Tag Archive | uplifter

Your Spiritual Essence

Spiritual Pattern

Humankind and injustice are peas in a pod
So it seems from this vantage point. Who can believe
That we’re all made of spirit? If you’re having doubt
That our enlightenment is what we’re all about
Then you’re not alone. Everything people perceive
Has an essence of evil which is a façade.

Everything is of spirit including the one
Who appears to be evil and in this earth school
Nothing matters but spiritual refinement.
Do we each come with a specific assignment?
Perhaps it’s simply to follow the golden rule
Which would mean that everyone should have lots of fun.

Your Vortex of Creation contains all that you
Have been wanting from day one. It’s vibrational
In essence. You access it when you feel your best.
When you do anything you want will manifest.
Feeling is your link to what is spiritual.
That you are a spiritual being it’s true.

You have come forth into this physical body
With the delicious intention of being a
Full-blown deliberate creator. Do your best
To remain in congruence with your happiest
Ever moments. Your expansion happens this way.
Be concerned with your growing vibrationally.

Use Your Power Effectively

Hands Holding Light

When you stood before Jesus dripping your illness
He saw not your unhealthy state. He saw only
Your wellness. He knew it in a powerful way.
So much so that the illness you had couldn’t stay.
Anyone within his gaze was able to be
Positively affected. He was a success.

Then he said, “Go forth. Tell no one,” because he knew
That they would talk to others who would talk them out
Of their wellness and put them back right where they were.
With what you know they can’t find a way to concur.
There is no place in healing for lingering doubt.
How you respond to your healing is up to you.

Jesus was not the only one who healed but he
Did it often. When you’re calibrated to your
Inner being, there’s no resistance within you
Then all kinds of phenomenal things you can do.
The stronger your belief in their wellness the more
Successful at their transformation you will be.

Why do you want to do it? Is it because you
Truly want others to be contented and whole?
Or do you want to do it to satisfy your
Selfish needs? Ponder this so that you can be sure
That your motive is in line with that of your soul.
Your belief is the myth of your healing made true.

The Flow Of Consciousness

Spatial Awareness

Often times there are moments when you feel the thrill
Of excitement flow through you. The world is your stage
And your audience benefits from who you are.
The energy you have makes you feel like a star.
It gives you all the power you need to engage
Everyone around you with laughter and goodwill.

When people who are sensitive to energy
Of a spiritual nature tell you that you
Are surrounded by those who are no longer here,
Know that they speak family and those most dear
Who have passed on before you, but you don’t have to
Be astonished. This is how things happen to be.

When you see children playing, how brightly they shine.
Energy flows abundantly. It demonstrates
That we all are extensions of Source Energy.
We’re all interconnected spiritually.
Thinking too much about it indeed complicates
The expression of that which in us is divine.

Feel the difference between the word ‘consciousness’
And the words ‘physical human being’ and know
That dead people flow through you when you’re flying high.
The body is a vessel that some day will die,
But until then it is a light bulb that will glow
With the brightness of many as we acquiesce.

In The Practice Of Joy

Girl Excited

You came forth into this life with the intention
To be happy. When you’re not, there’s no denying
The uncomfortable feeling you have inside.
You intended to use it as a helpful guide
Toward something that will be more satisfying.
Happiness isn’t beyond your comprehension.

You’re a vibrational being. This you can know
From what science has told you about everything
That exists in the universe. Your consciousness
Is a most powerful force that has full access
To wellbeing and happiness. Your offering
To the universe is what causes it to grow.

Find vibrational alignment with that and soon
You’ll be reaching a tipping point. Your awareness
Of your personal power will inundate you
With a wonderful feeling. There’s nothing to do
But to savor it. This is the key to success.
It is your inner being to whom you attune.

You’re a deliberate creator at your core.
You’re adding to the world in a powerful way.
You should be feeling good nowand in the future.
You do that only when your vibration is pure.
Practice being happy and happy you will stay.
You are offered a rich place in which to explore.

Fundamentals Of Vibration

Heterodyning Frequencies

There’s this thing called the Vortex. It’s like a whirlpool
Of magnificent, pure, positive energy
That you have been creating since before you came
To this earth. One could say that it feels just the same
As a visit to heaven. It is ecstasy
Definitely, the Vortex is something way cool.

You’re a vibrational being. You can access
Your Vortex of Creation at any moment.
It contains the spiritual essence of all
That you’ve ever wished for – both the big and the small.
It is reached easily through your conscious intent.
You can’t get there if you are in a state of stress.

Find vibrational alignment with your Vortex
By being satisfied in the heat of desire.
Wanting without resistance allows receiving
Of the thing wanted. It is by your believing
That it will manifest, so infuse your entire
Being with knowingness to get the right effects.

A deliberate creator you came to be,
Knowing that there’d be contrast to inspire you to
Want for better conditions. Your Vortex expands
In response to your wanting. You are in good hands
When you realize the much larger part of you
Who is guiding you always vibrationally.

Every Day

The Refreshing of Each Cycle

Happiness is the vortex of source energy
That consumes all creation. It is such a state
Of superlative joy for no reason at all.
It’s the best feeling ever that I can recall
While in this realm of being. I live to create
And promote my rendition of reality.

My nature is vibrational as are all things.
I’ll accept that the vortex holds the vibration
Of all good that is manifest. My sole intent
Is achieving alignment with all that is meant
To delight and fulfill me. Each new day begun
Is a blessing that only my happiness brings.

I knew long before coming here that I’d partake
Of this physical substance to discover ways
I can offer improvement or at least a voice.
Coming here to be silent was not quite my choice.
I’ve enough energy left for ten million days
If I don’t squander it by not being awake.

I must treat every day of this reality
As if I am one with it because it is true.
This vortex is a real thing, and I have access
Any time that I want. I define my success
By the way that I’m feeling – not things that I do.
Practicing this thing daily is okay with me.

Just Let Things Be?

Release Compulsivity

It was sung by The Beatles a long time ago.
Let It Be and an answer will be on its way.
We’ve no choice in the matter. We might as well be
In a place of acceptance. The world that we see
Causes us to want better that our asking may
Bring about proper changes albeit quite slow.

How do we make those changes if we don’t grab hold
Of the horns of the bull work? Is asking enough?
It’s such a democratic way of doing things
And the ways of republicans too often brings
Tyranny to the people. Our lives become tough.
Is it best to just ask and let nature unfold?

Focusing on what I want or letting things be
Is the choice made available. Both can be done
As long as I’m not in opposition to what
I would like to have happen. I’ll keep my mouth shut
About what the heck’s wrong with things and just have fun.
I can be quite effective by being carefree.

The universe is designed to stand on its head
In response to our asking. Demand we cannot
That the path of another creator be changed
To suit anyone’s wishes. Be thou not deranged
But indulge in the positiveness of your thought.
Each of us gets to choose either freedom or dread.