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Face The Facts!

Consider What Is Said To Be Real

“Face The Facts!,” as if they exist somewhere outside
Everything. Our speech illustrates our commonsense.
It’s been rigged so that we feel like aliens here.
In this world we know more about hatred and fear
Than about having a wholesome experience.
What is obvious can’t be questioned or denied.

We are not strangers here, yet we are led to feel
That it is true because we’ve gotten used to it.
But if we start to question the way we perceive,
Then our basic assumptions we will not believe
Anymore. This is of enormous benefit
To considering what for your own self is real.

It becomes absolutely obvious to you
That you are continuous with the universe.
People once ‘knew’ the earth was flat until someone
Proved this wrong, then we got used to what had been done.
We could also get used to things getting much worse
Than they are now, so what in this world can we do?

Commonsense keeps evolving. Our facing the facts
As they are in the moment is something we do
Out of habit. One fine day we may discover
That we’re one with the universe. What may occur
Is a love among people that clearly rings true
And our technology has less harmful impacts.