Tag Archive | pandemic


The Scourge Of The Planet

On its axis it spins as it orbits the sun.
Tucked away in a safe lane where life can evolve,
The earth is a unique place in this part of space.
It is well within reason to fully embrace
The magnificent order which does not involve
Fears that it may collapse before it’s all begun.

In close proximity to other planets, the
Earth is part of a system that keeps on going
At least for a few eons more and without flaw.
Scientists and philosophers ponder with awe
This machine of perfection that all is showing
To we humans who need to grow desperately.

Our fears have become many throughout history.
Things are put on the list, and then they are removed
As we find the solutions, but then there are more
Problems found. It is our fascination with war
That keeps our consciousness where it can’t be improved.
All that ever changes is methodology.

A hundred years from now, what will be on the list
Of the things most not wanted? The list we have now
Will be shortened… then lengthened. A new set of fears
We will have to propel us into new frontiers
Of unsolvable worries. We’ll manage somehow.
Our biggest issue is to learn to coexist.

The Future Post Virus

Toward A Newer Normal

Microorganisms other than us are we,
And few cells truly are ours. The process of birth
Blesses newborns with bacteria and good germs.
They add to the new person, in most certain terms,
Symbiotic survival while here on this earth.
This relationship satisfies both completely.

Until death do us part, my acquired cells and those
Of my own are the dynamic duo that keeps
Me alive and performing at my very best.
I feel certain imbalance whenever I’m stressed.
It is best that I honor these feeling receipts.
Surely if I ignored them I would welcome woes.

We’ve been in a pandemic. There isn’t a soul
Who knows not this true fact due to technology.
So, it does get inflated, and more of us die.
Yet it’s of grave importance. We cannot deny
Proper communication. Eventually
An effective solution helps us reach our goal.

But vaccines are like old jokes to sharp viruses.
One word changed in the punchline will make them mutate.
Earth has formed neural networks. All life plays a part.
When the brain of the planet discovers its heart,
Dysbiosis will cease, then nature can create
Maximum diversity to cure weaknesses.


The Invincible One

The dark night of the soul of all humanity
Blankets me in a blackness, the darkest I’ve known
Since the virus of racism caught humankind
In the hell made a battlefield of the sick mind.
Nonetheless I am thankful that I’m not alone.
By divinity power is given to me.

I remember past challenges. I was constrained
Yet I showed no discomfort nor did I complain.
Beaten brutally by unyielding circumstance,
I am given much more than a black snowball’s chance
To rise up like the phoenix with heaven to gain.
Looking on toward the future, my pride is maintained.

Though the challenge seem futile as death changes ways
It can have its way with us, sincere is my hope
That the same God who strengthens me will help me do
Everything in our powers to rightly subdue
The dark shadow that threatens all. On the tightrope
In a serious circus, I want for no praise.

Matters not does it how dark night gets before dawn.
Fully am I prepared, for robust is my will
Through incurred purgatories. I am the master
Of my fate and the captain (as I’d most prefer
It be always) of my soul and its expert skill.
United we combat illness until it’s gone.

Embracing Responsibility

Indispensable Linkage

Comfort in isolation cannot take its toll
On the health of my spirit. This peace gives me strength
To look inward more deeply and make changes there.
I’m consumed in attention thus made more aware
Of the things of most value to keep at arm’s length
While the intangible ones I’ll lock in my soul.

Some relief from demands and the hardships I face
During times of more normalcy I can respect.
There’s a strong sense of duty inherent but calm.
There’s more time to reflect on the twenty third psalm.
Other times I had wasted in pampered neglect.
Linking arms becomes psychic a form of embrace.

Dealing with global setback, we can persevere
As we’re already doing while running in place.
We’ve become more straightforward. It’s balance we need
To release our sick infatuation with greed.
This is not the extinction of the human race
But a harsh call to consciousness rather than fear.

Share The Day

Life Worth Recording

A great deal of affection is needed at times
When the world is afflicted with all that goes wrong
In the act of evolving and blending in well
With our own human nature. What’s cast a dark spell
On the ways of our living will not be here long
Though it will make us take a close look at our crimes.

When we’re sick we don’t know what to think of ourselves.
When we’re well, then our sense of compassion and love
Seems to take a back burner to business at hand.
Overlooking whatever we don’t understand,
We are left with relying on help from above.
It becomes academic wherein the soul delves.

 We can all live in harmony, or we cannot.
There’s no gray zone to play with. Lives are being lost
To the backlash of nature. Her lesson is clear
To all hearts that will open and ears that will hear.
Greed and selfish endeavor come at a great cost.
Simple fruits of the spirit, like love, can’t be bought.