Tag Archive | attitude

The Dissatisfied Mode

Near Boredom

The Dissatisfied Mode is a bouncing off place
If only you’ll allow it to be that for you.
You can jump to a place where it’s pleasant to be
Or you can choose to stay in utter misery.
What is needed is a positive point of view
There are answers to all of the issues you face.

Satisfaction is the indicator that you
Are flowing with the new and improved creation
In your mind of you’re here and now reality.
Many good things can happen for you easily.
Wellbeing must be your only expectation
Then every moment will be exciting and new.

By complaining about ‘what is’ you cannot come
Into proper alignment with what you desire.
You may wish things were different and think about
How the bulk of your life is just not working out
As you’d wished. Your satisfaction doesn’t require
Any effort. Your soul is where your joy comes from.

The best part of you says, “Alright now, here we go.”
But if you are dissatisfied then you cannot

Go along with that part of you then you remain
Unfulfilled. A positive mood you must maintain.
Remember what your truest self never forgot.
Satisfaction occurs when you go with the flow.

The Science Of Gratitude

Giving Love

By adopting an attitude of gratitude
You improve your wellbeing, increase happiness,
And promote healthy interactions with others.
Anyone who’s had sisters, brothers, or mothers
Knows one thing about gratitude – it relieves stress
And it does wonders for elevating one’s mood.

People who purposefully appreciate more
Have reported that they have higher self-esteem
Than those who don’t so much. The science doesn’t lie.
For this reason you should give gratitude a try.
You’ll have blessings coming to you in the extreme.
Think of all the many things that you’re grateful for.

People who capture grateful thoughts before they sleep
Will sleep better than those who don’t. Why is this so?
Gratitude actually does rewire the brain.
Chemical interactions therein help you gain
Some momentum so that you’re allowing the flow
Of feelings and memories that you get to keep.

The good feeling neurotransmitters activate
The bliss center of the brain. Regular practice
Of being happy trains your prefrontal cortex
In a manner that often seems very complex.
Say to yourself, “It doesn’t get better than this!”
Gratitude is a wonderful way to feel great.

A Vibrational Match

Colorful Frequencies

There exists a vibrational reality.
It has no physical substance yet consciousness
Is its nature because it’s just a state of mind.
Can the term be much more accurately defined?
Probably but the proper way is to access
It firsthand then you will understand completely.

This vibrational reality is as real
As are subatomic particles and their waves.
Our emotions are produced by thought energy.
Waves and particles do their thing rather oddly.
When consciousness is present then each one behaves
As if it knows it’s thought about. This is ideal.

If you’re in despair or you feel disappointment
You’re nowhere near receiving the inspiration
And the insight that will lead you to happiness.
If you’re hopeful then your prognosis for success
Is outstanding. You can solve your situation
By changing how you feel through your conscious intent.

You’ll get to the point where you know your worthiness
Without question. Become A Vibrational Match
To who you truly are and have fun on the way
To your dreams. The waves and particles want to play
With your creative powers. Get ready to catch
All the blessings thrown to you. You’re worth nothing less.

You Versus You

Self Awareness

You may have this recurring nightmare that there’s some
Force that’s holding you down and you cannot break free
From this thing. It’s a nightmare. It’s holding you back
From what you want. You may feel a deep sense of lack
About life yet there isn’t a reason to be
Up in arms because no one is beating your drum.

There are two fundamental attitudes toward
Life and its sorrows. There are those who want to blame
The world and there are those who ask what they can do
Differently. They have a more positive view
Of the world. The solution is their only aim.
You can make life easy or you can make it hard.

That thing that’s holding you back is you. Be aware
Of the feeling of your lack and powerlessness.
It may feel much more satisfying for you to
Blame others for all the things happening to you.
There’s no one else in this world you need to impress
Besides yourself. Do give yourself the best of care.

It’s always been You Versus You. You’re competing
With what you’re capable of – not with somebody
Outside of you. Give yourself permission to own
Where you are here and now. Also let it be known
To the universe how you want your life to be.
Rid yourself of feelings that are self-defeating.

