Tag Archive | beingness

Feel Better Anyway

Reluctant Acceptance

In and of itself, contrast conceptually
Is a good thing although it may not seem so when
It feels like constant struggle while getting nowhere.
Often times it puts you in a state of despair.
Things change into the same things all over again.
Is there any hope of your ever getting free?

Contrast is fantastic. Life is like a buffet
Where there are many kinds of things from which to choose
So you could simply call contrast variety.
The thing that makes it bad is your choosing poorly.
As life happens just take it as really good news
And believe that things are always going your way.

Contrast lets you make choices. You get to decide
How to feel in each moment. You can choose to feel
Good about it whatever it happens to be.
You can experience your contrast happily
By deciding that it’s not that big of a deal.
How you feel you can use as your ultimate guide.

Things get better when you feel better. It’s a fact
So decide to feel better. It’s the only way
To get through what you’re going through confidently.
You evolve to the point where you’re able to see
Only positive aspects regarding your day.
With your higher self always be in good contact.

The Awesome Leverage Of Alignment

Perceived Opposition

The word ‘pursuing’ is worth consideration
Because this is an ‘attraction’ based universe
And as such there’s no reason to ever pursue
Anything. You need but establish within you
The receptive vibration. You cannot coerce
Your alignment. That’s not the art of creation.

Once your vibration is steady – once it matches
Totally what you want then it will manifest
In the physical but you must enjoy it now.
Though it’s not yet apparent you have to allow
The mere feeling of having it to be expressed.
From your spirit negativity detaches.

Most of any creation is almost complete
Long before plans are drafted and action takes place.
All takes place in the mind first and then vibration
It becomes all by deliberate creation.
Focus only on things that you firmly embrace.
Happiness is the key to a life that is sweet.

Be enlivened. The leverage of alignment
Is so huge in comparison to brute forcing
Your way through life. Take advantage of the power.
Only the good things in life you want to devour.
All the universe has ended up endorsing
All that leads to your spiritual refinement.

Tell The World A New Story

Fantasy Land

The story you’ve been telling is one of the past
And the present. It may be one of misery,
Absolute ecstasy, or a mix of the two.
There’s an urge within you to come up with a new
One to tell the world – not one of pure fantasy
But one where you’re able to enjoy the contrast.

Tell your story the way you feel it should be told
Which is as you’d prefer it rather than the way
You’re now telling it because it’s reality.
You can create it the way you want it to be
And the truth of the matter you need not betray.
Your image of your future you want to uphold.

Earnestly practice the power of your own mind
For the better. It can be used to complicate
Your life story with so much negative detail
That the same old same old of your life must prevail
But it can also be used by you to create
Happiness for yourself and for all humankind.

Remember who you truly are and why you’re here.
You’re Source Energy in a physical body
And you’re here to find happiness by sifting through
All the contrast life offers. Nothing can keep you
From creating and living your life happily.
Tell the world about all the things that you hold dear.


Joy Of Engagement

“There’s a price to pay for everything,” people say.
This mindset where people in their comparison
And tendency to see themselves as unworthy
Or subservient in some way happens to be
What’s keeping their desires from manifestation.
Energy cannot move if one thinks in this way.

Yet there is a price to pay – one of alignment
And the price of alignment is the absence of
Resistance. It’s the price of wellbeing and ease
And of doing pretty much what you damned well please
Without any ill feeling. It’s all about love
And of achieving spiritual refinement.

Surrounded by this nucleus of wellbeing
You may stand with your armor and not let it in
Because of ideas that you’ve picked up along
Your way through life most of which are completely wrong.
Sort them out and acknowledge them then you’ll begin
Seeing the way your inner being is seeing.

The meek shall inherit the earth. They’re the ones who
Are lighthearted, allowing, and resistance free.
Anger, determination, and struggle are not
The best ways to receive so it matters a lot
That you keep yourself meek and be willing to be
Receptive to the wellbeing coming to you.

Profound Satisfaction

Much Joy

When you tell your new story your world comes alive
Though it may not be the easiest thing to do
First crack out of the box. You can get yourself there
Because about how you feel you give utmost care.
At this moment you can have a fresh point of view
About your life. For happiness you want to strive.

Tell your new story the way you want it to be
Rather than the way it is and you will begin
To notice benevolent cooperative
Components assemble. You only have to give
Your attention to the guiding spirit within.
The universe wants to help you tell your story.

