Tag Archive | recognition

Your Main Mantra

Relaxation Therapy

Every guru is governed by one simple phrase
Of their choosing. The words have specific intent.
Usually it’s used to keep oneself aligned
With one’s purpose. Most gurus just want to be kind
And of service. They’re experts at being content.
No matter what’s occurring they’re happy always.

Watch for the next opportunity and the next…
And the next to be happy. Your mantra should be,
“I’m to live happily ever after.” Make it
Your Main Mantra and use it to your benefit.
Your only work in life is to live happily.
Do what the best part of you sincerely expects.

The eternal symbol is what you’re reaching for.
You don’t need to accomplish some world changing feat
To be happy. Your recognition of success
Is in how many lives in this world you can bless
With your positive presence. Be willing to greet
Everyone with the love that is everyone’s core.

When you’re in that conscious intertwining with who
You are truly you are love, the world is a place
Of much beauty and wonder, and life is a breeze.
You can navigate any circumstance with ease.
The whole universe of which you are you embrace.
The power of happiness resides within you.

Within You


Many look for fulfillment where it can’t be found
Like possessions, money, recognition, and such
Or perhaps it’s love and praise from others you know.
A ‘well done’ from the world can pump up the ego
But these things when accomplished don’t mean very much
To the spirit which can be in no way earthbound.

It can only be found within you. Happiness
Is the reason for wanting. You can be happy
Without having. Think back to when you were a child.
Any thought of lack was instantly reconciled
With a fun thought. You had every reason to be
Free and joyful without any hint of distress.

Your focus wasn’t on what was not there. It was
On what was there and there was always happiness.
If you choose to focus on finding it you will.
Be always reminded that you’re that person still.
At any moment you have absolute access
To that feeling according to natural laws.

Our society teaches us that the new car,
The new house, the new person, the perfect body,
The money, and the new job will satisfy you.
You don’t need this and that. All that you need to do
Is to determine that you want to be happy.
More blessings come to you the more childlike you are.


Grasp Of Hope

The mind is the faculty of human beings
To reason and to think. It includes perception,
Thinking, memory, opinions, consciousness, and
Judgment. It has the potential to understand,
Imagine, recognize, and get many things done.
It is responsible for processing feelings.

In spiritually advanced thought, this thinking
Mind is the ego. It’s in fact called the small mind.
Dualistic in nature, it identifies
Itself as a person. It assumes the disguise
Of a personal construct wherein it will find
Dominance. It’s addicted to what that will bring.

The egoic lower mind is attached to and
Quite infatuated with the thinking process,
Because the delusion of conventional thought
Is its reason for being. It often gets caught
In a psychic dilemma all due to the stress
Of maintaining the false illusion of command.

Spiritual advancement is the consequence
Of undoing the ignorance and dominance
Of the lower ego thinking mind. The process
Is intensified with one’s increased willingness
To evolve and to spiritually advance.
The true mind is the context of one’s existence.


At One

Awareness is one’s very capacity for
Experiencing. As such, it’s primary to
All of life and existence. Without awareness
Nothing could be known. Consciousness is nothing less
Than a miracle. It’s the being part of you.
Within yourself there’s plenty for you to explore.

Are you conscious? Are you alive. Are you aware
That you are? How do you know that you’ve come to be
Who and what you are? Within you there’s a knowing
That you know that you are. There’s no sense in going
Through mental calisthenics in order to see
That awareness is much an internal affair.

Perception through the senses depends on something
Greater than oneself. The body could not perceive
Itself were it not for the mind. The foundation
Of the mind is awareness. Every creation
Is born out of awareness. All that you achieve
Is through conscious attention on what you’re doing.

Only pure awareness can state that it’s beyond
All concepts of existence and nonexistence.
Turn the mind inward upon itself and behold
The presence of divinity. Then you’ve found gold.
Benefits of awareness are truly immense.
Be aware of how the universe will respond.

A Joyful Intertwining


Since I’m here to live happily ever after,
I watch out for the next opportunity and
The next one, and the next, to feel the best I can.
That is basically all there is to my plan.
I embrace my heart firmly that it may expand
With the universe. This is what I’d most prefer.

I’m not here to accomplish things. The only goal
That I’m reaching for is the eternal symbol
Or recognition of success which is pure bliss.
I know it doesn’t get any better than this
And that I have become an astute and nimble
Sifter of my reality and of my soul.

I want the intertwining of myself with who
I am truly. This accomplishment will suffice.
A joyful rendezvousing of myself and me
I witness. It’s not hard at all for me to see
Many things about my life that are truly nice.
Every moment of my life becomes fresh and new.

That part of me who is pure love is consciously
Sending me bright impulses and inspiration
To keep me on the right track. Don’t sweat the small stuff,
And it’s all small. My intention is quite enough
To keep me focused in a state of elation.
I am thankful for being alive and carefree.

Focus Only On This

Attend To What Is Important

This message from the universe is meant for you.
Who are we? You may call us God. It matters not…
We extend from one consciousness. We are aligned
With the cosmos of which you are. Your humankind
Is our ultimate focus. You’re part of the plot
Of existence. This information isn’t new.

We make worlds, and you make yours a much better place
When you are satisfied and most eager for more.
Getting ready to be ready to be ready
Is but the best emotional state there could be.
Satisfying it is for your hearts to explore
The whole unique experience of time and space.

By your cataloguing and your pigeonholing
What it is that you don’t want and then sharing it
With others, you’re introducing much resistance
To what you really want. The human circumstance
Can improve quite immensely if you will permit
The release of beliefs that are mind controlling.

