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Relationships Are Forever

Dear Friends

Karmic relationships are connections that are
Very quick to start. Typically they evolve
Into alternating patterns of love and hate.
Constant highs and lows keep the couple a state
Of emotional tension. They cannot resolve
Many issues and life can be rather bizarre.

We move on from one relationship to the next
It would seem but this isn’t so karmically.
Forever we’re connected to those we have met.
Every person you have known you cannot forget.
You are part of the vibrational frequency
Of everyone you know. You should not be perplexed.

The relationship is a thing of reflection
And energy. It need not necessarily
Imply physical contact with the other one.
The relationship continues once it’s begun
It will go on throughout all of eternity.
There is nothing that can sever the connection.

Think in terms of ‘we’ and ‘us’ instead of just ‘me.’
Mutual respect, honesty, and empathy
In your communication will carry you far.
Be accepting of the person for who they are.
Can you learn to trust in each other completely?
Then a wholesome relationship will come to be.