Tag Archive | brood

Never Be Angry


Like rats in a cage subjected to electric
Shock at erratic intervals, humanity
Is electrified constantly by negative
Emotion. It’s not the healthiest way to live.
If I’m angry what can anything offer me?
Being ornery all the time is no picnic.

When you’ve got a strong energy flowing through you
And something seems to be standing right in the way
Of your getting way past it you can’t help but be
Somewhat hateful but it robs you of energy.
In alignment with your Source is where you must stay.
You may find that getting there is easy to do.

Look at someone who you have extreme anger for
And tell them not directly but in the mind’s eye
That you haven’t decided yet how long you will
Allow them to prevent you from having the thrill
Of alignment and goodness. Then ask yourself why
You’ve allowed this vibration that you most deplore.

We all need to express anger but how long do
You hold onto it? How long do you want to stay
Cut off from clarity, abundance, and wellness?
You can answer these without your having to guess.
You can focus negative emotion away
By remembering what brings happiness to you.

Never Be Angry?

Control Of The Inner Flame

Open flames give off heat. What a revelation!
It’s no wonder that when I touch one I get burned.
Logic dictates that it’s best for me to avoid
Anything that is painful or gets me annoyed.
Should my sources of agony be of concern?
When I am burning what should be the duration?

Discordant and uncomfortable people show
Up in my life because I’m hooked into that part
Of their energy. It’s a co-creative dance
That holds me in a most difficult circumstance.
Some people are like burners. It’s not very smart
To go near their direct flame. This much I do know.

If I have touched a hot stove, the question should be,
“What do I do next?” The answer comes right away.
“Take your hand off the hot stove immediately!
It’s not worth abundance, wellness, and clarity.
In this awful condition do you want to stay?”

That this is good advice I would have to agree.

The next time that I feel anger or injustice,
I might say to myself, “I’ve not yet decided
How long I will use you to not let myself be
In a state of wellbeing. You definitely
Did me wrong, and my anger can’t be derided,
But I’d rather be free to experience bliss.”