Be willing to let ex-partners be ex-partners…
To let bygones be bygones. The grudges you hold
Must be let go of. This alone will purify
Your vibration. There’s no reason you shouldn’t try
To author your new story. It wants to be told
As it lives and as in your life it well occurs.

Practice the power of your own mind and step back
Into a remembering of who you truly
Are in essence. You are part of Source Energy.
While living on this earth your purpose is to be
Doing whatever it may take to get happy.
You have reached the point now where there’s no looking back.


At One

Awareness is one’s very capacity for
Experiencing. As such, it’s primary to
All of life and existence. Without awareness
Nothing could be known. Consciousness is nothing less
Than a miracle. It’s the being part of you.
Within yourself there’s plenty for you to explore.

Are you conscious? Are you alive. Are you aware
That you are? How do you know that you’ve come to be
Who and what you are? Within you there’s a knowing
That you know that you are. There’s no sense in going
Through mental calisthenics in order to see
That awareness is much an internal affair.

Perception through the senses depends on something
Greater than oneself. The body could not perceive
Itself were it not for the mind. The foundation
Of the mind is awareness. Every creation
Is born out of awareness. All that you achieve
Is through conscious attention on what you’re doing.

Only pure awareness can state that it’s beyond
All concepts of existence and nonexistence.
Turn the mind inward upon itself and behold
The presence of divinity. Then you’ve found gold.
Benefits of awareness are truly immense.
Be aware of how the universe will respond.

Riding The Waves Of Contrast

Engaging The Wave

As life happens, sometimes things don’t go quite your way.
You may feel negative emotion due to it.
Contrast is by its nature a wonderful thing.
If it feels less than that, what may be happening
Is that you’re not perceiving the full benefit
Of the circumstance. You choose to be in dismay.

What makes contrast not feel good is choosing poorly.
When you choose differently from your truest heart,
Like when you find fault with someone, you are choosing
Rather poorly. You always will end up losing.
You can know that your truest self never takes part
In your battles. Only but the best does it see.

Diverging from your furthest most expanded you
Doesn’t feel good. There are times when you’re flying high.
Your feel coordinated. You have clarity.
Interactions with others are as they should be.
You’re in touch with your true self who is your ally.
It guides you to itself in everything you do.

Every thought that you have that’s contrasting does not
Have to feel bad. It can be most clarifying.
Even in an aligned state there’s some resistance,
But you do have the choice to stay stuck or advance
Through the process. It’s not all that terrifying
To make choices. Your attitude matters a lot.

Appreciate Who You Are

Emotional Flowers

This nation is conceived in original sin.
Slavery through gestation created a beast
Rather than a republic of civilized folk.
White supremacists war against those who are woke.
Civil War didn’t end. It has only increased
In severity. Our consciousness is of skin.

And since mine isn’t lily white, which side I’m on
Is made obvious for me. Should I be afraid
For my life or my freedom? This is a nation
That adores assault weapons and the creation
Of a living hell impossible to evade.
Will there be satisfaction when all hope is gone?

Enough of this sick story! If I’m to remain
In alignment with my source, I have to replace
This one with one of my own that doesn’t include
Anything that would adversely affect my mood.
Only those thoughts that uplift me I shall embrace.
By creating my own story I’ve much to gain.

I must be selfish enough to want to feel good.
If my focus is yanked away, I’ll readjust
Easily back to my story of how things are
And of who I am. This attitude is by far
One in which I can absolutely put my trust.
I appreciate expressing my humanhood.

Make The Universe Listen

Infinite Horizons

Feel the power of telling your own new story.
It’s not easy to do it in the beginning.
It’s something to warm up to. Determination
To begin telling yours your way can be much fun.
You can tell one in which you are always winning.
It can be one where you are in all your glory.

As you do, be aware not of things as they are,
But instead, keep your focus on what can become.
Pay attention to the evidence happening
In the way that you feel. The universe will bring
You impulses and insights. You benefit from
Believing that what you want is not very far.

You’ll begin to let go of bygones, injustice,
Bad behavior, ill wishes, grudges, and mistakes
Of others and your darned self, and you will replace
Them with thoughts of the things that you truly embrace.
Purify your vibration. Avoid the headaches
Brought on by negative emotion such as this.

Use the power of your focus and the guidance
That comes forth from within you. Make The Universe
to you by letting it know your intent.

In each moment toward your goal find fulfillment.
When you’re in alignment it will freely disburse
All that you’ve ever wanted, so give it the chance.

