Tag Archive | hypothesis

The Automatic Universe

The Magnificent Cosmic Machine

The ceramic world image ran into problems.
Turned into the fully automatic model,
It’s based on the idea of natural laws.
It was believed severely that God is the cause
Of all things, and that it’s heresy to coddle
A notion not religious from which evil stems.

Like the rails on which trains run, the laws of God are
The rails on which natural phenomena
Have their motion and worthiness in honor to
Their creator. Scientists accepted this view
Until the eighteenth century when someone saw
A new way to approach the question so bizarre.

What if there’s no potter out there molding the clay?
Would scientists then still be able to predict
By studying past behaviors and describing
Carefully all the events that are occurring
In experimentation? Need we be so strict
With our fact finding? It need not lead us astray.

So they kept the law and dropped the hypothesis.
The law of prediction is regularity.
Whether there’s a lawmaker or not, the process
Of prediction remains unchanged as we progress
On a path made impetuous to some degree.
Benefits in our chaos we cannot dismiss.

An Automatic Universe

Perpetual Self-Creation of Being

The ceramic world image has gone through a change.
Now a more automatic model is perceived.
Western science was based on a strict set of laws
That is nature made by God who is the first cause.
Before the eighteenth century people believed
In a universe rigid and not too damned strange.

So the laws of God and nature were much the same
But to think of all natural phenomena
As responding to laws is like making train rails
For all that is seen happening. All the details
Are at best a prediction of the plethora
Of all things that are possibly fit to exclaim.

One does not have to suppose that there is a why
For all that exists. One can make predictions
Without the God hypothesis. With but the law
Does science now adhere to. Conclusions they draw
From observed regularities are just the ones
That improve their predictive skills and clarify.

Studying the behavior of the past with care
One makes better predictions, and that’s all they are.
Regularities rampant capable of flaw
Is a closer definition of the law.
Logic dictates that in this way we have come far.
One goal as a race is to become more aware.