Tag Archive | notice

Evidence Of Wellbeing

Inner Peace

Having fun at the airport with some of your friends
You find really nice people with whom to engage.
Mutual entertainment erupts everywhere.
People have all kinds of pleasant stories to share.
Your delight in the moment is setting the stage.
Happiness pays high spiritual dividends.

Other flights have been cancelled but yours is on time.
When you get to your gate many people are there
Standing, waiting, and wondering why this one flight
Is on time. Many of them are getting uptight.
That things are working out for you you’re well aware.
You are living a life that is truly sublime.

The gate agent is having a horrible day.
Cancellations and dealing with people upset
Has depleted her energy but a kind word
From your heart is a wonderful thing to be heard.
It’s a small act that she probably won’t forget.
In your state of alignment it’s not hard to stay.

Evidence Of Wellbeing is all around you.
Feedback is coming to you continuously
Indicating where you’re at and you can control
Every bit when happiness is your only goal.
You can notice the evidence as easily
As you choose in each moment in all that you do.

Change Your Expectation

A Better Outlook

Try to spend a little more time thinking about
What you want and a little less wondering how
You will get it. Your platform of expectation
Launches you into the very next creation
When a change in your outlook you learn to allow.
Take your focus off ‘what is’ if it causes doubt.

‘What is’ is so pervasive – so much in your face.
Difficult it is to escape its influence
As it gnaws at the psyche and swallows the soul
But you must know that you have absolute control
Of your thoughts and emotions. It makes perfect sense
That ‘what is’ is a thing you foolishly embrace.

‘What is’ changes to ‘what is’ as you notice it
And offer a vibration about it so that
It will manifest and you will notice it more.
The cycle continues and life seems like a chore.
‘What is’ isn’t really worth your looking hard at.
True change will come when to the future you commit.

When you merge together the platform from where you
Are with something that you want that is beyond it
That’s when expectation changes. Think more about
Where you’re going and know that things are working out
For you always. Lay off of ‘what is’ just a bit.
Raise your consciousness so you get a better view.

Life Is Supposed To Be Good

Right At Home

You are Source Energy but just what does it mean?
A rose by any other name is still a rose.
It’s the energy of divine intelligence
That you’re made of. The power you have is immense.
It’s the same that creates worlds. A part of you knows
This without question despite the bad that you’ve seen.

Life Is Supposed To Be Good for you. If it’s not
Then it’s your doing. Your responsibility
Is to keep yourself happy any way you can.
You can always feel a little bit better than
You do now by deciding that you want to be
Happier. Your awareness does matter a lot.

What you’re living and feeling is all about how
Fast your stream is flowing and in which direction
You’re pointed in it. Over both you have control.
Life has caused your stream to flow. It must be your goal
To flow with it and remember your connection
To your true essence which only you can allow.

Don’t deny the person you’ve already become.
Stop preventing the current from carrying you
To your dreams. Let the stream gently turn you around.
Through surrender the power within you is found.
Look for fun and adventure in all that you do.
Take advantage of where all your blessings come from.

Life Is Supposed To Be Good


I woke up this morning. I’m alive and quite well.
I was not taken hostage. My house is still here.
My children haven’t been slaughtered before my eyes.
I have no particular reason to despise
Anyone. I can walk the streets having no fear
Of abduction. I’ve no tragic story to tell.

What I know is that I’m made of Source Energy
As is everyone. Life Is Supposed To Be Good.
If it isn’t it’s my fault because everything
That I’m living and feeling and thus offering
To the universe cannot be misunderstood.
But if this is true why is there atrocity?

There’s no answer that anyone can understand.
Evil and hatred are part of humanity
But there’s much more wellbeing. The peace that I know
I’m most grateful for. As for the pain and sorrow
Suffered by others how much more sad can one be?
It’s damned awful. I stand with my heart in my hand.

There are only two factors – how fast my stream flows
And which way I’m pointed in it. Life has caused me
To make choices and that’s what gets the stream going.
If I let the stream turn me then I’ll be flowing
With it and not against it so naturally
I’m well protected from humankind and its woes.

Everything Is Downstream

Winding Stream

There’s a strong current moving in one direction.
It’s toward your wellbeing and all you desire.
You can go with the flow or you can go against
It but a whole lot of work needs to dispensed
In so doing and your yielding doesn’t require
Any effort. There’s no need for course correction.

So why do people want to paddle hard upstream?
It’s because our society teaches us that
Working hard is virtuous. We don’t want to be
Perceived as some mixture of foolish and lazy.
All the reasons you do so are worth looking at
Because they’re keeping you from fulfilling your dream.

When you say no to something you include it in
Your vibration which is your point of attraction
Just as when you say yes to something you invite
Subtle energies to bring your dream within sight.
Going downstream always leads to satisfaction.
When you push against something you never will win.

When you feel things like love and appreciation
The stream carries you. Without any resistance
On your part you move swiftly to everything you
Want in life and there’s nothing that you need to do
But relax and let your life be a joyful dance
And you’ll get along much better with everyone.

When Spirit Is Speaking

Yellow Cosmic Mind

Spirit speaks clearly to you in various ways.
When you feel good or God you are fully aligned
With your spirit. Your state of health can be expressed
By how you’re feeling. In fact it’s the very best
Indicator of health. Your feelings are designed
To guide you therefore they should be given much praise.

Everything in nature is in spirit. It’s not
Spoiled by ego. Listen to the winds, the critters,
The clouds, the rains, and the oceans. Take it all in.
Because with everything in nature you are kin.
All God’s creatures are vibrational transmitters.
In terms of co-creation they teach us a lot.

