Tag Archive | universe

Face The Facts!

Consider What Is Said To Be Real

“Face The Facts!,” as if they exist somewhere outside
Everything. Our speech illustrates our commonsense.
It’s been rigged so that we feel like aliens here.
In this world we know more about hatred and fear
Than about having a wholesome experience.
What is obvious can’t be questioned or denied.

We are not strangers here, yet we are led to feel
That it is true because we’ve gotten used to it.
But if we start to question the way we perceive,
Then our basic assumptions we will not believe
Anymore. This is of enormous benefit
To considering what for your own self is real.

It becomes absolutely obvious to you
That you are continuous with the universe.
People once ‘knew’ the earth was flat until someone
Proved this wrong, then we got used to what had been done.
We could also get used to things getting much worse
Than they are now, so what in this world can we do?

Commonsense keeps evolving. Our facing the facts
As they are in the moment is something we do
Out of habit. One fine day we may discover
That we’re one with the universe. What may occur
Is a love among people that clearly rings true
And our technology has less harmful impacts.

The Automatic Universe

The Magnificent Cosmic Machine

The ceramic world image ran into problems.
Turned into the fully automatic model,
It’s based on the idea of natural laws.
It was believed severely that God is the cause
Of all things, and that it’s heresy to coddle
A notion not religious from which evil stems.

Like the rails on which trains run, the laws of God are
The rails on which natural phenomena
Have their motion and worthiness in honor to
Their creator. Scientists accepted this view
Until the eighteenth century when someone saw
A new way to approach the question so bizarre.

What if there’s no potter out there molding the clay?
Would scientists then still be able to predict
By studying past behaviors and describing
Carefully all the events that are occurring
In experimentation? Need we be so strict
With our fact finding? It need not lead us astray.

So they kept the law and dropped the hypothesis.
The law of prediction is regularity.
Whether there’s a lawmaker or not, the process
Of prediction remains unchanged as we progress
On a path made impetuous to some degree.
Benefits in our chaos we cannot dismiss.

Why Is It So Hard?

Questioning The Contingent Difficulty

If I were to say that I’m God in India,
They would say, “But of course. It’s good that you found out.”
But if I said the same thing here, things would go south
Rather quickly. “What heresy comes from your mouth!”
They would shout in resentment. This leaves me no doubt
That it’s hard to express such a strange idea.

“Whatever the hell you may be, you’re certainly
Not the Lord God!”
No one needs that blast in the ear.

The idea, to some, is very dangerous.
Moral standards, they fear, will be superfluous
And diminished if all people do not adhere
To their own rigid religious philosophy.

Dangerous ideas are contained within all
Fundamental religious structures. History
Demonstrates this quite clearly. Who can’t wonder why
It appears we are not God? We can but rely
On our physical senses. Multiplicity
Is our standard perception restricted and small.

What would it be like if you had the chance to see
Everything in its fullness and oneness? Would you
Feel that you were God at least for a little while?
No one need feel that, in this state, one is on trial
And about to be sentenced. The vision is true
And available to all of humanity.

Test The Universe

God Never Bluffs

It’s not as if it’s bluffing. The wise universe
Knows exactly what it knows and how it affects
Every creature within it. So testing it will
Only prove how fantastic it is with its skill
At delivering things. It’s not all that complex.
It responds to vibration for better or worse.

You are more than you know. You are so much wiser
And deserving of much more than you can conceive.
Your vibrational credentials are of value
To yourself and others in all things that you do,
And the universe has not a trick up its sleeve.
Of it, you can become a good merchandiser.

You have probably suspected your legacy
Of wellbeing
. You know not how huge it has grown.

Things occurring can cause you to think otherwise.
Staying there for a bit helps you to realize
What is needed. To the universe it is shown.
It responds, then, but it is vibrationally.

Outrageously wonderful things are meant for you.
Test the universe often with things that are small
And that have little to no resistance attached.
Circumstances that fit the vibration are matched
Almost instantly. Life is designed to enthrall
You into situations fulfilling and true.

Be The Change

Make It Happen You Damned Self!

The darkness may be part of an intricate plan
To keep hell alive on earth. The world and its ways
Are atrocious, heartbreaking, and doomed to despair.
Yet, there is a great number of people who care
About life on this planet. Do we give them praise?
Or do we criticize people who say, “I Can!”?

What can you contribute that would do any good?
Don’t listen to the voice that says, “It’s just no use.
I’d be wasting my time, effort, and energy.
Too far out of control this world happens to be.”
Nothing but indolence will this thinking produce.

The still small voice within you can be understood.

All of us have some work to do while we are here.
Everyone has a purpose. Offering something
Of yourself to the problem can make your life whole.
Life can work through and use you. Let it take control.
Be the change that you want. Let the universe bring
You impulses and guidance. Your purpose is clear.

How will you serve the world? What does it need that your
Special talent can offer? The effect that you
Have on others can be the most valuable
Currency that there is. Do be ever grateful
To be the instrument of change. All that you do
Is from love or fear. Which one is of more splendor?

Psychic Exercise

Maintenance Of Spiritual Wellbeing

Catch a ride on the magic carpet of spirit.
You are the manifester of all that you know
To be real in the physical as well as in
A beingness of frequency. As you begin
To believe in vibration everything will go
Easier. It takes no time to get used to it.

There is nothing of value ever grater than
To be satisfied with what you’re manifesting
And basking in the feeling of knowing that God
Cannot create a thing in a manner slipshod.
Truly knowing this, what a relief it does bring
To the part of you who fears not having a plan.

Basking means feeling proud. It also means oneness
With your inner being. Your appreciating
Is also a component to be realized
In the state of alignment. Be then magnetized.
The universe is constantly advocating
For your glory. Don’t think that you are something less.

There are many people who are right now living
How you would want to live, and at one time they were
Standing where you are now. No manifestation
Comes until you can believe in the gestation
In the womb of your clear mind. The birth will occur.
In the meantime, be in the mode of thanksgiving.

