Tag Archive | world

Allowing Divine Intervention

Receiving Grace

Still believing in struggle, most human beings
Don’t feel like they are paying enough of a price.
No one plays their way through life and achieves success.
We must work long and hard for it, that is unless
We are fortunate where the bird of paradise
Makes its way into our lives and brings us nice things.

This is true in the real world because this mindset
Has evolved over eons where there’s a finite
Economic pie that all are wanting to share.
We have to make things happen. We seem not aware
That we are of vibration, and all is alright.
This is how the world functions much to our regret.

There’s an infinite ‘amount’ of economy.
To be shared among everyone. Those who believe
That there’s only so much wealth do not hear the call
Of their spirit. Their perspective is rather small.
Effort is not needed in order to receive
If we get ourselves to thinking differently.

The power of the universe is within you.
It creates worlds. It can manifest anything.
One cannot have it both ways. One has to decide
For oneself which is better. Let your spirit guide
You to what feels in your life to be fulfilling.
Know in your heart the best thing that you ought to do.

If You Can Dream It, You Can Have It

Create Your Desire

There is nothing that you cannot have, do, or be.
You live in a cooperative universe
Which includes you physical body and whatever
Else that meets you approval. All that you prefer
You can have if you dream it. Nothing could be worse
Than to not dream. It would be a catastrophe.

You alone form the image, and if you do not
Defy it with reality, expectation,
Or the knowledge of experts, you cooperate
With the forces that make everything turn out great.
What you dream about is an adventure begun.
It’s no wonder that so many do it a lot.

You can be a cooperative component.
Everything that you’ve wanted has been assembled,
But to see the manifestation of it, you
Have to be in alignment. Your attention to
How you feel is important. It is resembled
In what shows up in your life to a large extent.

An anomaly you are to those who believe
That to dream is to waste time. As you prove them wrong,
New sciences develop, which could take some time.
Until then, the feeling that you have is sublime.
Here and now, you are right where you feel you belong.
Through the process of dreaming, you get to receive.

Righteous Selfishness

Be Your Own Master

Don’t freak out when people tell you you’re not okay.
They don’t mean to be disrespectful. They just are.
You are in the exact place where you’re meant to be.
You cannot be off schedule. Nothing remotely
Is the matter. In fact, you are not very far
From achieving nirvana as if it’s child’s play.

And from this point forward, your conscious awareness
Is a keener experience. There are many
Who will please you and many who will let you down.
No one’s here to do either, so wearing a frown
Makes no sense, that is if you want to remain free
Of unrighteous encounters. You don’t need the stress.

Don’t look to other folks for what you already
Have within you. Your own heart knows what’s best for you.
Just notice it all softly – the nice subtle ways
That the universe structures itself to amaze
And delight you. There’s nothing that you need to do
But to be aware of your creativity.

You’ve decided to please yourself a whole lot more
Than you had been. You’re free to not stand on your head
Or jump through hoops for others’ worthless approval.
Your enlightenment means your constant removal
Of the psychic behaviors that have cause much dread.
There are some things in life that are good to ignore.

What Did You Forget?

Trust Your Memory

You can bug people beautifully by asking,
“What Did You Forget?” They may suspect that they must
Remember something important. They may not be
Receptive to considering it carefully.
To a new way of thinking one could well adjust.
Be a part of a wholesome reawakening.

What’s the most obvious thing one must remember
In each waking moment? What’s the most forgotten
Truth that causes confusion within the psyche?
Who on earth can answer these questions correctly?
There is no disadvantage in knowing not when
Someone will leave in your soul a glowing ember.

Someone says that he’s Tim Jones, another, Joe Blow.
These are lies that are fed to us when we are young.
Remember back before you were programmed to be
A person and a product of society.
Now into a world of illusion you are flung.
Be more receptive to what you already know.

Simply the fabric and structure of existence
Itself you are. There is a big conspiracy
To ignore who you really are deep down inside.
The false ego must be constantly gratified
By the faulty structures that allow it to be.
We become exhausted living under pretense.

