Tag Archive | deciding

Leverage Of Alignment

Linear Focus

It takes practice to get better at anything.
Can your feeling better be thought of as a skill?
You can feel your way up the emotional scale
To the point where the happiest feelings prevail.
You can train yourself to attain this state at will.
Many blessings to you your alignment can bring.

There’s relief in each piece of resistance released.
From despair to revenge is a step in the right
Direction and from there to anger is one more.
You’re feeling more empowered than you did before.
You can continue until you find sheer delight
In each moment and your will to live is increased.

When you cross the fulcrum into satisfaction
You’ve let go of enough resistance to achieve
An increase in momentum toward ecstasy,
Passion, exhilaration, and life energy.
This is when you’re in the perfect mode to receive
Many blessings to match your point of attraction.

When you’re in the state of satisfaction you’re more
Likely to win the lottery or meet the love
Of your life so you have every reason to feel
Satisfied. As you see your dreams becoming real
You will thank God and angels in heaven above
For a wonderful life that you’ll come to adore.

Who You Really Are

A Big Question

Do you know Who You Really Are? You’re a machine
With a spirit created by God. You’re the light
That shines through you. Both essences are intertwined
In a way that whatever comes into your mind
Will become manifested. You don’t have to fight
For the process to work and results to be seen.

In this world there are no victims, villains, or those
Who cast shadows upon you. That’s an illusion
Of the ego. There’s no one doing things to you.
It makes sense to take the logical point of view.
You choose what you’ve created and all that you’ve done
You own up to. You can know what your spirit knows.

When you can say, “I did this,” you find the power
To change things for the better. And in so doing
Tremendous satisfaction is what you will feel.
All in good timing the universe will reveal
Exactly the best path you should be pursuing.
Be open to having wonderful things occur.

Seek then to create change not because something’s wrong
But because it no longer makes an accurate
Statement of who you are now. As soon as today
You can change your life circumstance in a big way.
Go ahead with the life you were meant to create.
Get accustomed to living your life like a song.

Things Will Flow

Open Source Abundance

Things begin to start flowing once you realize
That they should, because everything works out for you.
You’re aware that there is an emotional scale.
Your conscious and positive intent must prevail.
There is nothing but goodness from your point of view.
Knowing your guidance system is healthy and wise.

Going from despair to revenge, you are aware
Of relief, even though it is still negative.
You have no control when you are hopelessly lost,
But with revenge, a big psychic river is crossed
Wherein you have decided that you want to live
With enthusiasm and without the despair.

Letting go of resistance is the only way
To crank up your emotion to its highest state.
Relief is no resistance, and satisfaction
Is the best place to be for the simple reason
That a beautiful life you can’t help but create.
For the good life, there is only your joy to pay.

Fast momentum is gathered in your letting go
Of resistance. The leverage in alignment
Is of enormous power. When you’re satisfied,
Then nothing in the universe can be denied.
You’re at one with the provident, ever present
Unseen forces that will allow blessings to flow.