Tag Archive | creator

Feel That It’s Done

Everything's Fine

That which you want to happen is already done.
There’s no two ways about it.  You’ve got to believe
That it’s done first and foremost, and then let it go.
Remain positive and let the universe show
You what it can do. Be in the mode to receive
What you’re wanting. It’s good advice for anyone.

You and the universe are made of vibration.
You’re the creator of your own reality.
There’s a vibrational version of everything
You could ever want. Lining up with it will bring
On the physical version eventually.
You’re a master of deliberate creation.

Sometimes you may not recognize that it’s all done.
You may revert to trying to figure things out
Rather than finding vibrational resonance
With what you want where you’d have a much better chance
Of receiving. Manifestation is about
Focusing your mind with intent and emotion.

What you want is queued up. Once you tune yourself to
The emotion of having it. You will succeed
In achieving it quickly. The intensity
Of emotion you offer can definitely
Get you where your receiving will greatly exceed
Expectations as the universe supports you.

From Moment To Moment

Tender Togetherness

What you think right now is a manifestation
Even though it’s intangible, and how you feel
Is also your creation. What’s happening now
You create but you may not know exactly how
This is done. This topic may not have much appeal
But perhaps it may turn into fascination.

Just like the car in the garage and all the nice
Things that you find of value that are physical,
Thoughts and emotions are manifestations too
In fact everything that is happening to you
Is a manifestation. It’s illogical
To assume that your life is a throw of the dice.

The most important manifestation is how
You are feeling From Moment To Moment because
You control every other manifestation
From this moment. Your life is your own creation.
Keep your primary focus away from what was
And keep yourself always in the mode to allow.

Just be present in this moment and be aware
Of the manifestation that’s happening now
And then adjust your vibration accordingly.
You’ll experience your power and clarity
In so doing. Let how you’re feeling tell you how
To keep track of this moment and all that is there.

No Worries

Panic Attack

Worrisome you may feel about what may come next.
You just let life come at you and then you respond
To whatever is happening. You’ve no control
Of your life and it takes a significant toll
On your spirit. Perhaps you cannot see beyond
What your powerful and practiced mindset expects.

One can tell you, “Don’t Worry,” but it’s hard to do
If it’s been made a habit. Your inner being
Always has a vibrational stake in the game.
The way you see your life is truly not the same
As your inner being sees it and by seeing
The way it sees – it can bring clarity to you.

You may feel that you know enough that you should be
Able to get around this. You can find a way
To do this by surrendering to wellbeing.
Things work out the best for you when you’re agreeing
With your higher self. Make it a part of your day
To relinquish all your negative energy.

Letting go of the issue at least for right now
Gives you time to get yourself into alignment
With your highest self then you don’t have to worry
About anything. Don’t be in such a hurry
To go south. It takes just a bit of refinement
In your attitude then all blessings you allow.

Simple Pleasure


Your vortex of creation is full of all kinds
Of things that you’ve been asking for. When you feel good
They come in perfect timing. Sometimes there will be
An idea or impulse that naturally
Takes you places that will make you feel as you should.
You have so much going for you. Watch for the signs.

Whether it’s an idea, an impulse to act,
Or someone saying something that satisfies you
At some level, it all comes when you’re properly
Aligned with your true self who just happens to be
The one who helps your slightest wishes to come true.
Only the best things in life you want to attract.

You don’t need to be the single handed mighty
Creator of your reality because you
Have so much support in your every endeavor.
If you’ll just chill and let it come then you’ll never
Be without satisfaction in all that you do.
Things will happen to you that will seem uncanny.

Your cooperative components are around
Everywhere. You need only expect there to be
Lots of fun and excitement wherever you go.
There’s no sense of determination when you know
In any circumstance how to live happily.
Simple Pleasure in your life is easily found.

It’s Ready

Daily Bread

Life is a well-stocked kitchen that has every kind
Of ingredient anyone could imagine.
You can pluck from the shelves and make your loaf of bread
Or you may decide that you want a cake instead
But there’s no way you would put tabasco sauce in
What you’re baking. The thought never enters your mind.

You may not like tabasco sauce but do not try
To have it thrown out of the kitchen. If you do
You’ll find that it has gotten baked into your cake.
When you push against something it only will make
Things a lot worse. It can get the better of you.
The rights of tabasco sauce you cannot deny.

