Tag Archive | universe

At The Heart Of Attraction

Royal Flush

Most people who are thinking in terms of money
Are approaching it more from the subject of lack
Than from just allowing the dollars to flow in.
They wind up wishing forever for their big win.
If you feel that you put out more than you get back,
Then it may be that you’re off vibrationally.

You don’t rise in the morning and breathe all the air
That you’ll need for the whole day before others can
Suck it up. You breathe in and breathe out as you need.
When it comes to your breathing, there’s no need for greed.
You don’t worry at all if someone has more than
They deserve. So, how to money does this compare?

Through our programming, we’ve learned to believe that we
Are not worthy enough to receive anything
Without hard work and struggle. We must justify
Every bit of good luck that happens to come by,
And we’re promised rewards for our hard suffering,
But this universe operates differently.

If you consciously focus upon the value
Of the dollars you do hold, then you’ll receive more.
Feeling good about the money you’ve got going
Is the best way that is known to keep it flowing.
The main difference between the rich and the poor
Is the feeling about all that money can do.

You Will Never Stop Wanting

Ever Wanting

Do know that life is supposed to be good for you.
You’re Source Energy in a physical body.
So much has come before you. Your inheritance
Is of massive proportion. It isn’t by chance
That you are who you are, and vibrationally,
You’re aligned with your purpose. Each moment is new.

You’re selfish enough to feel as good as you can
By forking in the direction that feels as good
As you can make it feel. You pay more attention
To the way that you feel and to having more fun
Than the chatter of others who say that you should
Be working a lot harder on some noble plan.

You will begin to see physical evidence
That you are queued up to receive wonderful things.
There’s no price to be paid. You are more than worthy
Of the best life can offer. You must be ready
To receive. You will tap into all the wellsprings
Of abundance and spiritual providence.

You will never stop asking for something better.
That was your promise to Source before you came here.
You will understand what’s happening to you and
Why it’s happening to you. You will take command
Of your life. Your outlook will be perfectly clear.
To the universe you are an open letter.

No Matter How It Looks

Man In Tears

When I look at my troubled past, all I can see
Is someone who has taken too many wrong turns.
I’d call myself a loser, were it not a sin
To agree with most others. How can I begin
To make peace? This is the biggest of my concerns.
Does the universe find disappointment in me?

I’m not well and have never been. I can accept
That I may be dangerous to society,
But my inner being doesn’t see me that way.
It helps me to put up with myself through the day.
How I’ve been in the past matters so much to me
That at functioning here and now I am inept.

Things are always working out for me No Matter
How It Looks
at any point in time, and if I

Can accept this as truth and feel myself worthy
Of releasing my past, much better off I’ll be.
It makes no sense for me to keep wondering why
I evolved as I did. Screw the mental chatter.

I can think and feel, therefore, I can be aware
Of what happens because of it. I have control
Of my own thoughts and feelings. Things will be alright.
I am worthy of the good things in life despite
The perceived severe toxicity of my soul.
The relief is like taking a breath of fresh air.

Let The Universe Bring It To You

Summoning The Power

You don’t have to make it happen physically.
You can just Let The Universe Bring It To You.
It’s not lazy to line up with the energy
That creates worlds throughout all of eternity.
When you line up with this energy you can do
Very little and make anything come to be.

It feels good to feel good, and when you let that be
Your main mantra, you’re in a state of receiving
What you want. But if you have some lingering doubt,
Then what you want isn’t likely to come about.
It will come to you only when you’re believing
Strongly that it has manifested already.

Line up with it and it’s yours. Like tuning your dial
To the station that you want, you don’t want to hear
Anything incongruent with what you prefer.
Only what you let into your ears will occur.
You have the benefit of a mind that is clear
Regarding your intention. It is all worthwhile.

You’re not depriving anyone of abundance
By your having abundance. Those who don’t know that
Are addicted to struggle, shortage consciousness,
And society’s mindset. It all leads to stress
To the soul and the psyche. To know where you’re at
Is to manifest under any circumstance.

Appreciate Who You Are

Emotional Flowers

This nation is conceived in original sin.
Slavery through gestation created a beast
Rather than a republic of civilized folk.
White supremacists war against those who are woke.
Civil War didn’t end. It has only increased
In severity. Our consciousness is of skin.

And since mine isn’t lily white, which side I’m on
Is made obvious for me. Should I be afraid
For my life or my freedom? This is a nation
That adores assault weapons and the creation
Of a living hell impossible to evade.
Will there be satisfaction when all hope is gone?

Enough of this sick story! If I’m to remain
In alignment with my source, I have to replace
This one with one of my own that doesn’t include
Anything that would adversely affect my mood.
Only those thoughts that uplift me I shall embrace.
By creating my own story I’ve much to gain.

I must be selfish enough to want to feel good.
If my focus is yanked away, I’ll readjust
Easily back to my story of how things are
And of who I am. This attitude is by far
One in which I can absolutely put my trust.
I appreciate expressing my humanhood.

The Game Of Manifestation

Game Of Life Tokens

Playing the game of virtual reality
Can be fun and exciting. Its purpose is to
Set your vibrational tone apart from something
In the moment that may be rather upsetting
You can shift things completely to what pleases you.
Playing this game is one of your reasons to be.

Sometimes people are offering a vibration
Based on something that happened a long time ago.
They may not even remember what happened then,
But it still shows up in their lives time and again.
Only what’s in the past is what these people know.
In a game like this, their interest would be none.

The vibration that you’re offering is because
Of whatever you’re focused upon constantly,
And the universe responds to your vibration
By what shows up in your life. When you have begun
To accept your vibration as reality,
You’ll be in alignment with spiritual laws.

Conjuring in your mind how you want things to be
Takes intention and focus. It shifts you away
From the unsettled present. The subconscious mind
Accepts dreams or reality. It is designed
To treat both the same, and it’s a wonderful day
When the power that you have you finally see.

Let Go And Trust


Let’s put things into context. I’m going to be
In the workforce. I’m graduating from college
In a short while. I’m really excited about
Doing interviews. I’ve many talents to tout
Way beyond all my training and expert knowledge,
But things don’t seem to be working out easily.

