality

It’s a different orientation when you
Understand that you create your reality
And that you’re the attractor, by your attention
To the world around you. This space time dimension
Has enough contrast to sort through so you may be
Overwhelmed with excitement in all that you do.

Your life is created by the story you tell
To the world and the universe. Your memories
Of relations with others and conversations
And how you feel about things accumulate tons
Of experience. Your life is made up of these
Episodes of fulfillment that you know so well.

You’ve the ability to think differently
At any moment and about any issue.
Your power of creation is what you believe
To be yours by nature. All that you may perceive
Is consistent, but you can make it ever new
By selecting a more positive way to see.

Find something you can focus on, and feel your way
To a state of elation. Find your clarity
In alignment with feeling good most of the time.
When you feel lousy do know that it’s not a crime.
Watching your thoughts turn to things almost instantly,
You will find satisfaction all day every day.

Deeper Dimensions Of Stillness

Journey Into The Soul

The mind is a computer. If you leave it on
All the time, it will get hot and not perform well.
If it’s turned off completely and given some rest,
Then throughout its lifetime it will function its best.
Your are the only one who is able to tell
If its wellbeing is a conclusion foregone.

To get free of the thinking mind is to transcend
The voice in the head that never stops its chatter.
It’s conditional thinking to which you’re a slave.
It makes all the difference in how you behave
And what in life to you does most truly matter.
It is difficult for the mind to be your friend.

There’s another dimension that is not of mind
But of essence. The stillness that one may behold
In the silence has been taught for thousands of years.
It is already present, although it appears
That it is being overlooked. What is pure gold
Is ignored. It is the way this world is designed.

It’s like the fish may be tempted to not perceive
The presence of the water and spend its whole life
Saying, “I have been told there’s an aqueous force
That surrounds and contains us.”
We cannot endorse

This nonsensical outlook which can lead to strife.
Stillness is not something that one has to achieve.

Magic Mantra

Earth Becomes Heaven

I Am Satisfied and that’s the way I should be
Just because I am conscious. I’m fully aware
That I’m not here to fix a world that is broken.
It is not. Why this truth does remain unspoken
Is a mystery I need not the wide world share.
If I said I was lying would you believe me?

I Am Satisfied with what has not yet occurred.
I have not the resistance that I had before
When I was tripping over what’s not happening.
There is nothing more harmful to my wellbeing
Than to say there are no avenues to explore.
Thinking that things are hopeless is simply absurd.

I’d been pushing the concrete noodle way too long.
It has not brought me happiness but misery.
I cannot make things happen. I cannot dictate
To the universe what I want it to create
So that I can be made eternally happy.
I’m surprised now by how I had things so damned wrong.

I can’t turn the world right side up. I can only
Be a part of all that is, and that is content
With all that is. I trust, stay in tune, and allow
The guidance of discovery to show me how
In this moment to be here and fully present.
Satisfaction with nothingness is ecstasy.

Define Yourself

Know Yourself As Eternity Knows You

How do you Define Yourself? Do you think that you
Are a separate entity from everything
Else that you perceive? Do you believe that you are
Everything even though the notion is bizarre
To most people? We each have an inner being
Who can answer these questions from out of the blue.

The Big Bang is still happening. It never ceased.
It’s a process in progress with a beginning
And an ending uncertain from our perspective.
As sophisticated as we are we still live
As if we do not know that the earth is spinning
In its orbit by forces immensely released.

Someone has thrown a bottle of ink at the wall.
The big spot in the middle is surrounded by
Smaller ones. There are droplets on the outer fringe.
It’s foolish to think that our actions don’t impinge
On all that is occurring. It’s hard to deny
Unity fundamental. It’s an easy call.

In our ordinary everyday consciousness,
We pretend that we are not what we are truly.
Without eyes the sun cannot express as sunlight.
We know darkness because of what we know as bright.
You call things into beingness naturally.
You are the universe. You can be nothing less.

Finding Your Meaning

Pursuing Your Purpose

If you died today, what talents, abilities,
Gifts, ideas, and dreams would go along with you?
Recent studies say that most people hate their jobs.
What they do for a living provides, but it robs
Them of their sense of fulfillment. What can we do
To break out of a routine that will never please?

