Tag Archive | ease

Just Decide To Be Happy

Happy Focus

You decide that you’re going to take full control
Of your relationship with who you really are.
When you do so it closes the gap between you
And who you truly are. You can start a brand new
Way of living. Your attitude can take you far
On your journey and it can help you become whole.

It’s merely a decision. If you’re not ready
To make it because you haven’t been up to speed
With the most evolved part of you then you can’t see
Any reason to waste your time being happy.
You cannot be receptive from your place of need.
Wait until your vibration is much more steady.

When you’re somewhere near hopefulness then you become
More receptive to thoughts that feel better to you.
There are so many things to be happy about.
Don’t let others give you any reason to doubt
The wellbeing that’s dominant. Don’t listen to
Those who march to the beat of a negative drum.

Now life is going to take a new form and shape.
You’ll feel exhilaration and satisfaction
In most moments of your whole life experience.
It’s like riding a bike. Once you learn how you hence
Won’t forget how to change your point of attraction.
From the world and its troubles you need an escape.

Ease And Resistance

Daily Run

A magnificent piece of work is your body.
You achieve peak performance by doing what you
Think is necessary as a daily routine.
Also you know you must keep your vibration clean
Of resistance. Among all the good things you do
For yourself it’s important that you be happy.

It may be hard for some to keep themselves on track
Only because they think that hard work is required
To maintain a fit body. It does take a lot
Of focus. You have to give it all that you’ve got
In order to achieve the result that’s desired
And it all becomes easy once you get the knack.

The cells of your body are so compliant to
How you’re thinking in each moment. If you can change
Your thoughts to those of health and utter wellbeing
Then the cells of your body can’t help agreeing
With your new thinking. Do Not think that this is strange.
Science has proven this is actually true.

Your desire has inspired you to the path of least
Resistance for right now because your alignment
With what you want allows you the freedom to be
On the leading edge of waves of thought energy.
Struggle is not the way to your being content.
May your strength of alignment be ever increased.

A Call To Wellbeing

Present Joy

Lately I’ve decided that I’m a good person
And that I deserve good things to happen to me
Therefore I have decided that I’m going to
Pamper myself as much as I can. When I do
I feel better. My aim is to live happily.
An important part of my life is having fun.

I’ll look for the ease in every situation
And find satisfaction as I go with the flow.
I feel better than ever. Let the good times roll!
Having given up resistance I’ve gained control
Of my point of attraction. I’m glad that I know
Of my awesome power of instant creation.

I’m going to hang out only with people who
Are exciting and fun to be with. I’m going
To look for reasons to feel good right where I am.
What I follow is a very simple program.
I rely on the provident and all-knowing
Universe to assist me in all that I do.

When I feel myself basking in any moment
I will milk it for everything it can offer.
Life is meant to feel good and I have found a way
To stay focused on feeling good throughout each day.
I can feel good no matter what bad may occur
And it’s done easily by my conscious intent.

You’re So Close

Jump For Joy

What could be more important than your feeling good?
When you do you’re of benefit to yourself and
The whole universe. As you move throughout your day
Reach for good feeling thoughts. Do your utmost to stay
In alignment with your true self and understand
That things can turn out just the way you feel they should.

You can’t find the best feeling thought you’ve ever thought
And hold onto it. That’s impossible to do
But you can reach for a thought that feels better than
The thought that you’re now thinking. This means that you can
Get to where nothing much on earth can bother you.
Into your life the blessing of freedom is brought.

You’re So Close to what you want. All you need to do
Is align yourself fully to what you believe
Will bring you satisfaction. Tune your vibration
To the fact that what you want is already done.
Now it’s your job to get in the mode to receive
All the good things in life that are lined up for you.

When you want something please let yourself go with it.
Imagine it. Dream it. Talk about it. Don’t keep
Arguing for your limitations all the time.
Explaining where you are is the ultimate crime
To fulfillment. In time you may come to a deep
Understanding of how wellbeing you permit.

A Perfect Relationship

Happy Together

What does a lover feel like? How do you feel when
You’re in love? You might say it feels pretty damned good.
It feels like a homecoming and security.
Your heart skips a beat and it does so happily.
Believe that things work out exactly as they should.
You’ve been in love before and your there once again.