My True Self

My Calm And Passionate Inner Being

Unattached from my wanting, My True Self and I
Are related by feeling. There cannot be one
Single thing that I must have to be happy now.
As I listen to My True Self I can allow
Everything to fulfill me while I’m having fun.
If things go well for me I need not wonder why.

So, do I have to let go of all my desires
To experience happiness? Does it make sense
To my ego to not want? Can it come to know
The wholeness of its being? Can wellbeing flow
To the self somewhat conscious and caught in suspense?
Can the conscious part do what my spirit requires?

To let go of attachments is to become free
Of the ego’s addiction to dreams coming true
In the physical quickly. They are full of fear
That they won’t. To my fulfillment I must adhere.
My True Self knows exactly the things I should do
In the blissful meantime of things coming to be.

Life is wonderful even with all the contrast.
The adhesive and tricky stuff keeps me aware
Of my need to remain focused on how I feel
In relation to My True Self who is more real
Than I am. My ego needs to learn how to care
For the feeling that matters and will ever last.

Face The Facts!

Consider What Is Said To Be Real

“Face The Facts!,” as if they exist somewhere outside
Everything. Our speech illustrates our commonsense.
It’s been rigged so that we feel like aliens here.
In this world we know more about hatred and fear
Than about having a wholesome experience.
What is obvious can’t be questioned or denied.

We are not strangers here, yet we are led to feel
That it is true because we’ve gotten used to it.
But if we start to question the way we perceive,
Then our basic assumptions we will not believe
Anymore. This is of enormous benefit
To considering what for your own self is real.

It becomes absolutely obvious to you
That you are continuous with the universe.
People once ‘knew’ the earth was flat until someone
Proved this wrong, then we got used to what had been done.
We could also get used to things getting much worse
Than they are now, so what in this world can we do?

Commonsense keeps evolving. Our facing the facts
As they are in the moment is something we do
Out of habit. One fine day we may discover
That we’re one with the universe. What may occur
Is a love among people that clearly rings true
And our technology has less harmful impacts.

The Automatic Universe

The Magnificent Cosmic Machine

The ceramic world image ran into problems.
Turned into the fully automatic model,
It’s based on the idea of natural laws.
It was believed severely that God is the cause
Of all things, and that it’s heresy to coddle
A notion not religious from which evil stems.

Like the rails on which trains run, the laws of God are
The rails on which natural phenomena
Have their motion and worthiness in honor to
Their creator. Scientists accepted this view
Until the eighteenth century when someone saw
A new way to approach the question so bizarre.

What if there’s no potter out there molding the clay?
Would scientists then still be able to predict
By studying past behaviors and describing
Carefully all the events that are occurring
In experimentation? Need we be so strict
With our fact finding? It need not lead us astray.

So they kept the law and dropped the hypothesis.
The law of prediction is regularity.
Whether there’s a lawmaker or not, the process
Of prediction remains unchanged as we progress
On a path made impetuous to some degree.
Benefits in our chaos we cannot dismiss.

Be The Change

Make It Happen You Damned Self!

The darkness may be part of an intricate plan
To keep hell alive on earth. The world and its ways
Are atrocious, heartbreaking, and doomed to despair.
Yet, there is a great number of people who care
About life on this planet. Do we give them praise?
Or do we criticize people who say, “I Can!”?

What can you contribute that would do any good?
Don’t listen to the voice that says, “It’s just no use.
I’d be wasting my time, effort, and energy.
Too far out of control this world happens to be.”
Nothing but indolence will this thinking produce.

The still small voice within you can be understood.

All of us have some work to do while we are here.
Everyone has a purpose. Offering something
Of yourself to the problem can make your life whole.
Life can work through and use you. Let it take control.
Be the change that you want. Let the universe bring
You impulses and guidance. Your purpose is clear.

How will you serve the world? What does it need that your
Special talent can offer? The effect that you
Have on others can be the most valuable
Currency that there is. Do be ever grateful
To be the instrument of change. All that you do
Is from love or fear. Which one is of more splendor?

