Tag Archive | experiencer


Noise Of The Mind

Subjectivity is the essence of mind and
The true nature of self. It’s the pure consciousness
And awareness of being. It’s characterized
By its sheer lack of objectively organized
Structures of perception, reason, and knowingness.
Explanations help us to better understand.

Related to the ideas of personhood,
Self-identity, and truth, subjectivity
Is the quality or condition of something
Being a subject. What does this end up meaning?
Everything that oneself perceives itself to be
Is subjective. Within self all is understood.

It’s most commonly used as an explanation
For that which informs and biases our judgements
About truth and reality. Society
Is a collective culture living totally
In a subjective context. It thus represents
A culture that is in constant transformation.

Inwardness and truth is pure subjectivity.
Know thyself and existence itself. Be aware
Of the nature beyond all physicality.
There is nothing but spirit fundamentally.
As each of us looks outward, all that we can share
Is the hope that we can all live in harmony.

You Are All Involved

The Cooperative System Of Being

Psychologically it is more conducive
To release from illusion to remember that
The thinker, feeler, or the experiencer
Is part of the experience. One can refer
To each part and come up with a complex format
To embellish its meaning and how one should live.

Out of anxiety we try to stabilize
And keep permanent the ‘separate’ observer
Which causes conflict. It is more that memory
Is a dynamic system. It definitely
Is not a storage system. It is, as it were,
A repeating of rhythms that we realize.

The ongoing flow of present experience
Is such that we can’t distinguish between something
That is known and a memory. We cannot know
Anything until we remember it, although
Different cues attached to memories will bring
A bit of continuity to our presence.

Present experience cues are different from
Memory cues. They have not the same vibration.
All experiences are part of the present.
No witness can be separate from the event,
And the whole process is engaged by everyone.
If you don’t know your place in life, this may help some.

You Are All Involved

Vibrational Cacophony

The feeler, the thinker… the experiencer
Are the feeling, the thought and the experience.
There’s no separate witness to judge the process.
Yet we are all involved with the will to express
In ways truly convergent. There is no past tense
In the present awareness To Be, as it were.

Don’t try to make them separate. Anxiety
Will result in so doing. Do not stabilize
Or make permanent things that are destined to flow.
Memory is dynamic. In order to know
Anything it must be remembered. It is wise
To see what is right now the same as memory.

Memory signals have certain markers attached
That are different from present time signal cues
So that we don’t confuse them. Yet reality
Dictates that past becomes present through memory.
Sometimes signals get mixed which creates déjà vu’s.
We have not scratched the surface of how they’re dispatched.

I and all I’m perceiving are one and the same.
All of time is This Moment and all that exists.
Memory is not storage. It is consciousness.
As a part of one puzzle we’ve complete access
To the blessings of which the universe consists.
We’re all in this together and have much to claim.

The World I Create

The Existence Imagined

Self and Other, the ultimate dichotomy,
Are of singular essence. The world that I see
And the one who is seeing it are a duo
Intertwined in a tight dance. They do not let go
The same world viewed by many can then only be
One that we’re all a part of. We all could agree.

But that’s ideal thinking. In reality,
Magnitude of perspective has staying power.
Strong beliefs held by many can overcome fate.
When they’re used for that purpose, things can turn out great.
It is rarely that positive change does occur
In a world suffering from low morality.

What I am is everything that I’ve come to know
Throughout my life experience. Many billions
Of viewpoints has the same situation at hand.
Any one of them could be minuscule or grand.
 The inherently transcendent – those are the ones
That can raise global consciousness which is now low.

At all times we are part of the situation.
To deny that is foolish and leads to despair.
Through my creative process and vision, I make
A world that is much kinder and wider awake.
No world that is created is too much to bear
As a process of healing is rightly begun.