Love feels like being appreciated. It feels
Like wellbeing. It feels like a natural high.
Think about how love feels often then you’ll achieve
An attractive vibration so that you’ll receive
Clues and insights. It helps if you focus on why
You desire it. Accept what your true heart reveals.

Be patient. We are all works of art in progress.
When you finally meet someone set boundaries
Right up front and most clearly but in a nice way.
Do communicate nicely but do not betray
Any part of your true self in order to please
The other. Have respect for your own beingness.

You must know when to speak and when to keep quiet –
When to stand up strong and when to give up control
And speak only when words are better than silence.
When you are in love the whole universe makes sense.
Creating with another is good for the soul.
Get prepared for the blessing that hasn’t come yet.

The Vibration Of Abundance

Magnificent Sound

Everything in the universe vibrates at its
Own frequency. Colors, chairs, tables, ideas,
And people are in motion continuously.
Scientists have recorded the base frequency
Of most things. It’s believed that they do this because
The mere knowledge of this yields many benefits.

Abundance has a particular vibration.
It’s a signature energy field. One can learn
To resonate in harmony with it and be
Receptive to the blessings of prosperity.
What you want to happen is your only concern.
Keep your focus only on your own creation.

Resonance in electronics is adjusting
A circuit to allow the greatest current flow
At a certain frequency. If there’s impedance
In the circuit then one can’t give any credence
To the full flowing of current. It’s good to know
That analogies about life are worth trusting.

The feeling of abundance is the feeling of
Wellbeing, good attraction, and good creation
With yourself and others. It’s the feeling of ease
And the freedom to prosper and do as you please.
Why not let this be your cause for celebration?
You’re permitted to go for the things that you love.

Giving In To Your Power


Sometimes words can put you back into alignment
When you’re not. You can give up the struggle and say
Things like, “It is what it is. I give up control
Of this tough situation. It’s only my goal
To be happy.”
When you talk to yourself this way

You can alleviate much of your discontent.

Many momentum building statements you can use
To uplift yourself. “Things are always working out
For me”
isn’t the best one you could use right now

But from where you are find something that will allow
Your own power to find you. There are without doubt
Many good affirmations from which you can choose.

“I give into my goodness. I give up the pain
And the struggle. I give into my worthiness.
I give into not caring what others may say
About me. In my state of alignment I’ll stay.
Into the probability of happiness
I surrender. I know I’ll have so much to gain.”

Talk yourself into your power. Feel easier
About life. Happiness is your primary goal.
Let the earth spin in its orbit. Let your heart beat
Through the night on its own and be willing to treat
Yourself and others kinder. It will make you whole.
Nothing keeps you from living the life you prefer.

Permission To Be Lazy

Nap Time

If someone says you’re lazy it usually
Is because from a false premise is where they come
Which states that the more you do then the more you’re worth.
Nothing could be more wrong. There’s no reason on earth
To believe it therefore don’t be beating the drum
Of the mindset of an errant society.

An alternative premise is that the basis
Of the universe is that the better you feel
The more you allow. You could not be more worthy
Of a nice break from this time space reality.
Don’t wait until existing becomes an ordeal.
Your spiritual world becomes your oasis.

You may wish for everyone to know wellbeing
But it is necessary for you to tend to
Your own wealth of wellbeing then you can extend
It to others. More time by yourself you should spend.
If some friend asks a horrendous favor of you
Tell them with their request you are not agreeing.

Carve out more time to be nicer to yourself and
Spend more private time under the bridge where others
Are not telling you what to do. When you are there
It’s a whole lot easier for you to take care
Of the needs of your fellows as your life occurs.
Sometimes you need to take your own self by the hand.

Finding Ease

Nature Soft

I like ease. I like knowing that all is okay.
I want to have that feeling of satisfaction
And contentment that I had when I was a child.
Then I had the freedom to let my thoughts run wild.
As I thought them I had a point of attraction
That was powerful in every natural way.

I like ease. That’s the best word. I want to feel ease.
I want to feel at ease. I want to feel easy
And comfortable. I like feeling confident.
I like feeling that I can be fully present
In the moment. I like being where I should be
At all times. There’s no one else who I need to please.