Ask Before Sleeping

Let The Night Fill Your Order

Be angry, but sin not. Commune with your own heart
Upon your bed, and be silent. Yes, blow your top,
But do not let the sun go down on your anger.
Be silent to know yourself and not another.
All the stresses of this day, this night you may drop
So that you are replenished by the new day’s start.

In a way that no one knows, all will come to pass.
Everything in the world is created this way.
But people try to know it. Who knows through the night
Who is treading the wine press? As it turns daylight
Hell is still the main issue, is it here to stay?
Sleeping with just the question leads not to impasse.

Don’t intend to be lukewarm. The world spits you out
Like a thick wad of phlegm If you’re being intense
About something… anything, the universe knows
What it is that you’re after amid the shadows.
Go well into the night. Let your dreaming commence
Keep believing in yourself and what you’re about.

The goal is the awakening to who you are
At the core of your being. You’re magnificent
And worthy of wellbeing, abundance and more.
Do your asking at night. This will open the door
To a life of extreme delightful fulfillment.
Everything that you’re after is not very far.

The Unspeakable World

Silent Beingness

If you talk all the time then you will never hear
What anybody else has to say. And the same
Goes for thinking. If you think too much of the time
You will not know what life’s about, and that’s a crime.
Does this mean that such people should be put to shame?
I resemble such folks just to be somewhat clear.

Subvocal conversations, the constant chit chat,
Symbols, images, talk, and words rob consciousness
Of its essence. The real world is unspeakable.
We tend to give everything some kind of label,
But in doing so we interrupt the process
Of perceiving things fully. Can we deal with that?

Several colors we can see, yet we are blind,
And with all the notes in the scale, we cannot hear.
Leaves are not green and flat. These are tags we assign
To something that is nameless. We are by design
Objectivity leaning and fettered with fear
Of a world without order of the human kind.

If we stop fixing conceptions and learn to see
Everything as it truly is – magnificent,
The infinity of sound and color will be
Our experience. It will come naturally
With some practice. It’s definitely time well spent.
The world that is unspeakable is clutter free.

The Most Frightening Thing About Death

Fear Of The Ultimate Unknown

In answer to the question, “What’s your state of mind
As you’re contemplating the possibility
Of everything becoming nothing?”
there’s nothing

To refer to but our beliefs. When pondering
What death will be like, some may struggle terribly.
To think about such a thing they are not inclined.

The ’what if-ness’ of death is what people go through.
Avalanches of questions that can’t be answered
Flood the physical systems, yet what’s the trouble?
We’re like foam on the water or like the bubble
Or the puff of smoke. We know death can’t be deferred
People can’t conquer it no matter what they do.

Why don’t we want to give up? Just what do we think
We will get by remaining here a while longer?
It is ever so easy. Let go, and dissolve!
It is necessary for all life to evolve.
We cannot tear away from the way that things were
Even though our lives were not always in the pink.

The most frightening thing about death is that there
Might be something beyond it. It’s a mystery.
Yet the world is full of threats from other people.
Knowing whether to be regretful or thankful
Is all part of the death focusing fantasy.
There is no existence with which we can compare.

The Truth

The Reality Of The Human Condition

If we turn things upside down can we expect good
To win out in the world? What future lies ahead
If altruism can’t replace egotism?
Can we experience joy if there’s a schism
Between self and the spirit? And are we misled
By the powers we have that are not understood?

For children to be safe and healthy there must be
Loving care among everyone. Can this happen
In the coming years? Compassion breeds weakness when
Only the strong survive in a world ruled by men.
If the cycle were broken what would happen then?
As a race we remain primitive and beastly.

Corruption and hypocrisy are our nature.
We don’t deserve the worst of luck, it would so seem
And the best would give Satan a burning halo.
Circumstances are that we have much room to grow.
It’s an honor to master the art of the scheme
To take advantage of people who are unsure.

