Tag Archive | fixated

Make The Universe Listen

Much To Tell

How do you Make The Universe Listen to you?
Well, if you’re telling the same old boring story
Then it has every right to ignore what you say
But it doesn’t. It responds to you anyway
Whether you live in happiness or misery.
You can change things by telling a story that’s new.

Tell your story the way that you want it to be
Rather than the way it is and you will notice
The cooperative universe helping you
To rewrite your life story and then make it true
And as sure as my name could never be Otis
You’ll let go of much of your negativity.

As you tell your new story you will purify
Your vibration of stuff that you never became
Quite adjusted to. The power of letting go
Is immense. It allows positive thoughts to flow.
To be happy in your life is your only aim.
You can do so without really having to try.

Ignore all that you don’t like. Adore what you do.
It’s that simple. The universe hears you clearly
All the time. You just have to be much more aware
Of the story you’re telling. Be willing to share
The new person that you’ve made yourself out to be.
Let the universe hear the very best of you.

A Newfound Resolution

Outdoor Life

You’re a leading edge creator here to explore
The contrast that life offers. Without it you would
Not be able to draw any good conclusions
About your journey. You harbor no illusions
Regarding your effectiveness and as you should
You stay focused upon only things you adore.

That which is like unto itself is drawn you know
And that there’s a vibrational reality.
When you see what you don’t want you make what you do
A vibrational reality that’s as true
As the physical thing that it will come to be.
You have the power within you to make it so.

You have access to infinite intelligence.
Your vortex of creation is identified
By this provident consciousness who is aware
Of every single wish you have and who takes care
Of your needs. The whole universe is on your side.
This wonderful assurance comes at no expense.

Everything has been lined up – the people, places,
And perfect situations. The question is where
Are you in this big picture. Your answer must be
That you always seek ways to live life happily.
In this way you will be taking maximum care
Of yourself and of all that you heart embraces.

Surprise And Delight

Happy Happenstance

When you think about it your journey never ends.
You get in the receiving mode then you receive
A desire and the optimum situation
Is that you’re mostly tuned into your creation.
More ideas keep coming the more you believe
In the things that the spirit within you intends.

You’re having rendezvous and experiences
All along the way. More ideas keep coming
So it turns out that it never turns out. It turns
Out that living life is not one of your concerns.
Your confidence is what keeps your motor humming.
You handle conditions without consequences.

It’s a never ending journey and when you get
Hooked on that good feeling of it unfolding and
You never need a destination you never
Have any disappointment. You are as it were
In a place where you can easily understand
That your whole life is determined by your mindset.

Don’t get fixated on what you think is the end
Of your journey. What you see is an illusion.
Ask how the universe will Surprise And Delight
You today. It will get you to feeling just right.
You’ll then be encouraged to draw the conclusion
That the universe is ultimately your friend.

Profound Satisfaction

Much Joy

When you tell your new story your world comes alive
Though it may not be the easiest thing to do
First crack out of the box. You can get yourself there
Because about how you feel you give utmost care.
At this moment you can have a fresh point of view
About your life. For happiness you want to strive.

Tell your new story the way you want it to be
Rather than the way it is and you will begin
To notice benevolent cooperative
Components assemble. You only have to give
Your attention to the guiding spirit within.
The universe wants to help you tell your story.

Be willing to let ex-partners be ex-partners…
To let bygones be bygones. The grudges you hold
Must be let go of. This alone will purify
Your vibration. There’s no reason you shouldn’t try
To author your new story. It wants to be told
As it lives and as in your life it well occurs.

Practice the power of your own mind and step back
Into a remembering of who you truly
Are in essence. You are part of Source Energy.
While living on this earth your purpose is to be
Doing whatever it may take to get happy.
You have reached the point now where there’s no looking back.