Never Pursue

Avoid The Race

Just the word ‘pursuing’ is worth considering
Because this is an attraction-based universe,
And, as such, one can never pursue anything.
You attract by the vibration you’re offering
Life is live. Do not think you are here to rehearse.
What are the consequences ignorance may bring?

Almost all of your creation work is complete
Long before any action by you is offered.
It is all done vibrationally, then it starts
Manifesting. You’ve come to master the fine arts
Of creation. A transformation has occurred
Such that you truly can say that your life is sweet.

Most people don’t really get that going because
They get into it, then they stop and start again.
Then they say, “Oh! I’d better just manhandle this.”
You do not have to force things into beingness.

Things will manifest a whole lot easier when
You are most receptive to spiritual laws.

Make good use of the leverage of alignment.
It’s so huge in comparison to your action,
But when you dream the dream until it inspires you
Into action, then surely everything you do
Will give you nothing but extreme satisfaction.
You attract into your life profound contentment.

All That I Want

Touching Tranquility

I’ve decided to be happy just for a while.
It’s much easier if, at the start of the day,
I spend time meditating to clear my mind of
Anything that is not a reflection of love.
It’s more difficult when there’s clutter in the way
Of my reason for finding a reason to smile.

Can I just pull it out of thin air – the feeling
Of excitement for living? Is it that easy?
That’s not likely to happen if I speak this way.
The universe listens to all that I say.
All That I Want in my life is to simply be
In a state, with each moment, that is appealing.

What gets me there is anything pleasing to do.
Focus wheels, meditation, and music distract
My attention from ‘what is’ the matter with me,
But my own expression of creativity,
To my vibration, has a tremendous impact.
Doing pleasurable things can get me there too.

My predominant work for this day is to stay
Satisfied and delighted, moment by moment.
I can gather momentum toward feeling good
Any time. My intention is well understood
By the universe. My job is being content.
It’s unlikely that my joy will lead me astray.

Expect A Miracle

Know Your Worthiness

You’re the creator of your own reality.
Repeat this until it cannot be forgotten.
It’s the most important thing that you’d care to know
About life. As it is practiced, it will soon show
As impeccable competence. What happens then
Is that you’ll become the person you meant to be.

A harmonic you are of the fundamental
Frequency of divinity. The vibrations
Of your being are all constantly intertwined,
And within the purest vibration you will find
That you are much happier with your creations.
Love, joy, and gratitude are all incidental.

You can know who you really are. You can feel it,
And you know it when you feel it elevate you
To a state of magnificent revelation.
You can make it be of eternal duration.
Practice feeling that way is all you have to do
Frequently so you get maximum benefit.

You can feel the expansion of your beingness
More at some times than others. Make it your intent
To practice for another while. You’ll establish
A pattern of vibration where your slightest wish
Will come true. You will realize that you were meant
To make miracles happen. You’ll not expect less.

Spiritual Leverage

The Power Of Spirit

Grab that bull by its horns. Now you’ve got something you
Have to struggle with before being gored to death.
You must get up and do it. It’s the only way
To get things done in this world. This thinking just may
Get you somewhere exalted, but don’t hold your breath.
There may be no fulfillment in all that you do.

Understand what your purpose is. Why are you here?
Has it to do with action? What’s it all about?
Action, when you’re in the flow, is satisfying,
But when there’s resistance, it can be exhausting.
It is hard to have to always hammer things out.
Often times desperate people act out of fear.

What influence are you under when you receive
The inspiration to act? If you want to slay
A dragon, then upon you the best luck is wished.
With allowance you get much more work accomplished.
When you’re tapped in, turned on, and tuned in you will play
With forces of the universe, if you believe.

Just make sure you’re under the influence of Source,
Which means your inner being, when you are acting.
No matter what you’re feeling let your beingness
Be the thing that guides you to ultimate success.
The entire universe is based on attracting.
Nothing of much value comes from using brute force.

One Minute Away

Fast Manifestation

It takes less than a minute to be filled with rage
Or wonder. Our emotions quickly come on strong.
Should we try to control them or leave them alone?
When they are overwhelming some people are prone
To let loose with their feelings. It is only wrong
When the ignorant ego escapes from its cage.

Our work is to remain on the high flying disk.
It’s the path of least resistance to everything
That we want. We can’t just pull things out of thin air
Unless we’re in alignment and fully aware
Of the energy with which we are aligning.
The process is a simple one devoid of risk.