Positive Aspects

Thumbs Up

You may find that the world treats you better when you
Are your happiest and you know how to get there.
Look for Positive Aspects in all that you do.
Folks respond to an optimistic point of view
In a good way when you have your true self to share.
You may also find that most of your dreams come true.

If however you have a chip on your shoulder
And you’re usually ornery or upset
Then the world sucks and life is a constant nightmare.
You’re aware that no one in their right mind would dare
Get close to you. You come off as a lethal threat.
Confrontations with folks are likely to occur.

It gets better the better it gets and it gets
A lot worse the worse it gets. Which way do you find
More appealing? One cannot overemphasize
The importance of your coming to realize
That you can become more positively inclined.
Your true nature is one of your greatest assets.

Look for things about your life and the world that you
Can appreciate then you will find a lot more
In yourself to be thankful for. Look for the good
In all things and your life will work out as it should.
Take advantage of all that there is to explore
That uplifts you. Love what you give attention to.

The Power Of Your Why

Colorful Questioning

When you’re ready to quit you must ask yourself why
You decided to do it. Therein lies the key
To continuing through it. Remember why you
Chose to take on this thing. It’s because you want to
Be your best. Any pain you endure happily.
Just keep asking the question when things go awry.

Why you need your why is because it will give you
The advantage you need to get past the despair
That you feel during tough times. The pain doesn’t last
For a long time. Your why will help you to get past
Disillusionment. Asking why makes you aware
Of your purpose in doing what you want to do.

Don’t ask questions that you or no one can answer
And don’t look outside yourself for information.
Go within and ask why you are feeling the way
That you do. You know well the answer, so to stay
Optimistic in your quest is easily done
When you keep yourself focused on what you prefer.

Life is not always easy. The question is how
Will you respond in those moments of frustration.
There will be seasons of suffering and dismay
But with your perseverance in life you will stay
In the running. Your life is your own creation.
There’s no limit to what you can do here and now.

Become A Vibrational Match

Colorful Vibration

Everything in the universe is vibration.
Quantum physics explains in explicit detail
How the tiniest parts of things are energy
That vibrate at a particular frequency
And those which operate on a much larger scale
Orchestrate all the universe’s creation.

Conscious intent creates things, and as creation
Is occurring, vibrational reality
Had existed already. What has to take place
Is that the one creating does fully embrace
This vibrational reality one can’t see
At the moment, yet it’s cause for celebration.

The vibrational reality you create
By your living life and having preferences
Is more vivid and real than the reality
That’s apparent. Believe in it wholeheartedly
Even though you can’t use your physical senses
To perceive it. Remain in that positive state.

When you feel negative emotion you’re nowhere
Near your cherished vibrational reality
But if you’re feeling hopeful you’ll come to believe
Then from the universe you’ll begin to receive
Evidence to support your belief and you’ll be
Well on your way to knowing that for which you care.

Loosen Up!

Too Hard At Work

All good work is exciting when you first start out.
Then as time goes by life happens and frustration
Is experienced often. The work must go on
But it’s now an entrapment. Ambition is gone
And there’s not enough time left for recreation.
Your dreams for the future are now riddled with doubt.

Don’t Be Tense. To be tense is the surest way to
Fail in any undertaking great or not so.
Your success is a splendid thing but don’t pursue
It too tensely. It will suck the life out of you
If you do it, and you will have nothing to show
For the struggle in all of the work that you do.

There’s an attitude of mind which may be compared
To a clenched fist, a knitted brow, set teeth… and this
Kind of attitude cannot bring any success.
What it will do is make you ill because of stress.
If you play your life like a game then you won’t miss
Opportunities which with others can be shared.

Beyond your wildest expectations you’ll succeed
If you treat your work as fun. The difficulties
Are all part of the game. Laugh at annoyances.
The whole picture will change as your mood enhances
Your becoming. Eventually you’ll find ease
In your work as the tension within you is freed.


