Tag Archive | accomplishment

A Truly New Year


Human drama continues as it always will.
What gets old is my addiction to the suspense
That some errant part of me finds entertaining.
Though it’s boring I still find myself complaining
About how life does not seem to make any sense.
In a year’s time is there a dream I can fulfill?

I don’t want to pump so much of last year into
The corpuscles of this one. I need a new flow
Of life energy. What I ask for I receive
And this year more than ever I want to believe
In my heart that this is true. I’m willing to go
To great lengths to keep a positive point of view.

Am I letting what’s been given in or am I
Choking it off in some way? I’ve been asking for
Spirit to give me guidance. I want to allow
The wellbeing I’ve asked for to come to me now.
I don’t want to feel disconnected anymore
From the spirit within me that I can’t deny.

Old beliefs and bad habits are due for release
As is always. It’s time to make room for the new
And refreshing. What I shall accomplish this year
Will be done because I will have conquered my fear
Of the challenges that I will be going through.
Nothing is more important than my inner peace.

Talk About Your Desire


Do you think it’s a good year to start something new
By not dragging so much of the old on the way?
When you ask, it is given, every single time,
So don’t ask as if you are committing a crime.
Talk about what you want and believe what you say.
Letting in what is given is easy to do.

Negative human drama is in the forecast.
It cannot be a reason to pay attention
Lest the mind become poisoned. Your peace you deny.
You become somewhat brittle without knowing why.
Instead of believing that everything is done,
You may find yourself a prisoner of your past.

Turn the news off. Forget about humanity
For a moment and focus on what’s going well
In your circle immediate. Life will improve
With a shift in your consciousness. Then you can move
Into some satisfaction. Don’t sanctify hell.
What you ask for is supposed to come easily.

Universal energies want to flow through you
Toward what you desire, so do not block the flow
With beliefs and opinions. Let goodness happen
In your life. You can become like a child again…
In the best way, which is the only way to go.
Tell others who will listen of your point of view.

I Should Not Have Been Born


Can I blame mental illness for how I’ve behaved?
I would like to, but that would mean that I’m now sane.
In my old age, alone now, consumed in remorse,
I’m possessed by a grossly malevolent force.
My whole life was a mission to cause others pain
From this brutal life review I cannot be saved.

It’s injustice to worthiness. I don’t deserve
Satisfaction in living. In purgatory,
I remember my madness and all I have done
To create such calamity for everyone
I can think of. The reason that people hate me
Is because I’m an asshole with colossal nerve.

That’s why I flush the toilet every now and then
By moving to another place, leaving behind
A train wreck of existence to fuck up anew
Somewhere else. I’m amazed by the things that I do
That are downright disgusting. I had been unkind
For no apparent reason again and again.

Can I feel the embarrassment? Have I a soul?
As my lead solar plexus drains my energy,
I don’t want to remember the people I’ve known.
Knowing they have forgotten me, I can disown
That it ever had happened. In hell I should be.
Perhaps unconsciously that’s my ultimate goal.

But I’m here now and have been assigned to this role
For some God unknown reason. I am humbled by
My existence. I’m sorry for all that I’ve done
To hurt others. To hope that healing has begun
Is, I hope, not too arrogant. The day I die
Will be one of rejoicing for this troubled soul.

Ask Questions That You Can Answer

So Many Answers

When will I win the jackpot? How long must I wait?
Where is all that I’ve asked for? Who all can I blame?
These questions have no answers. It is of no use
To evoke them. So doing will sadly produce
Confusion, and my circumstance will stay the same.
I must be aware always of what I create.

To accomplish a budget, I have to earn more
Or spend less. This translates to beliefs and desires.
If I want something and I believe it can be,
I’ll feel good, and it’s likely to happen to me.
Being in the receptive mode only requires
That I focus on something that I’m grateful for.

Wanting something, but doubting that it can become
A reality is a despicable place
To be in. When beliefs and desires are aligned,
Powerful insights begin to enter the mind.
Pulling back is impossible. I can’t erase
Having wanted. I continue beating that drum.

I can ask why I want something. I can answer
That question easily and without any doubt.
I can imagine being there and doing it.
The feeling of expectation I can transmit
To the universe. It figures everything out.
I’ll not be surprised by the blessings that occur.

Your Abundance Vibration

The Frequency Of Wellbeing

Vibration is just feeling. What you emanate
Is a signal that is electromagnetic.
Whenever your emotions become energized
Your whole energy pattern will be advertised
To the world and the universe. The fantastic
Power you have, you have so that you can create.

