Tag Archive | delegate

Delegate To The Universe

Spiritual Group

People put way too much effort into living.
Busy schedules and deadlines keep us in a state
Of anxiety constantly. Is it okay
For the body and soul to go on in this way?
One can live well by learning to appreciate
Everything in existence that is life giving.

Set some time aside to pay more attention to
The spiritual part of you. Get away from
The chaos and confusion for just a short while.
You can do this no matter what kind of lifestyle
You may have. Meditation can help you become
More relaxed. It’s one of many things you can do.

This intelligent universe knows all about
Who you are down to the most explicit detail.
It knows your thoughts and feelings and what excites you.
It wants to help you in everything that you do.
When you look at your life in this way you can’t fail
But you must not harbor any lingering doubt.

Delegate To The Universe. It doesn’t mind
Taking some of the load off of your busy day.
Tell the universe exactly what you want done
Then go off and have all kinds of outrageous fun.
Your workload will diminish for you in this way.
It’s the best orchestrator of things you will find.