Allow Infinite Abundance

Let The Magic Happen

How can I find a way to be comfortable
Spending money on myself? It is traumatic.
I want things, but I feel paralyzed to allow
Myself to have them. It would be nice to know how
To spend lavishly and to remain ecstatic.
How do I become wealthy, serene, and stable?

It’s one hell of an issue. It’s probably mine
Along with many others’. I bear to make do
With the basics, when it’s luxury and beauty
That I want in my life. Am I destined to be
Ever wanting the freedom to live what is true
To my wishes? Is my circumstance by design?

Many of us have been taught shortage consciousness
By people who we lived with who had influence
In our upbringing, so there is never enough.
Waste not, want not. We must save for when times get tough.
This mindset in itself is of heavy expense.
It leaves no room for the pursuit of happiness.

There is not a finite amount of abundance.
It expands in direct proportion to our dreams.
I can justify it with hard work if I may,
But my appreciation is all I need pay.
I am worthy regardless of how it all seems.
There is no limit to what my soul can finance.

Life Changing Wisdom

A Fountain Of Enlightenment

The journey of a thousand miles always begins
With the first single step. Your silence is a source
Of great strength. The best fighter is never angry.
When your are content and most delighted to be
Just yourself and don’t compare or compete, of course,
Everyone will respect you, and everyone wins.

When I let go of what I am then I become
What I might be. If I waste time caring about
What other people think then I will always be
Nothing more than their prisoner absolutely.
Knowledge is the treasure, and patience is, no doubt,
The way to it. This message is not just for some.

Music in the soul is heard by the universe.
Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.
Time is a creative thing. To say that you don’t
Have the time is admitting that you simply won’t.
Success may be dangerous. Hope is as hollow
As is fear, and it cannot be seen as a curse.

New beginnings are disguised as painful endings.
Health is the greatest possession, and contentment
Is the greatest of treasures. Your greatest of friends
Is your confidence. Recognizing this transcends
Circumstances of conflict that are infrequent.
You are affected also by your offerings.

A Provident Universe

Universal Coverage

God, disguised as the universe, wants you to know
What you knew when you got here – that you want to be
The deliberate creator of your own life.
What’s around you may get you to thinking that strife
Is the way of existence here naturally.
Yet there’s much here to prove that this just isn’t so.

Who you really are is much more different than
The perception of yourself you’ve come to believe.
You are much more than you know – smarter and wiser.
You are here to become a good realizer
By knowing how to be in the mode to receive.
Your experience here is all part of a plan.

You have vibrational credentials. Everything
That you have ever wanted is well tended to.
It’s available to you when you are aligned
To receive it. You must be in the state of mind
That allows it. The only thing you have to do
Is believe it then your life will be amazing.

Let yourself hope for outrageously wonderful
Things to come to you. You have a huge legacy
Of wellbeing. Put the universe to the test.
“If I am so good, show me how that I am blessed.”
You will see that things happen immediately.
It’s appropriate then to be ever grateful.

There Is No Name For It

Existence Unspeakable

In this universe there is One Great Energy
That there is not a name for. A few that are tried
Like Brahman, and the Tao have a greater meaning
Than does God because that name is often leaning
In peculiar directions. One cannot decide
For oneself what’s the nature of divinity.

One substance is existence. It’s fascinating
That anything came to exist. Much easier,
Then, it would have been had there been nothing at all.
The effort and energy needed isn’t small.
It’s an on and off system. We are, as it were,
And are not at the same time as we do our thing.

An infinity of functions it does contain
And of this elegant suchness all are a part.
Now you see it. Now you don’t. The Yang and the Yin,
Like the crest and the trough and the particle spin,
Are a principle that can be taken to heart.
In the naming of suchness there’s not much to gain.

Good will never once and for all triumph over
Evil. ‘On’ will never finally conquer ‘off.’
By indulging in the illusion we become
Disillusioned. The spirit may grow cold and numb.
Then creation becomes like a persistent cough.
The mind is a place where the nameless can’t occur.

The Most Frightening Thing About Death

Fear Of The Ultimate Unknown

In answer to the question, “What’s your state of mind
As you’re contemplating the possibility
Of everything becoming nothing?”
there’s nothing

To refer to but our beliefs. When pondering
What death will be like, some may struggle terribly.
To think about such a thing they are not inclined.

The ’what if-ness’ of death is what people go through.
Avalanches of questions that can’t be answered
Flood the physical systems, yet what’s the trouble?
We’re like foam on the water or like the bubble
Or the puff of smoke. We know death can’t be deferred
People can’t conquer it no matter what they do.

Why don’t we want to give up? Just what do we think
We will get by remaining here a while longer?
It is ever so easy. Let go, and dissolve!
It is necessary for all life to evolve.
We cannot tear away from the way that things were
Even though our lives were not always in the pink.

The most frightening thing about death is that there
Might be something beyond it. It’s a mystery.
Yet the world is full of threats from other people.
Knowing whether to be regretful or thankful
Is all part of the death focusing fantasy.
There is no existence with which we can compare.

Righteous Repetition

The Virtue of Redundant Variety

There are things worth repeating and things that are not.
With the former, the things that are most uplifting
To the heart, people want to hear over again.
But things that aren’t that pleasing or things that have been
Asked for numerous times can be quite annoying
To the listener who values silence a lot.

You get to define what you want, and you get to
Define how you want it to be, but you can be
Too specific or you may have some doubt or fear
That the thing that you ask for will never appear.
Everything you’ve asked for, you’ve asked for already.
Focus now on the thing that will benefit you.

Don’t keep asking, and asking, and asking… because
It will only slow things down to a screeching halt.
What the universe knows about you is immense.
If you want things to come then it makes proper sense
To chill out and allow for the coming result.
All this is according to spiritual laws.

Undivided attention on your creation
Of the person you want to be must be your aim.
Concentrate on your spirit. That it remain high
Is your ultimate mission. It’s fair to rely
On repeating your purpose, or you can exclaim
Over and over again, “I’m here to have fun!”