Is it worthwhile to believe in some deity
Who believes just the opposite of what’s said here?
Our survival as a race depends on something
Quick and catastrophic for our awakening.
But do we have to go through something quite severe?
I believe in a miracle, personally.

Face The Facts

Address Your Denial

We’ve got all sorts of ideas built into us,
And our speech reflects communist phrases such as,
“Face the facts,” as if they were totally outside
Of ourselves and to be used as our only guide.
We encounter life as aliens, and this has
The effect of programming. This is obvious.

People speak of ‘awakening.’ What does it mean?
It’s a reexamination of common sense
Which has been rigged within us by society.
Learn to know that it ain’t so necessarily
Just because people’s belief is so damned immense.
No way other than what they’re used to can be seen.

The way to perceive life is not as foreigners.
We are not strangers to this world but part of it.
People used to believe that this round earth is flat
Until someone disproved any notion of that.
Questioning our core assumptions, we must admit
That as commonsense creatures we are amateurs.

We are continuous with the vast universe.
Unending is its momentum. The time will come
When we all will see things this way, but until then
Social structures will falter again and again.
Reflection is where our enlightenment comes from.
We evolve with our mindset for better or worse.

Existence Is A Relationship

The Give-And-Take Nature Of Being

Two phases of a single process is a way
To perceive oneself and the world. Unfamiliar
And unfashionable is this thinking to some.
They have feelings of doubt that they can overcome.
Science has proven that this is the way things are.
Notions contrary to this are not here to stay.

Obsolete is the thinking that man is the head
Of nature, yet the naturalists are always
Fighting nature because they do not understand
What it means to be ‘head.’ It does not mean command.
Our racial evolution has seen some delays
Perhaps due to negative beliefs we’re force fed.

Every creature is head of nature in its turn
Because each creature creates the world in its own
Image. All existence is a relationship
Between selves and the world. We need only equip
Ourselves with understanding. Alas we are prone
To discard any common sense we may discern.

No movement of nature constitutes existence
Until it’s related to neurological
Complexes of its creatures. The Complex belongs
To the same word as the sun. We’re meant to sing songs
Of elation. Our recognizing of this shall
Pave the way for a life of wonder and suspense.

We Are Not Separate

The Collective Conscious

If I am I because you are you, and you are
You because I am I, then I am not I, and
You are not you. We’re not separate entities.
We define one another as the birds and bees.
Lean some sticks against one another. They will stand.
Remove one and all will fall. This can’t be bizarre.

We are interdependent systems. Together
We are one organism. Our skin separates
Not us from the world. It is a bridge through which the
World flows into and out of us, and exactly
Like a whirlpool, each part of us interrelates
As our form and a number of changes occur.

What you call the external world is as much you
As your body. The world creates you, and you it.
We can recognize one another the same way
That eternity captures existence for play.
We become wiser as a race if we submit
To this mind changing notion that’s ruggedly true.

Myths underlying our culture and common sense
Have not taught us to feel identical with the
Universe. Only parts of it we will engage.
The ‘external’ world can become a psychic cage.
Aliens we are to it if all can’t agree
To this one observation which is quite immense.

The World Will Not Be Fair To You

Life Is Generally Cruel

How much of our lives is due to our karmic past?
Injustice and unfairness cannot be ignored.
Every day life comes at you as you approach it.
It makes you cognizant of the acts you commit.
If you do well in this life then your just reward
Is a wonderful next life amid all contrast.

Even though horror punctuates our history
Lavishly, solace is in the fact that justice
Cannot be avoided. All eventually
Meet with their come up-in’s automatically.
Is there yet something shoddy in thinking like this?
Contrast is an earth lesson that’s offered for free.

Are you quite old enough now to not to expect
The world to be fair to you? Do you blame your past
For the pain you are suffering at this moment?
Like a school child do you find it inconvenient
That the world can’t become nice at bloody long last?
Whatever answer you offer would be correct.

The world will not be fair to you, but if you will
Dig deeply into yourself you will find a taste
For life far beyond your thoughts and your emotions.
You can be content no matter how the world runs.
Only things that support your life should be embraced
Then life can be fantastic and always a thrill.