For the most part, though, I enjoy where I’m at now.
Some days are better than others generally,
But the difficulty comes when I focus on
What sometimes feels like struggle. My dream has not gone
By the wayside at those times. The best part of me
Is the one that has taught all of me to allow.

If I see what’s gone wrong, I stir up the contrast
And invite idle worry about rejection,
But it also shoots off a rocket of desire
To the universe which accepts what I require
In a system that operates with perfection.
I’ll see only what I want and remain steadfast.

All I need is to get into that trusting place
And accept that I’m worthy of what I ask for.
There’s no limit to how much good can come to me.
I can have things just the way I want them to be.
I know that I’ll forever be asking for more
Of the universe’s fund of infinite grace.

Make The Universe Listen

Infinite Horizons

Feel the power of telling your own new story.
It’s not easy to do it in the beginning.
It’s something to warm up to. Determination
To begin telling yours your way can be much fun.
You can tell one in which you are always winning.
It can be one where you are in all your glory.

As you do, be aware not of things as they are,
But instead, keep your focus on what can become.
Pay attention to the evidence happening
In the way that you feel. The universe will bring
You impulses and insights. You benefit from
Believing that what you want is not very far.

You’ll begin to let go of bygones, injustice,
Bad behavior, ill wishes, grudges, and mistakes
Of others and your darned self, and you will replace
Them with thoughts of the things that you truly embrace.
Purify your vibration. Avoid the headaches
Brought on by negative emotion such as this.

Use the power of your focus and the guidance
That comes forth from within you. Make The Universe
to you by letting it know your intent.

In each moment toward your goal find fulfillment.
When you’re in alignment it will freely disburse
All that you’ve ever wanted, so give it the chance.

Create The Life That You Want

Enjoyment Of Life

Since my last birthday, people have been telling me
That it’s too late for me now – that my time has passed.
I don’t want to believe that. It doesn’t feel right.
No one can tell me that my future can’t be bright.
I’ve the freedom to do what I want at long last.
I can make my life the way I want it to be.

It may be ‘too late’ for those who say that it’s so
Because if you desire something but it’s ‘too late,’
It will never show up. There’s contradictory
Energy operating within the psyche.
It will affect your ability to create
What you want in your life. It’s a good thing to know.

I really want it, and it is well on its way.
That’s a healthier way of stating my intent
To be open to all that life has to offer
And to not let the judgements of others deter
Me from my path. I must exercise discernment
In my interactions with others through the day.

If I try to explain things, people may not be
On the same page as I am. I’ll just understand
And not try to re-litigate or to defend
My thinking to others who cannot comprehend.
It’s not my duty to lead others by the hand.
I’m free to look at life optimistically.

Thought Is Yours

Joyful Imagining

Everything that is in the universe vibrates.
The magic of your cell phone will demonstrate this.
Electrons move at light speed. With the naked eye,
You perceive things as solid and may not care why
Everything is in motion. You cannot dismiss
The reality of how the world operates.

At the atomic level, things are quite alive.
There’s a dance going on with everything you see.
There are things that exist that you cannot perceive,
But in high-definition signals you believe.
This is how you experience reality.
It is like data stored on you solid state drive.

Think of all your relationships. What constitutes
Your connection with all of them? It’s only thought.
Everything that has happened to you until now
Is through your mind. Does this knowledge raise an eyebrow?
It’s an amazing thing what your thinking has brought
To your present reality its attributes.

Thought Is Yours to do anything with that you please,
And when you use your thought in cooperation
With the laws of the universe, you will vibrate
To the tune of your calling, and you will create
A better world around you. Start having more fun.
Get accustomed to how your inner being sees.

Feel Better Always

Geometric Emojis

Contrast is, by its nature, a wonderful thing.
It gives meaning to life. You need not feel badly
In the midst of a difficult situation.
You have choices, but before anything is done,
Feel your way to a better place. Then you will see
Clearly the value the contrast is offering.

What makes contrast not feel good is choosing poorly.
When you find fault with someone and feel negative
Emotion overcome you, you’ve not chosen well.
It’s a fortunate thing when quickly you can tell
That it’s happening. It isn’t worthwhile to give
That feeling more attention than there needs to be.

Why go there and feel that way? What sense can it make
To stay stuck in an ornery disposition?
It takes determination to get yourself free
From the torment. You must vow to live happily.
Your dreams then have the chance to come to fruition.
Know how you want to feel with every breath you take.

The difference between asking and complaining
Is enormous. Before your thought gains momentum,
You decide that it’s going to be a request.
Nothing will come about if it’s wrongly expressed.
You can get used to beating the happiness drum.
Keep yourself aligned with what is joy sustaining.

About Money

A Preventive Tool

Money is representative of energy.
Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.
So there is plenty of it. The concept of lack
Comes from people whose vibrations are out of whack.
You don’t have much if your consciousness is impaired,
And it need not be this way necessarily.

You want to feel your freedom. You want more choices,
And you want to expand. All these feelings you can
Muster with or without the money in your hand,
Though it gets there more quickly if you understand
That a bright attitude is always a good plan.
Life is magnificent when the heart rejoices.

Go to the emotional point of the issue.
If you’re not anywhere near a happy feeling,
Then avoid it. It’s to big a dragon to slay.
Reaching for a better feeling thought is the way
To abundance and a life that’s most appealing.
Find alignment with the innermost part of you.

Find alignment because it’s delicious to find
Alignment. The result is your receiving more
Than you could have imagined. The money will come.
Do not think about where on earth it will come from.
Remain focused on all of the things you adore.
It’s a wonderful way to keep yourself aligned.

Test Your Universe

Sharing Happiness

You can be joyful without having to pretend.
If you think that you must be, you’re trying too hard.
Separate the experience of feeling good
From the headache. If you do not feel as you should,
Don’t fake it, but be true to yourself with regard
To the difficult feeling you want to transcend.

You can have an emotional experience
That is totally different from how you feel
In your physical body by focusing on
Lovely things. With some practice, your pain could be gone
In a short while. The point is to feel as ideal
As you can in the moment. Is this making sense?

Diminish the percentage of airtime you give
To the visceral sensation by focusing
Upon other things that will invigorate you.
The alternative is that you will remain blue.
You will be surprised by what feeling good can bring.
People will be astonished by the life you live.

