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Which Voice To Listen To

Wise Choice

There are two voices in the mind. One is of your
Inner being. The other is of your ego.
You can tell which is speaking by the way you feel.
When what you’re feeling is of tremendous appeal
To your spirit, continual blessings will flow.
Doing something should not be something you endure.

Get in touch with what feels good. When you are in sync
With who you really are, you know without a doubt
That when you receive impulses, they’re coming from
Your inner being. Happiness is the outcome
Of your conscious awareness which is all about
Focusing – but not on what other people think.

If what you hear from your subconscious sounds bossy,
You know where it’s all coming from. It will tell you
To do something you don’t feel excited about
So that it can claim full credit for any clout
That you toiled for relentlessly. What you must do
Is to just be aware of its dependency.

Motivation can be born of desperation.
You had better get it done or else there will be
Consequences. When you just feel like doing it
Because it feels good, it is to your benefit
To listen to that voice ever more consciously.
This is the definition of inspiration.