Tag Archive | kids

Being Natural

Nature Work

The momentum of the growth of technology
Increases exponentially. It’s in no way
Not unnatural for human evolution
To speed up as we seek the perfect solution
To existence. In this complex world that we play
We become a hybrid form of humanity.

That computers and the internet came to be
Is because the earth asked humanity to find
The solutions to problems of the biosphere.
As custodians of the planet we are here
To support nature’s needs by devoting the mind
To the development of good technology.

The Common Mycelium Network is akin
To our own social systems. We communicate
Through technology and when we’re disconnected,
Like a tree in a planter, we’re not protected
With vital information. We’re stuck in a state
Of acute isolation much to our chagrin.

Deepening our connection to nature is good
For our mental health. Strip away gradually
All the unnatural layers. Walk with your bare feet
Through the soil. Be mindful of the things that you eat
And find ways to live your life more naturally.
Evolution of nature proceeds as it should.

Listen More To Your Heart

Much Thanks

I’m not ready to give up. I’ll find my own way
Out of this situation. This is my moment.
I am living for right now. Even when my mind
Is filled with doubt I’ll own it. The strength I will find
To be brave when I’m fearful. Nothing will prevent
Me from growing. My heart beats louder every day.

I have come too far to run from the challenges
I must face. I feel my feet firmly on the ground.
I’m not standing down. The faith that I’ve found keeps me
Safe and sound and wherever I go I will be
Listening to my heart more wherein peace is found.
I will listen wholeheartedly to what it says.

Can you hear it? It’s beating louder every day.
When I feel my emotions crash down like the sea
I breathe in. I create my good fortune. I know
That I’m not broken. I’m growing. Off I will go
Boldly into the contrast that life offers me.
I’ll depend on my feelings to show me the way.

Nothing can stop me – not even a tidal wave.
I will keep on dreaming and I will find my way.
I will find inner truth as I walk through the pain.
As I listen to my heart much wisdom I gain
And my heart keeps on beating louder every day.
In the hardest of times I know I can be brave.

What Really Heals?

Colorful Aligning

There’s a kind of mysterious healing of the
Cords between and among us that soothes our fears and
Terrors and actually lets us become seen
And perhaps known. So what healing really does mean
Is projecting wellbeing. One takes full command
Of the gift of positive healing energy.

Connection to the world and a kind of freedom
In the quest for the healing we’re invited to.
On the one hand there are tools to quiet the mind
And to open the heart. On the other we find
Tools for dealing with trauma. They both have to do
With compassion. It’s where much of healing comes from.

Mindfulness, compassion, and awareness can be
Used to help release conflict with ourselves and the
World around us. What Really Heals is connection
With the ill person. They become our reflection
Of wellbeing and pure positive energy.
We can feel where they’re coming from most honestly.

Different ways there are for us to recognize
The patterns that we hold that create suffering.
They’re at our avail. Understanding and insight
On your part still may not make everything alright
But it will put you in touch with what’s happening
In their world and to see everything through their eyes.