You’re a selective sifter which means you create
By sorting through the contrast. There are things that you
Find delightful but also things that need changing.
You must know that the universe is arranging
The cooperative components for your new
Way of feeling. To get there, you don’t have to wait.

Think Of Yourself As Wealthy

Sitting Pretty

When you focus on something that’s bothering you,
Or you push against something, notice what happens
To your energy. It feels like there’s a big hole
In your gut, but you do know that you have control
Of your feelings. You can see your life through the lens
Of alignment with all in your world that you do.

Find a thought that feels better. You can find a way
To bring your energy back to where it belongs.
Your point of attraction is how you are feeling
From moment to moment. So, how are you dealing
With your life? Is it an issue of righting wrongs?
In a positive place is where you want to stay.

Whatever you’re focused on, real or imagined,
Causes you to vibrate. The universe accepts
This as your most intended point of attraction.
Once the Law of Attraction receives it, it is done.
Do not concern yourself with taking further steps.
You have to be spiritually disciplined.

For the universe you must create a vision
That it can believe easily. It doesn’t care
If it’s real or not. It will respond just the same.
There are infinite resources that you can claim
As your own. It’s your job to be fully aware
Of your dream of abundance. It’s your decision.

Tired Of Struggling

Work Fatigue

Be aware of how you feel. It gives you a clue
That your struggle may be useless. Only you know
When it’s time to do something. It’s driving you mad.
Your whole life would have been much better if you had
Never followed your current path. Nothing to show
Have you for all your effort. What are you to do?

Everybody’s working harder than they mean to.
There’s a lot being offered vibrationally
That is counterproductive – like marching in place.
Your world is governed by the thoughts that you embrace.
You can feel your way into how things ought to be.
How you feel about anything is up to you.

Only two choices there are, most people believe:
Either to be a good person by working hard
Or a bad one by being irresponsible.
You don’t want to be one who is disrespectful,
But there are other choices that cannot be barred
From your God given propensity to conceive.

You can be an aligned citizen, as it were,
Of the universe. Your struggle is not in vain.
It’s a wake-up call, if you will let it be so.
It is an opportunity for you to grow.
If you take it as such you’ll have so much to gain.
You are not far from living the life you prefer.

Your Path Will Be Shown

Spiritual Direction

So, I started a business that gives me much bliss.
I bring value to others. I find alignment
With my purpose for being. It’s not progressing.
Perhaps I try too hard. Maybe I’m obsessing
Over things that I shouldn’t. Some more refinement
Is in order here. Something for sure is amiss.

It is hard to take score and not be affected
By its outcome. Therefore, it affects what comes next.
It’s not easy to stay optimistic when you
Are not getting enough for the work that you do.
The business aspect of it renders you perplexed.
Thus, the failure of it can’t be unexpected.

You can set it aside. Step back from it and see
How you feel about it. Don’t decide anything
When you’re not feeling your best. It’s best to chill out
For a while. It’s your duty to know beyond doubt
Whether or not it is worth your continuing.
It could be that the business was not meant to be.

What are you being called to? Be forward looking
And solution oriented. No creation
Is ever completed. Throughout eternity,
Your intention is to be who you’re meant to be.
Creation is the same as consideration
Of the path least resistant. It is everything.

Speak Up For Yourself

A Meeting

This world gives you two choices. You either can be
A bully or a doormat. This kind of thinking
Can get you into troublesome situations
With others, but the wisest people are the ones
Who know there are more choices. They are unshrinking
In the ways of relating most positively.

How do you Speak Up For Yourself without being
Angry and aggressive? You are always speaking
Up for yourself vibrationally. This is true.
The entire universe is responding to you.
It will bring to you whatever you are seeking.
With the process you must be fully agreeing.

Getting in someone’s face is clearly not the way
To resolve any issue. It makes things much worse.
Come into alignment with what you want and then
Speak from pure inspiration. It is only when
You rely on the power of the universe
Are you given the appropriate words to say.

When you have a strong negative reaction to
Some injustice, the question becomes apparent.
Do you brood in it and talk to others about
Your mistreatment? Do you get a bullhorn and shout
To the world all about it? Don’t be declarant
Of perceived lack of power. It is within you.

Go Straight For The Feeling

Moment Of Appreciation

This whole manifestation thing gets me thinking
That if I’m on the verge of a dream coming true,
Then my strength of emotion allows it to be.
I am never ‘on the verge’ of being happy.
I am there, or I’m not. What I have coming due
Is by manifold components interlinking.

Everything that I want is about the feeling
I will have upon getting it. Why not go straight
To the wonderful feeling? I can easily
Notwithstanding the fact that results I don’t see
At the moment. I can be happy as I wait
For a manifestation that’s most appealing.

I believe that the universe caters to me
In the best way. My positive expectation
I practice, so it trains me to be more aware
Of the good in each circumstance. Mostly I care
About how I feel for myself and everyone.
I anticipate living life passionately.

My world is such that anything I want will come.
The only thing that I do is be receptive
And open to my consciously moving along
The emotional spectrum. How can I go wrong?
I have found for myself the perfect way to live.
I’m the one who needs to know where I’m coming from.

Talk About What You Want

Exciting Conversation

Can things happen just the way that you want them to?
When you’re thinking or speaking about your desire,
Your are for or against it. It you want it, ‘But…’
It is likely that you’ll always be in a rut.
When you speak from excitement, then you will acquire
What you’re after. There’s nothing else you need to do.

Give your undivided attention only to
What is wanted. Do not speak about its absence.
Your awareness of what’s missing keeps it away.
Speak with passion and feel that it is as child’s play.
People will see that your emotion is intense.
Everyone will see the most evolved part of you.

Talk About What You Want in a positive way,
That is, with enthusiasm and without doubt
That it will manifest because it already
Exists in vibration, so it must come to be.
Spend no time worrying that things will not work out.
When you’re happy, folks will listen to what you say.

You’ve released enough resistance, and you’re ready
To know it when you see it. You’re not trying to
Make what you see to be it. Living happily
Ever after is the place you’re wanting to be.
So, look forward to what is exciting and new.
Evidence of alignment you’ll begin to see.