Just don’t give the tabasco sauce your attention.
It exists on the shelf somewhere. Leave it right there.
Don’t join groups. Don’t protest. It only creates more
Of the thing you don’t want and as ever before
It will haunt you to the point of utter despair.
You can’t establish tabasco sauce prevention.

Keep your consciousness focused on what you’re baking.
In your imagination it’s already done
So just go through the motions and let life evolve
As it should. Not a problem there is to resolve
In this wonderful kitchen that serves everyone.
Be at one with the masterpiece that you’re making.

Blessings Of The Universe

Spatial Horizon

Do you know how much wellbeing is waiting to
Come to you? All you have to do is open the
Crack a little bit and some evidence of it
Will begin to flow in much to your benefit
But so often people have this strange tendency
To resist the wellbeing that wants to get through.

You may be aware of where you are strongly so
And it may not be pretty but if you could just
Change slightly your perception then things would begin
To turn for you. Things will take a positive spin
When in your worthiness to be happy you trust.
Much of this stuff you probably already know.

There is nothing that you cannot have, do, or be.
There’s no reason that you’re not constantly thriving
In measures extraordinary on all subjects.
You were meant to be successful in all respects.
It will happen for you when you’re not depriving
Yourself of the goodness that flows naturally.

You are not here to prove something to anyone.
Rid yourself of the reason to go it alone.
Feel the power of who your are and rejoice in
The creator that you are and you will begin
A new life – one in which you are happiness prone.
Keep yourself occupied mostly by having fun.

Don’t Worry


“Why on earth should I worry? The earth that I know
May not even exist in a short time from now.
Do my crises reflect those of society?
If so then don’t I have every reason to be
Petrified? I’m a victim of myself somehow.
How can I be relieved of my incessant woe?”

Many people just let life come at them and they
Just respond to it so if it’s something wanted
They respond positively. The reverse also
Is significant. Tough situations can throw
One into negativity. It could be said
That to just respond to life leads to one’s dismay.

You’re supposed to have control. You’re the creator
Of your own life experience. The condition
Of the world is not something to worry about
And you’re not here to figure that kind of thing out.
Concentrate on whatever on earth can be done
To uplift you. You’re an energy translator.

Do your living deliberately. Take control
Of you moment by moment. The more that you care
About just feeling better the better you feel.
You can make of the real world one that is ideal
Simply by your being more consciously aware
Of the spirit within you which can make you whole.

You Will Control Every Manifestation

Magical Control

How do you feel this moment? This question is so
Important because it’s your point of attraction.
Manifesting is easy when you have control
Of the moment. When you feel powerful and whole
Everything you do is to your satisfaction.
From right now all of your manifestations flow.

It’s a manifestation what you’re living in
Any moment. Surrounding you are people who
You may play with or not. Your life is unfolding
According to the things to which you’re beholding.
Manifesting can come naturally to you
And right now is an excellent time to begin.

You have constant personal control over the
Manifestations of your moment, but what trips
People up often is that they’re looking long term
When they don’t know enough to come up with a firm
And clear mission. It seems that they’re caught in the grips
Of a limiting mindset perpetually.

What’s the most significant manifestation?
It is this very moment. The way that you feel
Indicates how much power is at your command.
That you have control you must fully understand.
You can reach for the feelings that are most ideal.
In this moment you’ve the power of creation.

Responding To Negative Emotion

Anger Mob

When the natives get restless who should get uptight?
There’s no answer that makes any logical sense
Because it’s human nature. When we do something
That hurts us we keep doing it and it won’t bring
Any change in behavior so at great expense
We ignore any consensus on what is right.

I’m aware of my feelings. They’re moving toward
Something I don’t want happening. I’m asking for
Reassurance that I can get back to a place
Of alignment with who I am. I’m not my race.
I’m a spirit who should be giving a lot more
Attention to the fact that by God I’m adored.

I catch the feeling before it gains momentum
Then I can do something with it rather than let
It take me places that I would rather not go.
How I feel right now is all that I need to know.
Life cannot seem to me to be a constant threat.
My inner being is where all my strength comes from.

If I have an opinion about anything
And I don’t feel well as I’m thinking about it
It means that my inner being doesn’t agree
With what I’m thinking. It becomes then good for me
To be mindful of the vibration I transmit.
Negative emotion I find interesting.