Something Mysterious Coming Your Way

Ready For A Wonderful Supply

Generally, the magic is more dominant
Than the manifestations of bitter contrast.
Your life is going quite well, and you are content
With your place in the world and your huge achievement
Of alignment with who you are. You have amassed
A small fortune. Your life is seen as elegant.

You know that if you’re general with your desire
Specifics will materialize into place.
You’ve been offered a contract from the universe.
For all that you do it is willing to disburse
Benefits packages. You accept them with grace.
There is no limit to all that you can acquire.

You enjoy the good things in life. Finding your way
To events and places of interest to you
While not needing to know the specifics of where
The money will come from, you’re never in despair.
Is it rare to find people with your point of view?
Those who think so, their own consciousness they betray.

With time, it just gets better. The benevolence
Of the universe you feel almost constantly.
Life has been working out for you and always will.
The thriving nature of people gives you a thrill,
And the excitement in you that others can see
Is a measure of your innate magnificence.


Natural Overcoming

As you identify it in general terms
Then the specifics of it will come before you
Put your label on it. Rather than deciding
What it’s going to be and forever trying
To make the universe fit into your own view,
Why not have faith in what all that is good confirms?

Chill out and let the universe show itself to
You as it is. Everything you’ve ever wanted,
One at a time, is kept track of yet in spirit.
You must be in the receptive mode to get it
If not, then by acting you become self-daunted.
People who don’t know this by now are but a few.

Spirit knows the relationship that each of your
Wishes has with the others. Cooperative
are arranged by Law of Attraction.

It’s your inner being who gets everything done
On the spiritual level. You want to live
The thrill of expecting and then receiving more.

In that quieted mind state, you are not trying
To make it happen, yet you are unstoppable
In your faith in unseen forces working for you.
No matter what is happening, you’ve access to
Infinite intelligence. Perfectly stable
Are the laws. They need no over-clarifying.


Individual Expression Through Social Interaction

What you do in life chooses you. You don’t choose it
But you can reject it and do something safer.
At some point, when you create yourself to succeed,
You will either drop that creation and be freed
To explore who you really are, or you’ll concur
With how others see you for their own benefit.

You do not exist. We’re all playing characters
To help us interact well with one another.
I’m the flickering light and the dancing shadow –
Nothing masquerading as something folks can know
By its name so that the performance can occur.
Anyway, it’s the way society prefers.

Do not kill who you really are for something fake.
Energy depletion will occur if you do.
Inauthentic personalities to maintain
So that you fit in well is a definite drain
On your life force. It is best that you remain true
To your mission. You’ll less likely make a mistake.

You can join the game, fight the wars, and play with form
All you want, but to find real peace you must let go
Of the armor. Your need for acceptance makes you
Quite invisible in this world. Your light shines through
The temple of your body. Let your spirit grow
By not following the practices of the norm.

Push The Launch Button

Get Things Started

You’re the creator of your own reality.
Your life is like a rocket ship ready to go.
You’re moments from blast off. Why on earth do you wait?
Live your life to its fullest before it’s too late
To create all you wanted to. This much you owe
To yourself. You must be all that you want to be.

Creating your own reality is about
A conscious way to choose what you want to occur
By adjusting your thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives
To those of your true spirit who constantly lives
Blissfulness and full clarity. What you prefer
Is your spirit’s only concern without a doubt.

You get what you focus your attention upon.
If it’s rubbish then that is what you’ll manifest
But if you have a dream that you want to come true
Then there is only one thing that you have to do.
Focus on it only and you will do your best.
You have universal forces to rely on.

There is a close connection between attraction
And creation. The Law of Attraction helps you
To know your own potential by testing it out.
Manifestations wipe away lingering doubt
That you get what you ask for. You are the one who
Is meant to push the button on new life begun.

I Appreciate Who I Am

You Are Naturally Magnificent

Several billion people live on earth so far.
Each one of us is special with our points of view
And connections with others. Our resonating
With vibrational concepts does good graces bring.
The Law of Attraction orchestrates all we do.
Stardust formed into consciousness is what we are.

I appreciate myself and others because
We are all one big process destined to evolve
Into our exaltation. I am gratified
In knowing that I’m wonderful deep down inside
Even though not around me does the world revolve.
I’m subject happily to spiritual laws.

A bright light is shown upon what I’ve created.
More awakened I become, with each brand new day,
To who I really am minus all the nonsense
Of the ego. I live always in present tense.
I think thoughts that are pleasing and mind what I say
To myself and to others. I am elated.

I remember the bigness of who I am, and
I appreciate differences among us.
The broadness of the playground we get to create
Is our means of expansion. I appreciate
My role in the process. There’s a world to discuss.
I anticipate what the universe has planned.

Accepting The Gift

No Need For Humility

Some believe that a good life is one that is long.
This is not necessarily so. There’s a link
Between feeling terrific and longevity,
Yet the most functional way that you want to be
Is contented but eager for more. Do not think
That a short life that’s blissful has somehow gone wrong.

Life is meant to be joyful. If it’s not, something
Is out of alignment and needs looking into.
When your life is delicious, appreciation
From moment to moment is good for everyone
Who happens to be in proximity to you
As well as yourself. Do what will make your heart sing.

A long life in the current body some address
From a negative standpoint. They are not ready
To start over. They want to reap more benefit
From the knowledge accumulated yet unfit
Is the attitude needed to live happily.
How you feel is the ultimate key to success.

It’s not possible for you to withdraw focus
On your many surroundings. You will want to see
Changes made until they meet your satisfaction.
Content yet eager is the best combination
For accepting the gift of your life gracefully.
It is one that is to be shared by all of us.

Face The Facts

Address Your Denial

We’ve got all sorts of ideas built into us,
And our speech reflects communist phrases such as,
“Face the facts,” as if they were totally outside
Of ourselves and to be used as our only guide.
We encounter life as aliens, and this has
The effect of programming. This is obvious.

People speak of ‘awakening.’ What does it mean?
It’s a reexamination of common sense
Which has been rigged within us by society.
Learn to know that it ain’t so necessarily
Just because people’s belief is so damned immense.
No way other than what they’re used to can be seen.

