Tag Archive | year

Countdown To Contact

Alien Greeting

Any alien civilization that knows
Of our existence would be significantly
More advanced than we are. There’s no need for us to
Send out messages to them. From their point of view
For first contact to happen we’re more than ready
But for now they remain in the cosmic shadows.

Our knowledge of intelligent alien life
Is more likely to come from a different place
Like an observatory rather from a ship
That arrives suddenly. Scientists say the trip
Would be impossible because there’s too much space
Between them and us. With many theories we’re rife.

They believe that intelligent life does exist
Elsewhere in our own galaxy. If this is so
Would they want to contact us the way that we are?
Our involvement with war and greed means we’re quite far
From a nice place to visit, but for all we know,
With our issues they may have come here to assist.

It’s a fact that we’re not alone. Intelligent
Life exists far beyond the stars. This knowledge should
Speed up our own political maturity.
How does our worldwide ethics and morality
Measure up with the way goodness is understood?
Have we found the place of love and enlightenment?

A Truly New Year


Human drama continues as it always will.
What gets old is my addiction to the suspense
That some errant part of me finds entertaining.
Though it’s boring I still find myself complaining
About how life does not seem to make any sense.
In a year’s time is there a dream I can fulfill?

I don’t want to pump so much of last year into
The corpuscles of this one. I need a new flow
Of life energy. What I ask for I receive
And this year more than ever I want to believe
In my heart that this is true. I’m willing to go
To great lengths to keep a positive point of view.

Am I letting what’s been given in or am I
Choking it off in some way? I’ve been asking for
Spirit to give me guidance. I want to allow
The wellbeing I’ve asked for to come to me now.
I don’t want to feel disconnected anymore
From the spirit within me that I can’t deny.

Old beliefs and bad habits are due for release
As is always. It’s time to make room for the new
And refreshing. What I shall accomplish this year
Will be done because I will have conquered my fear
Of the challenges that I will be going through.
Nothing is more important than my inner peace.