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Mindset And Manifestation

Spiritual Worship

Twenty percent of your efforts can set the stage
But the remaining eighty percent is the thing
That will transform your dreams into reality.
To supercharge your manifestation journey
Do the things in life that truly make your heart sing.
This whole world full of wonder you have to engage.

The small part of your effort – that twenty percent
Of your success in manifestation comes from
Having the right tools and resources and the rest
Is all about your mindset. Believe that you’re blessed
By the universe then behold what good will come.
Your power to manifest becomes evident.

You can do vision boards, journals, and focus wheels
To get clarity on what you want. The techniques
Used to focus are many but don’t get obsessed
With such things to the point where it gets you depressed.
Be comforted in knowing that what your heart seeks
Is already done. Just think about how it feels.

Your mindset is your beliefs, your ability
To stay positive and focused even when things
Get most difficult, and how you think through the day
About yourself. You attract things to you this way.
Be aware of what good things your good thinking brings.
First and foremost affirm that you’ll live happily.

You’ll Never Be The Same

Family Affair

Be smart enough to ask for advice but be wise
Enough to know who to seek it from. Never give
Someone the opportunity to waste your time
More than once. To you it should be seen as a crime.
Challenge yourself. It’s the only way you can live
And evolve as a person no one can despise.

To change your life you have to change priorities.
Be like a tree and let the dead leaves fall away.
Your future depends on your focus. Be aware
Of what you’ve done already and place your hope there.
Always be mindful of everything that you say.
Take advantage of what can put your mind at ease.

Accept that some people can only be in your
Heart but not your life so learn to miss someone
Without wanting them back. When you react you lose
Your power to the circumstance. You get to choose
How to feel in each moment. How your life is run
Is the business of no one’s malignant allure.

Once you believe in yourself you no longer need
To convince others of all the things you can do.
The best thing about you is your capacity
To create, overcome, endure, transform, and be
Greater than all the suffering that you go through.
At creating the life you want you will succeed.

Bits Of Wisdom

Printed Information

Hiding from your problems won’t make them disappear.
Working through them is the only way you can grow.
Being true to yourself may lead to loneliness
But it’s worth it. Growth’s often a painful process
But it need not be. If you just go with the flow
Then an answer to your dilemma becomes clear.

Stop being so available to people who
Are there for you only when it is convenient
For them. You learn a lot about people when they
Don’t get what they want from you. A high price you pay
For trying to please everyone. You will resent
Having done so. They don’t recognize all you do.

Being honest may not get you many friends but
It’ll always get you the right ones. You cannot
Heal in the same environment where you got sick.
Be especially careful of the friends you pick.
Those who will support you when you’re in a tough spot
Are the best because their intentions are clear-cut.

You do harm to your self-confidence when you break
Promises you make to yourself time and again.
Let the improvement of yourself keep you busy
So much that there’s no time for negativity.
All the things that you want can happen for you when
The decision to feel over the moon you make.

Don’t Believe Me

Truth Teller

If you believe in reincarnation, it’s good
To see you again. If you don’t, noting I say
Will convince you to think the same way that I do.
Everyone has their particular point of view
Which can change significantly from day to day.
Many things people say are replete with falsehood.

Don’t Believe Me because what I’m telling you now
Is a story. It’s how I see life but it’s true
For me only. I can’t expect you to believe
In my conscious experience. How I perceive
Is unique but it need not be proven to you.
Who would want to get inside my head anyhow?

A wild horse is the mind. It takes you anywhere
That it wants to. It’s a thing you must learn to tame.
Listen to what it’s telling you but don’t become
A victim of its many lies. Get away from
Its influence. You have only yourself to blame
For not giving your consciousness its proper care.

Don’t Believe Me or anyone. The sun will be
In the sky every single day. You don’t need to
Believe in the truth for it to be the truth and
It’s available to you once you understand.
Learn to listen to the still voice inside of you.
It’s the only one that speaks to you truthfully.