Things that make us feel better increase momentum
Toward things that we want and decrease resistance
That keeps us from receiving them. Things like music
Elevate the mood greatly and pretty damned quick.
Novel things that distract us indeed will enhance
Our ability to get the good stuff to come.

The first thing in the morning is the best time to
Get into alignment before old thoughts invade
Our clean slated consciousness. If we meditate
Upon waking, the chances of our feeling great
Through the day are improved. No blessing is delayed.
Stop and think for a minute is all we need do.

Accepting The Gift

No Need For Humility

Some believe that a good life is one that is long.
This is not necessarily so. There’s a link
Between feeling terrific and longevity,
Yet the most functional way that you want to be
Is contented but eager for more. Do not think
That a short life that’s blissful has somehow gone wrong.

Life is meant to be joyful. If it’s not, something
Is out of alignment and needs looking into.
When your life is delicious, appreciation
From moment to moment is good for everyone
Who happens to be in proximity to you
As well as yourself. Do what will make your heart sing.

A long life in the current body some address
From a negative standpoint. They are not ready
To start over. They want to reap more benefit
From the knowledge accumulated yet unfit
Is the attitude needed to live happily.
How you feel is the ultimate key to success.

It’s not possible for you to withdraw focus
On your many surroundings. You will want to see
Changes made until they meet your satisfaction.
Content yet eager is the best combination
For accepting the gift of your life gracefully.
It is one that is to be shared by all of us.

Make The Universe Listen

Command The Cosmos

You create the vast universe as it creates
You and all others in it. Telling your story
As you want has the power to change anything
In your life that’s not working. Alone you can bring
About what is needed in terms of your glory.
You must know that a wonderful treasure awaits.

Your story as you tell it can eliminate
All the bygones, mistakes, grudges, and injustice
Of all manner. You will begin to let it go
And replace it with that which you have come to know
As benevolent, hopeful, and things such as this.
No one can mess with the story that you create.

Purify your vibration. Practice the power
Of your own mind. Step back into remembering
Who you are, why you came here, and what you shall do.
All that is benefits from all that which is you.
With every thought that you think you have everything
At you beck and call naturally as it were.

Do whatever you must to feel good. If it takes
Dissolving stagnant relationships, so be it.
Put your undivided attention on the things
That bring you the most pleasure despite happenings.
Your life was meant to be a comfortable fit.
The game of your alignment is truly high stakes.

Ask This Question

The Most Important Thing To Ask

Much obscene information erupts into play
With my daily reality. There is no need
For me to ask a single thing. Too much goes on
For the mind to keep track of. Consensus is drawn
From the common collective. In this way I’m freed
From the wild chase that would make a waste of my day.

Negative emotion always means that I’m not
In agreement with how my inner being feels
About what I am dealing with. It cannot see
Any evil in anyone including me.
It’s the epitome of positive ideals.
What it thinks about all things should matter a lot.

I could choose to be angry about many things
That involve people having to be different
Than they are in order for me to be happy.
They won’t change who they are just to satisfy me.
There is one other option. I can be content
In the clarity that my inner being brings.

How does my inner being feel about this thing
That I’m focused upon?
Is my gut in a knot?

If so, it means I’m not in agreement with it.
My internal guidance is of huge benefit.
It tells me when I’m warm or cold and when I’m hot.
It’s the only question I will keep on asking.

The Vortex Is An Emotional State

Finding The Better Feeling

Don’t lament the fact that you don’t own your own place.
No one else is trying to put food on your shelf
Or to cook in your kitchen or sleep in your bed.
Your rent only. It’s okay. So you can instead
Be thankful that God made a safe place for yourself.
As you do you acknowledge divine loving grace.

Some have called it a Vortex – a state of being
Where you’re most in alignment. You feel whole and clear…
Full of passion and insight. Powerful is your
Confidence of attraction. All that you live for
Comes to focus all at once. It is from that sphere
That you find that everything is most agreeing.

It’s your response to living – the merging of you
With your truest self. It’s not a place or a thing.
It’s a wonderful feeling. It is emotion
At the notion of living and having more fun.
There is cause for excitement, for what it can bring
Is a profound fulfillment in all that you do.

Don’t get into the Vortex then try to keep score
With the way you are feeling. It will take you out.
What you want in the end is to feel satisfied.
When you get in the Vortex things can’t be denied.
Your power of attraction you know beyond doubt.
Focusing on the feeling does open the door.