Be Done With Doubt!

Doubt In Fashion

It’s so easy to feel doubt. The more that I try
To feel hopeful the more uncertain I become.
It’s because I’ve practiced that vibration a lot.
Contradictory energy is what I’ve got
Going on. It’s where all my doubt is coming from.
I have doubt but at least I know the reason why.

It’s when I have a difference of opinion
With the source within me that I feel ill at ease.
It’s my ill-practiced focus and sloppy thinking
That’s most harmful to me. It keeps me from linking
Up with things I’ve been wanting. My doubt guarantees
I’ll stay in this unfortunate situation.

How do I overcome doubt? It cannot be done
From my place of uncertainty. I’ll have to find
Things that feel good when I think about them. I can
Reach a state where I am much less resistant than
I am right now. I can get my thinking aligned
With my soul’s thoughts. I can be the fortunate one.

I can talk myself into believing that I
Can have, do, or be anything. I manifest
What I want with my focus. By my believing
In myself I replace doubt. By my perceiving
Differently my issue of doubt is addressed.
With the laws of the universe I do comply.

Why Do You Want It

Questioned Desire

It’s okay to want something. Some make the mistake
Of talking about where it’s going to come from,
How long it will take, and who will help to bring it
To fruition, but it’s not to one’s benefit
To ask questions one can’t answer. Beating the drum
Of self-doubt only gives one an awful headache.

Think about what you want but stay focused on Why
You want it, for example, it will make you feel
Good in the having of it. Don’t get specific
Unless you’re feeling somewhere between fantastic
And ecstatic, then the universe will reveal
Pertinent secrets to you. Do give it a try.

What’s the vibrational underlying reason
Why you want it? It’s because of the benefit
It will bring you because of what it will provide.
Once you get it, it will make you feel good inside.
But you can feel good right now if you will permit
It to happen. It’s always the happy season.

You want it because eventually you’ll know
Of your power to manifest and you’ll become
Better at it. The energy you radiate
Is your hands in the clay and you want to create
An incredible sculpture. Your power comes from
Focusing on the Why so that good things will flow.


Carefree Koala

Can it be looked at from a broader perspective
All the differences between animals and
Human beings? Did we create them? Or did they
Create themselves? Is it really helpful to play
With such questions? Is it that hard to understand
The big picture? Are we all one huge collective?

We’re the creators of our own reality.
We add to what is happening on planet earth.
Our attention right here and now is causing the
Evolution not only of humanity
But of all of existence. All life is of worth
To the universe and that’s the way it must be.

Consciousness has been always the evolution
Of all things. There’s a blending of the physical
With the nonphysical. Intricately combined
Are the energies, so it would be hard to find
A perceived of ‘creator.’ The spiritual
Offers to many humans the best solution.

Animals are more open to being who they
Truly are in each moment, whereas humans lie
In a heartbeat. Why is that? The answer may be
Unimportant. We are all the same energy
But with different packages. The reason why
Is because there are certain laws all must obey.

A Virtual Reality

Future Night

Do we live in A Virtual Reality
Where our bodies are like tokens or avatars,
And our real selves are playing this consciousness game?
Are we actors who each have a script and stage name?
What’s so great about this physical world of ours
As it is now? How much better off could it be?

We are powerful creators who have come from
The nonphysical into this world of contrast
With fantastic intentions. We’re Source Energy
In these physical vessels. Alignment with the
Better part of us is when we’re having a blast
As we’re living and knowing that more good will come.

As we seek alignment with broader perspective
We transmit a vibration that draws unto us
Wanted things. What we want most is to demonstrate
The joy we have for living. We’re here to create
With abandon. We did not come here to discuss
Ways of living that are mostly ineffective.

We’re not one or the other. We’re both physical
And nonphysical, and both are necessary
For the eternalness of all of existence.
What we offer to the universe is immense.
Leading edge creation is physicality.
It’s the focus of all that is spiritual.

How To Focus On Why

Moment Of Excitement

What’s the vibrational underlying reason
That you want something? It’s because you will feel good
In the having of it. So feel good even though
It’s not yet manifested. You don’t have to know
When things will come together. It’s well understood
That things come in their appropriated season.

