Tag Archive | heart

Giving In To Your Power


Sometimes words can put you back into alignment
When you’re not. You can give up the struggle and say
Things like, “It is what it is. I give up control
Of this tough situation. It’s only my goal
To be happy.”
When you talk to yourself this way

You can alleviate much of your discontent.

Many momentum building statements you can use
To uplift yourself. “Things are always working out
For me”
isn’t the best one you could use right now

But from where you are find something that will allow
Your own power to find you. There are without doubt
Many good affirmations from which you can choose.

“I give into my goodness. I give up the pain
And the struggle. I give into my worthiness.
I give into not caring what others may say
About me. In my state of alignment I’ll stay.
Into the probability of happiness
I surrender. I know I’ll have so much to gain.”

Talk yourself into your power. Feel easier
About life. Happiness is your primary goal.
Let the earth spin in its orbit. Let your heart beat
Through the night on its own and be willing to treat
Yourself and others kinder. It will make you whole.
Nothing keeps you from living the life you prefer.

Keep Your Heart Open In Hell

Face In Hades

How can one fall in love with the wholeness of all
That exists when there’s much suffering happening
On the earth? I know that love has no boundaries
But I can’t see the way the enlightened one sees.
Human nature I cannot find interesting
And my faith in our evolution is quite small.

So the frog swimming happily in the clear pond
I can deal with but with the grass snake I cannot
And it goes a bit further. I can’t find beauty
In something that contains ugliness. I can’t be
In that high state of consciousness. All that I’ve got
Is my mind and five senses with which to respond.

All forms are related to all other forms in
Ways that are lawful. If I can appreciate
This, I’ve entered a threshold of understanding
That can result in my consciousness expanding.
While in hell one can stay in a positive state.
Meditation perhaps is the place to begin.

If I stand only in my humanity I
Cannot bear it, but If from perfection I stand
It’s impersonal. I can find true compassion
Between them. I can become an enlightened one
If I wish. I’m empowered by my own command.
Suffering does exist. I cannot ponder why.

What Is The Heart Chakra?

Emotional Center

What’s the heart chakra? It’s an energy center
Of the body. It’s one of seven. It’s the one
That extends past the body. With daily practice
One can use the energy to reach states of bliss.
To connect with this consciousness what must be done?
Is there some sacred space that one needs to enter?

Put your hands together as if you are praying.
Press them against your heart center and think about
Love and kindness. Think of positive energy
Expanding through your chest. Fairly soon there will be
A sensation of warmth felt but do not freak out.
Pay attention to what the feeling is saying.

The more you practice the stronger this energy
Will become until the feeling covers not just
The area of your heart but throughout the whole
Of your being. It reaches the heart of your soul.
If you want to become effective you must trust
In the process and stick with it wholeheartedly.

The entire field of consciousness you’ve access to
As you work the heart center. It is a portal
That has the power to collapse reality
Back into the waveform energy state. To be
Connected to that can make one feel immortal.
This practice can work wonders for the world and you.

A Powerful Healing Prayer

Prayer At Dusk

A Powerful Healing Prayer is needed when
There’s a moral dilemma. To pray constantly
Is to continue asking. Yet doesn’t God hear
Everyone’s voice? Is this question anywhere near
Being answerable? It’s out of urgency
That we just keep on asking again and again.

What’s there to pray about? That’s made perfectly clear
By the pain felt by portions of society.
“Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that
You’ve received it.”
There isn’t a special format

One need follow but one must focus intently
On the healing instead of on how things appear.

We recognize the need for God’s intervention
In the course of humanity and of its home –
Mother Earth. We believe that the time has now come
For our enlightenment and deliverance from
Our own selves. We seem to be an errant genome
On the planet. About us something should be done.

If we’ve failed to be righteous we know that by now
And we ask your forgiveness. We know that you see
Only our perfection. May your vision become
Ours as well. We know well where all goodness comes from.
We accept your idea of how things should be.
May your eternal blessing be ours to allow.

Matters Of The Heart

Holding The Heart

Endlessly the heart beats. Every once in a while
It may skip one because of some wonderful thing
Having happened that makes one feel a certain way.
That it beats at all means it has something to say
To the world that gave birth to it. It’s offering
What it knows best which is how to make others smile.

It pumps blood through the body much in the same way
That the earth moves molten metal throughout its core.
This movement creates the electromagnetic
Field around the earth. Blood and metal are both thick
And the iron within the blood does account for
The field that the heart generates day after day.

The heart’s electromagnetic field becomes more
And more refined and it extends farther out from
The body where it intermingles with others’
So emotional communication occurs
At that level. The heartbeat is the sacred drum
Of the body. It’s wonders are ours to explore.

Interconnected bubbles of heart energy
We become as a species and a consciousness
More aware of its function. The heart is the way
To the soul and it is from that place that we pray
That our sacred survival is not of distress.
Our hearts communicate rather literally.