You’re Not Earning, You’re Attracting

With Every Waking Breath

You get up in the morning then go rush outside
To breathe in all the air that you’ll need for the day.
Others will suck it all up if you hesitate.
It would be a disaster if you had to wait
Until air is replenished. To live in this way
Is absurd, most atrocious, and undignified.

Paranoia is normal in times of distress
Where the most basic needs may be subject to threat.
But reality dictates that all is quite well.
In the mind of the not aligned much fear does dwell.
When you think about money and feel some regret
You grow into the circumstance of having less.

It’s your aspect of beingness that you engage
Much more than tons of hard work to make yourself feel
Justified in the having of a salary.
You don’t feel that you’re quite worthy enough to be
In reception of good things without the ordeal
Of the quid pro quo contract for a decent wage.

With ten dollars you can do so many good things.
As you embrace that feeling you appreciate
Everything that you do have. Then you will have more.
Look for reasons to feel good, and learn to explore
All the things that excite you. What you then create
Is a life of abundance and many blessings.

Ignore The Contrast

Many Roads To Distraction

I’ve no multi-ring circus in my living room.
I gave up watching TV a long time ago.
Those big screens are but passageways to or from hell
Depending on the kind of stew in which I dwell.
I had doubted my sanity, but now I know
There are madmen among us who live to entomb.

It’s as if Cinderella is caught past midnight.
Natives have become restless in this troubled land.
I would love to feel safe anywhere that I go.
Every ill thought I have against people I owe
To the real fear that grips me. I can’t understand
The concept of pure evil and the ultra-right.

I had better cease giving this much energy.
That in itself is dangerous if it is more
Than I give to what pleases me without a doubt.
There are more worthy things that I could write about.
And in order to do that, I have to ignore
Everything in this madness as it seems to be.

Getting into that inner space where all is well
Is the only thing I control absolutely.
Difficult is my journey if I focus on
This sick world I’m a part of. I’d rather be drawn
To the peace overwhelming I find within me.
For right now, I would like to remain in my shell.

Never Pursue Anything

Giving Up The Struggle

Spirits say earth is one of the toughest of schools.
Souls are eager to come here for reasons unknown.
Maybe it’s because struggle and density here
Is a master illusion compounded by fear.
The potential for hate on earth need not be shown
Any more than it has in its evil whirlpools.

In ways, earth seems to be cursed, but it’s a façade.
We as souls bring it with us from previous lives
And the earth is a wonderful place to behold
But from infancy until we’re ninety we’re told
That only the aggressive and mean one survives
And that life here is hard and intrinsically flawed.

Just the word ‘pursuing’ is worth considering
In an attraction based universe you never
Need to pursue a damned thing. All that you need do
Is establish a good vibration that is true
So the life you are wanting is bound to occur.
It should not be ‘amazing’ what good thoughts can bring.

People try, then give up, and with pain they complain.
“I’d better just manhandle it into being”
Is the fateful conclusion that they will come to.
Ninety nine percent of the work’s done before you
Have the dream half completed. But here is the thing:
Leverage of alignment yields maximum gain.

Perceiving Without Labels

Appropriate Futility of Scrutiny

It’s so hard not to use labels with or without
Specific information about what’s inside.
Human egos have them, and they place them upon
Anything possible. We depend so much on
Our conceptual symbols. No way are they tied
To the essences naming them. Be there no doubt!

We can sense life in two ways. Personality
Is a relative tool of survival we use
To communicate everything stored in the mind.
But the other way is of a different kind.
There’s the space of light consciousness which, if we choose,
Can get us to perceiving things quite label free.

The practice of perception is done anywhere.
Most ideal is the environment of nature.
There, one can just observe things simply as they are.
Dropping into this beingness is as bizarre
As the person who senses it’s calming allure.
Getting in touch with one’s true self shouldn’t be rare.

Consciousness on two levels – the transcendent one
And the self with its biases – both we engage.
What plays out in the foreground is of the ego.
In the background, the true self can lovingly show
Its full brightness. The false self may then come of age
Through the coolest relationship ever begun.

Like a lampshade, the person I am gives the light
From my spirit eternal its formative hues.
The conditioned self is dense and heavy a load.
Knowing of my true light source I’m well on the road
To then loving my neighbor as my true self who’s
The same essence eternal which is just as bright.