Tag Archive | whirlpool

We Are Not Separate

The Collective Conscious

If I am I because you are you, and you are
You because I am I, then I am not I, and
You are not you. We’re not separate entities.
We define one another as the birds and bees.
Lean some sticks against one another. They will stand.
Remove one and all will fall. This can’t be bizarre.

We are interdependent systems. Together
We are one organism. Our skin separates
Not us from the world. It is a bridge through which the
World flows into and out of us, and exactly
Like a whirlpool, each part of us interrelates
As our form and a number of changes occur.

What you call the external world is as much you
As your body. The world creates you, and you it.
We can recognize one another the same way
That eternity captures existence for play.
We become wiser as a race if we submit
To this mind changing notion that’s ruggedly true.

Myths underlying our culture and common sense
Have not taught us to feel identical with the
Universe. Only parts of it we will engage.
The ‘external’ world can become a psychic cage.
Aliens we are to it if all can’t agree
To this one observation which is quite immense.

We Are Not Separate

Despite Color Of Insulation

“I am he as you are he as you are me and
We are all together…,”
as the old wise song goes.

If I am I because you are you, and you are
You because I am I, then both of us are far
From who either is. This logic most clearly shows
Separateness is folly. Why isn’t it banned?

We know who we are in terms of other people.
Interdependent systems, we do not exist
Without all others present. We each interact
With what is our environment, and our impact
Is an issue not inconveniently dismissed
By the few who are given too much damned control.

What I call the external world is just as much
My own body. My skin is but a bridge through which
The external flows back and forth just as the tide.
In the peace of connectedness I must reside.
Knowledge made useful is intended to enrich
Every part of me that has grown cold to the touch.

We’ve not been taught to feel this. Our culture demands
That we feel only some parts and ignore others.
It is driving us crazy as one whole species.
On the brink of extinction, we live our disease.
Intervention by our daughters and our mothers
Is the hope that the most of us well understands.