Only One Person Will Live Your Life


What do others think of you? Should you really care?
If someone speaks ill of you do you get upset?
It’s a normal reaction though not very wise.
Is it hard for you to begin to recognize
That what people say can’t be considered a threat?
Of your own value you should become more aware.

Instead of buying into what the world has said
You should be like, exercise your freedom to choose
To be your own creator of who you can be.
Don’t depend upon others to get you to see
Your potential because you’re the only one who’s
Got the insight so that on solid ground you tread.

We’re all thoroughly programmed into believing
What our culture force feeds us. It’s an illusion
That we all are subjected to. How to escape
Is the question. You will be in pretty good shape
If you don’t let society stoke confusion
About your life. The world can be quite deceiving.

Whose advice shall you follow? As you begin to
Feel what’s in your heart you begin to develop
The intention to express it in a way that
Is considerate and respectful. So, look at
The big picture and know that things are looking up
As you follow the guidance that is within you.

How To Heal A Broken Heart

Triple Sorrow

We’ve heard the idea that time heals everything.
Yet if your leg was broken would you just let time
Heal it? Treat your heart with the same level of care
That you would your leg otherwise to your heart there
May be danger. The height of emotional crime
Only rises so onto your heart you will cling.

The danger is that your heart having been broken
Will heal a little too closed, a bit crooked, and
A little too easily bruised if only time
Were the healer. The outcome that would be sublime
Is a parting of ways where you both understand
Why it happened and your hearts have truly spoken.

There’s a movement afoot in the therapeutic
Community. It has to do with Prolonged Grief
– a chronic heightened state of mourning.

Post-Traumatic Growth is now what is happening.
From your heartache you can find a lasting relief.
It may be the only thing that will do the trick.

We’re all at risk of having this experience.
The loss of a loving relationship is one
Of the hardest things to go through. It can break your
Spirit as well as your heart but know that the cure
Is your heartache. It helps in your transformation
Into someone who loves again with confidence.

The Playing Field

Presidential Possibilities

There’s something very dangerous and frightening
About what happens when a bunch of people who
Must hate gather together, but people who love
Have more power. Their consciousness is far above
That of others who have nothing better to do
Than to share things that are counter enlightening.

Why is it called The Playing Field? Are we a game?
And have We The People become innocent pawns
Who are ruled by corruption? The answer is Yes.
Who among those now playing will clean up the mess
Of our government? And what are the pros and cons
Of each runner? What message does each one proclaim?

It’s much bigger than Flint. It’s all over this land.
How people are mistreated especially those
Of color who do not have the means to fight back
Tells us that we adhere to a mindset of lack.
Who among those now running would want to expose
All the darkness? Who does have the most righteous stand?

Trading right and wrong for left and right, we’ve become
Extremely polarized. What can we do to change
This dynamic? The change is within everyone.
Unity in diversity cannot be done
If the notion of peace to some of us sounds strange.
Freedom is for all people and not just for some.


Concentrated Misery

Pain is the braking of the shell that encloses
My understanding. Just as the stone of the fruit
Must break open so that its heart stands in the sun,
I must know pain. Can this be true for everyone?
How can the depth of my sorrow feel so acute?
Agony is the truth that my heart exposes.

Yet, if I knew not my pain, could I know wonder
In my life of the daily miracles that bring
Me much joy? And would I accept the seasons of
My heart, even as I’ve accepted those I love?
Through the winters of my grief, my awakening
With serenity shall not be cast asunder.

Much of my pain is self-chosen. The physician
Within me prepares a bitter potion to heal
My sickness. I drink this remedy in silence
And tranquility. The healer’s grip is immense,
But it’s guided by what the unseen can’t reveal
To the healer or my self-imposed condition.

The hand is hard and heavy. The cup that is brought
To my lips, though it burns, has been fashioned of the
Clay which the Potter has moistened with sacred tears.
Can there soon be an ending to what now appears
To be hopeless? It depends a lot upon me.
I accept the lesson that my living has taught.

Be The Change

Make It Happen You Damned Self!

The darkness may be part of an intricate plan
To keep hell alive on earth. The world and its ways
Are atrocious, heartbreaking, and doomed to despair.
Yet, there is a great number of people who care
About life on this planet. Do we give them praise?
Or do we criticize people who say, “I Can!”?

What can you contribute that would do any good?
Don’t listen to the voice that says, “It’s just no use.
I’d be wasting my time, effort, and energy.
Too far out of control this world happens to be.”
Nothing but indolence will this thinking produce.

The still small voice within you can be understood.

All of us have some work to do while we are here.
Everyone has a purpose. Offering something
Of yourself to the problem can make your life whole.
Life can work through and use you. Let it take control.
Be the change that you want. Let the universe bring
You impulses and guidance. Your purpose is clear.

How will you serve the world? What does it need that your
Special talent can offer? The effect that you
Have on others can be the most valuable
Currency that there is. Do be ever grateful
To be the instrument of change. All that you do
Is from love or fear. Which one is of more splendor?