Communication Of Ideas

Behavior is the actions and mannerisms
Of the individual in conjunction with
Themselves and others within their environment.
Behavior is the product of conscious intent.
That it cannot be changed is a popular myth
Among people susceptible to social whims.

It includes a person’s conduct, nature, presence,
Attitude and demeanor. They all are shaped by
Psychological traits. The personality
Type varies from person to person. There can be
Manifold motivations. The main reason why
One behaves is a matter of psychic suspense.

Behavior is acceptable depending on
Social norms. Regulated by social control,
Human behavior is studied by the social
Sciences. Their insights are in fact precocial
Birds of wisdom that fly deeply into the soul
Of the psyche from where information is drawn.

The ego mind is a learned and programmed set of
Behaviors. The ultimate spiritual goal
Is to transcend the conditioning by virtue
Of the power within the self that is most true.
Higher levels of consciousness can make one whole.
All of existence is integrated with love.


Life Is Good

Attitude defines the person. It is a learned
Tendency to evaluate things in a way
That is certain. People, issues, things, or events
Are the predispositions which are the contents
Of the ego mind wherein the attitude may
Have a wide range as the total self is concerned.

Attitudes range form very bad to very good.
In psychology, attitude is the construct
Of a mental and emotional entity
That characterizes a person. It can be
The main influencer of a person’s conduct.
Many social factors need to be understood.

For spiritual seekers, it’s good to know that
Attitudes will change over time. By letting go
Of beliefs and positions that are negative
A much healthier life on this earth you will live.
Attitudes will change naturally as we grow
In experience. Your searching never falls flat.

Attitudes laced with jealousy, hatred, and fear
Have been associated with ill health, whereas
Positive attitudes such as joy, love, and peace
Help the body. There is a substantial increase
In wellbeing. Do know that your attitude has
Everything to do with what in life does appear.

Everything In Your World Will Get Better

Bright Moment

It gets better, the better it gets when you seek
Out the positive aspects of what you’re giving
Your attention to. You tune yourself to receive
More good thoughts about everything when you perceive
But the best in all circumstances. You’re living
A life that people envy because you’re unique.

Many people may struggle in an attitude
Of self-criticism stemming from their childhood
Programming by parents, teachers, peers, and others.
Negative comparisons and all that occurs
Is held in the subconscious where it does no good.
It’s a monkey wrench in whatever is pursued.

By choosing a subject about which you’ve practiced
Fewer negative thoughts, you can tune yourself to
A better feeling frequency. Then from that place,
Redirect your thoughts to yourself. Fully embrace
All the things that you know are the best parts of you.
The whole world will in time be on your blessed list.

Look for positive aspects about everything
In your presence. Focus more on thoughts that uplift.
Be one who is deliberately looking for
Only good things. The universe will show you more
Than you could have imagined. Make yourself the gift
Of alignment and all of the good it will bring.

New Story

Life Conjuring

Money is as available as all the air
I can breathe. I do like breathing it in and out.
It is fun to imagine a lot of money
Flowing to me. I daydream of it blissfully.
In my space of creating there’s no room for doubt.
What I think about money I do so with care.

I’m the creator of my own reality.
I see how my feeling about money affects
How much comes to me. I’m happy to understand
That, with practice, I’ll be able to take command
Of my attitude. I become one who expects
Many magnificent things to happen to me.

I can tell by the way I’m feeling whether I
Am focused on abundance or on its absence.
Confident I am that in time I will align
My thinking with abundance. I will do just fine.
Money has to flow into my experience
If I’m ready to have it. Some laws do apply.

It’s not necessary for me to understand
Other people’s perspectives. I find alignment
In my own thoughts and feelings about abundance.
I am one who is able to fully finance
My desire by expecting the wanted event
To evolve. My New Story is as I have planned.

A Powerful Asking

The Strength Of The Question

The convergence of all that you are is aware
Of the life you are living. Your willingness to
Come and play in this physical reality
Is appreciated by the powers that be.
Your body, as a tool, is most useful to you.
Quick response do you get from your intimate prayer.