Synchronistic events are of spirit also.
When you see the same number show up everywhere
Like the clock, the odometer, or the checkbook
Balance, it simply means that you should take a look
At what spirit is showing you and you should care
About everything that spirit wants you to know.

When folks line up with your thoughts mysteriously
As if your private inner meanderings were
The cause of it, Believe It! You made it come true.
Spirit brings you the people that can offer you
The best lessons – not always the ones you prefer
But they will help you to grow spiritually.

Everything Is Down Streaam

Dream Stream

There’s a strong current flowing. It’s created by
A whole lifetime of wanting. It’s calling you to
Take you to what you’ve asked for and if you decide
To go down to the river’s edge and take a ride
You will be most delighted by where it takes you.
If you didn’t go for it one would wonder why.

If your turn your boat deliberately upstream
And start paddling profusely someone may ask you,
“Why not turn your boat around and go with the flow?”
But many people do it. They don’t seem to know

Any better yet there are a fortunate few
Where the ride down the river yields pleasure supreme.

We’ve been trained to struggle hard against the current
And it’s noble to do so. It is virtuous
To work oneself to pieces. There’s nothing that you
Want that’s upstream. For all the hard work that you do
Satisfaction is something you cannot discuss
Due to your being in a state of discontent.

Everything that you want is downstream. Just let go
Of the oars and let the current turn you around
In the proper direction to carry you to
Everything that you’re wanting. Your dreams will come true.
Take pleasure in the new sense of freedom you’ve found
All because you’ve decided to go with the flow.

Pay Attention To Spirit

Nonphysical Awareness

Spirit Speaks. That’s a given. The question is how
It does so. Its language I fully recognize
In a few ways. When I feel good or I feel God
I’m aligned with my spirit. I don’t find it odd
That by just being happy I can realize
The full presence of Spirit. I need but allow.

Spirit Speaks when I’m in alignment with nature.
If a bird, for example, performs before me
In a way that’s not normal, I pay attention.
I take in the perfection of time suspension
In the moment. My Spirit urges me to see
Its connection to nature. I know this for sure.

Strange occurrences and seemingly odd events
Is my Spirit lining up coincidences
That may teach me some lesson or show me that I’m
In alignment. I don’t have to spend precious time
Coming up with sophisticated defenses
Against what each synchronicity represents.

Spirit also speaks through other people who I
Interact with. My Spirit is aligning my
Thoughts with events that are happening here and now.
My Spirit has the ability to endow
Me with absolute clarity. I can’t deny
The existence of Spirit. With it I comply.

Notice The Feedback

Social Interaction

Two sisters at the airport were having some fun
With the people they met randomly on the way
To a fabulous journey before the journey.
Everything that they do, they do most happily.
In a state of high spirits they constantly stay.
They take full advantage of the new day begun.

They spent time entertaining each other and those
With whom they came in contact, and they played along
With the women’s excitement. “This is a good sign
That for us everything is working out just fine,”

Was their realization. Nothing could go wrong.
All that is positive in their attitude shows.

They had fun with the gate agent who was stressed out
Because of cancellations. She found refreshing
Their delightful encounter. Their flight was on time
Which was taken by others to be quite a crime
To fairness. Evidence is always happening
Of these sisters’ alignment. They’re seldom in doubt.

You don’t have to ‘control’ any situation.
Be aware of the feedback that you’re receiving.
If it’s not pleasing, then work on your vibration.
If it is, then nurture your manifestation.
Adjust your vibration by what you’re perceiving.
Be a positive influence on everyone.

It’s Your Doing

Self Pride

You’re Source Energy in a physical body.
Life is meant to be good for you, and if it’s not,
Then It’s Your Doing. Everything that you’re living
And feeling is a good reason for thanksgiving.
Now that you are here, you can give it all you’ve got.
God is someone whose work one cannot call shoddy.

There are only two factors determining how
Life is going for you. One is how fast your stream
Is flowing, and the other is which direction
You are pointed. You have control over each one.
Life causes the momentum oft’ in the extreme.
The direction is by the guidance you allow.

When you’re bucking the current of who you’ve become,
You will feel negative emotion instantly.
You’re defying your purpose. This cannot feel good.
More than anything else, it must be understood
That going with the flow is your reason to be.
In becoming, you just need to lighten up some.

Turn and go with the flow. That’s all you need to do
To move effortlessly toward all you desire.
How to do that will be a perfect unfolding.
You are now practicing the art of allowing.
Unending are the good things that you will acquire
On your journey. Which direction is true for you?

Change Your Expectation

Create Anew From The Mind

Think about what you want more and much less about
The way things are right now. ‘What Is’ gets in the way
Of what could be. You can Change Your Expectation
Of what happens in your life through your vibration.
Your attention to ‘what is’ is what makes you stay
In the same old conundrum of worry and doubt.

Most contour and arrive at their expectation
Based upon what they are observing constantly.
Our observing of things is something that won’t change.
It is natural for us, though it could get strange.
‘What is’ is slow to change into how things can be
Because folks are stuck in a ‘what is’ fixation.

Scientists are ‘what is’ focused as they collect
And sort through tons of data. They substantiate
Their derived expectations, so ‘what is’ remains
Reinforced. Their attention upon it maintains
Its reality, which is what we all create.
Our reality is here for us to perfect.

Rather than regurgitating reality
You can think about where you would like things to go.
Notice ‘what is’ much less. Step back from the details
Of where you are. Detach from the ‘now’ that prevails,
And seek comfort in all that you have come to know
About changing what you deem to be change worthy.