Understanding Allowing

The Power Of Color

Allowing yourself to feel better than ever
Can’t be seen as a challenge. It’s done easily
With a small shift in focus. Appreciation
For how well things are going is the number one
Way of reaching a better place if you can see
Your whole life as one magnificent endeavor.

Allowing all the things that you’ve been wanting to
Flow into your experience is creating
For yourself a fulfilling life and one of ease.
There is no one but yourself that you need to please.
The universe is forever advocating
For your ultimate pleasure in all that you do.

In a vibrational universe you’re living.
About that idea be exhilarated.
Your allowing means your basking and frolicking.
Positive aspects are worth your acknowledging.
Be aware of all the good that you’ve created.
Of the mistakes you’ve made you must be forgiving.

Nothing is more important than that you look for
Only that which you want to see. Variety
Is delicious. Be thankful that you get to choose
Just the life that you want. Only you can refuse
The blessings of the universe. You’re meant to be
In a state of fulfillment and asking for more.

A Joyful Intertwining


Since I’m here to live happily ever after,
I watch out for the next opportunity and
The next one, and the next, to feel the best I can.
That is basically all there is to my plan.
I embrace my heart firmly that it may expand
With the universe. This is what I’d most prefer.

I’m not here to accomplish things. The only goal
That I’m reaching for is the eternal symbol
Or recognition of success which is pure bliss.
I know it doesn’t get any better than this
And that I have become an astute and nimble
Sifter of my reality and of my soul.

I want the intertwining of myself with who
I am truly. This accomplishment will suffice.
A joyful rendezvousing of myself and me
I witness. It’s not hard at all for me to see
Many things about my life that are truly nice.
Every moment of my life becomes fresh and new.

That part of me who is pure love is consciously
Sending me bright impulses and inspiration
To keep me on the right track. Don’t sweat the small stuff,
And it’s all small. My intention is quite enough
To keep me focused in a state of elation.
I am thankful for being alive and carefree.

Try Less And Trust

Human Connection

How can I enhance my ability to find
And maintain my alignment? I have momentum
From the past that disturbs me. My thankfulness for
A good upbringing generates guilt from the core
Of my being because of the mess I’ve become.
It is natural that to myself I’m unkind.

So, I speak of alignment and those kinds of things
That I got from some teachings. A stab in the dark
It is for me to take upon this endeavor.
I would keep doing this if I lived forever.
Though I don’t have my heart set on making a mark
On this world. I’m detached from its vast happenings.

By trusting in the process and trying much less,
I can then feel relief and the sense that things are
Working out. I need to stop regurgitating
How things are. Effort won’t accomplish anything
But delay and obstruction. I’m not very far
From achieving a long-awaited happiness.

I get far out ahead of myself, believing
That I have to get out there and make things happen.
In this attraction based universe there is not
Assertion. My thoughts and feelings matter a lot.
I can make good things happen all over again
By getting myself in the mood of receiving.

Talk About Your Desire


Do you think it’s a good year to start something new
By not dragging so much of the old on the way?
When you ask, it is given, every single time,
So don’t ask as if you are committing a crime.
Talk about what you want and believe what you say.
Letting in what is given is easy to do.

Negative human drama is in the forecast.
It cannot be a reason to pay attention
Lest the mind become poisoned. Your peace you deny.
You become somewhat brittle without knowing why.
Instead of believing that everything is done,
You may find yourself a prisoner of your past.

Turn the news off. Forget about humanity
For a moment and focus on what’s going well
In your circle immediate. Life will improve
With a shift in your consciousness. Then you can move
Into some satisfaction. Don’t sanctify hell.
What you ask for is supposed to come easily.

Universal energies want to flow through you
Toward what you desire, so do not block the flow
With beliefs and opinions. Let goodness happen
In your life. You can become like a child again…
In the best way, which is the only way to go.
Tell others who will listen of your point of view.

I Should Not Have Been Born


Can I blame mental illness for how I’ve behaved?
I would like to, but that would mean that I’m now sane.
In my old age, alone now, consumed in remorse,
I’m possessed by a grossly malevolent force.
My whole life was a mission to cause others pain
From this brutal life review I cannot be saved.

It’s injustice to worthiness. I don’t deserve
Satisfaction in living. In purgatory,
I remember my madness and all I have done
To create such calamity for everyone
I can think of. The reason that people hate me
Is because I’m an asshole with colossal nerve.

That’s why I flush the toilet every now and then
By moving to another place, leaving behind
A train wreck of existence to fuck up anew
Somewhere else. I’m amazed by the things that I do
That are downright disgusting. I had been unkind
For no apparent reason again and again.

Can I feel the embarrassment? Have I a soul?
As my lead solar plexus drains my energy,
I don’t want to remember the people I’ve known.
Knowing they have forgotten me, I can disown
That it ever had happened. In hell I should be.
Perhaps unconsciously that’s my ultimate goal.

But I’m here now and have been assigned to this role
For some God unknown reason. I am humbled by
My existence. I’m sorry for all that I’ve done
To hurt others. To hope that healing has begun
Is, I hope, not too arrogant. The day I die
Will be one of rejoicing for this troubled soul.

The Emotional Choice


You could think about many different subjects,
But let it be emotional. Thinking too much
Complicates your achieving what you most desire.
The more significant thing that you will acquire
Is complete understanding that you’ve become such
An astute manifester in many aspects.

The Emotional Choice is an energy one.
You can be as miserable or as happy
As you choose in the moment. Your choices are two:
To feel better or worse. So, the thing you can do,
If momentum has gathered, to get yourself free
Is to forget about it and go have some fun.

The imperfect manifestation is the one
Which can lead to perfection or more improvement.
The contrast that life offers is the beginning
Of insight and direction toward a winning
Solution. You do not have to get all hellbent
On perfection. Your fine work would then be undone.

The pipeline of creation is fueled by what you
Are about here and now. It’s about attraction –
Not assertion, compulsion, or struggling your way
Toward something. There’s no price that you have to pay
But your joy and the feeling of satisfaction.
Speak your thoughts of alignment and watch them come true.