We all came here with talents. Each one of us has
Special blessings that life gives us. It’s most worthwhile
To find out what it is that you love offering
To the wild world that needs it more than anything,
And the best of your blessings is always your smile.
You must find out what gives your life umph and pizzazz.

We’ve all stopped and reflected on what’s happening
In the world. Shocking headlines cause people to ask
Where all of it is leading. What good can you do?
Simply being in touch with your heart that is true
Is more helpful sometimes than a specific task.
What is your worth? You do have purpose and meaning.

If you know what your work is, then start doing it.
In a dead end position, how far you can go
Is established. It will erode your self-esteem.
Inner turmoil and emptiness are not your dream.
Only when you have freedom will your spirit grow.
Everyone is here for everyone’s benefit.


Natural Overcoming

As you identify it in general terms
Then the specifics of it will come before you
Put your label on it. Rather than deciding
What it’s going to be and forever trying
To make the universe fit into your own view,
Why not have faith in what all that is good confirms?

Chill out and let the universe show itself to
You as it is. Everything you’ve ever wanted,
One at a time, is kept track of yet in spirit.
You must be in the receptive mode to get it
If not, then by acting you become self-daunted.
People who don’t know this by now are but a few.

Spirit knows the relationship that each of your
Wishes has with the others. Cooperative
are arranged by Law of Attraction.

It’s your inner being who gets everything done
On the spiritual level. You want to live
The thrill of expecting and then receiving more.

In that quieted mind state, you are not trying
To make it happen, yet you are unstoppable
In your faith in unseen forces working for you.
No matter what is happening, you’ve access to
Infinite intelligence. Perfectly stable
Are the laws. They need no over-clarifying.

Self-Discovery And Death

Wisdom And Existence

Disconnected and sealed entirely within
Our skin we seem to be, but it’s a deception.
The skin is not the boundary of the human.
Our senses indicate that we are other than
Everything else and thus illusion is begun,
But to think otherwise is societal sin.

You do not know how you manage to be conscious
Nor how to shape and grow your wonderful body.
But that doesn’t mean that you are not doing so.
You do many things always where you do not know
Or give even a thought as to how they could be.
Could they have something to do with the solar plexus?

You know not how the universe makes galaxies
Nor how musical, artistic, literary,
Or whatever genius or great talent is done.
It is true that you can’t teach it to anyone.
How do you know that you have a reason to be?
You are the consciousness that into this world sees.

Upon death some believe there will be nothingness.
Is that something to fret about? No memory
Have you of ever being before you are now.
If you happened the first time sheer chance might allow
You to happen once more rather eternally.
You are one with the universe so do not stress.

The Threshold Of Alignment

Adjustment Toward Awareness

Tune into yourself on a regular basis.
The furthest extended big part of you is who
Is the most evolved part of you. The energy
That creates worlds you harness and most easily.
When you are not resisting, things will come to you.
In the desert of life you are the oasis.

All the things that you deem wonderful have become
One with your evolved being. When you are a match –
Which means that you’re not doubting with negative thought –
To your higher vibration, then things that are sought
Begin flowing to you with delightful dispatch.
You know just where your positive feelings come from.

So when you become that extended part of you
You have infinite power at your beck and call.
You have practiced yourself into your alignment.
You’ve withstood harassment from those who are hellbent
On denying your power. You need not be small
To appease ignorant folk. The have not a clue.

You do not doubt your knowing. Your experience
Gives you plenty of wisdom. Your practiced feeling
Of elation comes on automatically.
Now that you know the process it’s easy to be
In the mode of alignment. The good it will bring
Is a thing worth achieving. It makes common sense.

Handling Negative Beliefs

Psychic Suicide

They can creep right up on you and point to your head
Which indeed has conceived them. The harm they can cause
Is immensely complex. All beliefs negative
Keep you from ever knowing the right way to live.
One cannot get around life’s most basic of laws.
Belief systems of all kinds are in the mind bred.

Some cannot seem to change them. They are rather strong
Having picked up momentum over many years.
But they can and must be changed in order to be
Delivered from frustration in all that you see.
The thought of your exploring them escalates fears
That you may find that some things about you are wrong.

You may not know which belief is causing the fear
So you just need to find out where it’s coming from.
Doing that will be scarier than you had planned
But in your getting through to it you take command
Of the issue effectively. You’ve overcome.
A big obstacle in life you’ve made disappear.

