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Being Happy

Pure Happiness

There’s no mystery to it. It’s simply a choice
That you make to be happy. All it takes is your
Willingness to look forward – not where you have been.
Many doors of opportunity open when
You get happy. When you do you get a lot more
Out of life. This is probable cause to rejoice.

People may ask you, “How are you doing?” But you
Don’t want to answer that question. Where you’re going
Is what you want to tell them so answer that way.
They may not understand anything that you say.
The only thing they’re interested in knowing
Is if you’ve been successful in all that you do.

Where you are now and where you’ve been are not where you
Want to focus. You cannot have been and you can’t
Be as good as you’ve become vibrationally.
Where you’re going is really where you want to be.
When you feel it’s appropriate go on a rant
About it. Always maintain your positive view.

The larger part of you has already gone where
You have pointed it. Follow it and you will be
Delighted on your journey. To not go is to
Deny yourself of the blessings offered to you.
It’s not difficult to live your life happily
When with how you are feeling you fervently care.

The Secret

Aqueous Abstraction

“How have you been doing? Have you gotten that raise
You’ve been wanting?”
The questions that people ask you

Are of the past and present – not how things could be
So don’t answer unless you can absolutely
Stay connected to your most evolved point of view.
You can answer these questions truthfully always.

Talk about where you’re going when people ask you
How you’re doing. Tell them things are going quite well.
They’re evolving into something you can adore.
Good things are happening more than ever before.
All That Is corresponds to the story you tell
So tell one of the future because it’s brand new.

“Things are expanding magnificently for me.
Everything’s right on schedule. Things are unfolding
As they should.”
Take control of the conversation

Because you’re speaking from a solid foundation.
To the story that you’re telling be beholding.
As you speak be as passionate as you can be.

You’re a lover. You don’t want to be around those
Who are always fact finding. Although they mean well
They keep you where your are and have been. You want to
Talk about where you’re going. It will become true.
Hang around people and places that ring your bell.
Get to know what the most evolved part of you knows.

Looking Forward

In The Distance

You have to begin telling the story of where
You are going – not where you are or where you’ve been.
Looking Forward is looking where your spirit knows
You should be and you must go where your spirit goes.
You’ll find satisfaction with yourself only when
You decide that you’re going to get yourself there.

If someone asks, “How are you?” you want to hear that
And then translate that into, “Where are you going?”
In your own mind. You don’t want to answer the way
They’d expect so to them you can truthfully say
That your cup of abundance is overflowing.
You can put meaning into your idle chitchat.

“How have you been?” You don’t even want to go there.
How and where you’ve been isn’t where you want to be.
Say to them, “Everything’s unfolding as it should.”
This response from you may not be well understood
But you can coax them into your reality.
All about where you’re going is what you can share.

The much larger part of you has already gone
To where you want to be. Somewhere along the trail
You’ll get stuck but don’t fret. Just remember that you
With your conscious intention can think something new.
Be content in knowing that your truth will prevail.
It’s one thing that you can always depend upon.