Tag Archive | loud

No More Anger

Angry Teen

When becoming a spectacle of discontent
There’s no conscience to speak of. There’s only contempt
In the moment. You’re flustered. You don’t have control
Of yourself. You feel hate from the depths of your soul.
Not a human being on this earth is exempt
From this awful emotion of misalignment.

Whatever has you getting yourself so upset
That you fly off the handle has hooked onto you
Like a magnet and it’s a co-creative dance.
How do you get yourself out of this circumstance?
Step back from it. Do anything that you can do
To detach. Don’t do something that you will regret.

What do you do next? This is the question to ask
Of yourself. You don’t want to brood in it or talk
About it. Don’t use it as your excuse to be
Disconnected, uptight, and always ornery.
There’s no reason that you can’t learn to walk the walk
Of a different person. It’s not a huge task.

Talk yourself into knowing that it’s not okay
To deprive yourself of abundance, clarity,
Wellness, and all the things that you consider good
All to focus more on your injustice. You should
Count to ten. Breathe. Relax. There’s no reason to be
Reactive in a harmful or threatening way. 

Get There Fast!

Colorful Blur

How long does it take to manifest the big things?
Does it have to take longer than the little ones?
It’s as easy and takes no longer to create
A castle than a button. You can’t overstate
The importance of positive expectations
Regarding all your creative undertakings.

The way you feel when you’re allowing and the way
You feel when you’re resisting are two different
Frequencies of vibration. Start focusing on
Allowing because everything depends upon
Your vibration. It matters one hundred percent.
How you feel is important each and every day.

The less observant and aware of where you are
The faster you will move to where you want to be.
The reverse is true also. Don’t talk about where
You have been and how long you’ve been vibrating there.
If your thoughts are unfocused things will come slowly
And from your dreams you will be decidedly far.

Look where you want to be regardless of where you
Are right now. Focus only on your cherished goal.
Then how long it takes doesn’t become an issue.
Take your place then among the most fortunate few
Who have mastered this technique of conscious control
Of their destiny. It’s the most wise thing to do.