Tag Archive | legacy

You Are More Than You Know


You came into this world with a huge legacy
Of wellbeing and purpose. There’s so much that you
Are entitled to. You’ve probably suspected
For a long time that this is so. You’re connected
With your most evolved self who holds the point of view
That you’re perfect in every way that there can be.

You are different than you know yourself to be.
You’re much more clear and wiser than you think you are.
You knew when you first entered this reality
That you would end up asking for outrageously
Wonderful things to come to you and you’re not far
From receiving them if you live life happily.

You don’t tend to see yourself this way because you
Have been told much too often by society
Of the lack of wellbeing. Release the notion
Of its absence and give your utmost devotion
To creating a space where you can be happy.
Pay attention to what you pay attention to.

Play this game just a little bit differently.
Test the universe now that you know that you’re good.
Say to it, “If I’m worthy then show me how so.”
Say it with intent and many blessings will flow
Into your life experience just as they should.
Life is great when with your higher self you agree.

Your Vibrational Legacy

Supernatural Powers

You may not know that you have a huge legacy –
A vibrational reality. It contains
All that you’ve ever wanted since you were a child
Very young in your wanting when passion was wild.
You can learn how to enter the unseen domains.
It all amounts to finding ways to be happy.

You want to be the deliberate creator
Of your own life experience. Wiser are you
Than you know and you’re most deserving of every
Thing you want no matter what it happens to be.
All that’s needed is a positive point of view.
It’s something that you must learn sooner or later.

Let yourself hope for outrageously wonderful
Things to come into your life. The universe knows
What you want as you want it. Ask it to show you
Just how good you are. You can establish a new
Way of thinking by not thinking things that oppose
What you’re wanting. Stop grabbing the horns by the bull.

Play the game just a little bit differently.
Tell the universe a story it can believe
Which is any that you give your attention to.
Tell the one that brings maximum blessings to you.
Joyfulness is being in the mode to receive.
It’s truly part and parcel of your legacy.

Find Something To Feel Good About

Self Assured

Take it easy! Relax! Don’t make such a big deal
About getting aligned with who you truly are.
You are meant to be happy. Just remember that.
You can do that by choice no matter where you’re at.
From feeling a little better you’re never far.
It’s about taking care of the way that you feel.

Find Something To Feel Good About and be happy
About it then find something else that makes you feel
Good then feel good about it. As you continue
In this way you’ll always have a positive view
Of the world and your life. The real and the ideal
Harmonize when you’re as happy as you can be.

Don’t try to fix the world because it’s not broken.
Nothing needs to be rectified. Leave things alone
That don’t bring you fulfillment. Look only for things
That uplift you. Whatever the news cycle brings
To your consciousness you really don’t have to own.
Bring yourself back into your wellbeing again.

Be selfishly interested in the way you
Feel and let everyone else care for how they feel.
You’ll contribute to life in an emphatic way.
Look for things to feel good about throughout each day.
Feeling better must always be to your appeal.
Find something that you can pour your whole self into.

Dealing With ‘What Is’

Work Woe

Where I am is where I am. What else can I do
But accept where I am now? Were I to complain
Or worry I know that it would do little good.
I would praise and be hopeful if only I could.
Is there not a positive thought to entertain?
About my situation I’m feeling quite blue.

How can I look at it optimistically
When ‘What Is’ hijacks too much of my attention?
How do I make peace with it and be on my way?
I don’t function well when I’m in utter dismay.
Hopefulness is way beyond my comprehension
At this moment. This isn’t the way it should be.

I’ve lived long enough to know that this too shall pass.
‘What Is’ won’t last forever. The only reason
It continues to be is because I cling to
‘What Is’ so much that ‘What Could Be’ cannot get through
My resistance. I know that I’m the only one
Who’s responsible for closing the wide crevasse.

At some point I know that I will have to ignore
‘What Is’ long enough until I can find something
Totally off the subject that gives me relief
From my self-induced agony. It’s my belief
That I can change my thinking so that it will bring
Harmony to my situation and much more.

Say These Exact Words

Verbal Expression

Be the deliberate creator of your own
Life experience. You have a legacy of
Wellbeing that is huge. You may doubt that it’s true
Because of tons of evidence all around you
That cause you to believe otherwise. If you love
To be happy you must be positively prone.

You are more than you know but you have probably
Suspected for a long time that this might be so.
You are different than you know yourself to be.
Of a wealth of wellbeing you are most worthy.
It is now time for you to allow it to flow
Into you life. To do so you’re perfectly free.

You can say to the universe, “If I’m so good
Then show me.”
Let yourself hope for outrageously

Wonderful things to come to you. Speak your desire
Into meaning. You have at your back the entire
Universe. You were meant to live you life with glee.
Every part of you knows you absolutely should.

“If I’m a blessed being then let the blessing
Pour upon me.”
You just have to play this game a

Little differently. The slightest little shift
In your understanding is an outstanding gift
To yourself and all that exists. Speaking this way
To it is the wellbeing that you’re expressing.

Magic Happens

Fantasy World

A Deliberate Creator I want to be
Of my own life experience. This is the way
I am told I must do it. I’m different than
I know myself to be. With that knowledge I can
Manifest what I’m after as soon as today.
I must know I’m credentialed vibrationally.

