Tag Archive | homeless

Be The Change

Make It Happen You Damned Self!

The darkness may be part of an intricate plan
To keep hell alive on earth. The world and its ways
Are atrocious, heartbreaking, and doomed to despair.
Yet, there is a great number of people who care
About life on this planet. Do we give them praise?
Or do we criticize people who say, “I Can!”?

What can you contribute that would do any good?
Don’t listen to the voice that says, “It’s just no use.
I’d be wasting my time, effort, and energy.
Too far out of control this world happens to be.”
Nothing but indolence will this thinking produce.

The still small voice within you can be understood.

All of us have some work to do while we are here.
Everyone has a purpose. Offering something
Of yourself to the problem can make your life whole.
Life can work through and use you. Let it take control.
Be the change that you want. Let the universe bring
You impulses and guidance. Your purpose is clear.

How will you serve the world? What does it need that your
Special talent can offer? The effect that you
Have on others can be the most valuable
Currency that there is. Do be ever grateful
To be the instrument of change. All that you do
Is from love or fear. Which one is of more splendor?

Our Daily Bread


Is the love of Our Father the love of mankind?
The man part of mankind may believe that it’s so.
But the woman part may have done well in its role
Had the tables been turned and they had much control
Of complex social structures. How much could I know
If I thought with my heart and I felt with my mind?

Yet I shouldn’t feel guilt should I cast not an eye
Upon what may distract me from what is my whole.
There is wholeness in everyone – even in he
Who believes he is hopeless most obviously.
Not a thing I can do can recover his soul.
As the next one ignores him, how soon will he die?

I’ve been down on my luck. I get out every day
And see all kinds of people – some needy… some not.
Then, I think of Our Mother. Who else could that be
But the woman who gave birth and took care of me?
We are cellular siblings. When put on the spot
We know daily delivery is the right way.

An Infectious Kindness


There are those who are caring. I see this is so
By the look in their eyes and the warmth in their hearts.
It’s a blessing to see this. It strengthens my hope
That we still may turn upward our steep downward slope.
From the love deep inside is where all kindness starts.
It’s a fact seldom thought of but vital to know.

I was downtown today just to drop off a book.
On the way there, a parking lot hijacked my sight.
There were people with food and with spirits infused
With a shot of pure kindness from folks who are used
To behaving in loving ways and doing right.
Though I’d thought life is hopeless, I’ve gained a new look.

I’d decided to mingle a minute or two.
Had I known that my spirit was infection prone
I’d have made the library book last on my list.
They were giving free hugs. That is hard to resist!
Life convinces me no one is truly alone.
A warm hug and a hot meal does make the heart new.