I like feeling certainty so much that I know
That things are taken care of. I love to relax
And feel good about being alive on this earth.
I acknowledge the feeling of sunshine and mirth
Earth can offer. The feeling of performing acts
Of kindness to others is what I want to flow.

It just feels good to feel good. I like slowing things
Down a bit so I can have a conversation
With myself. I like mitigating the frenzy
With rest and relaxation. I love being free
To be free of resistance. A celebration
Is in order as the happy heart of me sings.

You Are Mostly Vibration

Essence Of Beingness

You’re a flesh and blood human being, this is true,
No one would dare refute it. You’re made of the stuff
Of the physical universe, but you’re also
Just the tip of an iceberg. The more that you know
About who you are truly, you will get enough
Out of life to significantly fulfill you.

You Are Mostly Vibration. It means that you are
Mostly spirit or essence – that which is unseen
But which transmits a signal that is received by
Others in your environment. One can’t deny
That vibration is real. One whose senses are keen
Is the one who is seen as grotesque and bizarre.

Your manifested body wants to manifest
In the physical. You want things to come to you.
So, let it be about how you feel for a while.
Don’t let negative thought put a cramp in your style,
And do not justify anything that you do.
Positivity in thinking must be expressed.

When you’re just in a happy place, things can occur
In spontaneous fashion. Good ideas flow
As well as inspiration. Things are working out
Without your need to see them… which indicates doubt.
That you have asked for it is all you need to know.
All that you have to do now is get happier.

So Close

Put Rut

There’s nothing more frustrating than being so close
To what you have been after, yet you are not there.
There is nothing more important than feeling good.
Reaching for the best feeling thought is understood
To be the best activity. That’s if you care
About how you feel. When it’s good, then be verbose.

Sharpen your signal just a bit, and you will find
Manifestations happening that are ideal.
Talking in opposition to them keeps them from
Coming to you. As long as you’re beating the drum
Of their absence, they never become for you real.
With its absolute presence you must be aligned.

There’s a mountain of money lined up for you now.
Throughout life, your vibrational escrow has grown
In its value to you. You’re not that far away
From your dream. Make it a special part of your day
To nurture your fulfillment. This practice alone
Yields to you satisfaction. You need but allow.

Find vibrational alliance with who you are
By virtue of your wishes. Rockets of desire
That you send to the universe are tended to.
Stop complaining. You cloud the water when you do.
Clear and bright is your signal when your heart’s on fire.
Again, what you’ve got coming is not very far.

Righteous Ignorance

Psychic Innocence

I find myself okay. I’m in a happy place.
I just ignore reality, then focus on
Having fun, so I can just feel my way around.
This works well, but sometimes no fulfillment is found.
I create, yet it seems like the magic is gone.
I know that there are folks who will jump in my case.

I can feel. That’s the first step in the whole process
Of creating. The feeling must be energized
With positive emotion, then while I am there
In a high state of consciousness, I am aware
Of the fullness life offers. I can’t be chastised
As the daft Pollyanna or anything less.

With my head in the clouds I don’t want to be seen,
But I must stay there long enough to get into
What happens to be my vortex of creation.
From that place of ease and clarity, I am one
With reality, then everything that I do
Will be worthwhile, as my perceptions will be keen.

To life, I’ll give my undivided attention
Only when I am one with the best part of me.
One who’s tapped in, tuned in, and turned on in this way
Thinks about only good things, I’ll start off your day
With a positive outlook. My reality
Is with all others in this space-time dimension.

You Are Given What You Allow


The only approval you need is from within
To receive your heart’s wishes without resistance.
Energy is being traded on waves of thought,
Yet sometimes, in your struggle, you tend to get caught
In a trap of beliefs. It gives you not the chance
To accept that you’re absolutely free of sin.

For example, how does a person go about
Body shaping? It seems like a difficult task
That requires lots of focus. How hard can it be
To do something that most everyone would agree
To be helpful? This is a good question to ask,
But the answer may be digested with some doubt.