Be More Playful

Happy Hands

Be More Playful about your approach to living,
And accept that the laws of the universe are
Powerful, consistent, and unyieldingly fair.
You could not be more worthy. You could be aware
That you are without question a bright shining star.
You can let go of any practiced misgiving.

Focusing upon things that hold very little
Resistance is an easy and worthwhile way to
Change your vibration quickly, then other things will
Coalesce that are like them. Prepare for the thrill
Of it happening. Your life is a rendezvous
With adventure. You can’t remain noncommittal.

Things that you really care about can begin to
Surprise and delight you. You hold yourself apart
From those things by resistance to feeling better.
Limiting beliefs practiced will only fetter
Your spirit. Is it time that you take this to heart?
Your ability to see depends upon you.

Precision and uniqueness is that which is you.
As you play in life’s contrast, you are creating
Your experience. Start with things that are easy.
From the contrast, you define how things ought to be.
Willingness to take part is appreciating
Life as one sacred process exciting and new.

Just Let Things Be!


I’ve released enough resistance. I’ve lots of fun.
I know that things are always working out for me.
If I am here to make this world a better place,
Then I need to know which purpose I must embrace.
Should I focus on what I want or let things be?
Do I need to do something to get something done?

I do not have control over this world, so I
Might as well let things be because I have no choice.
Life causes me to ask for something different,
Then the universe will pick up on my intent.
Among billions, there’s enough reason to rejoice.
So, if change isn’t happening, we should know why.

As long as I don’t focus in opposition
To what I want, I’m okay. There’s no resistance
To my better ideas. The universe will
Do its best to fulfill me. I live for the thrill
Of observing things happen. I know at first glance
That I’m the creator of each and every one.

Giving up the resistance means letting things be.
In so doing, wonderful things start happening.
Line up with every good feeling notion that you
Can give birth to. Life can be exciting and new.
You can be, do, or have, in this world, anything.
Know that the universe supports you eagerly.

Surprise And Delight

Pleasantly Excited

Like a fun Christmas morning each day can begin,
And it never ends. When I receive a desire,
Then get in the receiving mode, I manifest
What I’m wanting. I know my life is truly blessed,
And about my worthiness I need not inquire.
I’m made to be comfortable in my own skin.

All along the way, ideas and rendezvous
Punctuate my experiences, and the more
I remain in alignment, the more good will come.
My Vortex of Creation is where good comes from.
I am used to receiving things that I adore.
I look forward to always getting awesome news.

In what way is this kind universe going to
Do its thing to Surprise And Delight me today?
This question I ask frequently, and the answer
Is provided instantly. The life I prefer
I’m living in this moment. More is on the way.
There is no contradicting what I know is true.

Sometimes what I think is the end of the journey
I get fixated on, but there is no ending…
Just more good stuff to happen. I start every day
With a rampage of gratitude so that I’ll stay
In alignment. The vibration that I’m sending
To the universe is as I want it to be.

Non-Resistant Desire

Hard At Hoping

A brand-new Maserati would really go well
With my free style of living but is that my goal?
All that I really want is to be satisfied.
The path to it may be my having a new ride,
But I can’t say that having it would make me whole.
Still, the idea of having one rings my bell.

I must find other paths to the satisfaction
That I’m seeking before the car can come to be.
If I’m already satisfied, I’m in a state
Where the kind universe will gladly demonstrate
My positive alignment almost instantly.
I believe in the idea of having fun.

I don’t need the car really. I only want it
Because it enhances the good life I deserve.
Under the influence of my inner being,
Who is always superlatively agreeing,
I can easily handle when I’m thrown a curve.
Of the true self within me I’ve full benefit.

If I’m worried about something, then I’m under
The influence of doubt. I’m not in the right place
To receive the abundance that surely awaits
My alignment. I’m in the most blissful of states
As I open myself to universal grace.
That I’m having a great life is not a wonder.

Magic Happens

Fantasy World

A Deliberate Creator I want to be
Of my own life experience. This is the way
I am told I must do it. I’m different than
I know myself to be. With that knowledge I can
Manifest what I’m after as soon as today.
I must know I’m credentialed vibrationally.

I am more than I know, and it’s so exciting
To explore who I truly am down deep inside.
I’m much smarter, wiser, and much more deserving
Of the good life. Although my doubt is unnerving,
Conquering it gives me a renewed sense of pride.
In each moment my story I am rewriting.

So much good I’m entitled to. My wellbeing
Is assured. It is part of a huge legacy
Of abundance. Were I to believe otherwise,
Then my life with its contrast I’d grow to despise.
Things around me are just as they are meant to be.
There can be nothing wrong with this way of seeing.

I will hope for outrageously wonderful things
To come to me. I want to test the universe.
If I am worthy, then kindly prove it to me.
Inundate me with blessings. I’m happy to be
On this magical stage where I’m free to rehearse
The script of my alignment with good happenings.

Off You Will Go!

Into Uncharted Space

Start out with something that you’re not faking about –
Something where you’re not trying. It simply feels good
Engaging in it. Focus on it for a while.
Let it resonate until a powerful smile
Overwhelms you. Your happiness is understood
To be your launching off place from worry and doubt.

Concentrate on the few things that are going well
With your life and ignore the more difficult things.
The attention you give to the good things may then
Rectify all the bad things. You are once again
On the leading edge of exciting happenings.
You cannot gain momentum when in fear you dwell.

You have been trained to believe that hard work it takes
To get anywhere in life. This defies the laws
Of the universe. Just pick one thing that delights
And excites you but doesn’t give you restless nights.
The Law of Attraction hasn’t a secret clause
Nor is it some kind of spiritual sweepstakes.

Attention to what feels good will cause momentum
In the direction of all things of importance.
Give your undivided attention for a while
To the things that will put upon your face a smile.
Let go of the resistance and you will advance
To great heights. Be thankful for the good things to come.


Tea Break

I would like to happen a little faster.
Focusing on what I want has caused momentum
To pick up. I feel like I’m following my bliss.
Perhaps I’ve always seen myself living like this.
But there are things I’m wanting that haven’t yet come.
‘Seems the timing of it all I cannot master.

