Tag Archive | cave

Remember Who You Are


Many times we feel fear. The human condition
Is such that negative emotion is a cave
In which we are all hiding. Sometimes we may feel
That life isn’t worth living. The feeling is real
To the point where our souls we’re not able to save.
It is difficult to be in this position.

Yet there are times of happiness so we can be
Skeptical. We can learn to listen with our hearts
Rather than with the confused voices in our heads.
We can rip the script that they’re reading from to shreds.
Our intention is to master the loving arts
And to live life outside of the cave happily.

Don’t believe all those negative emotions that
Create poisonous stories. Don’t spew them around
Because they keep you in the cave. It’s time that you
Change your message. Empower your word. As you do
A new sense of respect for yourself will be found.
You’ll be free of the problem of mental chitchat.

We’re given this wonderful opportunity
To get out of the cave that we have created.
Within the utter darkness you can be the light
To lead others knowing that everything’s alright
Once that you’ve been properly indoctrinated.
You’re a messenger of peace, love, and harmony.

Sacred Geometry

Eternity Symbols

Since the old days of Plato and Pythagoras
Sacred Geometry has spurred speculation
And wonder. Skeptics insist finding these common
Patterns throughout nature that reflect the Brahman
Are of happenstance. In contrast, adoration
Is given to these symbols by the mystic mass.

The Cave of Brahma can activate a wide range
Of new abilities and states of consciousness.
The daily practice of Sacred Geometry
Will increase your physical and mind energy.
Staring at these symbols can eliminate stress
And the mystics insist that your whole life can change.

Various traditions believe these symbols make
Up the building blocks of our reality. So
Basic and ornate shapes common throughout nature
Each have meaning and power. Their nomenclature
Is of elegance. It’s as if they want to show
That our not noticing them would be a mistake.

Meditators use Sri Yantras and mandalas
As objects to focus upon to further hone
Their mindfulness ability. It’s a fine way
To express your spirituality each day.
 You can do this with others or when you’re alone.
You will never go back to the way that it was.

On Being Alone

Distant Horizon

There are two minds. One mind is always on the run
With its incessant chatter while the other mind
Remains silent. It doesn’t respond to outside
Interference, yet access is never denied
To its clarity. But we’re not often inclined
To partake of its peace as we’re getting things done.

Aloneness doesn’t mean being isolated
Having no friends and vanishing into a cave.
You can do that but you’ll take your two minds with you
And then meditate on things that you were told to
Meditate on. It’s just the way people behave
Aloneness and confinement are not related.

If you just take a moment – five seconds or so
To be quiet, everything that will disappear
In that time is what’s not real. When you’re not thinking
Everything that is lost is what you’d been linking
To your ego which operates much out of fear.
Your moments of aloneness can help you to grow.

When you consider yourself it’s all about thought.
Ninety nine percent of our life experience
Is in this world of virtual reality.
It’s an illusion of garden variety.
Is aloneness now making a whole lot more sense?
What you’ll find will astound you so give it a shot.