In your life, there are wonderful things going on.
There is so much awareness. Rockets of desire
Are shot off to the universe which then provides
Opportunities. You are the one who decides
What it is of this world that you want to acquire.
If you answer your own question, all doubt is gone.

Your asking is powerful. Your understanding
Of the Laws of Attraction help you on your way
Toward living as you wish. Here is where you are,
And where you want to be cannot be very far
As long as you remember there’s no price to pay
For the pleasure of watching your world expanding.

Take it easy. Don’t get in anybody’s face.
Here you are where you’d planned to be to co-create
In this earthly arena. Life happens right now.
More blessings will come to you the more you allow
Yourself to be committed to just feeling great.
Answers come through your access to infinite grace.

The Power Of Attitude

Kingly Posture

There are only two animals on the planet
That have kingly attributes. One is the eagle.
The other is the lion. They both are leaders
Of their respective domains. They both are eaters
Of the flesh of all others. They both are regal.
If one encounters either, one will not forget.

The eagle is the king of all the bird kingdom
As the lion is of animals on the land.
They’ve the spirit of leadership. Their attitude
Is such that they achieve whatever is pursued.
Fearlessness in the face of danger they command.
They are eager for obstacles to overcome.

Not the tallest, or largest, or heaviest beast,
The lion is also not the smartest of all
The creatures in the jungle, yet they all respect
The presence of the lion. They would genuflect
Had they knees. (Never Mind. That was right off the wall.)
Lions are lethal when their anger is released.

You cannot have an attitude that is beyond
Your belief. Attitude is a product of what
Your belief system dictates. Do not lead by fear,
But remember your purpose which is more than clear.
Be aware of the feeling you have in your gut
About life and your propensity to respond.

Cracking The Money Code

The Important Piece Of The Money Puzzle

How do you feel about money? Do you like it
Flowing into your life? Does it make you feel good?
Have you the feeling of deservability?
Do you justify having it? Could it well be
A form of your allowing it? What if you could
Be exceedingly wealthy? Would this you permit?

There’s much room to play with here. In other words, you
Can adjust your perspective and get into a
More allowing place where less justification
Is needed. You can get a whole lot more work done
Through alignment than by working hard every day.
People who work less have more. How can this be true?

Those who don’t seem to work hard at all and are rich
Have figured it all out. It’s about alignment.
They have tweaked their vibration to where they receive
With the least bit of effort. Let’s not be naïve
To the leverage there is in being content.
Those who work their butts off say that life is a bitch.

So, it’s not about action so much. That’s unless
You act while in alignment vibrationally.
Energy, attitude, vibration, and feeling
Are the elements that can bring you everything.
There does not exist one finite pile of money.
It expands exponentially by happiness.

Recession and depression, and thoughts of worry
Flood the minds of the many. Reality then
Is made up of our focus and our attitude.
Just as thoughts of good bounty elevate our mood,
A big shift in reality will take place when
We allow it to happen spiritually.

Peace Of Mind

Calmness Of Spirit

Marvelous and magnificent, the human brain
Can become fettered with anger and jealousy.
The balance of warmheartedness is essential
To its healthy performance. Then everything shall
Become as peaceful as it could possibly be.
Otherwise, the imbalance may drive one insane.

Negative emotions stem from self-centeredness.
Instead of bringing happiness and peace, they bring
Only problems. War is part of humanity.
As a species, we are a natural pity.
Can there be something done to reverse this whole thing?
Issues of our behavior we could well address.

Along with physical hygiene we need to teach
Children to cultivate emotional hygiene
So they can learn how to tackle their destructive
Emotions and have Peace Of Mind. This way to live,
For oneself and the planet, is wholesome and clean.
Believing in salvation is not a far reach.

People who have an altruistic attitude
Are much happier, healthier, and more at peace.
Scientists say that anger will lead to disease.
It would behoove the whole world to finally seize
Logical information. World anger may cease.
For thought, this is especially important food.

Get Ready!

Be Prepared!