Making Tough Decisions

Difficult Choices

A few decades ago scientists came to know
Of a cluster of specialized cells in the heart
Configured so they create a neural network.
It turns out that this brain in the heart is a perk
For our being on earth, and it plays a big part
In how we make decisions as the data show.

This brain thinks independently and is apart
From the brain in the cranium. It also feels
And remembers, so that every experience
Is recorded in two places in present tense.
There’s intelligence to what the heat brain reveals
To the big brain that may think that it’s pretty smart.

If I try to heal trauma by only thinking
About it in my mind without dropping below
To the little heart brain, it will feel incomplete.
Of our earthly existence the heart is the seat.
Only through it is my spirit able to grow.
The heart brain and the big brain are worth my linking.

Touch Your Heart. Your awareness will always go to
The place where you feel the touch. Slow down your breathing.
“You are safe,” is what your body is telling you,
Or “You’re not.”  In that case, you know just what to do.
The decision you make then is satisfying.
Get in touch with the much wiser version of you.

Surrender To Your Worthiness

Goodness Embraces You

We may often fall victim to comparison.
In our determination to feel unworthy
Or subservient in some way, we’ve concluded
That for everything there’s a price to pay. With dread
We consider becoming who we want to be
So it is hard to get almost anything done.

The only price that you pay is your alignment.
Your absence of resistance is all that you need
To feel that you’re surrounded by a nucleus
Of wellbeing. In fact, it engulfs all of us.
Know that in your surrender to it you are freed
To pursue anything that’s to your heart’s content.

Often we pay with struggle by thinking that we
Haven’t jumped through enough hoops or kissed the right ring
To deserve something different, and our armor
Prevents blessings from penetrating to the core
Of our beingness. Success does not effort bring,
And hard work is not needed for prosperity.

The meek will inherit this earth someone once said
A long time ago. He meant the non-resisted
Lighthearted, free feeling folk who are allowing,
Not angry or determined but understanding
And accepting of the goodness that lies ahead.
Surrender To Your Worthiness. Don’t be misled.

A Powerful Message

You Are Everything

Powerful is your essence. The eternal flame
That is you shall never be extinguished by you
Or by anyone else. You are the universe.
You may feel sometimes that existence is a curse,
But the fact that you are here can offer a clue
To the confounding puzzle that has not a name.

You are infinite spirit, body, mind, and heart,
And a heartfelt expression of the infinite.
You are thought and the dream become reality.
The fabric of existence wanted you To Be.
The divine spark that you are remains ever bright

You’re the whole of creation as well as one part.

The nature of eternity you understand.
A conscious decision was made by the divine
That confirms your creation out of perfection.
You maintain by your focus a strong connection
To the God force within you. You are by design
An expression of worthiness, and you were planned.

This moment is eternal and all that can be.
From within it you are born into here and now.
Now has always existed and ever shall be.
Is it not time that you acted accordingly?
It is up to you only to choose to allow
All that you are made up of to be completely.

Reason And Passion

Table Games

My soul is oftentimes a grotesque battlefield
Upon which judgment and reason wage bitter war
Against passion and appetite. Is there someone
Who could be the peacemaker to get the work done
That my discord and rivalry I’ll exchange for
Melody amid oneness wherein I am healed?

But how shall you address my most troublesome need
Unless I myself make peace with all elements
That my being consists of? Passion and Reason
Are the sails and the rudder. The voyage begun
Without one or the other must lead to events
Unbecoming a vessel. Who could intercede?

Reason ruling alone is a force confining,
And passion unattended is an open flame
That burns to its own destruction. For this reason
Let my soul exalt reason in praise of passion
For without proper guidance it will cause me shame.
As two guests in my home much do both of them bring.

I then treat them as equal. To elevate one
Is to lose the faith and love from both of the two.
Among hills as I sit in the cool shade of trees
I’ll know God rests in reason. From that place of ease
God also moves in passion. I am the one who,
As a leaf in the forest, has only begun.

A Tear And A Smile

The Faces Of Life

With my face I’m an actor upon the earth stage.
I would not exchange sorrows of my heart for joys
Of the multitude fruitful. I’d not have the tears
Sadness makes to flow from me to laughter and cheers.
With a tear and a smile I give faith to my ploys.
None of life’s hidden secrets shall cause me outrage.

May the tear unite me with those of broken hearts
And the smile be the sign of my joy in being.
This, the crux of the framework for living life well,
Can become just the story that I’m meant to tell
To the world that gave birth to me, and it will bring
Episodes that are balanced in all of their parts.

I want hunger for love and beauty to be strong
In the depths of my spirit, for I have seen those
Who are satisfied being most wretched and vile.
Sighs of those I’ve heard yearning and Longing a while
Are the sweetest melody that one could compose.
May the hunger consume me as I play along.

Vapor rises from sea water. Clouds they become
That float above and over the hills and valleys
‘til eventually they encounter a breeze
Then fall weeping their way back to rivers and seas.
To encounter life’s cycles with relative ease
Is a role I’m worth playing and where I act from.