Leaving A Fear Based Reality

Releasing The Fear

The Collective Unconscious all people create.
It contains memories of which we’re not aware…
Also archetypes. It is a vast database
That has the history of the whole human race.
We all have access to it, and through it we share
Basic understandings that are without debate.

Archetypes are symbols we know instinctively.
‘The Mother’ is a perfect example of one.
Everyone, no matter how different they are,
Will respond in the same way (which isn’t bizarre)
To a mothering figure. There’s a connection
Among oneself and others most naturally.

Always cultures of domination are fear based.
Those who dominate believe they have no power
To create their reality. So they become
The despicable tyrants whose actions come from
A deep need to be noticed. The will to devour
Is of self-centered righteousness and is misplaced.

To deny that you’re in denial reinforces
Negative belief systems. Then you will project
Onto others what in yourself you truly hate.
Understand that we are not the victims of fate.
Knowledge of what is dealt with may serve to protect
One from the depletion of psychic resources.

Knowing Truth

Becoming Informed

Harsh judgement for harsh acts performed as I am ill
Keeps the gate locked on unpardoned parts of my soul.
The prison I’ve created I deem adequate
Yet the enemies of me have cause to debate
That no gnashing sufficient is worth my parole.
That I’ve been such an asshole does my spirit kill.

My remorse is reality as is my joy
That the pain is made bearable in my belief
That I need to be punished more than I am now.
Is my healthy survival in trouble somehow?
From my own misconceptions I need some relief
Otherwise I’ll continue to hurt and annoy.

The world is just a word. It is I who exist
And I am capable of experiencing
Absolute truth, but I shall never attain it.
I am guilty of all the sins that I commit.
There is no way of reconciling this damned thing
Yet I must learn to deal with the thoughts that persist.

In the mind there’s a prism that translates pure light
Into many distortions. My illness only
Sees the trees – not the forest. I glean redemption
Through clearing of my faculties. As this is done
It eventually helps me to better see
Somewhere in all the darkness a future that’s bright.

Good Intentions Can Go Bad

In Lieu of the Left Hand

If you’re interested in the wellbeing of
Those around you, the first and foremost thing to do
Is to give yourself value. Otherwise you will
Be a problem instead, despite all your fine skill.
If you are aiming to be a solution to
Someone’s issues, it must be done out of self-love.

Make sure you’re not the problem a long time before
You attempt to give service. It makes common sense
That if your hands are dirty then you shouldn’t touch
The person of another. That would garner much
In the way of resentment. Indeed the offense
Is sufficiently grave as to bring about war.

Good intentions have screwed things up to the degree
That we’re in many crises. People do mean well
But they are themselves messed up in so many ways
That whatever they do causes undue malaise.
Those who have good intentions create utter hell
If they lack what is needed to most clearly see.

Right now we’re in a mess ecologically
And our growth is skyrocketing clear out of sight.
We can’t govern ourselves without civil unrest.
So like everything, good intentions are the best
When one knows the difference between wrong and right.
Don’t extend the right hand that people cannot see.


Mental Fibrilation

One can be like a donkey, as in the old tale
About just such a creature. While standing halfway
Between water and hay, it could not well decide
Which to go for because to both it was allied.
Back and forth did this animal pace through the day.
So it died of starvation. Now where did it fail?

The donkey cannot think long term. It can only
Deal with what is immediate. It cannot think
Of doing things in sequence. We are different.
We can choose one thing only. With focused intent
One thing is taken care of. We do want to drink
And to eat, but we can’t do both that easily.

We don’t want to be pigeonholed nor to be told
What to do by the world. We want freedom to choose.
Going in one direction ‘til one thing is done
Instead of in a dozen ways is way more fun.
It’s not a tough decision – to win or to lose.
We must stick with one thing so that it will unfold.

It is called single tasking. My, what a concept!
In a world where distraction is elevated
As the way to do business, one thing is for sure.
Super powers have those whose focus is secure.
Do not be like the donkey, always frustrated.
Do not follow the ways of those who are inept.

