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Power And Magic

Power In Hand

It’s the oldest religion known to humankind.
Magic is your ability to create and
Connect with universal intelligence to
Access the supernatural essence of you.
Get to know the awesome power you have at hand.
It’s the most valuable thing that you will find.

Power is needed in order to use magic.
Power is nothing but potential energy.
It can be used in billions of different ways.
Negatively it can be used or to amaze
Entertain, and delight people, and it can be
A tool for the creation of things fantastic.

At the same time power is nothing and something.
Energy in the atom is equal to mass
Times a really big number but naturally
It remains a potential form of energy.
Any resistance to this you need to bypass.
Hanging onto it only leads to suffering.

Your power is your spark. It is what makes you shine
Your light in the world. Magic is what you believe
To be possible. You’ve the power to create
Magic in your life. There’s no good reason to wait
This one out. Get yourself in the mode to receive
Information most directly from the divine.