Remembering Why You Started

The Journey Begun

Why did I even start this thing? I can’t recall
Exactly what the motive was. It had something
To do with self-expression. It had been my dream
To become something of an artist. It would seem
That there’s much competition, so what could I bring
To the table? My contribution would be small.

Yet I know that this attitude gets me nowhere
If I nurse it. I must shift my focus somehow
To something more befitting this now troubled soul.
This adventure I’m on I think can make me whole
As a person. My purpose here is to allow
My words to take on meaning that people can share.

It’s not like I am running some kind of a race
To a finish line. I don’t see this as a sport
To be played as if I were a verbal athlete.
If I got people to read this, that would be sweet
But it’s not necessary. I get my support
From within. To me that is a most sacred space.

I know that in this real world of uncertainty
People struggle before they see any progress.
My story is unwritten yet. This is a start
Of an eternal venture. I speak from the heart
To myself and the universe and my success
Is assured. I remember now who I’m to be.

Remember Why You Started

Incremental Growth

At the intersection of what is and what can
Be, our stories are written. It’s where decisions
Are made and where lives are ultimately defined.
What is possible is constantly on the mind
Of the person whose most extravagant visions
Are their driving force. There is a definite plan.

There may be growth in comfort. There’s little upside
Or downside. It’s just simply the easier way,
But it may yield regret because one cannot know
What one could have achieved had they chose to follow
Their true spirit. It’s too much of a price to pay
For some of us. Within delusion we may hide.

 There may be comfort in growth. The difficulty
Causes one to get stronger with eyes fixated
On the goal. One becomes well accustomed to pain
And transforms it. No effort is ever in vain,
And there’s tremendous pride in what’s been created.
The dream chaser can deal with the uncertainty.

Can you see the big picture when the sky appears
To be falling down around you? When you’re in pain,
It becomes very easy to forget why you
Started out. Don’t give up on what you’re here to do.
If you really want to, it’s not hard to maintain
Your alignment in all negative atmospheres.

At The Heart Of Attraction

Royal Flush

Most people who are thinking in terms of money
Are approaching it more from the subject of lack
Than from just allowing the dollars to flow in.
They wind up wishing forever for their big win.
If you feel that you put out more than you get back,
Then it may be that you’re off vibrationally.

You don’t rise in the morning and breathe all the air
That you’ll need for the whole day before others can
Suck it up. You breathe in and breathe out as you need.
When it comes to your breathing, there’s no need for greed.
You don’t worry at all if someone has more than
They deserve. So, how to money does this compare?

Through our programming, we’ve learned to believe that we
Are not worthy enough to receive anything
Without hard work and struggle. We must justify
Every bit of good luck that happens to come by,
And we’re promised rewards for our hard suffering,
But this universe operates differently.

If you consciously focus upon the value
Of the dollars you do hold, then you’ll receive more.
Feeling good about the money you’ve got going
Is the best way that is known to keep it flowing.
The main difference between the rich and the poor
Is the feeling about all that money can do.

Appreciate Who You Are

Emotional Flowers

This nation is conceived in original sin.
Slavery through gestation created a beast
Rather than a republic of civilized folk.
White supremacists war against those who are woke.
Civil War didn’t end. It has only increased
In severity. Our consciousness is of skin.

And since mine isn’t lily white, which side I’m on
Is made obvious for me. Should I be afraid
For my life or my freedom? This is a nation
That adores assault weapons and the creation
Of a living hell impossible to evade.
Will there be satisfaction when all hope is gone?

Enough of this sick story! If I’m to remain
In alignment with my source, I have to replace
This one with one of my own that doesn’t include
Anything that would adversely affect my mood.
Only those thoughts that uplift me I shall embrace.
By creating my own story I’ve much to gain.

I must be selfish enough to want to feel good.
If my focus is yanked away, I’ll readjust
Easily back to my story of how things are
And of who I am. This attitude is by far
One in which I can absolutely put my trust.
I appreciate expressing my humanhood.