I am more than I know, and it’s so exciting
To explore who I truly am down deep inside.
I’m much smarter, wiser, and much more deserving
Of the good life. Although my doubt is unnerving,
Conquering it gives me a renewed sense of pride.
In each moment my story I am rewriting.

So much good I’m entitled to. My wellbeing
Is assured. It is part of a huge legacy
Of abundance. Were I to believe otherwise,
Then my life with its contrast I’d grow to despise.
Things around me are just as they are meant to be.
There can be nothing wrong with this way of seeing.

I will hope for outrageously wonderful things
To come to me. I want to test the universe.
If I am worthy, then kindly prove it to me.
Inundate me with blessings. I’m happy to be
On this magical stage where I’m free to rehearse
The script of my alignment with good happenings.

Make Peace With Where You Are

Enjoy The Present

Find something to be happy about – anything,
Then be happy about it, and find another
Thing that will make you happy, and then be happy
About it. Celebrate where you happen to be.
Of the invention of your life, you’re the mother.
To the table, you have an abundance to bring.

Do not try to fix the world. It isn’t broken
Nor is it something worthy of your attention.
Nothing needs to be reformed. Make Peace With Where You
right now. It remains the best thing you can do.

Don’t engage with what’s beyond your comprehension
Because beasts of the past may then be awoken.

Look for things to be happy about, and make lists
Of positive aspects. You can do a rampage
Of appreciation for what is going well
In you life at the moment. You know not to dwell
On the things that aren’t working, so you don’t engage
In the negative. The best part of you resists.

Be selfishly interested in how you feel
In each moment. Let everyone else attend to
How they feel. You’ll fulfill your reason for being.
You’ll delight in your ability for seeing
The big picture. Believe what is in store for you.
You’ll be living the life that is for you ideal.

Test The Universe

God Never Bluffs

It’s not as if it’s bluffing. The wise universe
Knows exactly what it knows and how it affects
Every creature within it. So testing it will
Only prove how fantastic it is with its skill
At delivering things. It’s not all that complex.
It responds to vibration for better or worse.

You are more than you know. You are so much wiser
And deserving of much more than you can conceive.
Your vibrational credentials are of value
To yourself and others in all things that you do,
And the universe has not a trick up its sleeve.
Of it, you can become a good merchandiser.

You have probably suspected your legacy
Of wellbeing
. You know not how huge it has grown.

Things occurring can cause you to think otherwise.
Staying there for a bit helps you to realize
What is needed. To the universe it is shown.
It responds, then, but it is vibrationally.

Outrageously wonderful things are meant for you.
Test the universe often with things that are small
And that have little to no resistance attached.
Circumstances that fit the vibration are matched
Almost instantly. Life is designed to enthrall
You into situations fulfilling and true.

A Provident Universe

Universal Coverage

God, disguised as the universe, wants you to know
What you knew when you got here – that you want to be
The deliberate creator of your own life.
What’s around you may get you to thinking that strife
Is the way of existence here naturally.
Yet there’s much here to prove that this just isn’t so.

Who you really are is much more different than
The perception of yourself you’ve come to believe.
You are much more than you know – smarter and wiser.
You are here to become a good realizer
By knowing how to be in the mode to receive.
Your experience here is all part of a plan.

You have vibrational credentials. Everything
That you have ever wanted is well tended to.
It’s available to you when you are aligned
To receive it. You must be in the state of mind
That allows it. The only thing you have to do
Is believe it then your life will be amazing.

Let yourself hope for outrageously wonderful
Things to come to you. You have a huge legacy
Of wellbeing. Put the universe to the test.
“If I am so good, show me how that I am blessed.”
You will see that things happen immediately.
It’s appropriate then to be ever grateful.

These Exact Words

Words Of Enlightenment

There’s a message from heaven inscribed on a scroll
In the soul of each person. It needs to be read
Silently and in private. It must be well known.
There are no excuses for why I haven’t grown
To my fullest potential and why I am led
Down the path of confusion? My Life Can Be Whole.

If it came as a person, this message from high,
He or she would be telling me that I am great
And that I am accomplished more so than I know.
It may seem at the moment there’s nothing to show
For the good that I’ve gathered. I’m here to create
A most blessed experience before I die.

Our vibrational credentials are powerful.
With them, we can do magic, and it’s expected
That we practice ‘til perfect the feeling of bliss.
We belong nowhere near an imagined abyss.
All in heaven insist that this message be spread
As a gentle reminder to cut through the bull.

“If it is so bad, then make it better somehow.”
This reply back to heaven is not quite the one
That will garner attention. “If I am so good,
Then bring wonderful things.”
This is well understood

By the provident forces who do get things done.
Knowing this, the allowing is up to me now.

Die Hard

Hard Unto Death

I would want to die easy but never dead limp
To the cause of excitement resulting in me.
Rigor mortis precludes dying soft, as it were.
Though the root is no joint, hardness it would prefer
Pointing skyward, honoring what life gave for free.
My last moments demand not on passion I’ll scrimp.

To be cast of a hard mold indicatively
Is hardly not the easiest tribute to give.
Would it be worth the effort to stay well prepared?
Only lack of good stimuli should make one scared.
It may be hard to Die Hard as it is to live.
May the dick, upon dying, remain quite sturdy.

To Die Hard is made easy as passion remains
My most firm source of guidance. May I leave behind
Something pointing to something that makes some small sense
To some set of some subset of some reference.
Intercourse of all nature takes place in the mind.
Any action perceived, the erect soul explains.