The feeling of abundance is one of pleasure
In the freedom of choosing to your heart’s desire.
It is one of wellbeing and good attracting.
It is not one of unconsciously reacting
To discordant vibrations. It doesn’t require
Anything that would count as a countermeasure.

It’s not just about money. It’s also about
People and ideas flowing, places to go,
And exciting things to pour your focus into.
In your absolute fullness, you are the one who
Is on top of the world as you go with the flow
Of who you really are far beyond any doubt.

You find yourself invincible, sure, and complete.
You know that your point of attraction is enhanced
By maintaining the feeling. The details fill in
Once you have decided that you were born to win.
Feeling your best does not have to be an advanced
Existential curriculum. Living is sweet.

The Perpetual Wave Of Change

Eternal Motion

“It’s just the way it is. It’s always been like this,”
But it can be any way you want it to be.
Things are always changing. They just keep changing to
The same thing if nothing else is offered by you.
Change happens by your focusing differently.
Things turn into catastrophe or into bliss.

By regurgitating ‘what is,’ you reinforce
Old patters of behavior. The fresh and the new
Cannot happen unless you want something better.
Do not wait for the world to send you a letter
Giving you permission so that you follow through
With the impulses coming to you from your source.

Look at life through the lens of broader perspective –
Through the eyes of your inner being who sees all
That you want to accomplish. You are creators.
If you want something, then, by golly, it is yours!
This happens for the big stuff as well as the small.
Be aware of the wonderful life you can live.

You accomplish the mastery of creation
By knowing your emotional guidance system.
It is always consistent. It will lead you to
Everything that you want in life. Your point of view
Is one that is quite impossible to condemn.
Be proud of the spiritual work you have done.

The Luck Of Alignment

Divine Providence

As you look at ‘what is’ in the physical sense,
You offer most of your vibration about it
So that what really is doesn’t make its way through
To the psyche. What you can count on to be true
Is that you’re worthy and powerful. Benefit
From your own built in guidance. There is no expense.

You are bridging the gap between where you are now
And where you want to go. Point in that direction
And delight in the journey. Accept where you are
At the moment. You can practice how to look far
Ahead to where you’re going. This knowing is fun
To partake of. You have but to learn to allow.

Feeling better is the goal. It’s not the money
Or the new job or lover. You can feel good by
Simply imagining or looking at something
That is pleasing to you. This one action will bring
About feelings of happiness. You need not try
To feel better. It can happen most easily.

Hold yourself in alignment with the wellbeing
That abounds. It floods into your experience
Easily when you’re positive. Strive for the best
Feeling you can have in this moment. Leave the rest
To universal sources. Let good times commence.
Take command of the practice of forward seeing.

Trust What Is Coming

Allow Truth To Enlighten

On some things I’ve been focused that matter a lot.
In the process I’ve managed to launch more rockets
Of desire into orbit than I can believe.
There is some work to do so that I can achieve
Things that will put more money into my pockets.
I can be grateful for all the cash that I’ve got.

Can I say that my point of attraction is strong?
I’m accustomed to trusting in what I can see,
But with things that are unseen it’s more difficult
So a mix in my vibration is the result.
What can I do to get rid of doubt completely?
In a world of abundance is where I belong.

The word ‘trust’ is appealing. The feeling I get
When I hear it is one of relief from the strain
That I feel when I’m doubtful. I can know that I
Am part of a big picture, so I can rely
On the forces in motion because they contain
The answers to all things that have not happened yet.

Looking at other things around me that agree
With what I want to see already is the way
To slow down the ill thinking. Remembering how
It was before I had them indeed will allow
My belief in the eternal forces at play
In creating a world that is just right for me.

Attract What You Want

Use Your Natural Magnetic Power

Attraction is the only force, and assertion
Is a psychic illusion. It does not exist.
It’s a misperception based in fear and contempt.
Everyone is at some risk. No one is exempt
From the Law no matter how hard one may resist.
The use of brute force is but a crude solution.

The ego teaches you that you are what you do,
What you have, and the labels you manage to earn.
You become not successful, happy and fulfilled
By chasing after things that will make you self-willed
And a menace. From people you will draw concern.
As you think, so shall you be. This statement is true.

We are obsessed with a kind of absurdity
That the false self keeps up with. What you think about
Is what expands, so be careful of how you think.
If you can keep your thoughts from approaching the brink
Of disaster, one could say you’re right on the route
To knowing and believing in who you must be.

Have a mind that is open to everything and
Attached to nothing. Nobody knows enough to
Be a pessimist. Each and every one of us
 Has a genius that lives in the solar plexus.
The potentiality resides within you
To be someone who is magnificently grand.