Make The Universe Listen

Infinite Horizons

Feel the power of telling your own new story.
It’s not easy to do it in the beginning.
It’s something to warm up to. Determination
To begin telling yours your way can be much fun.
You can tell one in which you are always winning.
It can be one where you are in all your glory.

As you do, be aware not of things as they are,
But instead, keep your focus on what can become.
Pay attention to the evidence happening
In the way that you feel. The universe will bring
You impulses and insights. You benefit from
Believing that what you want is not very far.

You’ll begin to let go of bygones, injustice,
Bad behavior, ill wishes, grudges, and mistakes
Of others and your darned self, and you will replace
Them with thoughts of the things that you truly embrace.
Purify your vibration. Avoid the headaches
Brought on by negative emotion such as this.

Use the power of your focus and the guidance
That comes forth from within you. Make The Universe
to you by letting it know your intent.

In each moment toward your goal find fulfillment.
When you’re in alignment it will freely disburse
All that you’ve ever wanted, so give it the chance.

Surprise And Delight

Pleasantly Excited

Like a fun Christmas morning each day can begin,
And it never ends. When I receive a desire,
Then get in the receiving mode, I manifest
What I’m wanting. I know my life is truly blessed,
And about my worthiness I need not inquire.
I’m made to be comfortable in my own skin.

All along the way, ideas and rendezvous
Punctuate my experiences, and the more
I remain in alignment, the more good will come.
My Vortex of Creation is where good comes from.
I am used to receiving things that I adore.
I look forward to always getting awesome news.

In what way is this kind universe going to
Do its thing to Surprise And Delight me today?
This question I ask frequently, and the answer
Is provided instantly. The life I prefer
I’m living in this moment. More is on the way.
There is no contradicting what I know is true.

Sometimes what I think is the end of the journey
I get fixated on, but there is no ending…
Just more good stuff to happen. I start every day
With a rampage of gratitude so that I’ll stay
In alignment. The vibration that I’m sending
To the universe is as I want it to be.

Make The Universe Listen

Command The Cosmos

You create the vast universe as it creates
You and all others in it. Telling your story
As you want has the power to change anything
In your life that’s not working. Alone you can bring
About what is needed in terms of your glory.
You must know that a wonderful treasure awaits.

Your story as you tell it can eliminate
All the bygones, mistakes, grudges, and injustice
Of all manner. You will begin to let it go
And replace it with that which you have come to know
As benevolent, hopeful, and things such as this.
No one can mess with the story that you create.

Purify your vibration. Practice the power
Of your own mind. Step back into remembering
Who you are, why you came here, and what you shall do.
All that is benefits from all that which is you.
With every thought that you think you have everything
At you beck and call naturally as it were.

Do whatever you must to feel good. If it takes
Dissolving stagnant relationships, so be it.
Put your undivided attention on the things
That bring you the most pleasure despite happenings.
Your life was meant to be a comfortable fit.
The game of your alignment is truly high stakes.

Ask This Question

The Most Important Thing To Ask

Much obscene information erupts into play
With my daily reality. There is no need
For me to ask a single thing. Too much goes on
For the mind to keep track of. Consensus is drawn
From the common collective. In this way I’m freed
From the wild chase that would make a waste of my day.

Negative emotion always means that I’m not
In agreement with how my inner being feels
About what I am dealing with. It cannot see
Any evil in anyone including me.
It’s the epitome of positive ideals.
What it thinks about all things should matter a lot.

I could choose to be angry about many things
That involve people having to be different
Than they are in order for me to be happy.
They won’t change who they are just to satisfy me.
There is one other option. I can be content
In the clarity that my inner being brings.

How does my inner being feel about this thing
That I’m focused upon?
Is my gut in a knot?

If so, it means I’m not in agreement with it.
My internal guidance is of huge benefit.
It tells me when I’m warm or cold and when I’m hot.
It’s the only question I will keep on asking.