Each cell of your body is conscious and aware
Of itself, others like itself, and you also.
By your thinking, you have convinced them of some things.
But as you change your thinking, this act alone brings
About changes specific to how your cells grow.
The path of least resistance is taken with care.

The universe will give you what you will allow
Right up to the degree of resistance that you
Have in place. Get rid of it by your choosing ease
Over struggle. See what your inner being sees
From its broader perspective. Go with what is true
To your heart, and be always at peace with your now.

Your Abundance Vibration

The Frequency Of Wellbeing

Vibration is just feeling. What you emanate
Is a signal that is electromagnetic.
Whenever your emotions become energized
Your whole energy pattern will be advertised
To the world and the universe. The fantastic
Power you have, you have so that you can create.

The feeling of abundance is one of pleasure
In the freedom of choosing to your heart’s desire.
It is one of wellbeing and good attracting.
It is not one of unconsciously reacting
To discordant vibrations. It doesn’t require
Anything that would count as a countermeasure.

It’s not just about money. It’s also about
People and ideas flowing, places to go,
And exciting things to pour your focus into.
In your absolute fullness, you are the one who
Is on top of the world as you go with the flow
Of who you really are far beyond any doubt.

You find yourself invincible, sure, and complete.
You know that your point of attraction is enhanced
By maintaining the feeling. The details fill in
Once you have decided that you were born to win.
Feeling your best does not have to be an advanced
Existential curriculum. Living is sweet.

A Perfect Relationship

True Love

You are love. You intend love. It is always there
Within and throughout you. Everywhere that you go
Love is present. The people you know are loving
According to the vibration you’re offering.
Love attracts love. Every act of love that you show
Generates more. Of this you are fully aware.

How do you find your lover – someone who, like you,
Is of love in the same way? Ask differently.
Why do you want someone to love? How does it feel?
Is the feeling of your being in love ideal?
Your lover isn’t lost, although, apparently,
You have yet to find fulfillment. What can you do?

Concentrate on the feeling, and stay focused there.
What does being in love feel like? It feels damned good!
It feels like a homecoming. It’s security.
It is one of wellbeing. It makes one happy.
You do know what it feels like. It’s well understood.
It’s a feeling that healthy people want to share.

It’s like appreciation – the feeling of ease
That is known when the heart meets up with the divine
And all things come together for you and someone
Who is special. The work you have already done
Is vibrational. Details will work out just fine.
There is nothing about love that you have to seize.

Speed Things Up

Make Things Happen Faster

Everyone wants the same thing… to be happily
Ever after in living. Everything we do
Is for that simple reason. When sorting things out,
We know happiness when we feel it without doubt.
I would venture to guess that I’m the same as you
With regard to the dreams that are coming to be.

How do I Speed Things Up? Impatience, I do know,
Is a problem. It seems that time wants to stand still.
There’s a natural momentum already set.
My concern that what I want has not happened yet
Makes time seem like forever. My attitude will
Affect how I perceive it. That’s why it seems slow.

I have asked for it, therefore the wheel is turning.
I Speed Things Up by taking the stick out of it
So that it can spin freely. Cooperative
are assembled and ready to give

Everything that I ask for. I just have to quit
Focusing on the scope and depth of my yearning.

Genuine satisfaction will get things moving
Rather quickly. I can cease my arguing for
Limitations. I speed things by not slowing them
With self-doubt and my propensity to condemn
The process that’s unfolding. It’s best to ignore
The temptation to think things are not improving.

So Close…

Simplify The Complicated Path

Nothing is more important than that you feel good.
Make this your major mantra throughout every day.
Do not try to find the best feeling thought that you
Ever thought and then hold it. This no one can do.
Just reach for the best feeling thought and stay away
From the thoughts that don’t make you feel the way you should.

You’re So Close to receiving the things you desire.
On subject after subject you can find pure bliss
If you sharpen you signal a bit. You’ve become
Clear and bright, but resistance is keeping you from
Seeing clearly. You can learn to get around this
By thinking all the good thoughts your mind can acquire.

You say you want more money. The wealth you’ve amassed
In vibrational escrow you wouldn’t believe.
You’ve been putting it there since the day you were born.
It is ready when you are, and it will adorn
You in untold abundance. Open to receive
What is due you. You have found your treasure at last.