Things Will Fall Into Place

Let Divine Forces Do Their Work

You alone get to create your reality.
If it has the wherewithal to stir within you
A desire then it does have the ability
To deliver it so that your own eyes can see
That the Law of Attraction is probably true.
In a state of alignment may you always be.

Be more high minded in your thoughts. Don’t gravitate
To the lower vibrations that come with your day.
Feeling good can compare to keeping a budget.
If desires and beliefs balance there is no debt
To your overall feeling, and if you can stay
Well ahead of your wanting you’ll be doing great.

You cannot stop your wanting. Once life has caused you
To find passion for something you cannot go back.
So don’t try not to want it if it causes stress
Thinking more about why you want it and much less
About how it will happen puts you right on track.
Keeping up your vibration is all you need do.

There is no regression. There’s only expansion.
You can only move forward. Go with what you know
Increases the momentum of who you become.
Things Will Fall Into Place from where all things come from.
Take advantage of your full access to the flow
Of blessings from the universe, and have more fun.

Perpetual Change

Inevitable Constant Motion

Nothing is permanent except change, it’s been said.
Sofa crevasses and pants pockets may contain
The answers to the questions that everyone seeks
Regardless of how people may think that change speaks
To the sensitive psyche. Does this sound insane?
If it does, you know that this message should be read.

“It has always been like this,” most people will say.
This excuse is a catchall for not taking charge
Of the things that need changing. Indeed they can be
Any way that you want them. One just has to see
From a far vantage point where the picture is large
And all possible outcomes are in full display.

You don’t have to keep regurgitating what is.
Things do change. They just keep changing to the same thing
If you keep focusing on the same thing always.
The world constantly changes. If for you it stays
In a state of stagnation what good can it bring?
Life is no prison sentence nor is it a quiz.

You can think about things in a different way.
Look at life through the lens of broader perspective.
Different places, different faces… same thing.
If you want change to happen then stop worshiping
Things that have been and are now. They’ve not much to give.
You have nothing but your inner truth to obey.

Your Dominant Mantra

Your Eternal Song

You Are Love. Don’t forget that. It may not seem so
During times of frustration. There are two of you.
One is your fettered ego. The other is bliss.
In your everyday lives it’s easy to dismiss
The ascended part of you. So what can you do
So that more of this other being you may know?

Watch for the next opportunity and the next,
And your dominant mantra to the universe
Is that I’m to live happily ever after
No matter what conditions around me occur.
You know which kind of energy that you disburse
By the nature of your life. You can’t be perplexed.

You’re not here to accomplish things. Your only goal
Is your intertwining with who you really are.
The symbol or the recognition of success
Is how much you appear to be in joyfulness.
In finding your contentment do not look so far
From your center that you end up losing your soul.

And when you are in that conscious intertwining
With your truest self, you are love in every sense
For yourself and the situations of others.
You will find that it is what your ego prefers.
Feeling good leads to your ultimate transcendence.
So do make it your mantra. It means everything.

Everything Else Will Fall Into Place

Work Behind The Scenes

If this reality has the wherewithal to
Inspire something within you then you can be sure
That it can well deliver it, and it is you
Who creates your reality in all you do.
It behooves you to make sure that your thoughts are pure
And that you maintain mostly a positive view.

Your desires and beliefs translate into real things.
When they match up completely you feel at your best.
But if you think you can’t have something that you want
Then this lack of belief is the thing that will haunt
All your hopes of its coming. Life isn’t a test.
It’s a service to you that the universe brings.

You cannot just forget the thing that you desire.
It may seem logical to stop the momentum,
But you cannot pull back from the new expansion
That is caused by your wanting. In fact, it is done
In the eyes of the universe. Just relax some.
Be surprised and delighted by what you acquire.

You can only move forward. Forget about where
Or how things come together. Just focus on why
That you want what you’re wanting. Imagine being
And feeling how it will be. The art of seeing
Everything in its best light is well worth a try.
All else will fall into place when given such care.

Setting Goals

Aiming At Targets

There are goals and there are wishes. The difference
Is that wishes have no energy behind them.
But our goals are infused with our life giving force,
And they have to be written down clearly, of course.
If they’re not written, then dissolution will stem
From them not being realized. Does this make sense?

Write it down in first person and in present tense
Like it’s happened already, and isn’t it grand!
If you do this each morning, after thirty days
You’ll achieve more than six months’ worth with your old ways.
Every evening, revisit to check where you stand.
Do develop this habit for blessings immense.

