Tag Archive | transformation

Healing A Shattered Soul

Cracked Face

About three out of four souls are just beginning
Our adventure through humanhood. One out of four
Is a very advanced soul which means most of us
Are spiritual toddlers. There’s much to discuss
Regarding who humanity is at its core.
We’re a prize to our own selves that we’re worth winning.

The advanced souls have lived many lives here over
Many eons. Some don’t even have to return
To this earth but they do out of loving kindness.
As teachers it is love that they’re here to express.
All the rest of us have many lessons to learn.
Our eventual evolution will occur.

Human souls become shattered when they disconnect
From the source of their being. When we operate
Out of hatred or fear individually
Or as one whole collective, the truth we can’t see.
As we let our behavior determine our fate
Love remains not the option that we would select.

First, the soul must be recognized, then we become
More aware of its presence. The soul is a part
Of the whole of existence and it can be healed
By a method that only to you is revealed.
Are we able to know and perceive from the heart?
It’s the place where every kind of healing comes from.

Healing A Shattered Soul

Up To One's Neck

Everything revolves around the soul, however
Until we entered a transformation in our
Consciousness, we weren’t able to talk about the
Soul except as an aspect of theology
Or an abstract idea that has no power.
Going down that road was a foolish endeavor.

So, this transformation of consciousness that we
Have entered affects us individually
And collectively. We with our five sensory
Personalities are quickly coming to be
Multi-sensory so that eventually
We become whole thus integrated completely.

Limited in perception, the five sensory
Personality cannot make sense of the soul
And psychology doesn’t even recognize
Its existence, so it comes as not a surprise
That treating the dysfunction is the major goal
Of the therapist with whom one may not agree.

Personality defects can’t be understood
Apart from all of the karmic circumstances
That created them.  We each have a shattered soul.
We use our personalities to make us whole.
All through the process we’re given many chances
To evolve hopefully in the way that we should.


Cosmic Connectivity

Integrity is the quality of having
Strong ethical or moral principles. It means
Following them at all times. It’s a positive
Character trait. It is a wholesome way to live.
It would be nice if it were a part of our genes.
It can be nothing but a most wonderful thing.

It is the bedrock upon which good character
Is built, where one understands, accepts, and chooses
To live in accordance with one’s own principles.
Life is made tolerable with loving spoonfuls
Of refreshing integrity. One excuses
Limitations of others as they may occur.

Choose the positive instead of the negative.
To treat others as you would like to be treated
And to take personal responsibility
For your own life experience naturally
Brings about and awareness that’s deeply seated
In the heart of compassion for how others live.

Every act of kindness, love, consideration,
Forgiveness, or compassion affects everyone.
There’s that which leads to truth, love, life, wholeness, and God,
And there’s that which leads to one hell of a façade.
Spiritual discernment is the solution
To the issue of ego wherein there is none.

Embodying Stillness

Meditation By The Sea

If you go to visit a Zen monastery,
Where they call meditation ‘sitting,’ one may ask
“How long you have been sitting? I’ve been sitting for
A few decades or so.” “Doesn’t you butt get sore?”,

May be one’s response who is not up to the task
Of doing the work that is most necessary.

Sitting in meditation, one is familiar
With a method, but don’t confuse it with the state
You are in while you’re doing it. Meditation
Is a state of pure presence. You can be at one
With the universe, and you do not have to wait
To become more aware of who you really are.

The method is designed to facilitate the
State of consciousness, but at some point every one
Must be dropped so that you can be right in that place
Of immaculate presence. Its welcome embrace
Is available to you through meditation.
Method is simply the way of coming to be.

One evolves to the point where no method at all
Becomes necessary to be in alignment.
If you get too attached to your method, then you
Will defeat your intention. What you may go through
To get there may be subject to some refinement.
It cannot be for you an impossible call.

Every Morning

Daily Routine

Pretend that you have a staff at your beck and call
Who include top professionals in every field.
They can orchestrate and deliver anything
That your heart could imagine. Indeed they could bring
It as fast as you want it. All truth be revealed,
Such a team does exist to excite and enthrall.

Tell this staff what you want them to work on today.
Be specific or general. It matters not.
You may write it down. This will enhance its power.
With their infinite talent your team will shower
You with all that you’ve asked for. This matters a lot
Because they want to help you in every which way.

You can tell your staff things like, “Bring me ideas.
Help me to rendezvous with others much like me.
Guide me to thoughts that are in harmony with all
That is wholesome in nature. Help me to stand tall
Through the challenges I may face. Help me to be
In the most blissful state there can be just because.”

Delegate to them. They are good at what they do.
They’re the engine in your vehicle as you drive
And the road that you travel and the scenery.
Every piece of your existence wants you to be
A master at receiving while you are alive.
Talk to them every morning. It is good for you.

