Tag Archive | making

The Way You Think


You can change the way you feel by changing The Way
You Think. Simply by thinking thoughts that uplift you
You remain in a state of sublime contentment.
Happiness is achieved through your conscious intent
To stay focused on the things that you love to do.
Let the good things going for you brighten your day.

Remember that sometimes The Way You Think about
Someone isn’t exactly how they truly are.
Think about The Way You Think and find clarity
In your own logic then you’ll be finally free
Of false judgments. You don’t have to look very far
In this world to see examples of people’s doubt.

No matter how badly someone treats you never
Step down to their level. Be calm and walk away.
Don’t become weak by thinking that you’re all alone.
Rather stand firm and be proud that you’re on your own
In a world that sometimes causes utter dismay.
Let what happened leave your consciousness forever.

Not everyone is proud of you. They’re just surprised
At how you keep on going. Ultimate success
Is achieved through repeated failures and by not
Giving up. What you think about matters a lot.
No one can be a better judge of your progress
Than you once your true worthiness is realized.

Don’t Take Things Personally


You are never responsible for the actions
Of others. You are only responsible for
How you act so don’t take things so personally.
If you do, in your soul you will never be free
Of the negative mind chatter. You won’t ignore
Your fallacious assumptions and fierce abstractions.

Don’t take anything personally. I live my
Life. I don’t live your life. If you put your life on
Me I don’t have to take it. It’s not about me.
I can simply let go of the sick energy
Put upon me. All negative drama begone.
I just want to stay centered. With that I’ll comply.

No matter what is happening outside of you
It has nothing to do with you. The perception
That your world has of you doesn’t matter. Only
What you think of yourself matters ultimately.
Everything is about who makes the assumption
About you and it doesn’t mean that it is true.

You are the main character in your own story.
We each have our own story. When people mistreat
Others it usually is out of boredom
But it’s all their own creation. They’re coming from
A dark place in their story. Your life can be sweet
When you take things as they are and as they should be.

Before I Sleep

Sleep Right

If I were hungry I wouldn’t tell you because
The whole world and everything within it is mine.
The cattle of a thousand hills are mine as well.
It would seem that there’s no reason for me to tell
Anyone of my troubles. I’m doing just fine.
The angels are delighted. I hear their applause.

For the most part this day has turned out as it should.
I thank God and the universe and I believe
That tomorrow I’ll be happier than today.
That I wake up to my true self is what I pray.
I would love to remain in the mood to receive
Heaven’s blessings, and heaven knows for me what’s good.

There’s nothing in particular I’m asking for.
I just want a good night sleep. I have no concern
That I wish to have carried into tomorrow
Lest I reactivate some forgotten sorrow.
From heaven I came down and to there I return
With each segment of slumber even if I snore.

I am not the object nor its shadow. What I
Truly am is the light of the world and I can
Change the object and therefore cast a new shadow
On the earth. In so doing I’m able to grow.
I only wish that tomorrow is better than
Today is – this damned hot final day of July.

Stop Trying To Read Other People’s Minds

Colorful Minds

Unless you’re truly psychic don’t take for granted
That what others are thinking are your thoughts as well.
Others don’t think the same way more often than not.
One who’s ill may believe there’s a sinister plot
To undo oneself and it’s the worst kind of hell
To go through. In the mind what’s not true is planted.

So I don’t make assumptions because it allows
Me to hear people, be more present, and not take
Things where they’re not supposed to go. I can be more
In the moment instead of in my head. Before
I jump to a conclusion, mostly for my sake,
To the purest of logic my heart must espouse.

All the sadness and drama that we manifest
In our lives is because of assumptions we’ve made
About others. We can’t read other people’s minds.
We come up with fantastic stories of all kinds
But they’re just that. We’re not on a foolish crusade
To gain knowledge of what people haven’t expressed.

We don’t have the courage to ask questions, so we
Make assumptions. We take things too personally.
We love people therefore we expect them to know
How we feel and think, so learning how to let go
Of our thoughts about it all is one way to free
Ourselves of our self-torment eventually.