So, in other words, give me what I want right now.
Why not go directly to where I want to be?
I would miss the deliciousness of the journey,
And I never will be satisfied completely.
What can I do in order to set myself free
From the urgency? Can some psychic tell me how?

Here I am, and I am an evolving being.
Bring me the best that I am able to receive
At the moment. I’ll just keep looking for the best,
And it’s all good. I don’t need to get myself stressed.
I have nothing but good intentions up my sleeve.
There is nothing like a better way of seeing.

I’m making the best of where I am. A rampage
Of appreciation for my hear and now will
Tweak my vibration. I’m ever asking for more
Than I have now. I should always be striving for
An extreme of contentment. Life can be a thrill
The momentum increases the more I engage.

Never Pursue

Avoid The Race

Just the word ‘pursuing’ is worth considering
Because this is an attraction-based universe,
And, as such, one can never pursue anything.
You attract by the vibration you’re offering
Life is live. Do not think you are here to rehearse.
What are the consequences ignorance may bring?

Almost all of your creation work is complete
Long before any action by you is offered.
It is all done vibrationally, then it starts
Manifesting. You’ve come to master the fine arts
Of creation. A transformation has occurred
Such that you truly can say that your life is sweet.

Most people don’t really get that going because
They get into it, then they stop and start again.
Then they say, “Oh! I’d better just manhandle this.”
You do not have to force things into beingness.

Things will manifest a whole lot easier when
You are most receptive to spiritual laws.

Make good use of the leverage of alignment.
It’s so huge in comparison to your action,
But when you dream the dream until it inspires you
Into action, then surely everything you do
Will give you nothing but extreme satisfaction.
You attract into your life profound contentment.

Screw What Is True

Changing Realities

Making money is difficult. Some say it’s true.
A belief is just a thought that you keep thinking
Until manifestations give you evidence
Which is proof of your thinking. It makes perfect sense
That there must be an undeniable linking
Between your thoughts and what is happening to you.

If what’s already happening doesn’t fulfill
Your desires, then you must change your expectation.
Find another thought. Train your chronic thought to match
That of what you want. It’s important to detach
From the truth of the matter. In your frustration
You will not succeed through the power of your will.

“But it’s true!” That is a screwy criterion
For you to give your attention to anything.
What is true is true only because it was thought
Into being, then the reality was bought
Line, hook, and sinker. Nothing but harm does it bring.
Is all truth such that it can be relied upon?

Is the truth one that you want to experience?
If so, then keep your focus on it, but if not,
Then ignore it. It means very little to you
To embrace the negative though it may be true.
Expectation is the thing that matters a lot.
For you, it is a matter of significance.

Start Asking Differently

Pursuit Of The Perfect Prayer

Asking moments happen in two circumstances.
One is with some resistance; the other, with none.
It’s your focus upon what you have or have not
That determines if you are to struggle a lot
Or to bask in the wisdom that you are someone
Who, when asking, is not prone to taking chances.

When you ask from a place of knowing it will come,
Then your asking is energized. The universe
Gathers all the cooperative components
In the background. When your emotion is intense,
Then the provident forces at play must disburse
Blessings to you. It is where all good things come from.

Ask, and it is given, but there’s a tug of war
Between wanting and believing in your own dream.
The universe expands in the moment you ask.
You are meant go grow with it. Your primary task
Is to stay optimistic and let the supreme
Entity bring to you what you want and much more.

When you ask but don’t follow your soul’s expansion,
Then life sucks, and you start feeling ineffective.
Ignore that. Start asking in a different way.
Things will start manifesting with little delay.
Benefit from asking from a new perspective.
Ask as if what you’ve asked for is already done.

You Are Given What You Allow


The only approval you need is from within
To receive your heart’s wishes without resistance.
Energy is being traded on waves of thought,
Yet sometimes, in your struggle, you tend to get caught
In a trap of beliefs. It gives you not the chance
To accept that you’re absolutely free of sin.

For example, how does a person go about
Body shaping? It seems like a difficult task
That requires lots of focus. How hard can it be
To do something that most everyone would agree
To be helpful? This is a good question to ask,
But the answer may be digested with some doubt.

Each cell of your body is conscious and aware
Of itself, others like itself, and you also.
By your thinking, you have convinced them of some things.
But as you change your thinking, this act alone brings
About changes specific to how your cells grow.
The path of least resistance is taken with care.

The universe will give you what you will allow
Right up to the degree of resistance that you
Have in place. Get rid of it by your choosing ease
Over struggle. See what your inner being sees
From its broader perspective. Go with what is true
To your heart, and be always at peace with your now.

It’s Yours!


Don’t allow the negative pattern to repeat.
It’s just a matter of no longer offering
The resistant thought. You cannot deactivate
A thought once you have thought it. You can navigate
To another that is more to you appealing.
You can never get used to feeling incomplete.

When you ask, it is given, but ask, then let go
Of the asking because your ‘don’t have’ vibration
Holds you stagnant. Still unfulfilled, you then become
Disillusioned about where all good things come from.
After asking, attend to your expectation
Of receiving. The universe will make it so.

Let the universe find its most clever ways to
Satisfy and delight you. Use any excuse
You can find to feel good. It’s basic creating.
In this world you can have just about anything.
A rampage of wellbeing you may introduce
To the moment. It’s most beneficial to do.

“I’ve been here before. There have been things I’ve asked for
From a place of not having them, and it was not
A big deal. The Law of Attraction is causing
All the cooperative components to bring
Things together.”
This attitude helps you a lot.

Your treasures are before you for you to explore.

Blessings Of The Universe

Spatial Providence

There is so much wellbeing lined up and ready
To come into your life. All that you have to do
Is be willing to focus in the direction
Of feeling just a bit better. You are the one
Who can change the conditions that you think are true.
Where you are now may not be where you want to be.

So, don’t look so much at where you are. Look instead
To the guidance within you. Crack open the door
Ever so slightly, and you will see evidence
Of wellbeing. It’s trying to make its presence
Known to you. It helps you open the door some more.
Then you have some control over what lies ahead.

Pick your battles wisely, or perhaps better yet,
Forget them all because each will slam the door shut.
It comes down to vibration. If you’re negative,
Then the universe and all that it has to give
You block off. You continue in the same old rut.
Your righteous indignation is not an asset.