You came not to just meditate and be happy
In the absence of things that you want, but you must
Meditate and be happy in the absence of
The things that you want for them to come from above
And within you. Your future depends on your trust
In yourselves and in us. How will you have it be?

What Is Karma?

The Meaning Of Purpose

What Is Karma? It’s something that is self-imposed.
It’s not punishment. It’s an issue of balance.
Recognizing that I’ve made some awful choices,
I cannot stop my own inner demons’ voices.
That I have run from life is my greatest offense.
It is fitting that all my bad deeds be exposed.

So therefore, in the recognition that I might
Be out of alignment with myself I can choose
To do something about it… To enter a state
Of being that restores me, I carry much weight
So I must go there often. I cannot excuse
What I have done in my past that just wasn’t right.

It’s choosing to be who I am deep down inside
Without all the pretense of the selfish ego.
By comparing my true self with who I am not
I am willing to recognize that what I’ve got
Is a knot in the third chakra. It’s good to know
The nature of my nature with eyes opened wide.

Karma is just a balancing of energy.
It’s momentum is timeless as is a teaching
Of the lessons most basic to being alive.
It is an opportunity for me to strive
To be better. To my old self I am preaching
And indeed I am humbled simply just to be.

Leaving A Fear Based Reality

Releasing The Fear

The Collective Unconscious all people create.
It contains memories of which we’re not aware…
Also archetypes. It is a vast database
That has the history of the whole human race.
We all have access to it, and through it we share
Basic understandings that are without debate.

Archetypes are symbols we know instinctively.
‘The Mother’ is a perfect example of one.
Everyone, no matter how different they are,
Will respond in the same way (which isn’t bizarre)
To a mothering figure. There’s a connection
Among oneself and others most naturally.

Always cultures of domination are fear based.
Those who dominate believe they have no power
To create their reality. So they become
The despicable tyrants whose actions come from
A deep need to be noticed. The will to devour
Is of self-centered righteousness and is misplaced.

To deny that you’re in denial reinforces
Negative belief systems. Then you will project
Onto others what in yourself you truly hate.
Understand that we are not the victims of fate.
Knowledge of what is dealt with may serve to protect
One from the depletion of psychic resources.

Judgement And Self-Hatred

Negative Fixation

We can always recognize what we don’t prefer
But the concept of recognizing doesn’t mean
That we need to invalidate or take up arms
Against what is not wanted. This behavior harms
One’s sublime peace of spirit and mental hygiene.
We can choose in our lives what we want to occur.

From a neutral, observational position,
We can recognize what is not wanted without
Placing negative judgement. Each choice is valid
In its own right, though it’s hard to see this amid
Atmospheric conditions of terror and doubt.
 Judging is not the way to get anything done.

Everything is neutral, but we charge everything
With emotional judgement. Thus we magnetize
Ourselves to situations that may be adverse
To the way that we want things. Indeed it’s a curse
To hold on to resentments, and it is unwise
To not be neutral. Clarity is appealing.

What reason can I have, then, to judge anyone?
From a place of neutrality I have power
Over how things affect me. My freedom of choice
Means that I can always find reason to rejoice.
What I find in myself that is wicked and sour
I will seek out in others as some solution.

If it’s right in our face or some lightyears away
It cannot really matter. We’re not affected
By something someone offers that is negative.
The higher vibration is to learn to forgive
Ignorance for the soul that is truly misled.
But how many can do that in this world today?

Your Dominant Mantra

Your Eternal Song

You Are Love. Don’t forget that. It may not seem so
During times of frustration. There are two of you.
One is your fettered ego. The other is bliss.
In your everyday lives it’s easy to dismiss
The ascended part of you. So what can you do
So that more of this other being you may know?

Watch for the next opportunity and the next,
And your dominant mantra to the universe
Is that I’m to live happily ever after
No matter what conditions around me occur.
You know which kind of energy that you disburse
By the nature of your life. You can’t be perplexed.

You’re not here to accomplish things. Your only goal
Is your intertwining with who you really are.
The symbol or the recognition of success
Is how much you appear to be in joyfulness.
In finding your contentment do not look so far
From your center that you end up losing your soul.

And when you are in that conscious intertwining
With your truest self, you are love in every sense
For yourself and the situations of others.
You will find that it is what your ego prefers.
Feeling good leads to your ultimate transcendence.
So do make it your mantra. It means everything.

Your Dominant Mantra

The Vibration Unique In The Universe

Happily Ever After is how life unfolds.
Watch for and expect the next opportunity…
Then the next, and the next… And be fully aware
That your place in the universe is something rare.
Let Your Dominant Mantra allow you to be
Intertwined with creation and all that it holds.

Happily Ever After is how you’re to live.
You need not to accomplish, or even set goals
Because what you are reaching for through your success
Is the symbol eternal of true joyfulness
In connecting with who you are. All of our souls
Have the power to receive and also to give.

 You were not meant to struggle nor wallow in pain.
Disconnected from yourself, you cannot allow
The goodness that the universe offers freely
To all that which it’s made of. There’s no need to be
Serious about living. You need not know how
Only that you are worthy of maximum gain.

By not sweating the small stuff, which is of all things,
You will tune your awareness toward who you are.
At your core, you are pure love, and this consciousness
For yourself and your circumstance gives you access
To your life of fulfillment, which never is far.
Be open to the bounty your universe brings.