The way to perceive life is not as foreigners.
We are not strangers to this world but part of it.
People used to believe that this round earth is flat
Until someone disproved any notion of that.
Questioning our core assumptions, we must admit
That as commonsense creatures we are amateurs.

We are continuous with the vast universe.
Unending is its momentum. The time will come
When we all will see things this way, but until then
Social structures will falter again and again.
Reflection is where our enlightenment comes from.
We evolve with our mindset for better or worse.

We Are Not Separate

The Collective Conscious

If I am I because you are you, and you are
You because I am I, then I am not I, and
You are not you. We’re not separate entities.
We define one another as the birds and bees.
Lean some sticks against one another. They will stand.
Remove one and all will fall. This can’t be bizarre.

We are interdependent systems. Together
We are one organism. Our skin separates
Not us from the world. It is a bridge through which the
World flows into and out of us, and exactly
Like a whirlpool, each part of us interrelates
As our form and a number of changes occur.

What you call the external world is as much you
As your body. The world creates you, and you it.
We can recognize one another the same way
That eternity captures existence for play.
We become wiser as a race if we submit
To this mind changing notion that’s ruggedly true.

Myths underlying our culture and common sense
Have not taught us to feel identical with the
Universe. Only parts of it we will engage.
The ‘external’ world can become a psychic cage.
Aliens we are to it if all can’t agree
To this one observation which is quite immense.

What Is Telepathy?

The Nature Of Mental Access

That the more unconditional love you emit
The more you can identify with other folk
Is a provable fact regarding everyone.
Generally there is a bit of confusion
As to what is occurring. We each are a spoke
In the Wheel of Creation. We are used to it.

And you are the only one in your universe.
There’s no one else to read but yourself. It is true
That the idea of other people is one
That is not of your universe. Nothing is done
That you are not a part of. The concept of you
Is your own. It is in it that you do immerse.

You are not reading anyone’s mind. You’re simply
Vibrating at the same frequency so you will
Have the same thoughts at the same time, so that you are
Independent of contact, which would be bizarre.
All it takes is some time to develop this skill.
Some are born with a ton of it naturally.

Using someone as a symbol to resonate,
What you do is ‘become’ them as much as you can
Through positive emotion. Like tuning forks we
Allow ourselves to vibrate at the frequency
Of the one we are focused on, woman or man.
You can make a practice of achieving this state.

Speak Only Of What You Want

Tell Your Own Story

There’s too much one can speak of that dampens the mood
And excites the raw demon from nonexistence
To somewhere nowhere near a peaceful solution.
Negative emotions are certainly no fun
Unless one is psychotic thus lacking of sense.
Is this keeping your attention on what’s pursued?

For every statement of desire there’s a statement
Of doubt or disbelief that it can be fulfilled
But that’s just human nature. We want perfection
The first crack out of the box. The work has been done
To bring you satisfaction. Decide to be thrilled
By that which has true meaning. Dare to be content.

You do not want to settle for less than your dream
Yet there may be reluctance to your allowing
It to happen because you’re strung out on the news
Or some trite personal drama that you may choose
To waste your psychic energy on. Everything
That you want requires focus but not too extreme.

It is easy to start in a general place,
Living happily ever after and watching
Things come into alignment with your true desire.
Anything that you want you’re able to acquire
But your focus must be only on that one thing.
Tune yourself toward receiving infinite grace.

Stop Lying To Yourself

Get A Glimpse Of Truth

What takes place in the real world cannot be as real
As the essence within you that knows only truth.
It’s our nature to lie even about feelings.
So much of what is false we get from our dealings
With others whose tactics are profoundly uncouth.
To the ignorant masses it has much appeal.

Thoughts of Mother Teresa are relevant here.
People are often self-centered, irrational,
And unreasonable. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind there will be people who betray
And accuse you of selfishness. Some of them shall
Turn out to be your enemies within your sphere.

But be kind anyway. If you are successful
You will win some unfaithful friends and enemies.
Succeed anyway. If you’re honest and sincere
People may deceive you, but decide to adhere
To your quest for success. Don’t let anyone seize
Your passion or ability to be joyful.

What you spend years creating others can destroy
Overnight, but create anyway. If you find
Happiness and serenity, some are jealous
But be happy anyway. Don’t take on the fuss
Of those who choose to be in that ill way inclined.
Do what it takes to keep yourself centered in joy.

Speechless Timing

Accelerated Synchronicity

Divine timing is timing. There’s only one kind
That this time space reality cares to reveal.
Synchronicity rules this immense universe.
All that happens does so but for better or worse.
Consciousness finds that timing has constant appeal
Even though it may sometimes befuddle the mind.

My career as an actress is progressing well
But I’d like things to happen a little faster.
How can I be a vibrational match to that?
I feel that on some level it’s mortal combat.
I’m thankful that my life is not a disaster
At least not so that too many others can tell.

I know quite well enough now that I cannot say
To the universe, “Figure it all out and then
Give it to me all at once.”
This never happens.

I’d miss out on experience and making friends.
My desires are delicious, and I know that when
I enjoy them profusely, things do go my way.

I’m an evolving being. I’m making the best
Of where I am now and clearly understanding
That where I am now is a temporary place.
Here I am, and it’s good. Timing is at a pace
That, as I feel my best, is ever increasing.
Everything falls into place as I manifest.

Make The Universe Listen

Command The Cosmos

You create the vast universe as it creates
You and all others in it. Telling your story
As you want has the power to change anything
In your life that’s not working. Alone you can bring
About what is needed in terms of your glory.
You must know that a wonderful treasure awaits.

Your story as you tell it can eliminate
All the bygones, mistakes, grudges, and injustice
Of all manner. You will begin to let it go
And replace it with that which you have come to know
As benevolent, hopeful, and things such as this.
No one can mess with the story that you create.

Purify your vibration. Practice the power
Of your own mind. Step back into remembering
Who you are, why you came here, and what you shall do.
All that is benefits from all that which is you.
With every thought that you think you have everything
At you beck and call naturally as it were.