Questions you cannot answer, like how, when, and where
Things will happen will only lead to frustration.
Whereas, if you ask why, then you’re well on the way
To fulfillment. Don’t listen to what others say
If it doesn’t support the manifestation
Of what you want. It is a personal affair.

Why do you want this thing? “I want it because I
Will feel better in having it. The creator
I am of my reality. I want to see
The magnificent creative power of me.
I deserve to receive the things I want and more.”

This is how you begin focusing on the why.

First, go general, and then get more specific.
You want the fun of getting your hands in the clay
And molding your creation. You were meant to be
Having things coming to you perpetually.
It’s easy for you to manifest in this way.
Answer why you want something. This will do the trick.

Focus On Why

Joyful Expectation

Why is it so important to Focus On Why?
Because that speaks to your desire generally.
Answering this question puts you in the right place
Of rampaging your way via infinite grace.
Wonderful thoughts can fill up your mind completely.
Answer the question righteously. Do not be shy.

You can answer this kind of question easily,
But if you ask, “Where is it going to come from?
Who is going to bring it? How long will it take?”

You cannot know the answers. Give yourself a break
From frustration. Believe that what you want will come
In good time. From the angst you can get yourself free.

Why do you want what you want? “I want it because
I’ll feel better by having it, and I’m worthy
Of the things that I ask for. I’m the creator
Of my reality, and what I’m asking for
Is a natural consequence meant just for me.
I believe in the truth of spiritual laws.”

“It’s so much fun to get my hands into the clay
And to mold it. I want to feel my own power
And to know that there are nonphysical forces
Working for me. The whole universe endorses
What I wish for, and I expect it to shower
Me with blessings.”
You can learn to speak in this way.

Let The Universe Help

Future Bright

You can’t be disappointed and get anything
That you want. Your disappointment is the one clue
That you’re not vibrationally in sync with what
You are wanting. It feels like the door has been shut
To the blessings of living. What you want to do
Is take care of your vibrational offering.

Do not beg God, the universe, or your best friend
To deliver to you what you want from a place
Of utter desperation. Stop talking about
Things in your life that don’t seem to be working out
To your liking. You’ll find people who may embrace
Your dilemma, but it never works in the end.

Your are asking, and it is delivered, but it’s
In vibrational form, so what you have to do
Is tune into the frequency of your desire
As it manifests for you. It doesn’t require
Tons of effort. Knowing the wise one within you
Comes with all kinds of spiritual benefits.

You’re the creator of you and all that you’ve placed
In vibrational escrow. Practice this knowing
Until you begin developing the habit
Of creating things that are to your benefit.
All you need is acceptance to get them flowing
Into your life, which now can be happily faced.

Stop Focusing On The Wrong Things

Hard At Searching

How do I keep myself in a place where I’m not
Focusing always on the manifestation?
It gets tricky. I give up on closing the gap
Between me and my wishes. I’m caught in a trap
Of my own making. There must be some solution
To the issue. Indeed I am in a tough spot.

“I’ll go forth. I’ll define. I’ll align and receive,
Then experience the awesome deliciousness
Of watching it come together. I’ll mold the clay
With my mind and with pleasure throughout every day.”

This promise you made to yourself is nothing less
Than your purpose for living. This you must believe.

The eternal unfolding of your life means that
You cannot get it wrong because it’s never done.
You can have a wonderful life experience
Moment by moment. Complaining makes little sense.
You’ve put much into your Vortex of Creation.
You can pull from it as if from a magic hat.

You are guided through the path of least resistance
When you are open to it. You came to create
From the contrast life offers. Release the burden
With its tentacles in your now so you can then
Find something easier on which to concentrate.
Things work out for the better if given the chance.

Emotional Calibration

Colorful Weights

I like how responsive the Law of Attraction
Is to what I have calibrated myself to.
I can tell by the way I feel whether or not
I’m aligned with what I want. It matters a lot
That I keep myself happy in all that I do.
Emotions are perfect guidance for everyone.

Abundance expands proportionately to match
The desires of the planet. My dream has come true.
Everything falls into place just like the Law states.
Positive attitude throws open the floodgates
Of blessings of affluence. Each moment brings new
Inspiration. Lord knows I could use a big batch.

