Tag Archive | buble

About Death

The Inevitability of Transisiton

What we know about death we must learn from the dead.
Does that sound facetious? I would rather it not.
The dead know all about death, the living, therefore,
Must consult them subjectively to gather more
Of an accurate picture than what can be got
From the rubbish pumped into the oversized head.

Otherwise, it is scary to contemplate death.
The most frightening thing is that it isn’t known
What will happen thereafter indeed if there’s one.
Information from others can satisfy none
Of the deeper questions. We are fantasy prone
Regarding the conditions after the last breath.

The devoutly religious, guided by scripture,
Have a definite blueprint of how it will be.
So they’re not as afflicted. There’s not as much fear.
In the flesh, no one’s vision is perfectly clear.
As one does contemplate the possibility
Of all becoming nothing, there’s certain allure.

We recall facing this world as little children.
Threats were plenty, and safety was not guaranteed.
There were all kinds of monsters, but behind them all
Is one’s own dissolution. And every close call
Reminds all that in life there is always the need
To ponder where we came from every now and then.