Tag Archive | influenced

A New Place

Distant Horizon

I’m alone with this person. Myself is its name.
Other people know of it. I know not a thing.
In the distant horizon that calls unto me
I can see the potential to absolutely
Be relieved of my troubles. My longing can bring
Only more desolation, and I am to blame.

Into the equation, I am introducing
Resistance inadvertently. This may be why
That I feel that my world is caving in on me.
At this point I want nothing more than to be free
Of this mission. It seems that the harder I try,
The more negative karma I keep producing.

Escapism is not a career building trait
Nor is it a good technique for getting along
With others. The next logical step then must be
Reemergence – not in terms of fatality.
Everything within me tells me that would be wrong.
Thoughts collide and keep me in a negative state.

Now, a good crisis hotline person would tell me
That I’m not such a screw up, and that may be true.
I can find reassurance by going within
Where A New Place absolves my original sin
Of existence. There’s much here that I’ve left to do.
Like everyone here, I have a reason to be.


Expression Of Diversity

A complex combination of qualities and
Characteristics is called personality.
It forms an individual’s own character.
It’s unique, and people treat it as if it were
The true self. It’s presented to society
As a person of which one has total command.

This aspect of the ego is influenced and
Developed in direct relation to patterns
Integrated in childhood. They are reinforced
And become habit until they’re fully endorsed
By the ego. Truth is the least of its concerns.
It’s too simple for it to fully understand.

It’s an intricate system of learned responses.
Whether one is agreeable, honest, and kind,
Or angry and resentful depends on many
Factors including karma, but definitely
One’s prevailing level of consciousness and mind.
Its behavior is subject to consequences.

Spiritual work and understanding leads to
The realization that one is not the thing
That’s called mind and that thinks things. One is the pristine
Awareness beyond mind. Everything can be seen
To be nameless and simply a conscious being.
Be open to discovering the one most true.

Messages From Spirit

Continuous Connection

Spirit and feathered creatures work well together.
My grandmother transitioned a few days ago.
Since then I’ve been seeing cardinals everywhere.
Does this have some significance, and should I care?
They do have my attention, yet all that they know
Is that it’s a fine day. Other creatures concur.

They are not my grandmother, but what can they mean?
Is it coincidental, or am I addressed
With a message from spirit directly from her?
Could I be much the wiser in this if I were
More attentive… or something? To give it my best
Is my intent. I must keep my vibration clean.

These birds are brightly colored, and they are around
Where I live, so the mystery is lessened some
But the birds are susceptible, meaning they are
Easily influenced by those energies far
From the realm of the physical. Messages from
The nonphysical quarters are real and profound.

Birds are excellent at what they do to maintain
Connection with the spirit world. They are willing
To do what e’er it takes to get our attention.
It remains beyond all human comprehension
How the integration can be most fulfilling.
The work of these creatures is never done in vain.