Delightful Daydreaming

Delicious Moment

I do lots of daydreaming. I remember when
As a child I enjoyed it perhaps more than now.
There was no one to boss me around and no one
Making any demands on me. It was sheer fun
Just to let my mind wander. Without knowing how
I could stay much more in alignment way back then.

I remember that feeling I had when I played
Among thick lilac bushes as I would pretend
To have fashioned my own vortex of creation.
Within it I would find complete fascination.
There was nothing complex for me to comprehend.
Through that innocent stage of life I had it made.

I could do as I felt in my sanctuary
In the back yard. I felt that I was in control
Of my universe. It didn’t matter to me
Whether anyone outside of my world could see
As I saw. I was not striving to reach a goal.
The only rule that I had was to be happy.

That’s powerful creation. By setting aside
Time for myself, I’m doing my best to maintain
My alignment. Much freedom I have to take care
Of the things that most matter. I’m now more aware
Of how much in the way of true joy I can gain
From my daydreaming when it’s righteously applied.

The Unseen World

Abstract City

The world of ideas is one that can’t be seen.
The best things in the world they are, because without
Their existence, there couldn’t be reality.
Ideas precede everything that comes to be.
Fall in love with a good one and you will no doubt
Be on it like a well-tuned and focused machine.

Do what you believe in. Never mind the outcome.
You can control the action but never the fruit
Of the action. Just go for the thrill of making
What you make. Be aware that it is breathtaking.
Your attention to detail is rightly acute.
You don’t need to tell others where you’re coming from.

Many interpretations of what you have done
People will have, and this is a wonderful thing.
Life is filled with abstractions. Through intuition
People draw their conclusions. Your only mission
Is to keep yourself happy. Your own daydreaming
Is productive. It’s also a whole lot of fun.

Keep your eye on the doughnut and not on the hole.
There will be some frustration as you move along
On your path to fulfillment. Don’t let it keep you
From evolving and doing what you’re meant to do.
Stay focused on your big dream, and you can’t go wrong.
Of your unseen world, you have absolute control.

Love Is Knocking

Heavenly Messages

Are you cooperating enough that you are
Being drawn into your Vortex of Creation?
What a question to ask someone who’s in distress
About finding a lover. If you feel much less
Than contentment and occasional elation,
Then from the vibration of love you may be far.

All that which you have become vibrationally
Includes lovers and money as well as answers
To questions on all topics that matter to you.
Clarity and vitality in all you do
Is a given. It is as your spirit prefers.
You do not want to end up appearing needy.

If you are ornery and you’re beating the drum
Of resentment, self-pity, envy, or disgust
With the way life is treating you, you cannot be
In the state of receiving your lover, you see.
In the whole process you must be willing to trust,
Then you’re on your way to a successful outcome.

Yes, you do have a lover who is over there
Where you’re not. You must be a Cooperative
for the rendezvous to manifest.

Unseen, provident forces work at your behest
To help you live the best life a person could live.
About how you are feeling you truly must care.

All Of Your Work

Tunining Into Being

A series of connections throughout life is made.
How you feel in each moment is what you reach for.
Tuning in hits and misses, but always you are
In control of the process. If you are too far
Off the dial of vibration, you cannot ignore
The ill feeling it causes. Yourself is betrayed.

  Your creating with others requires nothing more
Than your being connected to all that you are.
Don’t look for one encounter to be the end all.
They are each linked together in what we could call
Universal acquaintance. It may sound bizarre
But the fact is that you have nothing to want for.

You’re receiving a signal. The path at your feet
Is always there beneath you. All you have to do
Is to keep the receptive mode first and foremost.
Once you notice improvement, be willing to boast
To yourself and the universe. This moment new
Is the one most important in that it’s complete.

One hundred percent of your work is to enhance
Receptivity to the treasure you’ve accrued.
That means feeling as good as you possibly can.
Luckily, it takes not much to follow that plan.
Life can be just as simple as tweaking your mood.
You have nothing to lose in taking such a chance.