Tag Archive | unfolds

Windows And Doors

Paths Cluster

Many paths there are in spirituality
So many that it can be difficult to choose
Which one is the best for you but you can explore
Any teaching that helps you to open the door
To enlightenment. Don’t let anything confuse
You about finding purpose and reason to be.

Any path that fuels the spirit of selflessness
Is appropriate. When you learn to surrender
To something that you know is far greater than you
Then you always will know the proper thing to do
In any situation. The path you prefer
Is the one that leads to ultimate happiness.

It’s the path of devotion that opens the heart
To feeling divine presence. Experiencing
The joy of devotion ignites the flame of love.
Once illuminated, you put noting above
Your devotion. Your ministry means everything
As it gives to your life a much needed kick start.

Understanding the universe and yourself are
The highest truths to work toward ultimately.
Spiritual enlightenment is all about
Harmonizing with all that is and there’s no doubt
You’ll rid yourself of much negative energy.
From a life of fulfillment you’re never too far.

Don’t Go After It – It Will Come

Bon Voyage

As I go through my days wonderful little things
Happen all the time. I’ll be walking in the woods
And I’ll have a thought, “Wouldn’t it be nice to see
Others like me who just want to live happily,”

And it happens. This must mean that I have the goods
On my point of attraction and all that it brings.

How thoughts turn into things is by conscious intent.
When a thought occurs to me where does it come from?
Does it come from my inner being or does it
Come from elsewhere? I know that I cannot permit
Any negative thinking to gain momentum.
I prefer not to live in abject self-torment.

That my path is unfolding right under my feet
I know so absolutely that I rendezvous
Only with people, places, and things that agree
Exactly with what I want. I’m happy to be
In alignment with that part of me which is true.
I march only to the co-creative drumbeat.

I don’t need to make things happen nor do I need
To assert myself through my determination
To grab hold of reality. I can believe
In my powerful ability to receive
Special insights and all kinds of information.
My path appears before me. I need but proceed.

Right People, Right Places, Right Things

Happy Times

I came into this life experience for fun
And I like being in this physical body
Because I sense that I had a strong reason for
Coming here. It’s the sheer excitement I adore.
I like action and this is the right place to be.
There’s a good reason why I’m here with everyone.

My timing was particularly good because
There’s a lot going on here. I’m interested
In the people, places, and things all around me.
What we’re all looking for is complete harmony.
In the freedom of happiness we’re invested.
We have no trouble seeing past our human flaws.

I like how as we come together, infinite
Combinations of people with depth and value,
Summon energy. I like how we get to use
Our creative talents to do with as we choose.
I look forward to each possible rendezvous.
I’m so happy to be a part of all of it.

My ability to hook up with the wholeness
Of who someone is is what I most care about.
Many people are in various stages of
Alignment with who they are and I get to love
Everyone with no judgment or blistering doubt
And the best part of me would expect nothing less.

Her Arrival Story

Storm Of The Normal

Thank God for GPS because no one would know
Where she is at any given moment in time.
Dizzying is the fast pace that she has chosen.
She’ll take breaks for some fresh air every now and then.
To be still for a moment would be such a crime
To her mission. She is always quite on the go.

Does this bother her much though? It doesn’t seem to.
Even while stuck in traffic she stays confident
That she’ll meet her goals faithfully. She’s receptive
To the treasures that the universe has to give
To her and all those like her. Her conscious intent
Is to go with the flow she has found to be true.

When you’re tapped in, tuned in, and turned on, you’re okay
With things not running smoothly. The impulses to
Make changes for the better will come easily
When in the depths of seeming failure you can see
The big picture. The spirit within will guide you
Along your journey in the most efficient way.

You know that you’ve arrived at exactly the place
Where you want to be when you no longer believe
In your false limitations. You have full control
Of your vibration and if you make it your goal
To be happy then all kinds of gifts you’ll receive
From the universe which is of infinite grace.