Tag Archive | performance

Vibrational Readiness

Frequency Magic

Dollars flowing to you is just the evidence
Of the vibrational currency going on
In your life. How you feel about money reflects
How much of it you have. It’s not all that complex
A concept. It is but a conclusion foregone,
Therefore it should be easy to make it make sense.

Practiced thoughts about lack of dollars will prevent
Inspiration and insights toward abundance.
Measuring money with action and worrying
Will not bring you fulfillment. Instead it will bring
But more impediment to your world of finance.
Your vibrational currency hasn’t been spent.

Just step back from the picture. You can speak about
Energy, which means, talk about satisfaction.
Filthy rich in enthusiasm you can be.
You have ample abundance of vitality.
Cash in your vibrational chips of attraction.
Let the universe know what you want without doubt.

If you don’t have the money, then you’re not ready.
It’s that simple. You must be happy without it.
Your thanking and appreciating are the keys
To success on your journey and relative ease
In attaining all that is to your benefit.
Your guidance will keep you reassured and steady.

The Real Me

At The Brink Of Awakening

The performance of someone who seems to be me
Is audaciously tricky that it would attempt
To tempt me with the promise of full possession
Of what I have already, yet it has but none
Of the pure essence of me. The ego unkempt
On a world of stage acting has such need to be.

Its craving for acceptance renders it unseen.
If it lets down its armor this may not be true.
Ancient is the fine art that the ego knows well.
Its sole purpose for existing is to compel
Itself and perceived others to perform on cue.
If they don’t then the actor can be rather mean.

What it manifests matters but not a whole lot.
It may take reaching great heights to then realize
That it finds no contentment. So does it matter
That all hopes, dreams, and wishes surely must occur?
Both viewers and projectors are what are the eyes
Running a second story with another plot.

The Great Powerful Wizard Of Oz needs a rest,
As its body and mind grow weary of the act
That it thinks it must maintain to make a big name
Of itself on some world stage. It is not the same
As the one who is nameless. Staying in contact
With that one ensures me that my acting is blessed.