Do whatever you must to feel good. If it takes
Dissolving stagnant relationships, so be it.
Put your undivided attention on the things
That bring you the most pleasure despite happenings.
Your life was meant to be a comfortable fit.
The game of your alignment is truly high stakes.

Ask This Question

The Most Important Thing To Ask

Much obscene information erupts into play
With my daily reality. There is no need
For me to ask a single thing. Too much goes on
For the mind to keep track of. Consensus is drawn
From the common collective. In this way I’m freed
From the wild chase that would make a waste of my day.

Negative emotion always means that I’m not
In agreement with how my inner being feels
About what I am dealing with. It cannot see
Any evil in anyone including me.
It’s the epitome of positive ideals.
What it thinks about all things should matter a lot.

I could choose to be angry about many things
That involve people having to be different
Than they are in order for me to be happy.
They won’t change who they are just to satisfy me.
There is one other option. I can be content
In the clarity that my inner being brings.

How does my inner being feel about this thing
That I’m focused upon?
Is my gut in a knot?

If so, it means I’m not in agreement with it.
My internal guidance is of huge benefit.
It tells me when I’m warm or cold and when I’m hot.
It’s the only question I will keep on asking.

Why It’s Not Coming Faster

Relax And Allow

How do I get the money out of the vortex
And into the bank where it can be of some use?
How do I meet the soul mated love of my dreams
In her absence? I don’t understand why it seems
That I’m stuck because I’m not able to produce
What I want. The issue is mundane and complex.

I have to not need to have it right before me
So that I can see, hear, taste, smell, touch, and behold
It in its actuality. I must accept
The vibrational version which is always kept
In spiritual escrow. How good things unfold
Is by tuning my vibration accordingly.

If it hasn’t come yet it means only one thing.
I am not a vibrational match to what I
Want so strongly. I must find a way to relax
There is nothing to gain through my frivolous acts.
With the laws of the universe I must comply.
I may not understand now what good it may bring.

By nature I am one who turns thoughts into things
By being in the receptive mode. I can’t be
In a bad space where I cannot pick up the clues
That the universe constantly sends. That’s good news.
I don’t have to blame others for what’s up with me.
My vision is the clearest of understandings.

Focus On The Why

The Most Powerful Question

Things should sometimes go my way. I feel left behind
By forces of creation. I want there to be
Evidence here and now that wanting is alright.
I know that it will never be if I’m uptight
As an unwanted consequence. What fulfills me
Is when things manifest. That is my frame of mind.

I run into frustration when I think of where
It will come from or how or when things will take place.
These are questions I can’t answer, so it is wise
To desist with such thinking that will compromise
My sense of worthiness of universal grace.
I know that it is not good if I linger there.

My thoughts are too specific regarding this thing.
What’s the vibrational underlying reason
Why I want what I want? It’s because I will feel
Good in having it. Such a feeling is ideal.
I’d love to radiate goodness to everyone.
Thoughts like these I find healthy and stimulating.

It is good that I think about it otherwise.
Others seem to be happy in doing the same.
I know that it will come. I am the creator
Of my reality. Whatever I ask for
Will happen. It is my power that I proclaim.
It is good that I keep focusing on the prize.

Let Go Of The Past

'Happy Days' Sour With Time

The purest part of you never looks at the past
So when you do you’re going to feel resistance.
And your inner being will never forgive you
Because you cannot ever give it reason to.
Your strong need for forgiveness leaves you with no chance
Of ever feeling a wholesomeness that will last.

What you did was atrocious. You know that too well.
Not a day passes by where you don’t feel remorse
For what cannot be undone. The best part of you
Will not sanction your guilt even though it is true
That it’s hard to feel worthy. Do know that your source
Of direction can mitigate some of this hell.

There are two points of view that you can select from.
One involves inspiration which comes from within.
Motivation is the other. It’s trying to
Force your hijacked awareness to something that you
Would prefer. Only you can forgive your grave sin.
Only then are you able to recover some.

Forgiveness is your turning your attention to
Something that allows energy from the divine
To flow to you and through you. Keep looking ahead
Even though there are people who would wish you dead.
You’re not a despicable creature by design.
Dare to be forward looking in all that you do.

How To Ask

Anatomy of Prayer

Asking moments happen while amid the contrast
That life offers whether or not I focus on
What I like or what I despise passionately.
If it came down to logic then I’d always be
Feeling good about asking. Energy is drawn
From attention to my dream. I remain steadfast.

Positive expectation of what I ask for
Is expected by forces that will bring about
What I want. As I want, the universe expands,
And I must become the person who understands
The nature of my asking. I need to chill out
And find other means of pleasure I can explore.

Tugs of war that I’m feeling in that place inside
Where all feeling is dealt with are sure enough signs
That I’m not in the right mood to do my asking.
To expand and not go there is devastating.
The slightest bit of doubt usually confines
One to where what is asked for is simply denied.

When I am fascinated and feeling passion
In the things that I’m doing, I know I’m on track
To be receptive to impulses and insights
From the broader perspective. My spirit delights
In the confirmations that I keep getting back.
I feel that my fine work here will never be done.

Just Relax

Don't Hurry Life

You could not be more worthy but you could be more
Aware and more allowing of your worthiness.
Your approach could be softer. Accept that the laws
Of the universe are powerful and the cause
Of all things that occur here. You have full access
To your treasure. There is some excitement in store.

The way that you show yourself that all this is true
Is by focusing on things that do not hold much
Resistance to begin with and then watching how
Universal forces will respond and allow
rendezvous with occasions that will produce such
In a fashion convincing enough to sell you.

Your ability to be receptive to things
That matter to you dearly can surely increase.
As you start focusing in less resistant ways
Wonderful things will happen to you within days.
It is time to relax. Give your wanting some peace.
Contentment in the journey is what your calm brings.

The precision and the uniqueness of who you
Are is represented in this co-creative
Arena of existence. Amid the contrast
Your advantage is huge. Your intention is vast.
You know best with a clear mind just how you should live.
Every moment of being is blessed and new.