Life Is Now! It’s not when you reach your final goal.
An occasional cruise it is not, nor is it
Just a simple vacation. It’s every moment
That you have to be you and totally present.
It is not once you’re retired that you benefit
From the good things in life that will render you whole.

Who you are and what you’re about is your focus
But your inner being has an interest too.
It’s appreciating where you are and is proud
Of your progress in life and that you have allowed
It to guide you along the path that’s true for you,
And your readiness is helpful to all of us.

Only wonderful things occur past heaven’s gates.
In this physical world they can be realized
Because this world creates them through people’s desires.
To experience heaven on earth it requires
That your feeling your best only be emphasized.
When asking is powerful, the answer awaits.

Get Ready for the next moment, then the next one…
And the next… Life’s a series of single pieces
Of creative existence. If you can maintain
Your intent to be happy, you’ve so much to gain.
The more you allow, the more your joy increases.
Happily ever after is how life is done.

You Do Not Need A Job

Employment, Freedom, And The Web Of Self-Worth

Do you like working for the money that you get?
Indeed, do you like money and how well it flows
Into your life experience? Is the feeling
One of bliss in knowing you’re fully deserving?
Can you just allow all that its blessing bestows?
Or must you justify it due to your mindset?

Is the justifying that you’re doing your way
Of allowing? Can you feel that there’s enough room
To play with? You can shift your perspective so that
You can be more allowing. You’ll get that down pat.
Then less justification you’ll need to assume.
Feeling good about money enlivens your day.

There are those who work hard and don’t have a whole lot.
There are others who work little and are wealthy.
The latter are the ones who have figured it out.
It is not about action. They know beyond doubt.
It’s about your vibration and being healthy.
If you want change to happen, do give it a shot.

The real work that you do is about energy…
About habits and attitudes and feeling good.
It’s telling the new story the way it should be…
Just as you want it to play out and exactly
As is by divine forces it is understood.
Thoughts of recession cannot be reality.


Universal Interconnectedness

Intercourse among businesses this time of year
Is behavior appropriate to our species.
No matter what religious faith people embrace,
Everyone honors commerce. Yet who wants to face
Their compulsive consuming with guilt ridden ease?
Any business can be one of joy or of fear.

A candle loses nothing when it is used to
Light another. The nature of light is the same
Across all economics and good partnering.
Anyone in good health wants to do the right thing,
And eventually, many will know their name.
Breaking bread with one’s people is the thing to do.

Scarcity or Abundance – these opposing views
Are the choices available. Those who fear lack
Think there’s only so much. They protect and defend
What they have at all costs. They cannot comprehend
The concept of releasing and being laid back.
Those who match this profile are most destined to lose.

There is always enough when you feel abundant.
If you have an idea, do share it because
You can always come up with another with ease.
Give away some of your profit because it frees
You to make even more according to the laws
Of spiritual physics designed to enchant.

Don’t give to be rewarded though. Just give to give.
No one wants a damned Santa Claus. That is profane
But all do need attention and wholesome support.
When one loves, then one’s business can never fall sort
Of perceived expectations. There’s so much to gain
By feeling more abundant each day that we live.


The Zest In Life

On a rock unimportant that circles a star
Insignificant on the outer edges of
A small galaxy nestled away in deep space
Is a petri dish species called the human race.
It’s a feeling of Wonder. We happen to love
This bizarre circumstance no matter who we are.

…At least, that’s how I think other folk would respond
To the weird situation consciousness is in.
I know some people tune that right out of their minds
And rely on fake thrills and rubbish of all kinds.
Insignificance blossoms until I begin
Noticing everything to which all have a bond.

This rock produces people as the apple tree
Generates tons of apples throughout its life span.
Alien life would find us most significant.
All that remains peculiar is also brilliant.
Can my eyes of a child make me a better man?
They were given to me so that I choose to see.

Between faith and belief, there’s a wide difference.
To believe is to wish. It’s a kind of a creed
Or a fervent hope that a certain thing is so.
But faith means there are things that I don’t have to know.
Hanging on to the rigidity at light speed,
The sensation of floating describes my suspense.