Stop The Chatter

Mental Noise Reduction

When you contact a company by telephone
What you get is a lengthy recorded ordeal
That tells you to push buttons and listen with care.
“Menu options have changed,” so you’d better beware.
There’s no choice but to listen to what you are told.
They’ll treat you like a robot for reasons quite known.

Similar is the commerce in the atmosphere
Of the world of your thoughts. They’ll not leave you alone,
And you just can’t ignore them. The seeming power
Of the ruthless thought engine threatens to devour
Your reserved psychic energy. You can postpone
All the negative chatter until you are clear.

Would it be nice to be in a thoughtlessness state
At your own will and easily with every try?
Benefits are enormous for spirit and mind.
When your mind is relieved of the chatter, you’ll find
Peace and utter contentment. There’s no reason why
Not to try this method. There’s no reason to wait.

Close you eyes and just watch your thoughts as they drift by.
Do not stop them. Just watch them, and don’t get involved.
Ask yourself this question, “What will be my next thought?”
Then do nothing but wait. Not an answer is sought.
Now the issue of noise in your mind is resolved.
The mind that is in waiting thought can’t occupy.

Do I Really Exist?

Questioning Consciousness

Can I transform myself? Can I make myself sane…
Or more loving or unselfish? Is that my wish?
It would seem necessary to be these fine ways
If I am to be nurtured by other folks’ praise.
When I feel I can’t do it, I’m rather sluggish
In pursuit of direction, so I act in vain.

So much says I can’t do it, but I say I can.
Gravity is an odd consequence of time/space.
This aspect makes it seem alien of nature
But indeed how can that be? Earth can but assure
That itself and I are one. I fully embrace
What this is that I’m part of as one humbled man.

Within time and space equal, all that I can do
Can’t be done because I don’t exist in that way –
An ego-separated personality.
An idea based on a fake feeling of me
Is what passes for presence each and every day.
Putting things right is futile in absence of clue.

Things exist that I can and cannot do. That’s fine.
I would pay due respect, here, knowing I’ve no choice.
All that goes on of itself is all part of me…
Which includes all of this earth most naturally.
It and I are a mutually passive voice
With no message specific. Such Being Is Mine.

On Transforming The Tough Spot

Transforming the Bad Situation

Lessons learned by children who have gone through the worst
One could ever imagine are wisdom for all.
With our lives, our comparisons, uselessly made
To the wrong kinds of people may leave us betrayed
By ourselves through the process. The ones who are small
And erupting with life know not that they are cursed.

In the mid nineteen thirties, the plight of the Jews
That we know as the holocaust, was never known
By a brother and sister – the girl aged thirteen
And the boy, about eight years. Hate would intervene
In their healthy development. Left on their own
At the fate of the Nazis, they’d no right to choose.

Family Separation does damage untold
And creates special karma for those who do wrong.
This level of malevolent behavior brings
Upon its perpetrators appropriate things.
Thankfully, by God’s nature, most children are strong.
Fun and joy are their essence when they’re not controlled.

Taken from wealth and comfort to life in duress,
The young boy did adapt well. A toll it did take
On the teen and with hormones of adolescence.
Just because the boy lost something, she took offense
And belittled her brother who was a headache.
Her truest discontentment she could not repress.

They were then separated. This turn of events
Sent her off to a death camp where she did not die
But was worked to death daily for more than four years.
As the only survivor, she shed many tears
For the loss of her family. And this is why
She avowed to recover from guilt that torments.

She was harsh with her brother. He now was no more.
She regretted those last things she’d said in anger.
She committed to saying only a kind word
To all she may encounter, for it is preferred
Since we know not if this is the last encounter.
Her life blossomed because she found the open door.

Changing Conditioned Behavior

The Dance of Thought and Emotion

Momentum and inertia are always at play.
Streams of energy sluggish flow with those of speed
Deep within and throughout me. Why can’t I let go
Of behaviors unwanted so that I can grow?
Gravity of life cripples my will to succeed.
Is an answer forthcoming? Please show me the way.

My own habits deep seated over many years
Coalesce into patterns that build the ego.
So to change them quickly is not easy to do.
I need proper guidance so that I may get through
The resistance I’ve crafted. What I need to know
Doesn’t move me sufficiently due to my fears.

The content caterpillar resistant to change
Wants to stay firmly earthbound, but nature rebels.
The destruction of old ways must be absolute
So the tree of becoming can bear fresher fruit.
When a true crisis happens, it truly compels
Abrupt emergent action. Why isn’t this strange?

The ego fears its own death and wants to hang on.
Knowing not that it cannot completely dissolve,
It may generate panic and drama to stay
In a bad situation deluged in dismay.
Not by force but by wisdom I then shall evolve
Though antics of the ego will never be gone.