Decide To Feel Good

Happiness Is Your Choice

Often for most people the manifestation
That is not perfect does keep them from creating
One that is perfect. Our choices are limited.
We can suffer a whole lot or feel good instead.
The beginning of the improvement is the thing
Any contrast offers indeed to anyone.

Choosing thoughts that feel better or those that feel worse
Is done at subtle levels of our consciousness.
Let the choice be emotional – of energy.
How do I want to feel in the plexus of me
That is solar in function? Am I more or less
In control of how I feel in this universe?

I can be as happy or as miserable
As I want to be at any given moment.
Consciously I forget that and make wrong choices.
Then I’m haunted internally. Psychic voices
Of perhaps lower selves do their best to prevent
Me from keeping my focus both sharp and stable.

Must I pay in order to receive loving grace
From wherever it comes any time and always?
Love and appreciation are legal tender.
Positive expectation on what I prefer
Is a good form of payment. And infinite praise
I offer to the universe. All I embrace.

Try Less

All Is Done

All I need to know is that it’s already done.
I’ve identified something that I want and I
Can maintain my alignment. I’ll build momentum
So that all the sooner that which I want will come.
But a wise inner voice says that I ought to try
A lot less and to trust in the process begun.

Constant trusting that the process works without fail
Is all that it requires. I have put it all there –
Everything that I want. I can’t keep focusing
On the absence. I will not accomplish a thing
But a blocking of that which is going nowhere.
They exist in my mind’s eye in vivid detail.

It is not about thinking about it a lot.
Too much of that will lead me into depression.
To accept that the process is worthy and real
There must be some passion in the way that I feel
For the thing that is wanted, and I am someone
Who can maintain a blissful state absent of thought.

I Must Chill. That’s the bottom line. Just let things be.
Everything is accomplished. I need to relax
And allow things to happen. It is not okay
If I’m feeling discomfort. I must steer away
From diversions and self-sabotaging attacks.
I let myself move toward what I want to see.

Life Mastery

At One With The Flow

When you’re into the flow of things life is a breeze.
You feel full, well connected, and part of the whole
Of all that is created. Ascended masters
Guide you through your existence. Whatever occurs
You remain unaffected. You have trained your soul
To be calm, contented, and quite easy to please.

Your akashic record you may care to peruse.
You are interested in your tapping into
The power of your higher self. There is a way,
But you need not believe in a word that I say
Until you’ve tried some things out. The human in you
Demands proof, or else its truth you’ll flat out refuse.

The body is a complex energy system.
It is composed of chakras. The one that’s outside
Is the Soul Star Chakra. It is above the head.
Through this chakra, divine love you are being fed.
Everyone has this access. It can’t be denied
Nor can it be a thing that someone could condemn.

As you’re grounded and prepared for deeper insights
To come to you, the activation has begun.
In a nice quiet place focus on your breathing.
Imagine white or golden light that is bringing
Loving grace and a peace that’s as warm as the sun
To your Solar Star Chakra through your days and nights.

Start To Trust

There Is Nothing To Fear

To say that there’s no hope is abomination.
In the face of reality I harbor fear
Not for my own existence but for humankind.
Squashing manifestations, I am so inclined
To believe in a future profanely austere.
My feeling in this moment cannot be undone.

It’s because I have practiced micromanaging
And controlling conditions. I do not yet trust
What the universe can do and does constantly.
What we do here is minuscule compared to the
Planets spinning in their orbits. It seems I must
Seek a clearer understanding of everything.

There’s a difference between believing that I
Have to figure out all the components and make
Them assemble themselves in the most preferred way
Or to just understand there are forces at play
That will yield what I’m after. I’m now wide awake
So that I recognize goodness when it comes by.

Everything is always and ever working out
For me, and the source within me knows what I need.
It is logical that I sustain a level
Of alignment wherein I am free to revel
In the good that there is instead of catfish feed.
Things eventually will improve, I’ve no doubt.

The Hidden Dimension

Entering Other Worlds

Is there something in common in every culture
That creates within everyone the need for God?
Anyone who has experienced mystery
Knows that there’s a dimension that we cannot see.
The beauty of a mountain or sunset we laud
As the face of divinity. Yet are we sure?

The realization of wonder is something
That all people experience time and again.
The tremendous power of nature we behold
As a force greater than us that can’t be controlled.
We return to something but we cannot know when.
We are left with tons of clues for deciphering.

Throughout God’s evolution in our consciousness
There have been those of violence and compassion
And protectors of kings and queens and their campaigns.
Personification is still locked in our brains
To the degree that we may not ever be done
With the faces of God we create to excess.

God is a manifestation of energy
And the vehicle for it. Continuing war
Among world principalities over issues
Of our faith and anarchy can only confuse
What we know in our souls to be something much more
Than a situation where we act foolishly.


The Cycle Game

Everything is on track. I am doing quite well.
My career as an actress is moving along.
I’m excited. I’m having fun. My life is bliss.
But the negative feeling that I can’t dismiss
Has to do with my timing. Something may be wrong
With something that I’m doing as my senses tell.

I want it to happen just a little faster.
How can I be a better vibrational match
To some acceleration with my profession?
Can I ask of the universe that it be done
In a tenth of an instant? With loving dispatch
Do attend to my wishes as I would prefer.

I’m not being forsaken. The timing is fine.
Bring me the best of what I’m able to receive
At this moment, and I’ll just keep looking for more.
Here I am, and from here there is much to explore
On my path of fulfillment. What I must achieve
Is acceptance of here and now by the divine.

I am making the best of where I am right now
Understanding that where I am now will not last.
There is much to appreciate here at this place.
Mostly I’m satisfied. I will always embrace
Feeling just a bit better. What can happen fast
Is a change in my attitude if I allow.

All You Have To Do

Here It Is

There’s no need to be fake about feeling your best.
If you feel yourself trying then something is wrong
With your way of allowing the good times to roll.
When you learn how the laws work you will have control
Of your daily momentum. It doesn’t take long
To attain what you’re after because you are blessed.

Find something that you just feel good about and then
Focus only upon that. Let it resonate
Within you until you feel momentum increase.
It becomes easier then for you to release
All the negative drama you so well create.
You have been in that awful way time and again.