It Starts Now

There Is No Past Or Future

No past ever existed except in the mind.
When the universe was created, it was now.
It still is now and will be forever, you see.
Like the wake of a ship, now trails off completely.
But the ship is the one place where I can allow
Now to guide my existence. Without it I’m blind.

The wake can be used to explain things in detail
Before it becomes nothingness. Such is the past.
It resides in odd places – not reality.
All the answers to questions I’m finding to be
In the ultimate present that I can make last
Quite as long as I want. Let the moment prevail.

Needed transformation of human consciousness
When done through meditation can get frustrated
By untidy spiritual one upmanship.
I may not need a teacher. I’m on my own trip.
My awakening moment is long awaited.
All I need do is trust in the simple process.

I can always look over my shoulder and say
That my issues result from some past condition.
I can’t blame anyone or thing outside of me.
What I can do is decide who I am to be
And remember that in this life all that is done
Occurs right in this moment, all day, every day.

Existence Is A Relationship

The Joy of Spiritual Alignment

That humans are irrelevant is a notion
That is not of good fashion and unfamiliar.
Man believes he has dominion over nature
But the acts of some humans are vile and impure.
In due time we may leave an indelible scar
On the face of the planet. We may be undone.

It’s a simple idea, but understanding
Is one bit of a challenge. Yet actually,
Every creature is head of its own universe
And all make up this world in the way we disburse
Our life owning perceptions. A certain degree
Of acceptance of this is a wonderful thing.

This world is made up of all its many creatures
And their conscious awareness of all they perceive.
It’s an act of creation just being alive
So that our interacting is enough to drive
The process of existence. A grand interweave
Is the heart of creation with many features.

Each creature creates the world in its own image.
Existence is relationship with the cosmos
Through the vast neurological complex each has.
Evolution occurs for us just as long as
Our behavior on earth becomes less bellicose.
Each of us comes to be by the will to engage.

About Death

The Inevitability of Transisiton

What we know about death we must learn from the dead.
Does that sound facetious? I would rather it not.
The dead know all about death, the living, therefore,
Must consult them subjectively to gather more
Of an accurate picture than what can be got
From the rubbish pumped into the oversized head.

Otherwise, it is scary to contemplate death.
The most frightening thing is that it isn’t known
What will happen thereafter indeed if there’s one.
Information from others can satisfy none
Of the deeper questions. We are fantasy prone
Regarding the conditions after the last breath.

The devoutly religious, guided by scripture,
Have a definite blueprint of how it will be.
So they’re not as afflicted. There’s not as much fear.
In the flesh, no one’s vision is perfectly clear.
As one does contemplate the possibility
Of all becoming nothing, there’s certain allure.

We recall facing this world as little children.
Threats were plenty, and safety was not guaranteed.
There were all kinds of monsters, but behind them all
Is one’s own dissolution. And every close call
Reminds all that in life there is always the need
To ponder where we came from every now and then.

An Automatic Universe

Perpetual Self-Creation of Being

The ceramic world image has gone through a change.
Now a more automatic model is perceived.
Western science was based on a strict set of laws
That is nature made by God who is the first cause.
Before the eighteenth century people believed
In a universe rigid and not too damned strange.

So the laws of God and nature were much the same
But to think of all natural phenomena
As responding to laws is like making train rails
For all that is seen happening. All the details
Are at best a prediction of the plethora
Of all things that are possibly fit to exclaim.

One does not have to suppose that there is a why
For all that exists. One can make predictions
Without the God hypothesis. With but the law
Does science now adhere to. Conclusions they draw
From observed regularities are just the ones
That improve their predictive skills and clarify.

Studying the behavior of the past with care
One makes better predictions, and that’s all they are.
Regularities rampant capable of flaw
Is a closer definition of the law.
Logic dictates that in this way we have come far.
One goal as a race is to become more aware.