We’re all in this together. You are not alone.
You’re not trying to prove a thing to anyone.
Feel the power of who you are for one moment.
It’s not difficult, and through your conscious intent,
You become not the problem but the solution,
And the infinite blessings unto you are shown.

Divine Intervention Requires No Effort

Stop Struggling

Do I feel like I’m paying enough of a price
To get somewhere in life? Two worlds there seems to be –
One that says I must struggle my way to success.
The other is one in which I can work far less
And achieve more by tuning spiritually.
There is no physical substance to sacrifice.

Still believing in struggle, hard work, and action
To get things done, I am exhausted and empty.
Through my determination, sometimes I succeed.
I can’t understand how my effort can impede
My progress. Can someone explain it all to me?
I am in dire need of some sort of solution.

This economic pie that we all have to share
Is not finite. It grows in response to our dreams,
Hopes, and wishes, and it just keeps on expanding
According to our enlightened understanding.
I believe that abundance comes to me in streams.
About how I am feeling I truly must care.

The only limitation that I have is my
Inattention to impulse and inspiration.
The power that creates worlds wants to assist me.
I find that divine intervention is easy.
The fairies of the universe are having fun
As my wishes they most gleefully gratify.

Let The Universe Help

Allow Divine Providence

I can’t be disappointed and get what I want.
I cannot even mention the hell I go through.
Telling others about how I feel only brings
About group misery. The lack vibration rings
Throughout my life experience. What can I do
To get rid of the thoughts and the feelings that haunt?

“Universe, bring to me from my place of great need
What I ask for.”
This pathetic way of dealing

With the issue is infested with resistance.
Can I detach completely from my circumstance
By paying more attention to how I’m feeling?
Can I dare to let the universe intercede?

I am being given everything that it takes
To create worlds. My job is to tune into it.
I cannot ask for the help to come to a place
Where it can’t go. I have access to divine grace
Only if I move my vibration and permit
Things to happen accordingly for goodness sakes.

I cannot create outside my vibrational
Offering, over which I have complete control.
Practicing the knowing of it, I may become
Magnetized by the habit. I then beat the drum
Of contented wellbeing as I am made whole.
I trust in forces that are operational.

Just Ask, And It’s Yours

Take What Is Yours

Allowing the negative pattern to repeat
Will keep you in the same place. By not offering
The resistant thought, you put the process on pause.
You can deactivate what is surely the cause
Of the losing streak that just keeps on occurring.
Who knows why you are suffering constant defeat?

The way to deactivate a negative thought
Is by activating another to replace
The one present. The solution oriented
Find it difficult. Don’t be too much in your head.
“When You Ask, It Is Given!” If this you embrace,
Then the wealth of the universe to you is brought.

At some point, you have to stop asking and expect
Things to happen. If you just keep on asking, then
You’re holding yourself in the ‘don’t have’ vibration.
Ask for it, then get off it! It’s already done!
You will get what you ask for, that is, only when
You let go and give the unseen its due respect.

This is basic creating. You’ve been here before.
There have been tons of things you’ve asked for from a place
Of not having them, and because you are aware
Of the laws of the universe and of the care
Provided by divinity, heavenly grace
Here on earth is something you were meant to explore.

Marching Toward Manifestation

Joyful Journey

Every moment of every day I get closer
Or further away from something that I desire.
I know I can’t demand that the world give to me
What I want. It gives me what vibrationally
I give it. So the only way I can acquire
Anything is to focus on what I prefer.

I can’t change too much too fast, but in this moment
I can mold my vibration to what it should be.
How I feel is my offering. What I get back
Reveals to me whether or not I am on track.
Every moment can be an opportunity
To feel better. In this I remain confident.

If I feel chopped off at the knees, that’s a tough place.
From there, I can only choose the best thoughts that I
Can find and fork off gently in the direction
Of feeling just a bit better. I am the one
Who must do this. I know that I cannot defy
Universal laws. My resistance I must face.

The better it gets, the better it gets, and the
Worse it gets, the worse it gets. There’s no in between.
Words and actions are useful when in alignment.
My own attitude may require some refinement.
I can get a lot done in my daily routine
As I keep my vibration uncluttered and free.

Change The Response Of The Universe

At The Threshold Of Command

Many folks have had the most enormous success
In their lives regarding wealth, romance, and acclaim.
But they also have joy. They’re obsessive in thought
About good things. In this way they rarely are caught
In a psychic dilemma. They play well the game
Of creating reality and without stress.

From the holding of a pure thought, we can arrive
At a place of sheer happiness so easily.
It takes practice. Vibrational expectation
Is what must be developed. The work to be done
Is to practice the knowing. Our ability
To imagine is part of our being alive.

I want so much to feel good that I’m not willing
To focus upon things that don’t feel good. I can
Develop better habits of looking for things
That surprise and delight me. My good feeling brings
About clarity and connection more so than
My continuous struggle. It’s not fulfilling.

Feeling good is connection to divinity.
It is the secret to eternal, successful,
Powerful, delicious, and joyful creation.
Wonderful it is to finish what has begun.
Life gets easy when I’m receptive to the pull
Of my spirit toward living it happily.

Expect It, And It Shall Be

Keep The Faith

Know your worthiness. You have every right to be
In a state of bliss mostly. In the direction
Of the flow you are pointed. The better you feel,
The more good things come to you. Your life is ideal.
You do not have to justify your having fun
No matter what you’re doing. You’ve learned to be free.

In the past there was struggle. You were not in sync
With your hopes, dreams, and wishes. You could not allow
Abundance and wellbeing. You felt not worthy.
Your self-doubt you have rid yourself of completely.
You have come a long way to the way you are now.
You have taken control of the thoughts that you think.

You are powerful. You have the right to create
Anything you want. The entire universe
Is queued up to assist you in your creation.
You have learned to relax and let it get things done.
You have chosen the right way to fully immerse
Yourself in all its blessings. The feeling is great!

The happier you get, the more potential for
Happiness that you have. With your conscious intent
You have reached the point where you ask and it shall be.
It’s not true that no one can be always happy.
Awareness of how you are feeling will prevent
Your not knowing all the avenues to explore.