You may have five things going that are important.
Four of them may go terribly and only one
Is doing quite the opposite. Focus on it
And the others will improve by not just a bit
But a whole lot. A whole lot of work can get done
When you know things you can do from things that you can’t.

What’s so hard about thinking about things that feel
Good instead of the things that will make you feel bad?
You’ve been trained to believe in struggle and effort.
But you know now to disregard thoughts of that sort.
Focusing on bad stuff drives you stark raving mad.
You are the one who knows which is of more appeal.

Your Dominant Mantra

Your Eternal Song

You Are Love. Don’t forget that. It may not seem so
During times of frustration. There are two of you.
One is your fettered ego. The other is bliss.
In your everyday lives it’s easy to dismiss
The ascended part of you. So what can you do
So that more of this other being you may know?

Watch for the next opportunity and the next,
And your dominant mantra to the universe
Is that I’m to live happily ever after
No matter what conditions around me occur.
You know which kind of energy that you disburse
By the nature of your life. You can’t be perplexed.

You’re not here to accomplish things. Your only goal
Is your intertwining with who you really are.
The symbol or the recognition of success
Is how much you appear to be in joyfulness.
In finding your contentment do not look so far
From your center that you end up losing your soul.

And when you are in that conscious intertwining
With your truest self, you are love in every sense
For yourself and the situations of others.
You will find that it is what your ego prefers.
Feeling good leads to your ultimate transcendence.
So do make it your mantra. It means everything.

The Universe

Some of All There Is

The vastness of the cosmos – The void that is not
Has too much possibility to comprehend.
Yet, we give it our best shot and do fairly well.
The enormity has some meaning. What, pray tell?
I would not bother posing this to a close friend.
It’s best that I tie only my head in a knot.

Are there places similar to earth to be found
In this mass of creation with other beings
Who are like us? Are they within visiting range?
When it comes right down to it, there’s nothing too strange
For this chunk of eternal cosmic happenings.
It is likely that there are such places around.

In this realm of existence, if you can conceive,
Through your imagination, anything you choose,
Then this universe has it and much stranger things
That cannot be imagined by us as beings
Simply because we are limited in our views.
We cannot know what the cosmos has up its sleeve.

It has so much potential ours pales in essence
So the concept of eternity we engage
To approximate meaning, but the meaningless
Echoes ever profoundly. So we acquiesce
To the little we can know on this earthly stage.
We accept things that to us make some kind of sense.

Finding Ease

The Pursuit of Inner Peace

Absence of difficulty, struggle, or effort
Is what I want to feel at this moment in time.
Can I talk myself into it from where I am
Without changing my usual feeling program?
I want so much that there not be tough hills to climb.
Fear grips me so completely that I may fall short.

Life means handling the contrast as best as I can
Without ill will to others, self-loathing, or pain.
Lightening up on myself would feel really nice.
It’s high time that I take nature’s helpful advice.
When resistance is created there is no gain.
All I’ll do is come up with another bad plan.

The best word I can find for what I’m wanting now
Is the word ‘ease.’ I want to feel satisfaction
That I’m ever in the right place at the right time.
That warm feeling of confidence is most sublime.
I want comfort in knowing that everything’s done.
All I need to do now is relax and allow.

To get into that centered place is all I need.
Where my natural comfort and worthiness lies
Is my point of attraction. To feel good feels good.
I like slowing the frenzy down. It’s understood
That the self who is fettered is just a disguise.
“All Is Well.” In this statement my spirit is freed.

There Is No Name For It

Conscious Nebulous Forces

All that is and that ever was has not a name.
Many have been used, but we’ve become rather bored
With defining and naming something so nameless.
All is all but one substance, and in the process
It evolves all quite seemingly of its accord.
We know too little about where everything came.

It’s an off and on universe. Now you see it.
Now you don’t. It’s the forces of the yang and yin
That define our perceptions of all taking place.
From complete utter nothingness to time and space
That which is ever nameless is where we begin
To get some understanding as it will permit.

“But what if the bad forces win out over good?”
This question comes from ignorance of energy
And its back and forth nature. We tremble in fear.
The potential of living a future austere
Amplifies the illusion of needing to be
In control of the nameless as it’s understood.

Wouldn’t it have been easier had their been not
The first cause of creation and all come to be?
Nothingness is unthinkable. Can it exist
Without something to contrast? That which does persist
Is consciousness eternal and evidently
Some people take delight in giving it much thought.

The Real Me

The Self Undefined

I pretend to be someone significantly small
Compared to who I really am. Poor little me
Is afflicted with beingness. Can I awake
From this dream of my selfhood? Was it a mistake
That the universe carelessly caused me to be?
My flirtation with waking up leads to my fall.

What the whole universe is doing I do too.
Waking up is the realization that I
Am something that the whole universe does just as
The wave is something that the ocean does. Life has
Dualistic convergence. I exemplify
All there is as one being with one point of view.

Not like being locked in a dark room forever
Will it be when I die. That’s not experience.
Nonexistence everlasting is so absurd.
Only from fearful people is such a thing heard.
When I wake up from this life the next will commence,
And this self that I am now will exist no more.

Consciousness is continuous. As people die,
More come into existence. I am every one
But can only experience one at a time.
As I am this one now, my awareness is prime,
And I know that I will never get it all done.
I’ve respect for the laws with which I must comply.

Ask Differently

From The Best Vantage Point

If you do feel like asking, it’s all well and good
That you do from a vantage point of strong belief
That your asking is answered. You have to resist
The temptation to doubt it. Excuses exist
That you need not hold onto. They act as a thief
In the darkness it brings you in your humanhood.

Do not ask from a feeling of desperation.
That indeed has to pass before work can be done
On securing a neutral enough vibration
So that there’s less resistance. Then work has begun
You must always remember that you are the one
Who gets to decide how your own program will run.

Whenever you ask, the universe does expand.
Whether or not you follow is all up to you.
Tugs of war take place when you ask and you don’t go
Which causes disappointment. You cut off the flow
Of the grace that is due you. So do follow through
With what’s already answered by forces most grand.