Face The Facts

Step Outside The Illusion

“Face The Facts,” people say out of sheer frustration
When someone doesn’t get something they clearly should.
Our facts are but ideas built into us all.
Obvious and unquestioned and both large and small,
We take them at full value. They are understood
To be rock solid in our own estimation.

To question the unquestioned is to awaken
To the knowledge most truthful to all humankind.
Common sense has been rigged by our society.
What’s assumed to factual actually
Is not fit for consumption by the human mind.
Many times aspirations have been forsaken.

People once believed earth was flat and were held back
By the fear of them falling off by accident
Until some brave soul set sail to prove otherwise.
Surely now it’s not seen as a shocking surprise
That God’s green earth is spherical. A small percent
Still believe in a flat earth. Common sense they lack.

What we know to be factual always changes.
With new information we become enlightened.
We are continuous with the whole universe.
As we evolve together nothing would be worse
Than to prevent our knowing because we’re frightened.
It’s unfortunate, as the mind it deranges.

Just Let Things Be?

Release Compulsivity

It was sung by The Beatles a long time ago.
Let It Be and an answer will be on its way.
We’ve no choice in the matter. We might as well be
In a place of acceptance. The world that we see
Causes us to want better that our asking may
Bring about proper changes albeit quite slow.

How do we make those changes if we don’t grab hold
Of the horns of the bull work? Is asking enough?
It’s such a democratic way of doing things
And the ways of republicans too often brings
Tyranny to the people. Our lives become tough.
Is it best to just ask and let nature unfold?

Focusing on what I want or letting things be
Is the choice made available. Both can be done
As long as I’m not in opposition to what
I would like to have happen. I’ll keep my mouth shut
About what the heck’s wrong with things and just have fun.
I can be quite effective by being carefree.

The universe is designed to stand on its head
In response to our asking. Demand we cannot
That the path of another creator be changed
To suit anyone’s wishes. Be thou not deranged
But indulge in the positiveness of your thought.
Each of us gets to choose either freedom or dread.

Line Up With The Love

Open Up To Oneness

Much like water and oil politics and love mix.
Separate, these two creatures exist on their own,
Independent of each other’s usual ways
Of providing and guiding. The worst of our days
Of cold blooded civility we won’t postpone.
Human nature is something no human can fix.

A fine dressing for war salad makes of the news
Of the depth of the hatred the loud blatant chant
Of a troubled nostalgia. What I am to do
Is maintain my connection with the Being who
Sees all things in perspective, which we humans can’t.
Are we at best a dull race of differing views?

Politicians are human. Don’t ask them to scrape
Enough dirt for a new earth and send it to space.
Let them help you create your version of a world
Where all knobs of acceptance are rugged and knurled.
Then give all your attention to reaching that place
In your soul where all things are always in great shape.

Because that place exists for each and everyone.
Those who cannot believe this create the contrast
That we all need to grow by. I’ll participate
In my own peace of spirit and stay in that state.
All the love that exists is infinitely vast.
It’s easy to line up with, refreshing, and fun.

The Unspeakable World

Sensory Imagination

Those who speak all the damned time and cannot shut up
Can know only their own conversations because
They can’t hear anything anyone has to say.
And the same goes for thinking too much. We betray
The Unspeakable World when we’re caught in the jaws
Of the beast of chit-chatter who holds a dark cup.

Stop and listen to people once in a kind while.
What they have to say complements conversation
As in back and forth dialog. As for thinking,
The subvocal orator, when silenced, will bring
A deeper awareness of life and how it’s run.
Constant symbols and imagery is not its style.

The moment you stop thinking, you’ll be in contact
With a world without texture and all that makes sense
To the bodily senses. No sight, sound, or smell
Or the names we have given to all things can dwell
In the presence of beingness. Insight immense
Can be had for the asking. This is a known fact.

With a handful of colors we’re blind as the bat.
With a brief scale of notes, deaf we might as well be
Yet the world of no thoughtform remains infinite
Both in color and sound, and it feels only right
To indulge The Unspeakable World frequently.
Stopping fixing conceptions, I shall not fall flat.