When you give birth to something, powerful forces
Then become it. Complaining that it’s not here yet
Is the way to prevent it from coming to be.
Let yourself go with what you want, and only see
What you want. All your past failures you must forget.
Think exclusively the thoughts your heart endorses.

The Key

The Vibration Of Master Access

The key to manifesting is expectation.
You get what you expect all the time, every day.
A belief is just a thought that you keep thinking.
Believe not that the whole universe is shrinking.
It’s expanding in consciousness, and in this way,
You evolve toward spiritual perfection.

When you hold a thought active in your vibration,
Then cooperative components assemble
To give you proof by evidence. It becomes real.
You create your reality by how you feel.
Think of thoughts that bring feelings that make you tremble.
From this place, a wonderful journey has begun.

You can hold a belief that holds things right in place
Where there is no momentum toward happiness.
Changing your expectation changes everything
About your situation. Indeed it will bring
Wellness and satisfaction. You have full access
To the ‘good life.’ You’re worthy of infinite grace.

Don’t let ‘true’ things train your expectation away
From your focus on happiness. You will attract
What you think about whether you want it or not.
How you feel in each moment does matter a lot.
Don’t let others’ false opinions of you distract
You from your dreams. In alignment you want to stay.

Spiritual Leverage

The Power Of Spirit

Grab that bull by its horns. Now you’ve got something you
Have to struggle with before being gored to death.
You must get up and do it. It’s the only way
To get things done in this world. This thinking just may
Get you somewhere exalted, but don’t hold your breath.
There may be no fulfillment in all that you do.

Understand what your purpose is. Why are you here?
Has it to do with action? What’s it all about?
Action, when you’re in the flow, is satisfying,
But when there’s resistance, it can be exhausting.
It is hard to have to always hammer things out.
Often times desperate people act out of fear.

What influence are you under when you receive
The inspiration to act? If you want to slay
A dragon, then upon you the best luck is wished.
With allowance you get much more work accomplished.
When you’re tapped in, turned on, and tuned in you will play
With forces of the universe, if you believe.

Just make sure you’re under the influence of Source,
Which means your inner being, when you are acting.
No matter what you’re feeling let your beingness
Be the thing that guides you to ultimate success.
The entire universe is based on attracting.
Nothing of much value comes from using brute force.

Before Coming To Earth

Plans Made In Eternity

Before coming to this earth you said a few things
That are now worth remembering after so long
Being distracted from them by circumstances
You created. Life’s contrast offers you glances
At the contract you made which is righteous and strong.
You are in store for magnificent happenings.

“I’ll go forward into my earth experience.
I’ll see things that I don’t like, and things that I do
I will focus my attention only on them.”
All the things that you do here on earth truly stem

From the promises you made. A big part of you
Remains in the nonphysical. It is immense.

Ideas and impulses come up within you
That will lead you to everything that you desire.
Don’t fall for the notion that life’s meant to be hard.
The contrast here is tricky. You must say on guard
Of the negative thought patterns. What you acquire
Is by being receptive and most grateful too.

Seek the feeling of satisfaction as you go
About your chosen journey. Your inner being
Will hold fast to your contract and show you the way
That is least resistant. It will help you to stay
In alignment. The feeling is truly freeing.
You are meant to do big things here. Do make it so.

Feel The Freshness

Know Your Blessedness

You are under the influence of strong desire
For nothing in particular. You’re just amazed
At how well life is treating you, and you want more
Of your spirit to reach out and boldly explore
New horizons. Your attitude is to be praised.
Nothing of anyone does your true heart require.

Feel The Freshness of living the life of your dreams
And of anticipating things turning out well.
You know that you deserve what life has to offer
That is loving and wholesome… all that you prefer.
In a world of excited contentment you dwell.
In the presence of others your radiance beams.

Others who are under the influence of need
Have a nervous demeanor. There is urgency
In the basic vibration that others can sense
And then put up a force field as their self-defense.
It’s not that folks aren’t loving. They just want to be
Left alone which is why beggars rarely succeed.

