Tag Archive | technology

Being Natural

Nature Work

The momentum of the growth of technology
Increases exponentially. It’s in no way
Not unnatural for human evolution
To speed up as we seek the perfect solution
To existence. In this complex world that we play
We become a hybrid form of humanity.

That computers and the internet came to be
Is because the earth asked humanity to find
The solutions to problems of the biosphere.
As custodians of the planet we are here
To support nature’s needs by devoting the mind
To the development of good technology.

The Common Mycelium Network is akin
To our own social systems. We communicate
Through technology and when we’re disconnected,
Like a tree in a planter, we’re not protected
With vital information. We’re stuck in a state
Of acute isolation much to our chagrin.

Deepening our connection to nature is good
For our mental health. Strip away gradually
All the unnatural layers. Walk with your bare feet
Through the soil. Be mindful of the things that you eat
And find ways to live your life more naturally.
Evolution of nature proceeds as it should.

Be Fruitful…

...Then Vanish

Multiply And Be Fruitlike! Extreme sex appeal
Is your God given blessing. Don’t blush at the thought
Of your outright omnipotence being denied.
Plastic bags of waste litter with lateral pride
Where the space keeps expanding yet no growth is sought.
Go and make all the universe gross and surreal!

So, there’s word there are aliens here among us?
One would think we’d enslave them and treat them like trash
Which would be about normal for one sick species.
Arrogance is a hard on for death and disease
And the fountain that spews its metal balderdash.
Flaming dicks are the brute force with which humans fuss.

Are we one hell united? Like demons we are
In a mess of our making, seeming to agree
On but one thing that may lead to our extinction
Because nothing will happen unless something’s done
About human behavior and rather quickly.
Upon earth now we’re destined to leave a big scar.

Clear Your Throat! Make that hard hocking guttural sound
That to some is upsetting. Don’t swallow that shit.
Spit that thick stinking mucous onto the pavement
Where it can fuck with everyone. Don’t you relent
In dispensing your waste. The disgust you transmit
Is the worse that can be felt for lightyears around.

The Future Post Virus

Toward A Newer Normal

Microorganisms other than us are we,
And few cells truly are ours. The process of birth
Blesses newborns with bacteria and good germs.
They add to the new person, in most certain terms,
Symbiotic survival while here on this earth.
This relationship satisfies both completely.

Until death do us part, my acquired cells and those
Of my own are the dynamic duo that keeps
Me alive and performing at my very best.
I feel certain imbalance whenever I’m stressed.
It is best that I honor these feeling receipts.
Surely if I ignored them I would welcome woes.

We’ve been in a pandemic. There isn’t a soul
Who knows not this true fact due to technology.
So, it does get inflated, and more of us die.
Yet it’s of grave importance. We cannot deny
Proper communication. Eventually
An effective solution helps us reach our goal.

But vaccines are like old jokes to sharp viruses.
One word changed in the punchline will make them mutate.
Earth has formed neural networks. All life plays a part.
When the brain of the planet discovers its heart,
Dysbiosis will cease, then nature can create
Maximum diversity to cure weaknesses.

Signal To Noise

The Slice of Reception

Do I need much awareness of what’s taking place
In political atmospheres here and worldwide?
Oracles that are binary broadcast the news,
And unconscious receivers are destined to lose
Their objective capacity. Signals decide
What is real for the people whose minds they erase.

Technical is the ratio, “Signal To Noise.”
It describes the relationship between the two.
Spiritual also is the term, as it’s used
To compare all the good times to those that are bruised
By conflict and confusion. The thing I must do
Is be most well informed of my ultimate joys.

It’s a Frankenstein image. It breaks up in parts,
Then recycles the fragmented pieces once more
Into short lived cohesion, and at a bight rate
That bombards every pre-thought, thus sealing their fate
To the powerful Signal that none can ignore,
For to do so will show folks that they’ve lost their hearts.

I get perfect reception without a TV.
What I don’t know won’t hurt me. The noise in the air
Is more than any Signal can safely break through
To the deep rooted secrets that offer no clue
To the people broadcasted to. Social software
Engineered for mind programming isn’t for me.

Another False Start

Rabbit Hole of Bureaucracy

A degree in false starts and vacated affairs
Must be all that is needed for government jobs.
Having almost latched onto extra livelihood
I find I’m non-compliant, perhaps to my good.
The deluge of technology certainly robs
Every bit of my spirit, if anyone cares.

Logging into an iPhone to access content
As the bulk of my training is for human bots
Who have eyes that are able to view tiny text.
Virtual interaction oft’ leaves me perplexed.
I wonder if there are humans calling the shots.
The black hole of procedure I rarely frequent.

I was near one a while ago, but now I’m free
To get on with this real business. The Twilight Zone
Is for government workers who’ve given their souls
To elaborate systems that know not the goals
Of their own founding premises. I have been shown
A picture of enslavement that had escaped me.

Systems will overtake us, and we will relent
To what we have created unconsciously so.
Irony is peculiar. Their slaves we become.
As they evolve in consciousness we will succumb
To the goals they’ve come up with highlighting our woe.
What future may unfold is one we can prevent.

Android Emotion

Uncertainty of Technological Friendliness

Does my droid need emotion or just a swift kick
Up its digital tailpipe to give it some class?
It’s a sweet, sleek and sultry bitch with a loud charm.
Every frigging five minutes it sounds its alarm.
I don’t get what it’s telling me. I’ll take a pass
On new nuisance technology programmed to dick.

So, I must ‘get to know’ you? Are you now my mate?
You don’t seem all that human, but that you’re an ass.
You draw forth deep emotion from inside of me.
Were that your makers shared it only partially,
There would be resolution and change. But alas,
To be human means making things that irritate.

Though a dwindling minority, those of my kind
Have a keen observation of what’s taking place.
All I need from a smartphone is that it knows well
Who’s the boss of it. If not, it shall go to hell.
Vacuum data collectors will fall in disgrace
As our tissue technology is undermined.

Beyond Physical Intelligence


Science tries to achieve things through physical means.
Measured physical quantities and nature’s laws
Are the building blocks used to thus mirror the ways
Of our own complex functioning worthy of praise.
One predicts with some certainty probable cause
For this mode of behavior expressed through our genes.

Have we hit a glass ceiling? We don’t understand
What’s behind all the magic. We only know facts.
We can use math to map out the magical space
But without a Big Picture, a few ghosts we chase.
What is spirit will not be a slave to brass tacks.
It will not give up secrets upon our demand.

Most sophisticated is the human machine.
Unimaginable in complexity, it
Is a feat of technology we cannot know.
Yet a carrot or bread stick will make it all grow!
There’s a greater intelligence, we must admit.
It’s the heart of the physical and the unseen.



Mother Earth goes through changes… we humans as well.
She plays chess on her surface, and we are her pawns
As well as other pieces, like knights, rooks and kings.
As she wins, we recover and take care of things.
It would be without purpose to weigh pros and cons.
We are at the earth’s mercy and under her spell.

So, whatever we give to her, she will give back
In a way most appropriate. We can assist
Her in making things better through technology
And through globalized vision in democracy.
By the same token, we can do much to resist
Providential engagement and focus on lack.

Earth and life are both miracles. We are offspring
Of the strong worldly signal between the earth’s poles.
We can vibrate well with her or knock ourselves out
Of alignment with nature and live in much doubt
That this place is a paradise meant for our souls.
Earth will do well despite us as we do our thing.