When it feels wrong to share how I feel with someone,
I recall that not everyone I encounter
Vibrates at the same frequency as I do, so
I can calibrate to the little that they know,
Or remain at my level. What I would prefer
Is to not have my attitude become undone.

I reach further than I am and then calibrate
To the new as I feel and then calibrate more.
That’s the deliciousness of life. There’s no ending
To the tweaking and my blissfully ascending
The emotional ladder. The life I adore
I am living because I am free to create.

You Don’t Create Alone


Your Vortex of Creation is filled with all kinds
Of things that you’ve created ever since day one
Of existence. It’s accessed vibrationally.
When you’re feeling good, things that you’ve put there will be
Your reality. So simply by having fun,
You can manifest. This fact boggles people’s minds.

It comes in perfect timing. Sometimes it will be
An idea or impulse to act in a way
That would not have occurred to you were you not in
The right place at the right time, and as you begin
To see your life as one huge, magnificent play,
All kinds of opportunities then you will see.

Start hanging around people who are uplifting.
We are each a cooperative component
Of another – or others. You are not alone.
We provide one another what needs to be known
To create. We are gathered by conscious intent.
To the table, the best of our true selves we bring.

You don’t need to be the single-handed, mighty
Creator of your own life. Much help is at hand.
In your determination to act correctly
For approval from others, let down you will be.
Your creative spirit is made free to expand
In a world so abundant in variety.

Manifest How You Feel

Allow Joy

What is manifestation? Is it the new car,
Or the big raise in salary? Is it romance,
Or a fun-filled vacation? The way that you feel
Is a manifestation. Your feelings are real
And important. You can, in any circumstance,
Be a kind, loving person. This is who you are.

Your life unfolding is a manifestation.
And in rapid succession as moments go by,
You create in each one of them how much of you
Is getting through to others. If you’re feeling blue,
There’s not much of you present. You may wonder why
You feel trapped in an unworthy situation.

You have constant personal control over the
Manifestation of your moment. Stop looking
To the future. You have not enough clarity
Or power. Your concern keeps you from being free
To be the chef who knows what the hell is cooking
In your own kitchen. Right Now is where you should be.

Just be present in this moment and be aware
Of the manifestation that’s happening now.
You then adjust your vibration accordingly.
The good feelings that you have are the primary
Creations of your moments because they allow
You control of all of the things for which you care.

Let It In

Enjoy Life's Treasures

You’re the creator of your own experience.
The world isn’t broken. It’s just varied in ways
That cause clarification of what you prefer.
Do not place your bets on whatever may occur
In the contrast. You’re able to focus your gaze
On the things that delight you and make of life sense.

You’re in a well-stocked kitchen. It has everything
Imaginable in terms of ingredients.
You can pluck from the shelves and make a pie that you
Really love. No tabasco sauce can get into
Your pie unless your thinking of it is intense.
Your pie is of the vibration you’re offering.

Tabasco sauce is something that may worry you.
You don’t want it in your pie. How it ends up there
Is by your constant worry and much attention.
If you form a group supporting its prevention
From all kitchens, it will only end in despair.
Protesting is not something that you came to do.

All the trampling and bombing and voting against
Tabasco sauce in kitchens is offered in vain.
Look for things that are most satisfying to you.
It is one of the easiest things you can do.
Letting in the perfection, you have much to gain.
Take advantage right now of what will have commenced.

Control Every Manifestation

The Magnificent Brain

What is manifestation? You know it to be
Something brought into being through conscious intent
Or through unconsciously creating without care.
As your life is unfolding, you are more aware
That you are manifesting in every moment.
You can be present in each one successfully.

Money, people, places, and the perfect lover
Are all manifestations. The way that you feel
Is also your creation, as well as how you
Play with others. In fact, everything that you do
Is a manifestation. All that is made real
In your life is of your doing, you’ll discover.

Be aware of the creation happening now,
And then adjust your vibration accordingly.
You’re not looking long term where you have not enough
Power, answers, or clarity. Don’t make life rough
By pretending to be who you weren’t meant to be.
All that comes to you is by how much you allow.

The most important manifestation of all
Is a good feeling moment, and you have control
Over that. Know that you’re the creator of you
And you life as it happens. Each moment is new
And one in which you can manifest from your soul.
Manifest happiness in a big way or small.