You may want something just because it represents
The basis of who you are. Your satisfaction
Is sustained in its absence, and how it will come
Is of no concern of yours. Keep beating the drum
In the way that matches your highest vibration.
Keep on looking forward to wonderful events.

Don’t Take Life So Seriously

No Mental Struggle

Almost no one knows really, it is sad to say,
How to love themselves because they’re running around
Attempting to find others to love them instead.
They will do what it takes – even stand on their head
To elicit the worthiness they haven’t found
In themselves. They believe it has to be this way.

You can change the way you are to please other folk.
It’s a high price to pay for a thing not of worth
In the purest sense. People are fickle and vain
And your sucking up to them will drive you insane.
The pain of pleasing others is worse than childbirth.
Only great disappointment from them you’ll evoke.

People feel the vibrations of certain others
At a subconscious level so what they can sense
Is your confounded neediness. Then they control
Your behavior and eventually your soul.
The damage to who you are is grossly immense.
You will be the victim in whatever occurs.

Do not take the biggest issue that you can find
Then attempt to work with it. Take things that are small
And become more lighthearted. Do not watch tv.
Be with people who are real and happen to be
Interested in you. You will not please them all.
Life is not all that serious when you’re aligned.

Finding Ease

The Pursuit of Inner Peace

Absence of difficulty, struggle, or effort
Is what I want to feel at this moment in time.
Can I talk myself into it from where I am
Without changing my usual feeling program?
I want so much that there not be tough hills to climb.
Fear grips me so completely that I may fall short.

Life means handling the contrast as best as I can
Without ill will to others, self-loathing, or pain.
Lightening up on myself would feel really nice.
It’s high time that I take nature’s helpful advice.
When resistance is created there is no gain.
All I’ll do is come up with another bad plan.

The best word I can find for what I’m wanting now
Is the word ‘ease.’ I want to feel satisfaction
That I’m ever in the right place at the right time.
That warm feeling of confidence is most sublime.
I want comfort in knowing that everything’s done.
All I need to do now is relax and allow.

To get into that centered place is all I need.
Where my natural comfort and worthiness lies
Is my point of attraction. To feel good feels good.
I like slowing the frenzy down. It’s understood
That the self who is fettered is just a disguise.
“All Is Well.” In this statement my spirit is freed.

All That You Want

Whatever Is Desired

What you expect you will get no matter if you
Really want it or not. Your point of attraction
Determines if what you get is goodness or not.
So what you pay attention to matters a lot.
Do rely on the universe to get things done.
That you are in control of it is always true.

If you hold something active in your vibration
Then the Law of Attraction will come into play
As it gathers cooperative components
And the circumstances that will cause such events
That enthrall and delight you in every which way.
Living can be enlightening but also fun.

A belief is a truth that was made to be true
By someone’s focus on it. But you need not own
That which is from another. You have what it takes
To avoid living pitfalls. You do deserve breaks
That are to your advantage. You are not alone
In you lifelong adventure with all that you do.

Our beliefs form within us strong expectations
And we hold tightly to them. But change them we must
If they don’t serve the purpose of our wellbeing.
Embrace only those which are the most agreeing.
We can get good to happen, but we must have trust.
You alone control completely how your life runs.

What The Universe Asks

...Before All Is Given

I would like a nice boat… maybe even a yacht.
I enjoy being free and having lots of fun.
But is it satisfaction I mostly desire?
If it is, then the boat and all things will transpire.
Everything is available under the sun
But the feeling of needing defeats me a lot.

I can find other pathways to satisfaction
Before things become manifest. Then they enhance
The contentment I find in the things I control,
Like my mood and my attitude. My only goal
Is to feel satisfaction. My now circumstance
Is the bouncing off place where creation is done.

I’m under the influence of something always…
Either my inner being who knows everything
Or some confounding problem I’m worried about.
If I act out of need I will introduce doubt.
If desire is the driving force then it will bring
On a freshness of feeling that will my mood raise.

All the universe asks is that my desire be
Nonresistant – unfettered by feelings of need.
If I try to consider all of the details
Only miscalculation and error prevails.
In releasing the neediness spirit is freed
To attract and create most magnificently.