The Pipeline Of Creation

The Way Into Your Vortex

Often manifestations that are not perfect
Will keep people from manifesting those that are.
The contrast in the not perfect one is the start
Of improvement. My insanity breaks my heart.
I can’t doubt my own writing. What I’ve done thus far
Seems not worth all the effort. What should I expect?

I expect folks to look at my work and comment.
Is that too much to ask of someone unworthy
Of attention? For me this is good exercise
Although it will probably lead to my demise
If I keep fucking with what people think of me.
Cluelessness about life at my age I lament.

What I want is specific. I want to belong.
Satisfaction with pissing alone in the breeze
I can’t muster for much longer. Something must change
For the better. My writing is not all that strange
To real people. I suffer from mental disease.
Many choices that I’ve made in life have been wrong.

Can I write myself out of this deadly routine
And decide to be happy in my world alone?
To the very few people who do visit here
I am thankful and hopeful the message is clear.
The biggest fear that I have is being unknown
And unnoticed. I must practice mental hygiene.

Have no fear of upsetting me if you believe
In your heart that what I do is mediocre.
Can you do it much better? I must ask in pride.
Some folks will think I’m lousy. I’ll take that in stride.
Life can be as simple as a game of poker.
There’s no limit to what anyone can achieve.

Allowing Divine Intervention

Receiving Grace

Still believing in struggle, most human beings
Don’t feel like they are paying enough of a price.
No one plays their way through life and achieves success.
We must work long and hard for it, that is unless
We are fortunate where the bird of paradise
Makes its way into our lives and brings us nice things.

This is true in the real world because this mindset
Has evolved over eons where there’s a finite
Economic pie that all are wanting to share.
We have to make things happen. We seem not aware
That we are of vibration, and all is alright.
This is how the world functions much to our regret.

There’s an infinite ‘amount’ of economy.
To be shared among everyone. Those who believe
That there’s only so much wealth do not hear the call
Of their spirit. Their perspective is rather small.
Effort is not needed in order to receive
If we get ourselves to thinking differently.

The power of the universe is within you.
It creates worlds. It can manifest anything.
One cannot have it both ways. One has to decide
For oneself which is better. Let your spirit guide
You to what feels in your life to be fulfilling.
Know in your heart the best thing that you ought to do.

From Seed To Tree

The Natural Process

Nature does what it has to in order to do
What it needs to. We are a part of the process
Of its happening. Physical identity
Is the product of its spirituality.
It has only one drive and that is to express
In infinite variety. All know it’s true.

The seed wants to break open. It is not concerned
With becoming a better seed. It has one goal.
It’s to be a seed then not be one anymore.
It knows no other thing that it wants to live for.
It feels within itself that it’s complete and whole.
It relies not on anything it may have learned.

Nature builds the outside of us. That part within
Is of God or universal intelligence.
If we cling to the ego self, we cannot know
Our true spirit, then we are unable to grow
To the next stage in being. Who needs the expense?
Breaking open is the wisest place to begin.

Some refuse to break open. In their defiance
Is the foolish endeavor to stay relevant
In a world that keeps changing. There may need to be
Some kind of revelation to set the soul free
Of its ego component. Just as with a plant,
Change is needed in order to usher expanse.

Magic Mantra

Earth Becomes Heaven

I Am Satisfied and that’s the way I should be
Just because I am conscious. I’m fully aware
That I’m not here to fix a world that is broken.
It is not. Why this truth does remain unspoken
Is a mystery I need not the wide world share.
If I said I was lying would you believe me?

I Am Satisfied with what has not yet occurred.
I have not the resistance that I had before
When I was tripping over what’s not happening.
There is nothing more harmful to my wellbeing
Than to say there are no avenues to explore.
Thinking that things are hopeless is simply absurd.

I’d been pushing the concrete noodle way too long.
It has not brought me happiness but misery.
I cannot make things happen. I cannot dictate
To the universe what I want it to create
So that I can be made eternally happy.
I’m surprised now by how I had things so damned wrong.

I can’t turn the world right side up. I can only
Be a part of all that is, and that is content
With all that is. I trust, stay in tune, and allow
The guidance of discovery to show me how
In this moment to be here and fully present.
Satisfaction with nothingness is ecstasy.


Let The Help Come

You are given the green light, so go right ahead.
You can’t be disappointed and get what you want
Because such a feeling means that you’re not in sync
With the having of it. You may be on the brink
Of its coming. The ghost of delusion may haunt
And prevent your believing. Do not be misled.

What’s it like to be needy? Well, let me explain
To the universe all the pain I have been through.
Let me get on my knees and beg God to help me.
From my place of not having I ask most humbly.
Yet the universe answers, “We’ve given to you.
It exists now in the spiritual domain.”

In vibrational form then is where all your dreams
Are attended to by spiritual forces.
They can only manifest if you are aligned
With your healthiest spirit and well-focused mind.
Ecstasy is the mood your spirit endorses.
For true happiness you need not go to extremes.

Move the way that you feel to a much better place.
You cannot create outside your vibrational
Offering of which you have absolute control.
Stop talking about what’s not working, and be whole.
You cannot lose by going with this rationale.
You can be the receiver of infinite grace.

Define Yourself

Know Yourself As Eternity Knows You

How do you Define Yourself? Do you think that you
Are a separate entity from everything
Else that you perceive? Do you believe that you are
Everything even though the notion is bizarre
To most people? We each have an inner being
Who can answer these questions from out of the blue.

The Big Bang is still happening. It never ceased.
It’s a process in progress with a beginning
And an ending uncertain from our perspective.
As sophisticated as we are we still live
As if we do not know that the earth is spinning
In its orbit by forces immensely released.

Someone has thrown a bottle of ink at the wall.
The big spot in the middle is surrounded by
Smaller ones. There are droplets on the outer fringe.
It’s foolish to think that our actions don’t impinge
On all that is occurring. It’s hard to deny
Unity fundamental. It’s an easy call.

In our ordinary everyday consciousness,
We pretend that we are not what we are truly.
Without eyes the sun cannot express as sunlight.
We know darkness because of what we know as bright.
You call things into beingness naturally.
You are the universe. You can be nothing less.