Tag Archive | physical beingness

Let Go Of Effort

Dream Life

Effort is compensating with action what you
Didn’t do with your vibration. Action can be
Blissful if it’s inspired, but if you’re stressing out,
It may be worth your while to start thinking about
A complete change of focus. Vibrationally,
You can accomplish everything you need to do.

The bigger your life gets, the less you’re able to
Tend to it through effort. It is more important
To use the leverage of your calibration.
It’s a most efficient way of getting things done.
Don’t spend time worrying about things that you can’t
Get a handle on. Do but the best you can do.

Start enjoying the journey and stop trying to
Get to where you think you want to be. Take delight
In the things that are going well right here and now.
This way, you allow the universe to allow
Changes to begin happening. You gain insight
Into what will bring the most fulfillment to you.

You never intended to do it all alone.
We are each a cooperative component
To all others. No one is meant to sacrifice
To another. Attract only those who are nice.
Change your life through the power of conscious intent.
To you, the blessings of the universe are shown.

Spiritual Leverage

The Power Of Spirit

Grab that bull by its horns. Now you’ve got something you
Have to struggle with before being gored to death.
You must get up and do it. It’s the only way
To get things done in this world. This thinking just may
Get you somewhere exalted, but don’t hold your breath.
There may be no fulfillment in all that you do.

Understand what your purpose is. Why are you here?
Has it to do with action? What’s it all about?
Action, when you’re in the flow, is satisfying,
But when there’s resistance, it can be exhausting.
It is hard to have to always hammer things out.
Often times desperate people act out of fear.

What influence are you under when you receive
The inspiration to act? If you want to slay
A dragon, then upon you the best luck is wished.
With allowance you get much more work accomplished.
When you’re tapped in, turned on, and tuned in you will play
With forces of the universe, if you believe.

Just make sure you’re under the influence of Source,
Which means your inner being, when you are acting.
No matter what you’re feeling let your beingness
Be the thing that guides you to ultimate success.
The entire universe is based on attracting.
Nothing of much value comes from using brute force.