Ask your self these two questions: “Have I done things right
To move me more toward the thing I most desire?
And what would I do differently if I could?”

Your self-confidence rises indeed as it should.
There’s no limit to blessings that you will acquire.
All the while you are carefree and bask in delight.

“It ain’t bragging if you’ve done it,” and you’ve done more
Than this time space reality wants or expects.
You’ve made progress by being the person you are.
Keep your attitude positive, and you’ll go far.
Setting goals should be simple and should not perplex
One right back into wishing mode just as before.

Your Abundance Vibration

Tuning Into Cash Flow

It begins with the feeling. It all grows from there.
Your abundance vibration is something you own
That no one else could ever. It’s rather unique
And composed of your thoughts and the words that you speak.
It attracts good things to you, and you’re not alone.
Every human alive needs to give it great care.

It’s not just about money. Ideas can flow
Like they have not an ending. Creation is good.
Among things you accomplish you relish the ease
That it is to do business. Life is meant to please.
You have practiced this premise. It’s well understood.
You may now take advantage of all that you know.

Since your point of attraction is mostly enhanced
By your practiced attention, things mostly work out.
You can tune your vibration to where it once was
No matter what the issue that became the cause
Of its loss in the first place. You have learned, no doubt,
Basic skills and are ready for the more advanced.

All is done for the feeling – the motive behind
Every act that’s committed. What you’re offering
Brings together resources, and people become
More involved with your enterprise. There may be some
Who will fill in the details of most everything.
Be surprised and delighted by what you will find.

All Else Falls Into Place

The Need To Adjust Things

Oddly shaped are the raindrops as freely they fall.
Must I do something with each before it can rest
On the surface now built up? Where is my control?
This life game is a journey, but what is the goal?
If I play with the right folk, I won’t fail the test,
Yet that doesn’t prevent me from dropping the ball.

My mind is a container. Its volume of thought
Can’t exist without big holes of dead empty space.
If by staying high minded I’m able to change
How each thought takes the surface – if I can arrange
Them before they cannot be – I’m running whose race?
This game is at its most basic fatally fraught.

I create my reality, damn it to hell!
It should not be a death sentence but awesome news.
My desires and beliefs must be in alignment.
If they’re not then this lifetime is one I’ll resent.
Whatever it may come to, I do get to choose
Every thought that I think and where each one should dwell.

How things might come together is not my business
Nor should it be of any concern. Only why
Should fill up the container. Good things will in turn
Fall in place rather nicely. God’s grace I discern
Showering down upon me like rain from the sky.
All I need do is trust in the simple process.

Your Dominant Mantra

The Vibration Unique In The Universe

Happily Ever After is how life unfolds.
Watch for and expect the next opportunity…
Then the next, and the next… And be fully aware
That your place in the universe is something rare.
Let Your Dominant Mantra allow you to be
Intertwined with creation and all that it holds.

Happily Ever After is how you’re to live.
You need not to accomplish, or even set goals
Because what you are reaching for through your success
Is the symbol eternal of true joyfulness
In connecting with who you are. All of our souls
Have the power to receive and also to give.

 You were not meant to struggle nor wallow in pain.
Disconnected from yourself, you cannot allow
The goodness that the universe offers freely
To all that which it’s made of. There’s no need to be
Serious about living. You need not know how
Only that you are worthy of maximum gain.

By not sweating the small stuff, which is of all things,
You will tune your awareness toward who you are.
At your core, you are pure love, and this consciousness
For yourself and your circumstance gives you access
To your life of fulfillment, which never is far.
Be open to the bounty your universe brings.

Seventeen Seconds

A Miracle's Creating In Moments

Seventeen is the number of seconds it takes
To create some momentum from one focused thought.
In that bit of time, can I think just of one thing
Without measuring pros and cons and what might bring
On a rabid complexity where mind is caught
In a game of survival that’s played at high stakes?

After holding a single thought consistently,
It gains attraction power. Thoughts most similar
Coalesce and get stronger within the spirit.
Energized, the emotions will play and not quit.
And there is not a danger of going too far
As the source of all being is much part of me.

Another seventeen seconds… then, another…
After sixty eight seconds, emotion runs high
And impulses come flooding in from everywhere.
Manifesting the good feeling puts me right there
Where the universe notices. No longer shy,
All the life I’m entitled to has to occur.

I can’t deal with conditions, but feelings I will
Change exclusive to anything that’s going on
Which is outside my sacred self who is at peace.
Every bit of the struggle I need to release
To the cosmos for processing. Much fear is gone
By performing this exercise just for the thrill.