Tag Archive | obstacles

Don’t Be A Part-Time Dreamer

Ethereal Magic

What you do on the side has become your life’s dream.
Nothing else in the world can bring more pleasure to
You than what you’ve been doing. Your nine to five job
Is something you must do but indeed it may rob
You of focus and passion. So it’s up to you
To stay centered on what in your heart is supreme.

When will you quit your day job and have more time to
Spend with family while you’re fixated on your
Most fulfilling endeavor? That’s not your concern.
Live your dream through the present. You life will in turn
Be adjusted to match your dream. What you adore
Can be done from the heart in whatever you do.

It’s not enough to know what you want. You have to
Do it and be it. Obstacles along the way
Are expected but you have the ability
To get past them. You came to the planet to be
Who you truly are and on that path you can stay
Until everything about your dream has come true.

Don’t let others convince you that you shouldn’t do
What you’re doing. Their opinion doesn’t apply
To your dream of magnificence. Go right ahead
With your dream. In this way happiness you will spread
To everyone in your life. They may wonder why
Suddenly such good luck is now coming to you.

Life Is No Brief Candle

The Focal Length Of Existence

Do Mondays excite you? Do you anticipate
Getting back to work? Do you look forward instead
To the weekend approaching? Are you unfulfilled
In you life and dissatisfied instead of thrilled?
Do you stick with it because it’s stuck in your head
That security means do something that you hate?

Life is not a brief candle but a splendid torch
That you have gotten hold of. You were not sent here
To wander aimlessly. Your time and energy
Are wasted by your wallowing in self-pity
Obstacles come and go, so don’t hold on to fear.
The fire of your passion is one that will not scorch.

It’s not necessary to be a great leader
Or the head honcho of a big corporation
To consider yourself powerful and mighty.
The street sweeper, plumber, and poet can all be
The creator magnificent in the long run
As long as they are doing what they would prefer.

If you’re stuck at a job that’s not your cup of tea
Then perhaps it is time to put your fear aside.
People may call you foolish for quitting without
A ‘back up plan.’ They will try to introduce doubt
Into your equation. People are not your guide.
Your reward will include happiness and safety.

Overcoming Suffering

Mostly a Matter of Mind

Constant shots of I Love You direct to the head
Where the heart is an image that needs special care
In resolving the problems the mind recreates
Is one kind of addiction among human fates.
Suffering is the byproduct all creatures bear
From birth into existence until they are dead.

A huge bit of my suffering is of the mind,
As it is with most people. Alone it can make
A big deal of a small thing, then all will go wrong.
If my positive thinking were stunningly strong,
It may cause enough shifting that I may awake
To the knowing that obstacles are rather kind.

Other problems of living I cannot control,
As they come from the outside, or seemingly so.
People dying and illness are common to all.
We encounter the big things as well as the small.
It is necessary for all creatures to grow
Through the difficult challenges to make them whole.

Thinking can’t offer freedom from having to face
Obstacles on my cherished path, Do I create
Every damned thing that happens? It’s irrelevant!
I can accept that I create just the moment
With detachment from judgment in absence of weight.
Optional is most suffering that I embrace.