Blessings Of The Universe

Spatial Providence

There is so much wellbeing lined up and ready
To come into your life. All that you have to do
Is be willing to focus in the direction
Of feeling just a bit better. You are the one
Who can change the conditions that you think are true.
Where you are now may not be where you want to be.

So, don’t look so much at where you are. Look instead
To the guidance within you. Crack open the door
Ever so slightly, and you will see evidence
Of wellbeing. It’s trying to make its presence
Known to you. It helps you open the door some more.
Then you have some control over what lies ahead.

Pick your battles wisely, or perhaps better yet,
Forget them all because each will slam the door shut.
It comes down to vibration. If you’re negative,
Then the universe and all that it has to give
You block off. You continue in the same old rut.
Your righteous indignation is not an asset.

We’re all in this together. You are not alone.
You’re not trying to prove a thing to anyone.
Feel the power of who you are for one moment.
It’s not difficult, and through your conscious intent,
You become not the problem but the solution,
And the infinite blessings unto you are shown.

Let The Universe Help

Allow Divine Providence

I can’t be disappointed and get what I want.
I cannot even mention the hell I go through.
Telling others about how I feel only brings
About group misery. The lack vibration rings
Throughout my life experience. What can I do
To get rid of the thoughts and the feelings that haunt?

“Universe, bring to me from my place of great need
What I ask for.”
This pathetic way of dealing

With the issue is infested with resistance.
Can I detach completely from my circumstance
By paying more attention to how I’m feeling?
Can I dare to let the universe intercede?

I am being given everything that it takes
To create worlds. My job is to tune into it.
I cannot ask for the help to come to a place
Where it can’t go. I have access to divine grace
Only if I move my vibration and permit
Things to happen accordingly for goodness sakes.

I cannot create outside my vibrational
Offering, over which I have complete control.
Practicing the knowing of it, I may become
Magnetized by the habit. I then beat the drum
Of contented wellbeing as I am made whole.
I trust in forces that are operational.

Don’t Worry


I just let life come at me, and then I respond
So that when I want something, the way that I feel
Is quite positive. But the opposite is true
About things that I don’t want. Not much I can do
Under this circumstance. My self-structured ordeal
I wish could be banished with a kind magic wand.

Do I really have any control over my
Own experience? Something tells me that I should
Have as much because I’m the creator of me.
I can have it the way that I want it to be.
I am well on my way, when this is understood,
To a life of fulfillment with no need to try.

There’s a deeper part of me that knows very well
What I’m thinking and wishing. It’s fully aware
Of where I am and where I would most like to be,
And it has staked a vibrational claim on me.
About past sins and failures… It will not go there.
If I go against it, I experience hell.

The vibrational driver’s seat I can be in.
The path of nonresistance, for me, is the one
To be focused on. There is no need to worry.
As I stumble upon it deliberately,
A new setpoint of understanding has begun.
I can run a fine race without having to win.


Let The Help Come

You are given the green light, so go right ahead.
You can’t be disappointed and get what you want
Because such a feeling means that you’re not in sync
With the having of it. You may be on the brink
Of its coming. The ghost of delusion may haunt
And prevent your believing. Do not be misled.

What’s it like to be needy? Well, let me explain
To the universe all the pain I have been through.
Let me get on my knees and beg God to help me.
From my place of not having I ask most humbly.
Yet the universe answers, “We’ve given to you.
It exists now in the spiritual domain.”

In vibrational form then is where all your dreams
Are attended to by spiritual forces.
They can only manifest if you are aligned
With your healthiest spirit and well-focused mind.
Ecstasy is the mood your spirit endorses.
For true happiness you need not go to extremes.

Move the way that you feel to a much better place.
You cannot create outside your vibrational
Offering of which you have absolute control.
Stop talking about what’s not working, and be whole.
You cannot lose by going with this rationale.
You can be the receiver of infinite grace.

Peace Of Mind

Calmness Of Spirit

Marvelous and magnificent, the human brain
Can become fettered with anger and jealousy.
The balance of warmheartedness is essential
To its healthy performance. Then everything shall
Become as peaceful as it could possibly be.
Otherwise, the imbalance may drive one insane.

Negative emotions stem from self-centeredness.
Instead of bringing happiness and peace, they bring
Only problems. War is part of humanity.
As a species, we are a natural pity.
Can there be something done to reverse this whole thing?
Issues of our behavior we could well address.