It may hurt getting close to what’s holding you back
The more pain means you’re closer to reaching the core
Of your harmful belief systems. And the breakthrough
Will be bright and refreshing. Life will be brand new.
You will then have the rest of your life to explore.
You will finally feel that your life is on track.

The Vibrational Snob

The Frequency Selective Perspective

Be a Snob with Vibration. Yours is quite unique.
It belongs to you only. You developed it.
Your beliefs and desires are incorporated
In its intricate makeup. It’s more than well said
That your personal vibe does its best to transmit
Who you are truthfully no matter how you speak.

Be at one with atonement. No fake vanity
Infiltrates the wellbeing you surely deserve.
Your birthright is the bliss of the life of your dreams.
As you feel your ways into them, feel that it seems
Angels who are observing think you have the nerve
To consider yourself closer to deity.

You deserve your wellbeing. Daily maintenance
(And, sometimes, by the moment) is yours to defend
Yet in absolute freedom to feel as you will.
Worthiness is no issue. You’re here to fulfill
The creation you’ve started. Let Spirit descend
To support all that you are. Do give it the chance.

You are part of the leading edge of creation.
Many of us have fallen asleep at the wheel
And can muster compassion only for drama.
It takes some getting used to the constant trauma.
You must pay much more attention to how you feel.
If that means being choosey, then no harm is done.

Problems Create Solutions

Every Piece Is Important

Things are meant to go through changes. That is the way
Of this physical universe. All that takes place
That is seen as not wanted provides the answer
To the realization that I would prefer.
It supplies all desire, this particular space,
And the Law of Attraction I can’t disobey.

The only choice I have is between abundance
And the lack of it. At once, not both can be done.
Plastic in the world’s oceans causes much distress
To the creatures and my conscience. If I express
Enough comment about it, then work is begun
By the infinite forces on the circumstance.

Such an issue can become fuel for the future.
The notion is not farfetched given we’ve evolved
First through coal, then through steam, then to jet engine fuel…
Nuclear, then to solar. Desire is a tool
That can be used to get most of our problems solved.
How this universe functions we can know for sure.

I believe in infinity – not the finite,
And that there is more than less. I know that something
Occurs more than does nothingness. I’ll take the thrill
Of the answers forthcoming, if I learn to chill.
Can I practice the joy that my wanting will bring?
It is best that I see that my future is bright.

Know Thyself

The Spiritual Mirror Image

Since childhood I’ve been learning and relearning things
That others get the first time and with greater ease.
I don’t find it a problem until I’m perceived
And am judged for the way I am. Then I am peeved.
But I’ve been a fine bastard with my psychoses
And this self-observation – my ego it stings.

It’s and ongoing process. Self-discovery
Grows from learning of this world and all of its ways.
But the self that is studied is of the body
And the thing that we know as personality
Yet the more subtle essence for most of us stays
In the depths of the psyche concealed completely.

I would study myself, but just what does that mean?
I must ask myself questions that puzzle me so.
Is myself the perceiver? Or am I that who
Perceives he who’s perceiving? If I follow through
With this interrogation, what truth could I know?
…Consciousness is recursive and clearly obscene?

The mind is a fifth limb. It will grasp and hold on
To the things it perceives. I know that it’s a tool.
It itself is perceived by that which is unnamed.
The true self is a mirror wherein all is framed
In its pureness of being. I’ll take that as cool.
It’s the source of all selfhood from which life is drawn.

Consciousness Inside Out

All The Cosmos Within

I am doing this world as, in turn, it does me.
Consciousness therefore flows between both easily
If I can but remember this always is true
Even though I’m brought up with a different view –
One whose mental distortions make it hard to see
That I am everything that the cosmos must be.

Every outside there is has as well an inside.
They are different yet they go with each other.
There’s a secret between them: To seek out new ways
To discover their sameness so that both will raise
Ever higher their consciousness and empower
Each the other with respect and mutual pride.

Consciousness is of two types. One is the spotlight
That stays focused on one thing at one time only.
The other is the floodlight. It is more aware
Of the general picture, and it will take care
Of what’s in the background automatically
In support of the spotlight who wants to shine bright.

My behavior and how I feel differs not from
That of this world in total. It and I are one
And the same. This is true for all inside out pairs.
That of me which is floodlight is the one who cares
About all that exists and can do harm to none.
Infinitely profound is the beat of my drum.