Tag Archive | war

The Hidden Dimension

Entering Other Worlds

Is there something in common in every culture
That creates within everyone the need for God?
Anyone who has experienced mystery
Knows that there’s a dimension that we cannot see.
The beauty of a mountain or sunset we laud
As the face of divinity. Yet are we sure?

The realization of wonder is something
That all people experience time and again.
The tremendous power of nature we behold
As a force greater than us that can’t be controlled.
We return to something but we cannot know when.
We are left with tons of clues for deciphering.

Throughout God’s evolution in our consciousness
There have been those of violence and compassion
And protectors of kings and queens and their campaigns.
Personification is still locked in our brains
To the degree that we may not ever be done
With the faces of God we create to excess.

God is a manifestation of energy
And the vehicle for it. Continuing war
Among world principalities over issues
Of our faith and anarchy can only confuse
What we know in our souls to be something much more
Than a situation where we act foolishly.

The Simmering Cauldron

Leading The War Pack

It’s the blue bloods and red hats – the dems and repubs –
Liberals and conservatives… always two teams
To prepare for a civil war ever to come.
Yet not all become soldiers; only certain some.
I’ve been warned since childhood that I’m part of their dreams.
Should I then be a soldier? I’m not good with clubs.

Nor am I good at understanding the deep hate
That one race has for all others everywhere known.
Congressmen speak preparedness just like the ones
Who have nurtured their hatred and value their guns
For that war that keeps coming. Our leaders condone
Blatantly what the others should not tolerate.

All the twisting of facts and the crafty mind games
Have a definite purpose. It is to erode
Any sense of reality except the one
Where the most racist sentiments can be homespun.
As the truth starts to simmer, true colors explode
Through the army, exposing its nastiest aims.

It’s now out in the open. There’s nothing to hide.
It’s confirmed. I’m the enemy. No change has come
Over decades of civil rights. Your smiling face
Remains in the minority, as will your race
In a few generations. Keep beating your drum
In expression of panic regarding white pride.

The Scourge Of Religion

Pandemic Of Soul

When a star starts making iron it will explode
In spectacular fashion. The power released
Can disrupt forming galaxies lightyears away.
It creates the stuff so fast one could rightly say
Mass production of heavy substances at least
Shows a violent cosmos in expressive mode.

What to make of the evil that money can buy?
One handful of the right souls now comes rather cheap
To the ones who can purchase behavior at will.
The right price can make good soldiers not want to kill
To defend their damned nation. The karma they reap
They will want to take care of long before they die.

Fighting over a small thing is not a big deal.
If we both want something, one of us will concede.
In a matter of time, one comes to one’s senses.
Take the damned thing and blow it! Too much expense is
Being paid by my spirit. I’d rather be freed
To get on with my best living in what is real.

But we fight for, over, and about God these days
As we have throughout history, and it’s insane.
If I believe in something but you… not the same,
In time we’ll kill each other and then place the blame
Anywhere but where it must go. All who are slain
Are but fodder for furtherance of toxic praise.

Over is the day of the sword. Now we kill more.
With the push of a button whole countries can be
Blown to bits within minutes without knowing why
Some asshole has decided that their kind must die
Over some subtle nonsense. We’ll never agree
And cannot be surprised by what else is in store.

Now, a global directive is what is needed.
One’s religion is one’s own business to pursue.
Do whatever the hell you want, but go in peace.
Beliefs global and national surely must cease
Or we face our extinction. But can this we do?
Our beliefs are not knowledge. Too many are dead.

On Transforming The Tough Spot

Transforming the Bad Situation

Lessons learned by children who have gone through the worst
One could ever imagine are wisdom for all.
With our lives, our comparisons, uselessly made
To the wrong kinds of people may leave us betrayed
By ourselves through the process. The ones who are small
And erupting with life know not that they are cursed.

In the mid nineteen thirties, the plight of the Jews
That we know as the holocaust, was never known
By a brother and sister – the girl aged thirteen
And the boy, about eight years. Hate would intervene
In their healthy development. Left on their own
At the fate of the Nazis, they’d no right to choose.

Family Separation does damage untold
And creates special karma for those who do wrong.
This level of malevolent behavior brings
Upon its perpetrators appropriate things.
Thankfully, by God’s nature, most children are strong.
Fun and joy are their essence when they’re not controlled.

Taken from wealth and comfort to life in duress,
The young boy did adapt well. A toll it did take
On the teen and with hormones of adolescence.
Just because the boy lost something, she took offense
And belittled her brother who was a headache.
Her truest discontentment she could not repress.

They were then separated. This turn of events
Sent her off to a death camp where she did not die
But was worked to death daily for more than four years.
As the only survivor, she shed many tears
For the loss of her family. And this is why
She avowed to recover from guilt that torments.

She was harsh with her brother. He now was no more.
She regretted those last things she’d said in anger.
She committed to saying only a kind word
To all she may encounter, for it is preferred
Since we know not if this is the last encounter.
Her life blossomed because she found the open door.

The Not Civil Cold War

Eternity of the Feud

We’ll go off and do our own thing. We don’t need you!
Monarchy is a menace. We don’t want a king
Or a queen to rule over us. We Declare War.
Virgin land we will conquer. Our will to explore
We inherited from you, and now it will bring
What we’ll call a new nation. The time has come due.

But we’ve taken you with us along with some things
To make us look inclusive and of open heart
As the ones used as tools by the sweat of their backs
Build the wealth of our nation that we may relax.
And because they’re not like us, we must say apart.
Is this not the behavior of rich queens and kings?

It has taken a short time for us to evolve
To the point where dissension among us is felt
With regard to ‘the other’ who must be maintained
As our psychic scapegoat. And it must be restrained
Lest the ice in our reddish blue blood starts to melt
Which becomes then a catastrophe to resolve.

Civil War is a coldness declared in duress
By the now needy nation whose face the world sees
As grotesqueness united in having no shame.
What is human about us cannot make us tame.
Our bone-chilling behavior does make the heart freeze.
It’s too cold to be hell. Can I feel any less?

Satanic Rapture


With six hundred and sixty six sins on my soul
I am ripe for a rip roaring rapturous rage.
I’ve completed my mayhem. It culminates now.
The next coming of Satan is certain somehow.
We can now disavow the Aquarian Age
As complete devastation has become our goal.

Make me weak in the knees and float lighter than air
As it all becomes darkened through chaos and smoke.
Let the air reach a flashpoint much lower than earth
That our hate may deny any chance of rebirth.
Many folks create horror through dreams they invoke.
We believe they are nothing. In fact, we don’t care.

I’m a beast of this nature that now has a rash
That is acrid and prickly, and sensitive to
All the subconscious inhuman cries of our hearts.
Simply looking within is where true rapture starts.
That our souls are renewable is known by few.
And this world we’re concerned with, someday, will be ash.