Along with physical hygiene we need to teach
Children to cultivate emotional hygiene
So they can learn how to tackle their destructive
Emotions and have Peace Of Mind. This way to live,
For oneself and the planet, is wholesome and clean.
Believing in salvation is not a far reach.

People who have an altruistic attitude
Are much happier, healthier, and more at peace.
Scientists say that anger will lead to disease.
It would behoove the whole world to finally seize
Logical information. World anger may cease.
For thought, this is especially important food.

Do What You Can’t

Test Your Limits, Then Break Them

The haters and doubters aboard the Titanic
Sipping champagne are headed for a collision
With the iceberg of destiny. We creators
Do what we can’t. We are energy translators.
We’re good at manifesting what we envision.
The old dogs must be willing to learn a new trick.

Do as you’re told. Play it safe. Wait your turn, and ask
For permission. Learn to compromise. Listen to
What the experts tell you. This advice is obscene.
It’s not conducive to proper psychic hygiene.
Don’t let others tell you what you can and can’t do.
You can redo the world if you’re up to the task.

The world of content creation is exploding
On platforms made available to one and all.
With some work and time folks have become millionaires.
There is substantial value in what each one shares,
And the role that advertisers play isn’t small.
Nothing about this adventure is foreboding.

All one needs is a phone, internet access, and
A good story or idea. Your confidence
In yourself is within you. Those who say you can’t
Are not in a position to where they would grant
Anything of value. Do without the expense
Of distractions that don’t allow you to expand.

No One Needs Your Convincing

The Healer Must Be Healed

Do you want to ‘heal’ someone who you think is ill?
Where to start with them is not to look for what’s wrong
Nor to try to convey to them your sacred ways.
You do not want to inadvertently abrase
Someone’s feelings. Your position cannot be strong
When your attitude precludes any social skill.

It matters not so much what the healer may say
It’s all in how you feel about what you’re saying
That addresses the issue for better or worse.
If you want to be helpful let the universe
Guide you through guiding someone who is displaying
Symptoms of misalignment and utter dismay.

It’s not your job to try to convince anyone
Of what you think they should know. At fault they are not.
We each have an inner being who lets us know,
When we are conscious of it, which way we should go.
In the long run this information helps a lot.
One helps best when there’s no collateral harm done.

When you’re turned on, your timing is especially
Good. You will catch people at just the right moment
To communicate with them. Your power to ‘heal’
Is in your belief that their sickness isn’t real.
When you know things are alright the ‘healing’ event
Is assured. It’s a spiritual guarantee.

Push The Launch Button

Get Things Started

You’re the creator of your own reality.
Your life is like a rocket ship ready to go.
You’re moments from blast off. Why on earth do you wait?
Live your life to its fullest before it’s too late
To create all you wanted to. This much you owe
To yourself. You must be all that you want to be.

Creating your own reality is about
A conscious way to choose what you want to occur
By adjusting your thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives
To those of your true spirit who constantly lives
Blissfulness and full clarity. What you prefer
Is your spirit’s only concern without a doubt.

You get what you focus your attention upon.
If it’s rubbish then that is what you’ll manifest
But if you have a dream that you want to come true
Then there is only one thing that you have to do.
Focus on it only and you will do your best.
You have universal forces to rely on.

There is a close connection between attraction
And creation. The Law of Attraction helps you
To know your own potential by testing it out.
Manifestations wipe away lingering doubt
That you get what you ask for. You are the one who
Is meant to push the button on new life begun.

Focus On The Why

The Most Powerful Question

Things should sometimes go my way. I feel left behind
By forces of creation. I want there to be
Evidence here and now that wanting is alright.
I know that it will never be if I’m uptight
As an unwanted consequence. What fulfills me
Is when things manifest. That is my frame of mind.

I run into frustration when I think of where
It will come from or how or when things will take place.
These are questions I can’t answer, so it is wise
To desist with such thinking that will compromise
My sense of worthiness of universal grace.
I know that it is not good if I linger there.

My thoughts are too specific regarding this thing.
What’s the vibrational underlying reason
Why I want what I want? It’s because I will feel
Good in having it. Such a feeling is ideal.
I’d love to radiate goodness to everyone.
Thoughts like these I find healthy and stimulating.