Your Abundance Vibration

Tuning Into Cash Flow

It begins with the feeling. It all grows from there.
Your abundance vibration is something you own
That no one else could ever. It’s rather unique
And composed of your thoughts and the words that you speak.
It attracts good things to you, and you’re not alone.
Every human alive needs to give it great care.

It’s not just about money. Ideas can flow
Like they have not an ending. Creation is good.
Among things you accomplish you relish the ease
That it is to do business. Life is meant to please.
You have practiced this premise. It’s well understood.
You may now take advantage of all that you know.

Since your point of attraction is mostly enhanced
By your practiced attention, things mostly work out.
You can tune your vibration to where it once was
No matter what the issue that became the cause
Of its loss in the first place. You have learned, no doubt,
Basic skills and are ready for the more advanced.

All is done for the feeling – the motive behind
Every act that’s committed. What you’re offering
Brings together resources, and people become
More involved with your enterprise. There may be some
Who will fill in the details of most everything.
Be surprised and delighted by what you will find.

Don’t Take It Seriously

Levity Is In Order

Why do I take my living so seriously,
Finding pleasure in nothing but playing the game
Of pretend satisfaction? I live not at ease
Because I waste my focus on people to please.
Finding joy within oneself cannot be the same.
It’s the most wholesome origin ever to be.

Sourness, the byproduct of people pleasing,
Permeates my existence. An ever presence
Is the tartness of taste, feeling that I must sell
My perfected self proudly. I don’t do that well.
Peddling of one’s true self comes at the harsh expense
Of addiction to always ever appeasing.

“If I smile will you love me? Suppose I tap dance
As I juggle three Rubik’s cubes while solving them?”

This compulsive behavior is what makes life hard,
And it needs to be looked at. If I’m more on guard
To my slipping into that mode, I’ll find the gem
Of enlightenment relative to circumstance.

The more I look to others for love, the more I
Am not in sync with who I am most truthfully.
Solving not the big issues, I shine at the small.
In becoming more lighthearted, the less I fall
To the favor of others. And ultimately,
I’m as worthy as ever and shall always be.

Three Times A Day

Trinity Divine

Empty space has Intelligence. Science takes note.
It is called the Akash and contains everything
That is known to be universe and far beyond.
We do well by how well we can best correspond
With this network of providence. It’s a wellspring
Of experience that keeps existence afloat.

Things are held into place by the Akashic Space
Everything from an atom to galaxies wide.
If I trust in the process of things working out
I will mitigate misery and useless doubt.
All I want to do is to feel better inside.
The Akash I must thank for holding me in place.

To be able to get the cooperation
Of this most fundamental vital element
Is to live a fulfilled life upon planet earth.
Everyday can be filled with abundance and mirth
Rather than one of struggle and constant torment.
Recognizing the Akash means work has begun.

Long before the sun rises to thirty degrees
Take the time to look out through the Akashic Space.
Take a deep breath, then bow down. Do this once again
At the sun’s peak and setting. A new life will then
Be as sure as existence in this time and place.
Life can be lived in comfort and relative ease.

Oneness Is Equal To Three Whole Halves

Mathematics Of Earth And Spirit

There’s a new app called bUttFuck. If life gets you down,
You can swipe, then bend over to get a lot more
Of what you’ve managed so far without any help.
When the downstroke is hard, there’s a strong healthy yelp
Bellowing through the being and out every pore.
There’s no difference between the smile and the frown.

 Life can be enigmatic if I make it so.
Like the weather in Wichita which is wanting,
It and I can be added to, multiplied by,
Or divided by consciousness if I apply
The least bit of excitement besides my writing
For the wonder of being a part of the flow.

Whole halves are what is needed in mathematics
Of the mental, spiritual, and physical.
Halves that are not whole, whorelike, will sell oneself short.
Body, mind, and spirit need provident support
From that which they’re a part of. Can this rationale
Get me through the next moment without using tricks?

Yes, it can. I can prove it to myself alone
Or through those who can feel me through the collective
Consciousness of humanity. Is it my choice
To reach out or keep silent my peculiar voice?
For a life that is peaceful, I’m willing to give
Whatever it may take, though I’d have to be shown.