We Are Not Separate

Despite Color Of Insulation

“I am he as you are he as you are me and
We are all together…,”
as the old wise song goes.

If I am I because you are you, and you are
You because I am I, then both of us are far
From who either is. This logic most clearly shows
Separateness is folly. Why isn’t it banned?

We know who we are in terms of other people.
Interdependent systems, we do not exist
Without all others present. We each interact
With what is our environment, and our impact
Is an issue not inconveniently dismissed
By the few who are given too much damned control.

What I call the external world is just as much
My own body. My skin is but a bridge through which
The external flows back and forth just as the tide.
In the peace of connectedness I must reside.
Knowledge made useful is intended to enrich
Every part of me that has grown cold to the touch.

We’ve not been taught to feel this. Our culture demands
That we feel only some parts and ignore others.
It is driving us crazy as one whole species.
On the brink of extinction, we live our disease.
Intervention by our daughters and our mothers
Is the hope that the most of us well understands.

A Message From Einstein

Information Esoteric

It would be an enlightening experience
If I could channel Einstein. What all might he say
To this world grown beyond his? There is not the need
To go searching in that way. I need not proceed
With the wicked or woo woo. In this age and day
Many folks have encountered his psychic presence.

What comes through as his message is perfectly clear.
People are much like bicycles. Balance we keep
As long as we are moving, otherwise we fall.
In terms of vibration it’s a visceral call.
Move forward through experience not while asleep
But with focus applied to one thought that is dear.

He considered his thought world a place of refuge –
A safe pace from the clutter ever apparent.
Starting off with a premise, he would theorize,
And then test out theories. He’d often revise
Them a bit with new data. He wouldn’t relent
Until something of value would come about huge.

His greatest satisfaction in being exposed
To this world fascinating was thinking about
Answers to his own questions about existence.
Fortunately for us, he has made it make sense.
Through all cycles of being, we cast away doubt
And the more of life’s secrets are rightly disclosed.

The Myth Of Milk And Honey

Not All That Glitters Is Gold

Stores filled with people clamoring for the best deal
As each fake Friday blackens throughout the seasons…
I must know which is symbol form that which is real.
I can only know that by the way that I feel –
Like a child in a candy world. Many reasons
I can conjure but none that the truth may reveal.

Differences exist between wealth and money.
One is purely a symbol; the other, concrete.
Confusion between these two is the cause of pain,
Suffering, and such issues that drive folks insane.
I’m a sad ‘weak in trading.’ I am in defeat
If I can’t see myself through the illusory.

Oddly complex abstractions, ideologies,
And inscrutable systems confound consciousness.
Physical is reality – the earth and trees,
And the waters and creatures partaking the breeze.
I do not believe I can be anything less
Than the earth that produced me for none to appease.

All the hills are dark shadows. Forever they flow
From one form to another. Indeed nothing stands.
God’s green earth is diaphanous. It disappears
Like the music of ages along with all fears.
My true wealth is a measure of how life expands
Through this one made of value who this world can know.

Do I Really Exist?

Questioning Consciousness

Can I transform myself? Can I make myself sane…
Or more loving or unselfish? Is that my wish?
It would seem necessary to be these fine ways
If I am to be nurtured by other folks’ praise.
When I feel I can’t do it, I’m rather sluggish
In pursuit of direction, so I act in vain.

So much says I can’t do it, but I say I can.
Gravity is an odd consequence of time/space.
This aspect makes it seem alien of nature
But indeed how can that be? Earth can but assure
That itself and I are one. I fully embrace
What this is that I’m part of as one humbled man.

Within time and space equal, all that I can do
Can’t be done because I don’t exist in that way –
An ego-separated personality.
An idea based on a fake feeling of me
Is what passes for presence each and every day.
Putting things right is futile in absence of clue.

Things exist that I can and cannot do. That’s fine.
I would pay due respect, here, knowing I’ve no choice.
All that goes on of itself is all part of me…
Which includes all of this earth most naturally.
It and I are a mutually passive voice
With no message specific. Such Being Is Mine.