When you ask from a space where you don’t feel uptight
Then there is no resistance to get in the way.
Feeling exhilaration and passion for that
Which is your heart’s desire, you will rarely be flat
In your asking vibration. This is how folks pray.
You’ve the power to conjure things in sheer delight.

It Starts Now

There Is No Past Or Future

No past ever existed except in the mind.
When the universe was created, it was now.
It still is now and will be forever, you see.
Like the wake of a ship, now trails off completely.
But the ship is the one place where I can allow
Now to guide my existence. Without it I’m blind.

The wake can be used to explain things in detail
Before it becomes nothingness. Such is the past.
It resides in odd places – not reality.
All the answers to questions I’m finding to be
In the ultimate present that I can make last
Quite as long as I want. Let the moment prevail.

Needed transformation of human consciousness
When done through meditation can get frustrated
By untidy spiritual one upmanship.
I may not need a teacher. I’m on my own trip.
My awakening moment is long awaited.
All I need do is trust in the simple process.

I can always look over my shoulder and say
That my issues result from some past condition.
I can’t blame anyone or thing outside of me.
What I can do is decide who I am to be
And remember that in this life all that is done
Occurs right in this moment, all day, every day.

About Death

The Inevitability of Transisiton

What we know about death we must learn from the dead.
Does that sound facetious? I would rather it not.
The dead know all about death, the living, therefore,
Must consult them subjectively to gather more
Of an accurate picture than what can be got
From the rubbish pumped into the oversized head.

Otherwise, it is scary to contemplate death.
The most frightening thing is that it isn’t known
What will happen thereafter indeed if there’s one.
Information from others can satisfy none
Of the deeper questions. We are fantasy prone
Regarding the conditions after the last breath.

The devoutly religious, guided by scripture,
Have a definite blueprint of how it will be.
So they’re not as afflicted. There’s not as much fear.
In the flesh, no one’s vision is perfectly clear.
As one does contemplate the possibility
Of all becoming nothing, there’s certain allure.

We recall facing this world as little children.
Threats were plenty, and safety was not guaranteed.
There were all kinds of monsters, but behind them all
Is one’s own dissolution. And every close call
Reminds all that in life there is always the need
To ponder where we came from every now and then.

An Automatic Universe

Perpetual Self-Creation of Being

The ceramic world image has gone through a change.
Now a more automatic model is perceived.
Western science was based on a strict set of laws
That is nature made by God who is the first cause.
Before the eighteenth century people believed
In a universe rigid and not too damned strange.

So the laws of God and nature were much the same
But to think of all natural phenomena
As responding to laws is like making train rails
For all that is seen happening. All the details
Are at best a prediction of the plethora
Of all things that are possibly fit to exclaim.

One does not have to suppose that there is a why
For all that exists. One can make predictions
Without the God hypothesis. With but the law
Does science now adhere to. Conclusions they draw
From observed regularities are just the ones
That improve their predictive skills and clarify.

Studying the behavior of the past with care
One makes better predictions, and that’s all they are.
Regularities rampant capable of flaw
Is a closer definition of the law.
Logic dictates that in this way we have come far.
One goal as a race is to become more aware.

Face The Facts

Step Outside The Illusion

“Face The Facts,” people say out of sheer frustration
When someone doesn’t get something they clearly should.
Our facts are but ideas built into us all.
Obvious and unquestioned and both large and small,
We take them at full value. They are understood
To be rock solid in our own estimation.

To question the unquestioned is to awaken
To the knowledge most truthful to all humankind.
Common sense has been rigged by our society.
What’s assumed to factual actually
Is not fit for consumption by the human mind.
Many times aspirations have been forsaken.

People once believed earth was flat and were held back
By the fear of them falling off by accident
Until some brave soul set sail to prove otherwise.
Surely now it’s not seen as a shocking surprise
That God’s green earth is spherical. A small percent
Still believe in a flat earth. Common sense they lack.

What we know to be factual always changes.
With new information we become enlightened.
We are continuous with the whole universe.
As we evolve together nothing would be worse
Than to prevent our knowing because we’re frightened.
It’s unfortunate, as the mind it deranges.

Don’t Trust People Who Cry

Emotional Manipulation

You give up all your power to the universe
When in public you’re seen as a big cry baby.
Not only is it ugly and grosses folks out
Those who regularly tend to piss, moan, and pout
Attract to themselves discord most definitely.
Crying is sometimes seen as profane or much worse.

It’s not that their trustworthiness is in question.
It may be that they’re honest to all whom they know.
Sensing manipulation, though, people react
As if they’re being played. They may even attack
The one lost in emotion. The disgusting flow
From the sinuses is not conducive to fun.

It must be done in private if it must be done –
Not in business and not around people unknown.
Everyone feels like crying every now and then
Yet it is most important for women and men
To keep other people out of their Twilight Zone.
Drama is for professionals. You are not one.

Nobody wants to manage any extra stuff
Either at work or at home or any known place.
People want to get things done and then just relax.
They are not hip to paying theatrical tax
So they may curse your acting but smile in your face.
You may not know when people have had quite enough.

What The Universe Asks

...Before All Is Given

I would like a nice boat… maybe even a yacht.
I enjoy being free and having lots of fun.
But is it satisfaction I mostly desire?
If it is, then the boat and all things will transpire.
Everything is available under the sun
But the feeling of needing defeats me a lot.

I can find other pathways to satisfaction
Before things become manifest. Then they enhance
The contentment I find in the things I control,
Like my mood and my attitude. My only goal
Is to feel satisfaction. My now circumstance
Is the bouncing off place where creation is done.

I’m under the influence of something always…
Either my inner being who knows everything
Or some confounding problem I’m worried about.
If I act out of need I will introduce doubt.
If desire is the driving force then it will bring
On a freshness of feeling that will my mood raise.

All the universe asks is that my desire be
Nonresistant – unfettered by feelings of need.
If I try to consider all of the details
Only miscalculation and error prevails.
In releasing the neediness spirit is freed
To attract and create most magnificently.