Tag Archive | parenting

The Power Of Not Knowing

Who Knows?

Any leader can shift from a place of knowing
To one of asking questions. Your knowing implies
That you’re better which everyone knows isn’t true.
What you know isn’t the most evolved part of you.
When you ask as a leader you capitalize
On what others know to get energy flowing.

A young mother has children aged six, four, and two.
What she goes through with them at bedtime can be quite
A chaotic adventure. She feels like the boss
Of unruly employees. She suffers the loss
Of her patience and energy. She gets uptight
As she wonders what on God’s green earth she could do.

Try speaking to your children only in the form
Of questions. Take it to the absolute extreme.
“What time is it now? What do we want to do first?”
Notice how they don’t feel like they’re being coerced.
You may find that you’re able to work as a team.
Asking questions produces the most favored norm.

“Who’s going to be the first to brush their teeth? Who
Needs help getting their pajamas on? What story
Will we read tonight?”
You’ll wonder how long they knew

What to do at bedtime. All they wanted to do
Is get you to ask questions. Behold the glory
Of ‘not knowing.’ It takes a big load off of you.

Energy And Attraction

Energy Focus

How important is energy to your success
In business and relationships? From one to ten
On a scale where one represents being near dead
And ten means that you are bouncing off the bulkhead
Where are you usually? Every now and then
An immense amount of energy you possess.

It’s been studied. Most people say they operate
At about six or seven. Would you do business
With a six or a seven? Why do you remain
At your energy level? The answer is plain
And simple. The people you hang out with are less
Energetic than you and you drop to their state.

What has all this to do with Law of Attraction?
A direct correlation between energy
And the manifestation of all things desired
Does exist. Joy gives you the energy required
To attract like a magnet and quite easily.
It all starts with the feeling of satisfaction.

How you feel is important so pay attention
To it always. It tells you how much energy
You’re allowing to flow through you in each moment.
You can feel your way to joy by conscious intent.
You have more energy as you live happily.
Blessings that come will be beyond comprehension.

Natural Hero

Mutual Family Pride

The impressions of many close adults impact
Those who God made receptive. The guidance they crave
Comes from adjacent others. Parents and teachers
Are their most steady resource. This clearly confers
Upon them the term ‘hero.’ They’re looked to as brave
For how life affects them and how well they react.

 If you want your children to be a certain way,
You must be that way yourself. All parents know this.
What endears children to everyone is their joy
And unfettered exuberance. Each girl and boy
Is a master performer in natural bliss
If indeed this is what those around them portray.

You must be far more joyful and exuberant
Than your children are, since this is what attracts them.
If they see us primarily pissed and stressed out
They’ll conclude life is that way. Why would they have doubt?
 It’s not you but it’s life you teach them to condemn.
Some of us can be heroes, but some of us can’t.

Why would children have anything to do with me
If I did nothing but find a way to complain?
I must represent life because that’s what they are.
If you’re not quite the hero but not very far,
Just remember they’re not into sorrow or pain.
Take a tip from a lowlife of society.

The Art Of Persuasion

The Convincing Argument

With authority figures I get along well.
One must keep them believing that they’re in control
And a cool way to do that is by playing dumb.
It may be kind of tacky and useless for some
But for me it’s a neat way of reaching my goal.
It’s the will of the wise one I’m willing to quell.

This works well with most anyone. Since I’m a child
I can take full advantage of subtle combat
Of a cognitive nature. It’s all in the mind.
I define most behaviors as more than inclined
To relenting to innocence. Anger falls flat
In the otherwise mellow one. I tame the wild.

I don’t listen to words much but feel what they mean.
Through the heart of the meaner they’ve much to convey.
The most accurate truth I intuit with skill
Worthy of the Great Goddess. Her will I fulfill
By firmly understanding that I’ll get my way.
He will be fully trained by the time I’m a teen.

But The Art Of Persuasion I implement now.
Basic to my survival ‘til that time draws near
Is the pleasure bestowed upon me to be sweet.
I can handle most adults I happen to meet.
Can someone give a scolding to someone so dear?
There is only one answer that one would allow.

The Urinator

Cyborg Infancy

Babies weaponize urine. They aim for the face
So you must don yourself with tough ruggedized steel
Treated with naval jelly to mitigate rust.
Keep your eye on them always. It’s wise to mistrust
Their benign seeming natures. Pure wrath they conceal.
They can piss in a heartbeat and in any place.

Pampers will not contain them. They’ll rip them right off
And then sling the wet missile at something worthwhile
Like a lamp or a knickknack or one of your pets.
Pampers should come with padlocks to quell our regrets.
They will piss in your porridge, then look up and smile.
People do need to touch them. At that I would scoff.

Robo babies are rugged and pee like it’s fun.
There’s no sense of restraint in their wild little hearts
Nor their energized bladders. How do we survive?
We must love them completely so that they will thrive.
All good parents are versed in the wet baby arts.
It may seem that the warfare will never be done.

Papa Bird Has Plenty Butt


Papa Bird has enough ass to keep the chicks warm.
It ain’t like he’s a featherweight at nurturing
His young children while his mate is out getting food.
They will trade off their duties in brief interlude.
Papa Bird believes equal rights is the right thing.
He is not truly conscious of breaking a norm.

Papa Bird works his butt off. The lady does too.
…So much must be completed in so little time.
But to labor is pleasure. Fulfillment is keen
When in each given moment, pure splendor is seen
As the best movement forward in spirit sublime.
We can know that the Papa Bird knows what to do.

He’s no half-hearted father who clings to manhood
As if it were a big bird that could fly away.
That which takes to the air does come back to the nest.
As all bids of a feather, we do but our best
To provide for our families, while every day,
Acting out in the ways that we feel that we should.

If You Have A Child


If you do have a child, life can sometimes get wild,
But it needn’t. Although there is lots of advice
From the many child specialists with all their books,
What cannot be expressed well, the book overlooks.
What determines if they will be naughty or nice
Is their own generation and times they have styled.

Much that you want to teach them, they already know
On an unconscious level. Most naturally
They will shy away from that which may cause them harm.
If mistakes are made, there is no cause for alarm.
Make the nest too well feathered, then they will not see
The potential within them to help them to grow.

Little children must know that ten fingers have they.
I would rather they’re taught how to use them instead.
Take you child out in nature and let him behold
All the wonder of life in its splendor untold.
Facts and figures are fanciful fluff for the head,
But they can, in fact, leave the mind in disarray.

Love your child when he knows not what you’ve taught him well.
He is not here to live your life nor work for you.
He will make his own path. You can’t point out his way.
You can fully support him in life, come what may.
To give loving acceptance is all you can do.
You have given him platform. His story he’ll tell.