It is good that I think about it otherwise.
Others seem to be happy in doing the same.
I know that it will come. I am the creator
Of my reality. Whatever I ask for
Will happen. It is my power that I proclaim.
It is good that I keep focusing on the prize.

The Releaser Of Butterflies

Distributor Of Mirth

It is so delicious for me to interact
With energies of deliberate creation.
I am physical now. As I stand in my shoes
I feel safe and abundant. The thoughts that I choose
Are vibrational butterflies of elation.
Knowing love is the business I’m here to transact.

Wrapping up the day, or throughout, or at its start,
Several times I release all I know that’s true.
I’m the creator of my own reality.
I’m the conjurer of my own mood. I would be
Not possessed by another. I am the one who
Is the keeper of my own attitude of heart.

Butterflies in the stomach ascend to the heart
Where they radiate outward. They mingle freely
Among all of God’s creatures wishing only peace
To all life. The nature of my heartfelt release
Is that I’m fully worthy. The Force is with me.
Everything had been set up for me from the start.

And The Law Of Attraction is the grand master
Facilitator to match up all frequencies
And deliver to me evidence I can feel.
This condition upon living is most ideal.
My creative endeavors continue with ease
As long as I don’t become a doom forecaster.

Redefining The Flow

Toward A Fulfilling Life

Life is meant to be simple – not hard and complex.
My vortex is full of things I’ve been asking for.
They are manifesting into reality
According to how much I can let my life be.
They come in perfect timing. I live to explore
The abundance of my world with all due respects.

Sometimes it’s an idea – sometimes an impulse
Or the words of some stranger I’ll happen to hear
That will trigger a positive change in my style.
It’s uncanny how often the truly worthwhile
Happenstances upon me when I have no fear.
There is no turning back. The ill past I expulse.

Everywhere all around me there’s a constant flow
Of cooperative components filling in
The grid of my reality. Being aware
Of it all as it happens is taking good care
Of the spiritual person who dwells within.
In this way I can best avoid my feeling low.

I do not have to tackle single handedly
The bull’s horns or the universe. All I need do
Is relax and let everything fall into place.
I cannot be determined with redness of face,
The illusion of onlookers to cater to
Is not one beneficial to them or to me.

Control Every Manifestation

The Ease of Creation

Take command of the weather as no one has done.
Atmospheric conditions and all that takes place
In your world of reality you do control.
You have just what it takes to achieve any goal,
And you know that you’re worthy of God’s loving grace.
You have healthy relationships with everyone.

That dream job you’ve been wanting or that fancy car
Or the ultimate lover you know you create.
These are manifestations. Indeed this is true,
But how you’re feeling in this moment is one too.
How you feel in the wanting of what you await
Is the time for discovery of who you are.

Looking long term way into the distant future
You have not enough power or the clarity
To provide enough answers to all you may ask.
You don’t need to know too much. Your primary task
Is to tune your vibration so that you will be
In receptive mode – always serene and secure.

Be present in this moment. Be fully aware
Of the manifestation that’s happening now.
It is the most significant one that occurs.
And the truest you that this world greatly prefers
Is alive and available. So do allow
The magnificent present to honor your care.

Be Done With Doubt

Release Concern

Let’s not talk about doubt. Let’s just wave it goodbye.
But before that we need to know what it’s about.
Sometimes I feel that my life is out of control…
Like today. What society pays for my soul
Is a sad, paltry penance. Immense is my doubt
That I’ll ever be satisfied until I die.

Yet, the true source within me cannot see things wrong.
It sees only my worthiness beyond all doubt.
There’s a huge difference of opinion between
My ego and my true self. What does this all mean?
Have I time left to myself to figure things out?
My whole life in review is a very sad song.

It’s perhaps that I’m simply too tired and depressed
At this creative moment while focusing on
Thoughts that bum me out quickly. I find some relief
In my knowing that I can just change my belief.
Could it be that my issue could up and be gone
By my thinking of pleasant things and feeling blessed?

How can I feel my worthiness? I can let go
Of the work that I’m doing as a prostitute
By not focusing on all the ego concerns.
Karmic cycles are teachers. The wiser one learns
On the way to fulfillment. I am resolute
In my patience with myself and all that I know.